KELLY, J. R., lifut.. Cherry Valley (Wh RROWN. Powell G.. Meadville (W). KARL. John J., lient.. South Boston J. BOYLEN. William J.,-Adelaide (ML MAHONEY. C. A., lient-, Lawrence (W).CJ BRANDT, Harry, Mount Joy (W). Fishel Says Creel ABRAHAMS. Thomar,, Boston BRIGHTBILL, J. W.. Harrisburg -<PD'- Classified vertisinöw^ BAGLEY. Edward J., llackton (Dpi.(W). BRESSLER. Robert E., Lebanon (ML '-,_ Attleboro BECKER, George E. N. ( W). BRIGHT. Albert F., Philadelphia (Ml. Is Role of HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE The List BURNHAM. Arthur R. Ames'oury (KL BURKHART, T. E.. corp., Johnstown (KL Playing BEKCZNITZKL Bcnjnmiu, Fitchburg (KL BOWERS. Ralph Ë.. Sharon (D WL Casualty BURKE. James (Kl. AMBITIOUS MEN WE HAVE a desirable, permanent position In our DEATHS W., Peabody BRUNO. Tognetti, Ernest ID WL BROPHY. Henry E.. Cambridge (P x\ ). Wellsboro DictatorAbroad Ought to hear the lecture "Present Day Oppor¬ retail art store fer a refined American girl BARKER On BROWN. William D., <W). tunities in Accountancy" bv Horatio N. Dnirr. with tome knowledge of stenography and book Novemiier 20 r«i«¡ ^TT" CLARK. Alvln P.. Medtield (ML CAMPBELL, Don L.. Fishers Ferry (DDL Tuesday. November 26. at 6 p. m. Write or tele¬ keeping. Apply In person. Detroit Publishing Co. Barker in the ?9th year of his New York City and Vicinity CHALKE. William B., Cohassett (WL COAKLEY. John F., Sharon (hi. phone Cort. 1465; for Bulletin 22 and eompli- 471 6th ave. vices at his t-jte residence 133 <¿¡5_¿g^1"***_?* { 'CRAM, Alfred P.. Hutchinson (Wl. CORNISH, Geo. T.. corp.. W. Phi». (K). mentary admission card. Pace Institute. 30 av., Mount N. Church st.. New York. to Irain for nurses: i4 Vernon. y. SaUnM. v*- CONNOLLY, Patrick J., Boston (W). COM P. Marshall D., Harrisburg (W). YOl'NO WOMEN wanted vember 23, at 8:30 p. «a. öatur<l»y. No. Nov. 22..The liât made the COLBERT, E. (.. Dorchester (WL Phila. (M). months' course. On account of war conditions, WASHINGTOx\\ casualty public by CHO.TNACK, Edward, corp.. Calls Control of Peace Par¬ BOY. 16 years; good opportunity for bright, capable young »omen 18 years of age, with grammar BENSON Robert DRISCOLL, Wm. E., 8gt., Dorchester (K). CRIST, George F... Hampton (K). Granger _«-_, . to-day contains the names of 1,274 officers and en¬ Cari boy to learn printing bu«lness. Including linotype school education, -.»ill be accepted. Apply Brooklyn killed in France on October - ÏÏÎF1^* War Department ELIASON, L., corp., Springfield (W). CONN, Daniel L. sgt, Oakv.ew (W). operating. Apply Appeal Printing Co.. 22 Thames Eye and Ear Hospital, Brooklyn. N. Y. as Master FLOYD. Herbert, Lynn (M). Charles News to st., New York-.1 serving Engineer. listed'men. Of these 173 were killed in action, 88 died of wounds,x279 C, CROSSIN, R.. Philadelphia (WL ley Unfair with»Min theme jaca<¡ntiarte¡-s Yun^r^'« FINN, Geo. A., sgt., Northampton (D W). DAVIS. Albert. Jefferson (D Dl. Stevedore Headquarters Staff Hrof Z.GSÍ*-th. «ir- died of 11 died of accident and other causes, one died from FINN. Titos. L, Arlington (D Wl. DISSINGER, Grant, Rexmont (KL BOY to run errands; splendid opportunity for ad- WANTED MALE Battalion. He fc [hi J*70* disease, ORESTEY, Percv E.. North Adams U.S.Public »ancement. Chemical E'lgravliig Co., 15 Murray. SITUATIONS husband of Louise OV*d were 177 were (\\). DAVANTI, Michèle, Edgehill 'Ml. son of Mr. and Roebling RenJü accident, 134 severely wounded, wounded, degree GRIFFIN, John Marlboro (WL James W. Philadel¬ car: S Mr,. Roben aeroplane J., DAWSON, A., sgt, BOY WANTED to leam and silver plating. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, any years rrreent o N. dS __< HUTCHINSON, W. D., sitt-, Boston CW). phia (W). gold employer: exceptional personal references city or Paesa.c, J. Notice of 200 were 188 are and 23 were _. Qias. Schaofer. 47 Ann si Tel. Beekman 4878. vice later. memorialmemo^^' undetermined ; slightly wounded, missing, HEALEY. Robert C, S. Weymouth (W). DONATELLI. John, Philadelphia fW). country. Miss Shaughnessy's Agency, 860 6">li av. s». taken HUNT. James J.. Brighton (WL DRUMSTAS. John, Shickshinny (W). BOY. bright, for deliveries in auto supply house. prisoner. HUBER. Joseph F.. Rox bury (W). EPLEY, Roy, Jeanette (Wl. Heinecke Auto Supply Co.. 59th st. and Broadway. LIEUTENANT IN A1U SERVICE, awaiting dis The full list follows: HUBERT, Rav. A., Worehester (D W). FAUCEGLIA, Paolo. Washington (D DL Again Flays charge, wishes to conned With small but live BOY wanted for errands; chance for ad¬ manufacturing concern; nothing to invest, but energy, JAREMIE, Stenle. Hudson (ML FERRY, Alphonsus, corp., Philadelphia good technical graduate. Box H E ao, Office. w^,,«thst.tFranUK.Campbeî,A vancement. Nelson Bead Co.. 4 West 37ih st. ¡Tribune and KEALEY, A. L.. corp., Amesbury (W). (D D). COBB Killed in New York City Vicinity Haverhill FELGAR. Grover Scottdale action, *><) »*.-. KELLEHER, Eugene. CW). C, sgt, (P). Asserts Publicity Director BOY for errands: make himself generally useful. m command of the 2dSeptember GARRIGANA, Frederick A., Jersey City LAHAISE, Charles, Jamaica Plain (W). GAULT, John A., corp., Courtney (W). Yogue Embroidery, 122 West 34tli st. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED Frederick Battalion r1" Killed N. J. LONG, Harold M.. Arlington (W). GALES. Edward, Pittsburgh (D D). W. Cobb, 369th R« .r'n iP> (D Should Have Known Mis¬ FEMALE Infantry, husband'of HOCK. Alfred J.. licut., 1001 Ocean Ave- GLEASON, John C, 195 WyckolT Avenue LUNNEY, William P., Fall River (W). GARBER, Charles O., Williamsburg D). BOY wentod to learn Jewelry trade. Apply Don¬ Cobb. in the 4 4th LuciTver H»?* ^k LOWERY, George N., Worcester (D D). GIUFFRIDA, Maria, Philadelphia (KL aldson Mfg. Co.. 56 West 45th St. year of hi, nee A nus, Brooklyn. ,__ _««-._ Brooklyn. CHAMBERMAID, laundress, neat, 5 morial 457 East lZoth HEMMING Geo. N. Y LARSON, Leander T., Corp., Worcestei GREENWOOD, Thomas J., sgt, Phila- sion Aid Was German Born capable. years' service will be held iñ cnr' ¡¡¡'BRIDE. Allen .1.. liruU. WAY. C. Lynhrook, BOY, and willing. Apply B. & C. Mfg. excellent, references. Miss Shaughnessy's Agency. Church. White Street, ¡X'ev> York City. JAROCHE, Antone J.. Patehogue, N. Y. (D DL delphia (Wl. bright S60 6th av. Plains? N Y fÄ 1129 Longwood Avenue, 203 Berriman Street LARSON, Fred, Stoughton (K). GRIFFITHS, Charles W. Carbondale (W). Co., 204 Church st. afternoon, November 24, at 4 BIGNELL, David, JANPOL, Irving, COE o'clock Brooklyn. LEWANDOWSKI, Wladyslaw, Springflelc CROCK, Richard. Eriton (W). BOY wanted. Trichromatic Engraving Co.. 461 COOK..Young Scotch Protestant excellent refer¬ -On November 21. at Johnson 41 Bethune Street, KEANE, Timothy. 418 West Fifty-seventl (D Wl. GROSS, Walter E., 'orristown (W). 8th avc. ences; city, country. Miss Shaughiiessy's Agency. Ienn. ( baríes Cib BlCARROLL. Joseph G., Mortimer Fishel was astounded R«0 6th av. Cleveland, son of the I.« Street. New York City. MIRISOLA, Joseph, Wakefield (W). HAAS, Lawrence F., Philadelphia (M). yes¬ Rev. James R. and Marv Clevelar.Hr P.. 99 Bedford Avenue, KELLY. John J.. Port Chester. N. Y. MONGUSO, Thomas, Milford (WL HANCOCK. Donald. Volant (W). Creel's BOY to run errands. Lincoln Press, 113 Cedar Interment at Stockport, Ñ. ^ NCWJêÎ.CJoseph MASKELL. Wilbur B., Somerville HANSELMAN, M. Mifflinburg D). terday by George published «root. NTRSERY governess; hospl'al experience; willing Y LIEB. Max, 59 Varet Street, Brooklyn. (W). E., (D statement that he did not know where and reliable; 5 years'excellent personal references. COOL1DGE Officially Columbus Avenue, « MOHRMAN, William, 170 Chauncej M'LINE, William F., Fitchburg (W). HESTON, William H., Philadelphia (W) Miss S60 6th av. ; tel. S315 h. _, CRAVEN. Joseph. 505 sgt, HARTZELL, Calvin Perkasie CABINET MAKER..Maying repairs and alterations Shaughiiessy's Agency. reported'killed York Street, Brooklyn. MARION, Edmond, Holyoke (D W). E., sgt, (K) William Heinecke was born. on work references and Bryant. New City. 528 Court Street M'LEOD, George R., Maiden HILBERT, James A., corp., Wilkes-Barr< filing cabinets stcidy give EYRE. George. Newark. N. J. MARTIN, Manning M., (K). A). The fact that whom Creel ita'e »alary wanted. Addrcus F. D., Box 25, G.4VAGHAN, John, agt, 283 Fifth Ave¬ Brooklyn. M'CABE, Thomas D., corp., Lenox Dal (D Heinecke, General Postofllce. MATONE. Frank E., 2853 Eighth Avenue (D W). HOUGEN, Horace G., Bowmanstown (D D) sent abroad as a member of the INSTRUCTION nue, Brooklyn. HO foreign wi,y__^dV¥uX:fNÄi?i4 o clock in the of *' 228 Norman New York City. MURPHY. Luke A.. Lynn (W). VIS, Carl M., Ferris (K). CANDY MAN on French chocolates; salary. Î30. chapel Crotón GRYNASEWSKI, FTank, J. MURRAY. Ralph S. Boston HITNER, section of the Committee on Public In¬ Call 1732 Amsterdam ave. School Avenue, Brooklyn MILLER, Clarence, Jersey City, N. M.. (W). Edward, Philadelphia (D D). New York.Manhattan DEDERER -Killed in action »t TV.» i 1013 Third Avenue, New MILLER, Nathan, 1376 Washington Ave¬ MANNING, John R., Newton Lowe HIGGINS, John J. Philadelphia (P). formation, was born in Germany was front, October 27, GILLEN, Joseph. Falls (ML HUGO, Hnrwood ENGINEER for night work: steady position; good man 1918. Ellsworth «I nue, New York City. , Harry J., Mines (W). Beth Israel Hos¬ Dederer, aired -4 year. York City. ___ Madison Street PATRA, Joseph, Fall River INGLIS, James Cessna revealed Mr. Fishel, attorney, at 32 pay. App'y Superintendent, FW r KIN. Alexander A., corp-, 56 West Sev¬ MILLER, William, 983 CM). F., (K). by pital, 70 Jefferson st. Learn tenant. Company E, 311th Brooklyn. PARROTT, Claude L, Worcester (D W). ISIMINGER. Russell S.. Washington (W) while in¬ loved son of Martha M Infantry-EL" enth Street, New York City. West N. J ROBERTS, Armand L.
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