Item 2 Appendix National Park Authority Meeting 21 March 2012 Northumberland National Park Management Plan Draft Annual Action Plan 2012/13 National Park Management Plan Annual Action Plan 2012/13 Introduction The Northumberland National Park Management Plan – Inspiring Landscapes, Thriving Communities sets out a long term vision, outcomes and objectives to guide the future of Northumberland National Park to 2014. The National Park Management Plan was developed with a wide range of positive, local people, businesses and stakeholder groups and enjoys a high level of ownership. The achievement of the objectives set out in the Management Plan will require the commitment and efforts not only of the National Park Authority, but of a wide range of partners and stakeholders. This Annual Action Plan sets out the detailed actions of the National Park Authority and its partners to deliver the objectives of the Management Plan during the second year to 31 March 2013. It has been prepared by the Northumberland National Park Management Plan Partnership, comprising: Natural England, English Heritage, Forestry Commission, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Northumberland Tourism Limited, Hadrian’s Wall Heritage Ltd, Northumberland National Park and County Joint Local Access Forum, Northumberland County Council, West Newton Estates (representing Estate interests) and the Environment Agency. In addition a number of other partners have contributed to the development of this Action Plan including: Northumbria Police, Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Warmzone, Energy Saving Trust and Northwoods. In addition to the specific actions, this Action Plan contains indicators and associated targets to enable an assessment of progress of delivering the vision and outcomes. The Management Plan Partnership will openly and regularly report on progress in delivery of the Management Plan and the National Park Authority website will be updated half yearly to include information on the achievement of actions and other key monitoring information www.northumberlandnationalpark.org.uk/npmanagementplan.htm. The State of the Park report provides an annual update on progress. Comments on this Annual Action Plan are welcomed together with any suggestions on how the actions contained within it may be supported. Comments and enquiries should be directed to the Forward Planning Team at Northumberland National Park Authority on 01434 611577 or by email to [email protected]. Key DIO Defence Infrastructure Organisation CPRE Campaign to Protect Rural England EA Environment Agency EH English Heritage EST Energy Saving Trust FC Forestry Commission HLS Higher Level Stewardship HWH Hadrian’s Wall Heritage Ltd JLAF Joint Local Access Forum NCC Northumberland County Council NCL North Country Leisure NE Natural England NNPA Northumberland National Park NP Northumbria Police NT* Northumberland Tourism Authority NW Northwoods NWT Northumberland Wildlife Trust ONE One North East SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest UELS Uplands Entry Level Stewardship WN West Newton Estate *those outcomes/ actions identified to be led by Northumberland Tourism are to be confirmed with the new Visitor Economy Partnership 1 Item 2 National Park Authority Meeting 21 March 2012 National Park Management Plan Annual Action Plan 2012/13 Welcoming Park Management Plan Outcome Outcome Lead Northumberland Tourism 1.1 People who come to the National Park will feel they have had an exceptional experience in relating to the landscape and in finding peace, tranquillity and NNPA Lead Andrew Miller adventure and will have enjoyed their visit Objective Action Action Timescale Indicators of Success Lead 1.1.1 To maintain and Implement actions to enhance the visitor NNPA March improve levels of visitor welcome in Elsdon, Falstone, and Ingram 2013 satisfaction Develop enhanced visitor information on the NNPA December NNPA website and develop mobile phone 2012 applications at Elsdon and Falstone. 1.1.2 To achieve a high Identify opportunities to provide interpretation NE March standard and broad range in work as part of at least two HLS schemes within 2013 facilities, information and the National Park Overall level of visitor satisfaction services within the National If successful with Heritage Lottery Fund Round NNPA March Target: 75% of visitors will have Park 1 application for the Sill Project, deliver 2013 a very good experience by March development phase. Raise awareness of the 2013. bid regionally and identify advocates from the Levels of satisfaction with NNPA local community and partner organisations and visitor services - National Park secure in-principle match funding commitments. Centres, events, education and Installation of composting toilet by Wark Parish FC December website – Target: 80% by March Council at Warksburn picnic site at Stonehaugh 2012 2013. Update way marking on associated trails in FC March Visitor satisfaction at non NNPA partnership with the local community 2013 properties and sites within the Develop National Park Visitor Guide, including NNPA January National Park Target: To be set online version on prominent websites. 40,000 2013 once baseline identified copies printed and distributed regionally to key attractions such as the Great North Museum, Alnwick Garden and Bamburgh Castle. Re print 5,000 Otterburn Ranges leaflets DIO April 2012 Develop a programme for the renewal of DIO December interpretation on the Otterburn Ranges 2012 2 Item 2 National Park Authority Meeting 21 March 2012 National Park Management Plan Annual Action Plan 2012/13 Develop interpretation boards as part of building WN March refurbishment at West Newton Estate 2013 Develop opportunities for the promotion of NT March sustainable tourism businesses through the ‘Our 2013 Land Initiative’ Survey the condition of 15% of the Public Rights NNPA March of Way network to inform the preparation of an 2013 annual maintenance/improvement programme by: Engaging 10 volunteers in surveying 10% of the Public Rights of Way network; and Complete national benchmarking surveys on 5% of the Public Rights of Way network. Increase current provision of NNP Information NNPA March Points from 9 to 12 targeting the northern area 2013 of the National Park Management Plan Outcome Outcome Lead Northumberland National Park 1.2 The National Park will be accessible to a wider and more diverse audience Authority including people who live in, work in and visit the National Park Derek Proudlock Objective Action Action Timescales Indicators of Success Lead 1.2.1 To increase visits to Secure ‘Dark Sky Discover Site’ status for 3 NNPA March 2013 Northumberland National further National Park sites Park by those living within Raise awareness to urban and regional NNPA December the region by 10% from the audiences by attending urban/ urban fringe 2012 2009 baseline by March events including – 2 Great North Museum, Number of visits to the National 2014 County Show, Hexham Children Centre, Picnic in Park from within North East England. Target: 55% by Sele Park and the Mela. 2013/14. Develop new links with urban and urban fringe NNPA March 2013 communities to develop a minimum of 4 projects through Action Area working with partners such as NE Scouts and Fairbridge Drake. 1.2.2 To increase visits from Work with the Campaign for National Parks to NNPA March 2012 Wider diversity of visitors. 3 Item 2 National Park Authority Meeting 21 March 2012 National Park Management Plan Annual Action Plan 2012/13 currently under-represented develop the Mosaic Youth Project which aims to Target: By 2013/14 11% of groups by 10% by 2014 build links between National Parks and young visitors will be non white British; people. If successful in acquiring funding 10% will have a disability, develop NNP outcomes by May and deliver first 367,500 will be young phase of the project by March 2012. Work with existing walk schemes to deliver 15 NNPA October walk events within the National Park 2012 Encourage volunteering by Mosaic Champions, NNPA June 2012 support at 1 outreach event at the Newcastle Mela, 1 article in Curlew, and 3 group visits. Work in partnership with the Disabled Ramblers NNPA March 2013 Association to identify potential accessible routes and begin to plan an event for summer 2012 1.2.3 To improve Enhance NNP and NNPA digital media presence NNPA March 2013 information and (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) particularly for young infrastructure with more people. sites in the National Park Complete the management plan for Walltown; NNPA March 2013 accessible to all and deliver first phase The % of sites which are Deliver schedules of work to improve accessibility NNPA March 2013 accessible to all. Target: 6 on the most heavily used rights of way. Deliver routes and 12 Public Rights of improvement works on 10 well used routes and Way will be improved in 2012/13 as part of this replace 10 stiles with gates to improve accessibility. Create a fully accessible route at Walltown and upgrade the riverside route at Falstone. Management Plan Outcome Outcome Lead Northumberland National Park 1.3 A more diverse range of learning opportunities will be available to help Authority people understand, value and contribute to conserving, enhancing and enjoying Derek Proudlock the National Park’s distinctive natural and cultural qualities Objective Action Action Timescales Indicators of Success Lead 1.3.1 To use the resource of Develop 2 packs of educational material based NNPA June 2012 Number of 5-19 year olds the National Park to provide on sites in the National Park (Walltown
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