PITTSBURGH-1 -f rg (/> ITN >. ►— —* K 00 w < 00 h- Q- cg o£ oé O' UJ UJ O' > CD z o rg 3 U X O O UJ us 0É >- Z 3 h- cC 00 H CD -4 < UJ 00 00 " O QC D 3 H*1 catholic 147 g « o u Hj No 43 o -j Q —i a 1 Diocese reports small surplus PITTSBURGH — The diocese reported a surplus of $26,466 for fiscal 1990-91, the second straight year that It finished In the black. "We recognize that relative to a $16 million budget, this surplus is of the smallest proportion. Nonetheless, it represents good news, ’ said Bishop Donald W. Wuerl in an introductory letter to a special section on the financial report in this week’s Pittsburgh Catholic. "It indicates that the Diocese of Pitt­ sburgh, for the second consecutive year, has operated within Porn our means, and that the pattern of deficit spending which burdened us In the past has come to an end." In the “Home Again' Last fiscal year the diocese had a surplus of $ 157,857. For the I column, Connie Ann three fiscal years preceding that. It had deficits of $595,637. Valenti and Father Ron $ 2.2 million and $ 2.6 million. Lengwin discuss the According to Bishop Wuerl, a close examination of the finan­ calendars of today, that cial report shows "that every county, every deanery, every feature nudity and parish of the diocese benefits in some way from the ministry of violence rather than the diocesan church.” saints and angels. Bishop Wuerl emphasized three other points in his letter ac­ companying the financial report including: • His gratitude "to the priests of the diocese for their leader­ ship and to all the faithful of the diocese for their truly inspiring generosity.” • The fact that there is no room for complacency despite the positive financial report. “There are many challenges to be met... Many of our parishes and schools face staggering finan­ cial problems, and the diocese must find ways to offer even more assistance in the future than it has in the past" • The commendation of “members of diocesan staff and Choice central administration whose diligence has resulted in the balanced budget. Their careful administration is a clear reflec­ Photo by Chip Kalsch Ines Alicea discusses tion of the value of stewardship which is so often praised in the the status of School pages of the gospel.” Dedication at New Brighton Choice, legislation that Total diocesan revenue for fiscal 1990-91 was $15,840,116, a has become the focus of I Bishop Donald W. Wuerl prestded at the same grounds. The home provides services decrease erf $115,000 from the previous year attributable to a the national education [ Jan. 3 dedication of an altar located in the for profoundly retarded, multiply handicap­ reform movement. drop in gifts, bequests and investment income. Expenditures new chapel of Holy Innocents Convent, for the same period were $15,813,650. The majority of the in­ ped youngsters. The facility has been in where the Fellclan Sisters reside and operation since 1963. At left is Father Ber­ i come came from the Parish Share Program, whose receipts manage McGuire Memorial Home in New totaled nearly $9.56 million. nard Hebda, the bishop's master of Brighton. The home and convent share the ceremonies. Page 5 Hope for peace begins to emerge in world’s trouble spots WASHINGTON (CNS) — statement issued Jan. 3. promise if they were unable and never-ending destruc­ pope in 19 9 1 to Sudan, As 1992 began, strife con­ More than 7 5,000 people to meet the deadline. tion," he said. tinued in Yugoslavia and South Africa, Lebanon and have died in nearly 12 years Meanwhile at the Vatican, "Then there is the tension Yugoslavia. the Middle East but new o f civil war in the as the new year began, of­ in the Middle East, which hope for peace emerged in Sudan, which is tom by a predominantly Catholic ficials said the war in will not be resolved if the de­ civil war, is one of the some of the world’s trouble Central American country. Yugoslavia and ongoing mand for justice long- spots, including El poorest African countries, After about 20 months of tensions in the Middle East awaited by those peoples is and the war and poverty Salvador. negotiations, the continue to cause concern. not met,” he said. Archbishop John R. there deserve more of the Salvadoran government But they said hopes for The Church is also con­ world’s attention, he said. Roach of St. Paul and Min­ and leaders of the Farabun- peace and Justice are valid cerned about continuing neapolis, chairman of the “ There is still much to do do Marti National Liberation there and in other world guerrilla wars in Latin in South Africa," although U.S. bishops' International Front, a Salvadoran rebel trouble spots. America, particularly in Policy Committee, praised the strict apartheid laws group, agreed to Judiciary Interviews with Vatican Peru, “ where Sendero k e y p layers in the have been abolished, he Steps reform, human rights officials were broadcast by Luminoso is sowing said. negotiating process that led safeguards, electoral Vatican Radio Dec. 31 and destruction and death,” to the Dec. 3 1 signing of a "Despite enormous dif­ reform, a reduction of the Jan . 1. Cardinal Sodano said. ficulties,” he said, Nelson As the new year peace accord for El armed forces, civilian "Many are the interna­ "There are tensions in begins. Bishop Wuerl Salvador. Mandela of the African Na­ leadership for the current tional situations that worry Asia, and above all, there is tional Congress and Presi­ encourages us to be "It is particularly hearten­ militarized police and the the pope as pastor of the a lack of religious liberty in dent Frederik W. de Klerk mutually respectful of ing to know that 1992 will conversion of the FMLN into one another and treat universal Church and Good China. For all these popula­ are committed to designing usher in a new beginning a political party. each other with the Samaritan on the road of tions we pray with the a new constitution that will basic human dignity to for the building of peace, The peace plan is schedul­ the world,” said Cardinal pope." and we pray that the years guarantee equality for all which we are all ed to go into effect with a Angelo Sodano, Vatican Cardinal Roger Et- citizens. of war and violence will at entitled. Feb. 1 cease-fire. secretary of state. chegaray, president of the The situation in Lebanon long last give way to true Final details of the peace "In the first place, there is Pontifical Council for also improved in 1991, he peace, justice and recon­ treaty were to be concluded the drama of Croatia, which Justice and Peace, told ciliation in El Salvador," Ar­ said, but there are “many by Jan. 10, but both sides continues with many Vatican Radio about trips refugees who still do not chbishop Roach said in a agreed to accept a U.N. com­ Page deaths, floods of refugees he made on behalf of the (Continued on page 2) Mother Teresa Law renceville school identified I n s i d e | recovering in Calif. LA JOLLA, Calif. (CNS) — as new special education site Editorials.......... .Page 4 I Mother Teresa celebrated her Letters.............. .Page 5 I PITTSBURGH — St. An­ gram include Canevln High 63rd anniversary as a nun in Entertainment....Page 6 1 thony School for Exceptional School, Crafton, and elertien- Bible Quiz......... .Page 6 1 the La Jolla hospital where Children, Oakmont, has iden­ tary schools at Resurrection, Catholic Life..... .Page 7 I she was recovering from heart tified a fifth new site — St. Brookline, and St. Thomas Around Diocese. problems and pneumonia. John Neumann Regional More, Bethel Park. All centers As the 81-year-old mis­ Elementary School in will have educational staff Obituaries......... Page 81 sionary marked the anniver­ Lawrenceville — for its educa­ from the St. Anthony’s sary of her religious vows Jan. tional satellite programs. program. 5, doctors at Scrlpps Clinic This location joins four This extension of the and Research Foundation said others whose programs will satellite program is a continu­ she could be released in a begin in the 1992 fall term in­ ing recognition of the national cluding North Catholic High trend to meet the educational week. Dr. Patricia Aubanel School, Troy Hill, and in requirements of students with told reporters Mother Teresa elementary schools at St. special needs by including started badgering her again to Photo by Chip falsch Anselm, Swissvale; St. Col- them in regular education be allowed to go “ home” to the man, Turtle Creek, and St. whenever appropriate, thus Q u o t e Missionaries of Charity house Visit to Regency Hall Joseph, Verona. providing the least restrictive in Tijuana, Mexico. Other satellites in the pro­ environment possible. An Ill-tempered man | Bishop Donald W. Wuerl was the celebrant at a Jan. 5 liturgy stirs up strife, "She is definitely getting in remembranceof deceased residents of Regency Had Nun- A r c h d i O C e S e D U r c h O S e S b u i l d i n g but a patient man | back to her feisty old self, and ing Home. With the bishop are Mary Agnes Doyle, a 105-year- r ^ allays discord. that’s a very encouraging old resident of the home (second from right). and, from left, — P ro v e rb s15:81 PITTSBURGH — The Byzantine Catholic Archdiocese of Pitt­ sign,” said Dr.
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