312 123o 30' 121o 45' 44o 45' 14174000 Albany BENTON Corvallis Philomath WILLAMETTE 14171000 Monroe Smith 14158500 LINN 14158790 14170000 River Harrisburg R RIVER 14158795 14166000 Blue 14158850 River 14161500 Rainbow Belknap Springs Vida Tom River Blue 14169000 Alvador 14163150 River 14159500 14165000 Leaburg 14162500 14162200 Noti Middle McKenzieWalterville Long 14159110 Elmira Eugene 14164700 14163900 South 14166500 14152000 14159200 Goshen Fall 14151000 Fal l Cr 14157500 Jasper Creek Fork 14150000 14150800 Fork Dexter Lowell Fork Coast Cottage 14155500 Grove 14148000 14154500 Oakridge 14153500 Row Dorena 14145500 River Willamette 43o 30' River 0 10 20 30 MILES 0 10 20 30 KILOMETERS EXPLANATION 14158795 Stream-gaging station OREGON 14162400 Water-quality data collection site 14166000 Stream-gaging station and water-quality data collection site Figure 21. Location of surface-water and water-quality stations in the Willamette River Basin upstream from the Luckiamute River. 313 COAST See Figure 23. WILLAMETTE RIVER FORK 14152000 RM 195.0 North Fork 14151000 Fall Creek RM 6.1 Lake Fall Creek RM Fall 198.3 Creek 14150800 Completed RM 4.4 1965 Winberry Creek 14150000 RM 201.2 Lookout Point Lake Completed 1954 14148000 RM 220.2 RM North Fork of Middle Fork Willamette River 224.4 RM Salmon Creek 229.4 RM Salt Creek 231.0 14145500 RM 231.4 EXPLANATION Hills Creek Lake 14152000 Stream-gaging station 14152000 Completed Stream-gaging station and water-quality 1961 data collection site RM 201.2 River mile Stream—Arrow shows direction of flow Windfall RM Creek 240.6 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER Figure 22. Schematic diagram showing gaging stations in the Middle Fork Willamette River Basin. 314 WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN 14145500 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER ABOVE SALT CREEK, NEAR OAKRIDGE, OR 1 1 LOCATION.--Lat 43°43'20", long 122°26'15", in NW ⁄4 NE ⁄4 sec.27, T.21 S., R.3 E., Lane County, Hydrologic Unit 17090001, in Willamette National Forest, on right bank 90 ft upstream from highway bridge, 0.4 mi upstream from Salt Creek, 1.1 mi downstream from Hills Creek Dam, 2.3 mi southeast of Oakridge, and at mile 231.4. DRAINAGE AREA.--392 mi2. PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1913 to September 1914, September 1935 to current year. Monthly discharge only September 1935, published in WSP 1318. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1248: 1914. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1,208.01 ft above NGVD of 1929 (levels by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). Oct. 3, 1913, to Sept. 30, 1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 1, 1935, to Aug. 18, 1960, water-stage recorder at sites 400 ft and 1,000 ft downstream, respectively, at different datum. REMARKS.--No estimated daily discharges. Records good. Flow regulated since 1961 by Hills Creek Lake (station 14145100). No diversions upstream from station. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--70 years (water years 1914, 1936-2004), 1,143 ft3/s, 39.60 in/yr, 828,100 acre-ft/yr, adjusted for storage. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 34,000 ft3/s Dec. 28, 1945, gage height, 12.06 ft, site and datum then in use, from rating curve extended above 13,000 ft3/s; minimum observed discharge, 0.70 ft3/s Sept. 8-11, 13, 1961. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 3,780 ft3/s Dec. 24, gage height, 5.94 ft; minimum discharge, 317 ft3/s Mar. 21. DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND WATER YEAR OCTOBER 2003 TO SEPTEMBER 2004 DAILY MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 1,120 667 1,120 1,480 3,450 411 404 1,190 584 628 1,480 1,130 2 1,060 661 1,210 1,590 1,660 411 405 1,190 603 628 1,490 1,130 3 1,010 660 990 1,600 1,590 410 900 1,190 606 629 1,490 1,140 4 950 659 800 1,620 1,530 400 1,610 1,200 604 628 1,480 1,140 5 949 611 803 1,580 1,310 414 1,620 1,150 606 629 1,480 1,140 6 923 567 813 1,530 885 415 1,620 1,010 600 627 1,550 1,140 7 859 581 806 1,570 869 413 1,630 1,010 598 628 1,600 1,130 8 858 583 984 1,560 871 408 1,630 1,000 610 627 1,500 1,130 9 859 583 1,610 1,770 707 413 1,630 1,000 618 626 1,120 1,300 10 857 574 1,770 2,120 420 412 1,630 1,010 619 631 1,080 1,590 11 855 571 1,800 2,150 418 437 1,630 1,010 625 628 1,180 1,580 12 852 571 1,810 2,100 418 415 1,620 1,010 625 625 1,120 1,570 13 850 577 1,230 2,540 418 414 1,620 988 627 621 1,120 1,570 14 819 569 1,110 2,630 419 413 1,620 1,010 625 624 1,120 1,660 15 763 565 2,290 2,650 419 414 1,630 1,020 629 621 1,120 1,440 16 749 573 3,040 2,470 421 416 1,630 1,000 624 783 1,120 1,010 17 667 576 3,100 2,160 429 415 1,620 999 617 786 1,120 1,020 18 659 576 3,070 2,150 411 422 1,620 995 618 773 1,130 1,030 19 656 575 3,030 1,600 399 416 1,620 999 617 744 1,130 1,050 20 652 581 3,030 1,580 405 418 1,630 999 616 756 1,130 1,050 21 663 526 3,080 1,590 404 406 1,610 996 614 758 1,130 1,050 22 663 416 3,110 1,570 406 400 1,600 996 623 757 1,130 1,030 23 671 417 2,950 1,590 404 416 1,610 1,010 628 886 1,130 1,030 24 675 417 2,560 1,600 410 397 1,640 1,020 629 1,020 1,130 1,010 25 676 416 1,650 1,620 402 399 1,640 1,010 626 1,010 841 1,010 26 675 416 1,520 1,660 402 398 1,420 1,010 626 1,010 834 1,010 27 666 416 1,560 1,660 401 401 1,200 1,020 629 1,010 829 958 28 665 419 1,580 1,610 405 403 1,200 1,010 632 1,010 828 783 29 664 429 1,590 1,620 406 406 1,200 894 632 1,070 829 795 30 667 735 1,580 2,170 --- 404 1,190 750 629 1,340 833 797 31 667 --- 1,570 3,110 --- 406 --- 667 --- 1,470 990 --- TOTAL 24,319 16,487 57,166 58,250 21,089 12,723 43,629 31,363 18,539 24,583 36,064 34,423 MEAN 784 550 1,844 1,879 727 410 1,454 1,012 618 793 1,163 1,147 MAX 1,120 735 3,110 3,110 3,450 437 1,640 1,200 632 1,470 1,600 1,660 MIN 652 416 800 1,480 399 397 404 667 584 621 828 783 AC-FT 48,240 32,700 113,400 115,500 41,830 25,240 86,540 62,210 36,770 48,760 71,530 68,280 MEAN† 280 439 1,828 2,187 1,730 1,318 1,344 1,483 907 417 399 386 CFSM† 0.71 1.12 4.66 5.58 4.41 3.36 3.43 3.78 2.31 1.06 1.02 0.98 IN.† 0.82 1.25 5.38 6.43 4.76 3.88 3.82 4.36 2.58 1.23 1.17 1.10 AC-FT† 17,240 26,100 112,400 134,500 99,530 81,040 79,940 91,210 53,970 25,660 24,530 22,980 CAL YR2003 TOTAL 377331 MEAN 1034 MAX 3450 MIN 409 AC-FT 748400 MEAN† 1014 CFSM† 2.59 IN.† 35.12 AC-FT† 734200 WTR YR2004 TOTAL 378635 MEAN 1035 MAX 3450 MIN 397 AC-FT 751000 MEAN† 1060 CFSM† 2.70 IN.† 36.79 AC-FT† 769100 †Adjusted for change in contents in Hills Creek Lake. Lake elevation provided by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Data—Oregon, Water year 2004, Volume 1: Surface Water, p. 314–315. "This page contains cha200rts4 graWpahterica lYearly portraying the tabulardata contained onthe nest page. Skip toW thIeL LnAeMxtETTE page RIVER to go dBASIirectNly to the tabular data. ." 14145500 MF WILLAMETTE RIVER ABV SALT CRK, NEAR OAKRIDGE, OR o o Latitude: 43 43 ' 20" Longitude: 122 26 ' 15" Hydrologic Unit Code: 17090001 Lane County Datum: 1,208.01 feet Drainage Area: 392 square miles Daily Mean Discharge 10,000 ) s f c ( w o l f 1,000 m a e r t S 100 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Monthly Statistics _ Monthly Mean of Current Water Year Max, Mean, and Min Monthly Mean for 1962 2004 6,000 ) s 5,000 f c ( 4,000 w o l 3,000 f m a 2,000 e r t 1,000 S 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Annual Mean Streamflow ) 2,000 s f c ( 1,500 w o l f 1,000 m a e r t 500 S 0 6 8 4 5 1 8 9 0 4 1 2 3 7 4 8 2 2 4 5 6 7 9 1 3 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Annual Minimum 7-Day Average Streamflow ) 500 s f c ( 400 w o l 300 f m a 200 e r t 100 S 0 2 1 8 5 9 6 7 8 4 3 0 4 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 9 1 4 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Annual Peak Streamflow ) 40,000 s f c ( 30,000 w o l f 20,000 m a e r t 10,000 S 0 4 8 9 4 1 1 2 6 3 7 8 5 0 2 7 8 2 4 5 6 7 9 1 3 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 316 WILLAMETTE RIVER BASIN 14148000 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER BELOW NORTH FORK, NEAR OAKRIDGE, OR 1 LOCATION.--Lat 43°48'05", long 122°33'35", in SW ⁄4 sec.27, T.20 S., R.2 E., Lane County, Hydrologic Unit 17090001, on left bank 0.5 mi downstream from Whitehead Creek, 4.2 mi downstream from North Fork of Middle Fork Willamette River, 7.0 mi northwest of Oakridge, and at mile 220.2.
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