REGD.GOA-5 Panaji, 26th July, 2001 (Sravana 4, 1923) I' SERIES II No. 17 . ! "",m~t\ . OFFICIAL~~GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA EXTRAORDINARY GOVERNMENT OF GOA .SCHEDULE Department of Revenue (Description of the said land) Taluka: Salcete Village: Assolna Notification Survey No.! Names o-f the persons believed Appx. area No. 22/72/2000-RD /Sub-Div. No. to be interested in sq. mts. 1 2 3 Whereas by Government Notification No. 22/72/2000- -RD dated 25-9-2000 published on pages 818 to 819 of 105/5 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 733 Series II, No. 27 of the Official 9iizette, dated 5-10-2000 ' T: Elvira Silva. and in two newspapers (1) Herald dated 30-9-2000 105/6 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 1574 (2) Goa Times dated 1-10-2000 it was notified under T: Brunil D'Silva Lobo. section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act 105/7 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 795 1 of 1894) (hereinafter referred to as "the said Act") that T: Elvira Silva. the land specified in the Schedule appended to the said 105/8 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 865 Notification was likely to be needed for the public T: Ubaldina Pais. purpose viz. for development of Government School 105/9 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 863 Playground at Assolna in Salcete Taluka. T: Gilmota Pais. 105/10 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 702 And whereas, the Government of Goa (hereinafter T: Lily Pereira. referred to as "the Government") after considering the 105/11 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 651 report made under sub-section (2) of section 5A o~ the T: Veronhia Pereira. said Act is satisfied ttlat the land specified in the 104/9 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 710 Schedule hereto is needed for the public purpose T: Antoneta Silva. specified above (hereinafter referred to "the said land"). 104/10 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 715 T: Caetano Filisia Colaco. Now, therefore, the Government hereby declares, 104/12 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 2360 under section 6 of the said Act that the said land is T: Maria Magdelene Noronha. required for the public purpose specified above. 105/1 pa!1= H: Comunidade of Assolna. 2490 2. The Government also appOints, under clause (c) of . T: Filomena Silva Lobo. section 3 of the said Act, the Deputy Collector (LA) 105/2 part· .. H: Comunidade of Assolna. 863 Collectorate of South Goa, Margao to perform the .c'1.i: Rosalina Viegas Noronha. functions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to 105/3 part H: Coinunidade of Assolna. 981 be taken in respect of the said land, and directs him T' Sedina Pinto. under section 7 of the said Act to take order for the 105/4 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 656 acquisition of the said land. T: Antoneta Silva. 104/1 part H:. Comunidade of Assolna. 2845 3. A plan of the said land can be inspected at the T: Floriano Vaz. Office of the said Deputy Collector (L.A.), Collectorate 104/2 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 2454 of South Goa, Margao till the award is made under T: Lena Mendes. section 11. Roque S. Fdes. 286 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES II No. 17 (EXTRAORDINARY) 26TH JULY, 2001 1 2 3 effect under section 6 of the said Act will be.published in the Official Gazette and in two daily newspapers and 104/3 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 1537 public notice thereof shall be given in due course. If the T: Rubina Pinto. acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will 104/4 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 1344 also be notified in the same manner. T: Corlito Diniz. 4. The Government further appoints, under clause (c) 104/5 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 589 of section 3 of the said Act, the Land AcquiSition Officer T: Larencinha Silva. PWD (Cell), AItinho to perform the functions of a Collector 104/6 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 650 under the said Act in respect of the said land. T: Gilmota Pais. 104/7 part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 622 5. Thee Government also authorises under sub-section T: Marsalo Fernandes. (2) of section 4 of the said Act, the following Officers to 104/8,part H: Comunidade of Assolna. 660 do the Acts, specified therein in respect of the said land . T: Ubaldino Pais. 1. The' Collector, North Goa District, Panaji. Boundaries 2. The Land Acquisition Officer, PWD (Cell), Altinho. North: S. No. 101/15, 10, 4, 5, 8, 101/14, 10, 13, 12. 3. The Executive Engineer, Div, XVIII (R), PWD, Ponda. South: S. No. 105/12. East : S. No. 104/2 to 12, 4. The Director of Settlement & Land Records, S. No. 105/1 to 12. Panaji-Goa. West: Nala. 6. A rough plan of the said land is available for Total: 25650 inspection in the Office of the Land Acquisition Officer, PWD (CeIl), Altinho for a period of 30 days from the date By order and in tl:le name of the Governor of Goa. of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. Sanjiv M. Gadkar, Under Secretary (Revenue). SCHEDULE Panaji, 6th July, 2001. (Description oithe said land) Taluka: Ponda Village: Shiroda Notification Survey No.1 Names of the persons believed Approx. area No. 22/8/2001-RD /Sub Div. No. to be interested in sq. mts. 1. 2. 3. Whereas it appears to the Government of Goa (herelnafter referred to as "the Government") that the 445/1 part H: Francisco Filomena 705.00 land specified in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred Figuereido. to as the "sald land") is likely to be needed for public 444/1 part H: Comunidade of Shiroda. 220.00 purpose viz. Construction ef road from Minguel to 443/1 part H: Keshav Venkatesh Porobe 745.00 Chunnat in Village Panchayat Shiroda. Sawkar. Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies, under 442/1 part H: 1. Gopinath Vaman Prabhu 2855.00 sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, Sawkar. 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter referred to as the 2. Anand H. Talwalkar. "said Act") that the said land is likely to be needed for 3. Audhut Devu Nanoskar. the purpose specified above. 4. Gurudas Raghuvir N aik. 5. Vasu Raghuvir N aik. 2. All persons interested in the said land ar~ hereby 6. Mahesh Raghuvir Naik. warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or 7. Siroda Education Society. other persons employed upon the said land for the 8. Prashant Chandrakant Modak. purpose of the said acquisition. Any contract for the 9 .. Satyapal Vaikunth Chirnulkar. disposal of the said land by sale, lease, mortgage, 10. G\.u:udas Vithu N aik. assignment, exchange or otherwise, or any outlay 440/ part H: Vithal Tukoba Prabhu Dessal. 2140.00 commenced or improvements mB;de thereon without the 438/ part H: Comunidade of Shiroda. 35.00 sanction of the Collector appointed under paragraph 4 434/7 part H: Devidas Govind Prabhu 252.00 below, after the date of the publication of this Notification, Gaonkar. will under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, 434/6 part H: 1. Venkatesh M. P. Gaonkar. 217.00 be disregarded by him while assessing compensation for 2. Purushottam Balkrishna P. such pa$·of the said land as may be finally acquired. Gaonkar. ~ 3. Devidas Govind P. Gaonkar. 3. If the Govermnent is satisfIed that the said land is 434/5 part H: . Devidas Govind Prabhu 1870.00 needed. for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that Gaonkar. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 287 SERIES II No. 17 (EXTRAORDINARY) 26TH JULY, 2001 1. 2. 3. 1. The Collector, North Goa District, Panaji. 2. The Deputy Collector/SDO, Panaji. 570/1 part H: 1. Gopinath Vaman Prabhu 180.00 3. The Executive Engineer, Div. XVIII(R), PWD, Panda. 2. Laximibai Prabhu Sawkar. 570/3 part H: 1. Gopinath Vaman.Prabhu 95.00 4. The Director of Settlement & Land Records, Panaji­ Sawkar. Goa. 2. Laximibai Prabhu Sawkar. 6. A rouglt plan of the said land is available for inspection in the Office of the Deputy Collector/SDO, Total: 9314.00 Panaji for a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Ga2ette. By order and in the name of the Governor of Go". SCHEDULE Sanjiv M. Gadkar, Under Secretary (Revenue). (Description of the said land) Panaji, 9th July, 2001. Taluka: Fonda Village: Shiroda Survey No.! Names of the per~ons believed Approx. area /Sub Div. No. to be interested in sq. mts. Notification 1. 2. 3. No. 22/10/2001-RD 331/3 part H: 1) Ashok D. Dande. 480 Whereas it appears to the Government of Goa 332/1 part H: 1) Antonia Mascarenhas. 240 (hereinafter referred to as "the Government")' that the 332/5 p')rt H: 1) Narayan Vyankatesh 20 land specified in the Schedule hereto (hereinafte~'referred Prabhudessai. to as the "said land") is likely to be needed for public 2) Shiva Gunba Prabhildessai. purpose viz. Construction of road to Vazem Muxer in 3) Vyankatesh Anant Pai Raikar. Village Panchayat Shiroda. 4) Ganpat Pai Raikar. 5) Kashinath Upendra Shenvi . Now, therefore, the Government hereby notifies, under Hede. sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 6) Shantaram Anant S. Hede. 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter referred to as the 7) Govind Vishnu Sinai Hede. "said Act") that the said land is likely to be needed for 8) Jivaji Balkrishna Sinai Hede. the purpose specified above.
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