Science and Innovation. 2014. V. 10. No. 2. P. 8—17 Moskalenko, V.B., Danilchenko, S.N., Drozdenko, A.A., Storizhko, V.Yu., Chivanov, V.D., and Chizhov, I.G. The Institute of Applied Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Sumy STATUS AND PROSPECTS OF THE ACCELERATOR MASS SPECTROMETRY CENTER OF THE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS OF NASU The paper deals with the issues related to development of the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry CF of IAP of NASU. The first archaeometrical results have been presented. The main tasks and directions of further CF development have been discussed. Key words: accelerator mass spectrometry, center for collective use, 14C carbon isotope, archeology, ra dio che mis t ry Within the framework of the Core Facility of In- biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cos- stitute of Applied Physics of NASU (hereinafter re- mosphere) [1—4]. ferred to as «the IAP CF») the key research and During the study, there have been used a lot of studies have been conducted in the following fields: methods and techniques, including accelerator mass Nuclear energy and nuclear safety (environ- spectrometry (AMS), a cutting-edge, ultra-sensi- mental monitoring of 14С, 129І, 236U, 239Pu, 240Pu, tive method for isotopic analysis of substances. 241Pu, 242Pu); The mass spectrometric analysis of substance Archeology, geology, cultural heritage artifacts is based on classifying and registering the ionized (carbon dating: 14C); atoms or molecules according to their relative Radiation ecology (identification of delayed ra- mass-to-charge ratio (m/q). Despite the use of diation effects in living organisms, water circu- this method for solving a wide range of analytical lation in the context of Chernobyl accident: tasks, some challenges remain inaccessible for 14C, 10Be, 129І); traditional mass spectrometry, even for that with Biomedicine and pharmacology (monitoring record-breaking sensitivity (10–10). In addition of body state based on the distribution and ki- to the problem of sensitivity there is limited reso- netics of introduced radioisotope; metabolism lution as well. The separate quantitative registra- of pharmaceutical products: 26Al, 14C); tion of isobars and molecular ions, which have Registration of long-living isotopes in nature, the same mass as measured isotope, is principally in a wide range of applications (technosphere, unattainable with the use of conventional schemes of mass spectrometric separation of ions. The specific tasks requiring high-resolution © MOSKALENKO, V.B., DANILCHENKO, S.N., DROZDENKO, A.A., STORIZHKO, V.Yu., sensitivity from mass spectrometry should in- CHIVANOV, V.D., AND CHIZHOV, I.G., 2014 clude the measurement of extremely rare isotopes 8 The World of Innovations constituting 10–12—10–15 of major radionuclide (e.g., long-living cosmogenic radionuclides) con- centration [5—7]. The cosmogenic nuclides are the products of nuclear reactions of cosmic rays with the Earth's substance. The cosmic rays com- ing to the Earth possess a sufficient energy to in- duce nuclear reactions. The flux of cosmic rays entering the Earth's surface is relatively small and is about a half of background radiation. However, near the troposphere-stratosphere interface their intensity reaches a maximum [3]. Among the cos- mogenic radionuclides 3H and 14C make the larg- est contribution to the natural radioactivity. The most interesting objects to be studied are long- Fig. 1. AMS Tandetron 1.0 MV, model 4110Bo-AMS living cosmogenic nuclides 3H, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl, 129I (Table 1) formed in the atmosphere. ous models. For example, the removal of molecular 14 13 12 A remarkable feature of cosmogenic radionu- interference (in case of C, CH and CH2) is clides is independence of their concentration from achieved due to the design of ion recharge cham- the initial content in the Earth’s matter. They are ber and increased density of “stripping” gas rather used for carbon dating, particularly, in archeolo- than due to the high-charged state of ions and ac- gy, geology, and earth sciences. Of course, the celerating potential. The separation of isobars and scope of application of the methods for accurate molecular ions occurs in the ion source, accelera- measurement of main-to-«rare» isotope ratio can tor recharge chambe, and in detector chamber of be extended. recording system. The hybrid ion source (Model Such measurements become possible as a result SO-110) allows the researchers to analyze the of combining an ion accelerator and a mass spec- sample in both the solid and the gaseous states. trometer in one analytical device. Nowadays, thro- The structure of Tandetron 1.0 MV model 4110Bo- ughout the world, there are about one hundred AMS can be conditionally divided into three operating AMS centers. Most of them deal with parts: the low energy mass spectrometer, the ion analyzing the carbon isotopic composition (14C) accelerator, and the high-energy mass spectrome- for a variety of tasks, including archaeometry. ter (Fig. 2). The first group of devices includes the ion source and the initial electromagnetic IAP NASU ACCELERATOR MASS SPECTROMETER analyzer. They provide a highly effective entry of The IAP AMS core facility (the only one with- in the territory of Ukraine) was launched in 2010. Table 1 During three years, at the IAP, a Tandetron 1.0 MV Cosmogenic radionuclides [5, 7] accelerator mass spectrometer (model 4110Bo- AMS, manufactured by HVEE Europa B.V., Ne- Isotope Half-life period Product of decay therlands) was being installed and commissio ned. The Tandetron 1.0 MV accelerator mass spec- 3H 12.33 years β-particles 10 6 trometer is a model of new generation (Figs. 1, 2) Be 1.51 × 10 years β-particles 26 5 characterized by compactness, versatility, and Al 7.2 × 10 years β-particles 14 ability to add options. In this device, there have C 5730 years β-particles 36 5 been implemented new original engineering solu- Cl 3.01 × 10 years β-particles 129I 1.57 × 107 years β-particles tions, which give it an advantage over the previ- Science and Innovation. V. 10, no. 2, 2014 9 The World of Innovations Fig. 2. Diagram of AMS Tandetron 1.0 MV, model 4110Bo-AMS target nuclide into acceleration mode. In the ion sample. Since the interfering impurities often do source, under the influence of Cs+ ions flux, the not form stable negative ions (e.g., 14N in case of substance is ionized and evaporates from the sur- 14C or 26Mg for 26Al), the input source plays a role face of test sample. The atoms knocked out of the of the first selection device. Then the second step, solid sample are partially ionized, with the iso- selection based on m/q criterion, takes place. Hav- tope negative ions being among them. ing passed through the filter the ions are focusing The positively charged cesium ions are relative- and directed to the entrance of accelerator. ly easily desorbed from metallic surface while it is The tandem accelerator belongs to the class of heated. They generate a sufficiently dense ionizing electrostatic accelerators where the charged par- beam. Furthermore, they are focused onto the tar- ticles gain energy from a constant electric field get by an electric field of the same polarity, which and are accelerated by potential difference of sev- induces the emission of negative ions from the test eral million volts. To raise the dielectric strength 10 Science and Innovation. V. 10, no. 2, 2014 The World of Innovations the accelerator body is placed in a vessel filled with in the laboratory room. The infrastructure (gas, insulating gas (SF6 at a pressure of 4—6 bars). water cooling system device, etc.) has to meet the The negative ions from the low energy mass spec- special requirements. Therefore, the IAP special- trometer pass through the first tandem section ists have designed and manufactured a device for and are accelerated in positive potential. Then, drying and reduction of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) having acquired energy of several MeV, they pass used as an insulating agent (Fig. 3), as well as a through the recharge cell where they lose some water cooling system. electrons. The resulting positive multi-charged ions are accelerated again in the second tandem PREPARATION OF SAMPLES section, from high potential to zero. Typically, the FOR ANALYSIS resulting energy is equal to several million elec- The sample preparation for the purposes of accel- tron volts. Having been accelerated, the particles erator mass spectrometry is a rather complicated are selected again by m/q factor. The radius of and expensive procedure. Firstly, there are neither curve along which the ions are moving in mag- commercial facilities nor complex laboratories for netic field depends on the ion mass, charge, and such preparation in the world market. Each labora- kinetic energy. Consequently, the ions passing tory designs and manufactures the required facili- through the slit behind the magnet are distribut- ties on its own. The total cost of facility ranges from ed by mass, charge, and kinetic energy. 0.2 to 1 million euros, which exceeds the cost of de- The high energy acquired by the ions that have vice itself. Secondly, to place the equipment for passed through the whole acceleration cycle af- sample preparation it is necessary to have a basic fords a possibility to make the last stage of selec- chemical analytical laboratory meeting the strict tion using a ΔE — E detector providing for inde- requirements of GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) pendent determination of specific energy loss and [10]. Currently, the laboratory must meet a whole particle energy. Having passed through the spe- range of requirements, namely: the Labor Protec- cial window the accelerated ions enter the gas tion Regulations (LPR) 0.00-1.27-09, the Govern- discharge chamber where they generate the trac- ment Sanitary Regulations, GOST es of secondary ions.
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