yOL. U ., NO. 284, THRONGS GREET FADtWEATHER H cau sp roiL ONLYNEEDFfflt 13762113 D O i m D A T Whole Town Ont To Ghre Manchester Merchants AD Olympics Hero Rousing Set For Big Merchandising Wdcom^ Governor Here Event Tomorrow—Expect For A e Big Cdebration. Many Ont of Town Biyers. Boston, Mass., Aug. 81— (AP) —^Kinley National Park and may cross An Area Ibat Some Are Coming total eclipses of the sun in New Bhigland. Manchester turned out en masse Trusting that the Weather Man ' Washington, Aug. 31.—(AP)— the United States: (Astronomers not yet agreed on Certain To Get Gomi Pii> last night to pay homage and will be kind and favor the town with The Natiohal Woman’s Clhristian th is ).. 1943^-Crosses Alaska at Kavak tribute to Its native son, Joseph P. a fine day tomorrow Manchester Temperance Union said ir a state­ 1970—Crosses Florida from West Island. ' to east. - McQuskey, who in the short space Merchants expect to have one of ment today that Governor Franklin tn res-C row d s Congre­ 1945—Starts at simrise east of 1979—^Ekiters U. S. near mouth of of thtee years has risen from an un­ the biggest Dollar Days yet .held D. Roosevelt’s prohibition repeal Boise, Idaho, enters Canada near Columbia river and crosses northern known High School ruimer to the here. policy - “constihites a surrender to Mont, into Canada gate In Path of Totality. best, steeplechasre in the United Local Committee the lowOr poWers.”^ Montana-North Dakota boundary. 2017 — ^eeps across entire States. Thousands welcomed Mc- 1954— Starts at sunrise near United States on a route- through duskey last night when he returned A committee of merchants from Saying the statement was made “ in opporttion to the repeal; not in Grand Island, Neb., crosses northern Oregon, near Denver, Nashville and Qouds were growing lighter Sui from hi^ recent triumphs in the Merchants’ Di'vision of the Chamber Wilmin^n, N. C. West, Including the winning of third favor of any party or candidate,” Wisconsin and Michigan^into Can­ the time for the totsd eclipse o t the of Commerce arranged the “Old- the W. C. T. U., outlined views it Further eclipses in the . United place in the Olympic 3,000 meter ada. sim approached thia afternoon. Fashioned” DoUar Day which is to holds textually as foDows:. States will fall in the yeara 2024, steeplechase. The count of scientific expeditiona “ O nce tqpbn a 'tim e there w as a 1963—Crosses Alaska near Mc- 2044, 2045, 2062 and 2073. Large Crowd be held tomorrow. Leroy Slocum is rose to 52, so well scattered that inan named. Roosevelt the White Thousands lined Main street from chairman and the following mer­ Highly Important to'science are the photographs’of an eddpse whidi there were chances for some, of Park street at the south end all the House who, as the result of experi­ them, to have good "seeing.” chants are serving on the commit­ ences With, the Ui^or traffic, said way to the railroad station at the tee: Herbert B. House, Leonard Throughout the morning crowds that the American people murt de­ north end to view the parade. It Richman, Edward Steams, Fred of spectators rolled into the eclijpse feat the liquor traffic or the liquor w u one of the largest turnouts in Blish, Sr., Lewis Sipe, William stituent colors, and its photographs arei of the corona—the immense path "gsuulfling'’ oh their chsmcei^ many years here. Conservative es­ Rubinow, Robert Seaman, Nathan border of the sun. ' trafRc would defeat the American even a little more than the astron­ timates placed the crowd which Marlow, William Kronick, Arthur people. Later, during the World omers, for scientists said “the radio gathered all along the line and at Hultman, Lester Johnson, R. K. An­ War the liquor traffic attempted eclipse” invisible'to spectators, was the Center Park at close to 10,000. derson smd E. J. McCabe, executive such defrat by threatening Presi­ NAME THREE CANDIDATES certain of consummation. Qouds. Riding in the rear of an open secretary of the Chamber. dent Wilson xiith a blockade of his <«- not interfere .with the tests of this model Packard between Goveiiior Dollar Day will be a town-wide yrar plans if in any Way the liquor phase of “tptaUty.” Cross and Willard B. Rogers, Mc- event with practically every store in VON PAPEN IS PREPARED traffic was curtailed. That final Success ' WEIS also predicted for Cluskey sat on the tonneau and the south end participating. New treacheroiu impudence cause the Maloney, For U. 5. Senator, HCADOO IS W M R some of the scientific measuremex^ waved greetings. His face beamed and attractive Dollar Day signs and American pOople to outlaw the liq­ of the. abrupt. twilight (€ total with smiles continuously. It was ob­ banners of an entirely different de­ uor traffic by the 18th Amendment, eclipse, as clouds do not completriy vious that he was a very happy sign from previous years have been TO DISSOLVE RBCHSTAG liquor An Ouriaw Phillips, Congressman At interfere. Some moimthin weathi^ young man. The car contidning the distributed to the merchants for use “For a dozen years liquor has ■NSTAUntnUT observers report^ the cloud, ceiling governor and McCluskey was al­ in their windows and inside the acted the part of an outlaw, running Large, Leary, Fmr Lieiden- sufficiently low to promise the fleet most hidden from view at tlines by stores. I its business illicitly, refusing p> o f airplEme observers an. easy cUnfi}, a large group of youngsters who Much Enthaalnsm C ksceflir Ready To Act As obqy, making threabs and spreading either walked or rode bicycles be­ lies. All this has scaredi people of . There is more enthusiam among ant Goremor. IN ECUBSE PATH side it all during the parade. weaker moral constitutions; and a Landslide For Former Cabi­ the stores for the annual Fall Dol­ Oenway, ,Ns H-,. A i^ . 8L — (-AF);-^-a Progress Slow Sooa As GoTetonent’s lar Day than there has been for sm aller R oosevelt has aris<ra w ho All through the night the main roadi The i>arade, although covering some time. A careful reading of WBUSDIESSiyiEW offers to restore the liquor traffic net Member— Wet Repnb leading' to this Uttio town high.' in about t^ ce the distance McCluidcey Hartford, Aug. 81.—(A P )^ ew the advertisements in today’s Progran Is to a respectable place in business, the.W hite -meuntidms .and 'tp-othrtr does in his steeplechase and lainuB avmiues for poBtical conjecture Herald will prove to you that with its old opportunities . to de- townh f mrtunate enoi^h to be m th* the obstacles, required almost an lican Leading. participatiiig ntores a n really offer­ bsush in return for a U'cense^ if only were opened today as mendwrs of belt ol,.totality ihade by the •A-a hour to reach the Center Park ing exceptional bargglns and more /MeBaead. Ok . W lift O N M k , the Hquor traffic and its Mends will the D«paocrg8le Party who-won the tORT s3ubta&* lo t * tM 'indtiiL which is about six times as stow as . • quit kicking and place this -siecond ^U ed Ip jvb^ains ahtooMWlei- for the dollw than 'aver before. ' . 1.^.. ’ . - e - Joe’s time for that length. The ^ for AmM B. Smith in the Proof of this may be Ibnhd in the .Roosevelt in the \ | $ ^ te H oitfe. Aug. 81.— CAP)— ceding frtHhrte* favorel jparts of rade left the mouth, of Hilliard rpublic» a list of thxee pPcees o f neltieR i^y knovra anch Berlin, AMg7mk.-^(^y • T he IN ktf Oesi* "This spectacle of inferiori’ o f pn^tflb^on, State Senator e E ast' 'CQfe'r'. t%>tisandn weirn street sho’^ly aftei""^^80 and it vwbi' make% America Irag for the big candldatas whom u ty wlU .seek to mepected by spedd-train, ' nationally advertised proi^cts that Junker chancellor, F xbbs von, Talldint led iSenator Samuri about 7:30 when ^ e Center Park various stores are featuiifig. sttek. Can anyone plaCF tin tile OthtarAicket as repre Tbe.poqriW ty Of doudy: weather returned to the capital today With Stoi^dg^*' r^iunisri^ v was reached.. To focus the attentten o f' eur- Greeter RCOsevelt isurreiidCiui^ to sentatives of their faction. however, fS oM " ttt .detdr th e pubHo The Cars rothxding commimities ’ on lean- a blanket death wannnt for the the importunities of political organ­ The slate, endorsed by 150 mem ttipporterW the adBainistratiai^for if it did give'cause for appre­ Meml>ers d f the reception commit­ cheater’s “Old Fashioned” Dollar new Reichstag In his pocket, and izations fostered and supported by bers of the Old Guard, included the RepuUlcan Senatorial nomlai- hension to the'astranoihera. '' tee and other special guests who NashvlUe, Tenn., Aug. 81.—(AP) the liquor traffic? The liquor traffic Mayor Francis T. Maloney of Meri­ tion tAretyrns today from Tuee- _ Conway, ordinarily a town of lessi rode immediately behind the march­ Day the committee arranged with permission to iise the document the The Herald to puUish 6,000 copies —^Rogers Caldwell, who onCe con­ has always supported the politics of den for U. S. Senator; Alfred N. day's^aUfornia primaty, rtrotiiim than ihhabitanti, whbfo Imty, ing orgranisations were grouped as minute the government's economic bad government; it was the corner' Phillips, Jr., of Stamford for Con- but t% Shortridge forces' dalmed shady.main street, is pj^ticidly <dl of a 10-page newspaper section trolled properties valued at 8600,- follow s: program is threatened.
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