NEWSLETTER OF 318 Seaboard Lane, Suite 205 Franklin, Tennessee 37067-8289 phone 615/261-4008 No. 13 — October 2007 www.livingwatersfortheworld.org In this Coincidence? No way! issue: Denomination’s vacation Bible school plan • LWW on to feature LWW, and that’s a story … YouTube How did a Presbyterian Church promote the water mission’s own est Adventure curriculum will use • Fund honors (U.S.A.) vacation Bible school VBS curriculum, “Clean Water for LWW as its mission example. Two theme on the rain forests of Peru All God’s Children.” They called the initiating partners in the Peruvian Tom Carroll wind up linking so neatly with Liv- denomination’s educational office water projects, William Milam of ing Waters for the World? in Louisville to request a reference Knoxville, Tenn., and Maggie • Database God seems to have been pull- to LWW’s curriculum in the PCUSA Hendrix of Dunnellon, Fla., (whose goes modern ing the strings. catalog of educational materials. teams trained at the April 2007 “An amazing story worth telling “During the call,” Young said, session of Clean Water U) are pro- • New video — one of the many that seem to “they mentioned that they were one viding photos of their recent trips. surround this project,” LWW ad- week away from having to send the As the featured mission of the out in June ministrator Steve Young called it. publisher of the Rainforest Adven- denomination’s VBS curriculum, The theme for PCUSA’s ture curriculum (Augsburg For- LWW will receive any contributions • Manny got planned 2008 VBS curriculum is tress) specific information about a that come from use of the cur- wet, all right “Rainforest Adventure: A Tree Top Presbyterian mission project that riculum in vacation Bible schools Bible Blast,” set in Peru. Some could be tied to the curriculum. across the nation. • Numbers: 1,500 congregations across the “They had not yet been able to In addition, part of the suggested denomination will use it. nail down anything that was a good use of the curriculum will be to We hit 156 Young and Joanie Lukins of fit. Imagine how they reacted when show the new LWW video, which Danville, Ky., chief designer I shared with them that, just weeks also uses the name, “Clean Water • Hurricane of LWW’s health and hygiene ago, the first two LWW clean water for All of God’s Children.” brings response education teaching materials, systems were installed in Peru!” “Please join us in giving thanks,” had been discussing ways to So it was decided. The Rainfor- Young urged. • Appalachia work grows •High times in Peru • Calendar for 2007-08 • Building up at Hopewell Colorful handprints and autographs tion Bible school curriculum, contributed of children at Sycamore Presbyterian $4,378 to LWW as a result. Some 30 per- Church in Cincinnati adorn a gift banner cent of church contributions come from made for children of the Yucatan. The outside the synod, according to Steve church, one of several outside the Synod Young (left), LWW administrator. At right of Living Waters to use the LWW vaca- is LWW Committee’s Bob Armistead. Check us out on YouTube — Video gets hundreds of hits Living Waters for the World is on YouTube. need clean water, how to lead health and hygiene instruction The ultra-popular Web site now displays a two-minute and how to install, operate and maintain a water purification video to explain what we do to help bring clean water to a system,” he said. thirsty world. Added on June 23 to YouTube, the site that enables the On the clip, LWW administrator Steve Young — while average Joe to showcase videos of just about anything, the walking down a street in a Mexican town with a group of LWW video has already been viewed more than 2,700 times. children — talks about the world’s critical situation involving Thirty-six people also have posted comments about the video clean water, and how the LWW “trains and equips mission and LWW. teams to share the gift of clean water with communities in “It’s what people are saying beneath the video, that’s what need.” has been so exciting,” Young said. “The world’s water crisis is massive. Half the world’s The YouTube video, also available for churches and civic population lacks access to something you and I take for organizations to run as public service announcements in their granted every day — clean water,” Young said as he stood local broadcast markets, is part of a number of things LWW in a community helped via LWW near Campeche, Mexico. is doing to spread the organization’s message to a broad “And as a result, millions die each year from preventable audience. water-related illness, and most are children.” LWW also has produced a new film, Clean Water for All “We invite you and your fellow team leaders to join us God’s Children, which can be viewed from the LWW Web site. at Clean Water U, our training program, where you will A link to the YouTube video is on the home page of LWW’s learn how to build strong partnerships with those who own Web site, www.livingwatersfortheworld.org. Memorial fund honors pioneer Tom Carroll, father of projects in Appalachia, Amazon To honor the work of Tom Carroll, or by mail. one of the architects of LWW, a memo- Donate online via this link: www.l rial fund has been established to further ivingwatersfortheworld.org/PageD- work that he founded in Appalachia and Donate.php. From within the PayPal in the Amazon basin of Brazil. system, click “Add Special Instructions Carroll, a resident of Kingsport, Tenn., to Merchant” and specify “Tom Carroll and an elder in Reedy Creek Presbyte- Memorial Fund.” Add your mailing ad- rian Church there, died August 5 after dress, so that the family may thank you a valiant struggle with non-Hodgkin’s personally. lymphoma. By mail, make checks out to Living The Tom Carroll Memorial Fund will Waters for the World and specify “Tom raise funds to further LWW water mis- Carroll Memorial Fund.” Mail checks sion efforts in Appalachia and along the to: Living Waters for the World, 318 Amazon. Seaboard Lane, Suite 205, Franklin, TN While those efforts were close to his 37067. heart and had absorbed much of his time Born in Virginia, Carroll, 74, moved to before his health failed, he also was a Kingsport at an early age. He was a Ko- faithful member of the LWW Committee rean Conflict veteran and a retiree from and of its Technical Task Force. Eastman Chemical Company. He was “Tom epitomized mission,” said Bill an active Rotarian. Williams, moderator of the LWW com- Survivors include his wife, Eula, two mittee. “He believed, he promoted, he daughters, a brother, a sister and two participated personally and — when it Tom Carroll grandchildren. become no longer possible for him to Courtesy Hemlett-Dobson Funeral Home Tom’s granddaughter Victoria told her be present in person -— he continued was rock solid, an outstanding witness to mother, Vicki, “Now Pop-Pop is portable to support and speak whenever pos- the love and grace of Jesus Christ.” — we can carry him with us in our hearts sible.” Contributions to the Tom Carroll Me- wherever we go.” Wil Howie, director of LWW, said, “Tom morial Fund may be made either on line We can’t put it any better than that. Do-it-yourself database is goal of modernized status reports Remember what you started out years ago as a through LWW administrators, learned at Clean Water U Microsoft Word document on the only interface most LWW By the numbers about the On-Line Trip Re- Wil Howie’s first Pentium PC. folks have with it at present (at latest count) port? Well, get ready for the Over the years, the Status of is through the On-line Trip new improved version. Projects (SOP) database has Report. 156: Installations With the help of technology grown in size and importance Right now, the On-line Trip guru Pam Gunn and the data to the point that it is now a Report generates an E-mail 250: Total projects input of Ralph Young, LWW web-based SQL database that is sent to Ralph Young 130: Initiating partners will soon be able to let Initiat- residing on the Living Waters and several other LWW staff. 225: Operating partners ing Partners control their own server in Franklin, Tenn. Ralph takes the data from sections of the computerized Today this database tracks the On-line Trip Report and 21: Countries involved database on projects and in- over 250 LWW projects and re-enters it into the SOP da- stallations. 156 installations worldwide. tabase. Mexico leads the way with An electronic database Except for limited access These methods were fine about 70 projects, Guatemala when Living Waters was is next with 45 projects on the working with 10 projects per list. year. In today’s environment of 50 to 100 projects per year, Overall, the database will multiple data entry is unpro- be expanded to include more ductive. information on the Health & For this reason, data input Hygiene aspects of a LWW to the SOP will change in project. Comment fields have 2008. Pam Gunn has been been added and expanded, working diligently the past plus access to past com- several months to upgrade ments will be available. the SOP database so that We anticipate that exist- Initiating Partners will have ing Initiating Partners will be access to input data for their trained on these changes via own projects.
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