SELID. IB 2005 2C 26/9/2006 02:31 ÌÌ ™ÂÏ›‰·244 Documents RESOLUTIONS OF SOLIDARITY 244 SOLIDARITY WITH CUBA For forty five years and as part of and, as a consequence, the Cuban people their systematic policy of hostility have mourned the loss of more than 3 and aggression, ten successive US 478 human lives. Administrations have applied a cruel One of the most atrocious crimes economic, financial and commercial committed against that nation was the blockade on Cuba, a blockade that has mid-flight blowing-up of a Cuban civil air- been intensified under the present craft in October 1976, a terrorist action Republican Administration of President that caused the death of all the 73 people George W. Bush. Up to now, it has on board. The mastermind behind that caused economic damages that amount horrendous crime was the notorious ter- to $ 82.764 billion, a total figure that rorist and self-confessed criminal Luis does not include more than $ 54 billion Posada Carriles. Nowadays the Bush imputed to direct damage caused to Administration refuses to extradite him Cuba’s economic and social objectives by to Venezuela, thus violating international acts of sabotage and terrorism stimulated as well as US laws. and funded from the United States. And while it supports and protects The policy of the US blockade - whose this kind of terrorists, five courageous main objective is to destroy the Cuban young Cubans: Antonio, Fernando, Revolution and impose US colonial dom- Gerardo, Ramonã and René - who were ination on the island, an ambition clearly risking their lives every day in the strug- stated in the so-called Bush’s Plan for the gle against terrorism - were unjustly con- Annexation of Cuba - qualifies as an act of demned to serve long sentences in genocide and a violation of the principles prison as a result of a fraudulently rigged of international law. And, as an evidence trial that was turned into a political of the isolation of this criminal policy of vendetta against the Cuban Revolution. the US Administration, the international The cause of the Cuban Five has community has expressed its increasing brought about a growing movement of and almost unanimous rejection of the solidarity in the world and there are US blockade by voting - for 14 consecu- already thousands of voices that are tive years - in favour of the resolution that demanding their immediate release and Cuba presents to the United Nations that the real terrorists, who are freely General Assembly to demand the end of walking by Miami streets, to be brought the US blockade. to justice. However, in addition to this act of On May 27, 2005, the Working Group interference, the US Government is also on Arbitrary Detentions of the United involved in the organization, support and Nations Commission on Human Rights funding of terrorist activities against Cuba declared that the imprisonment of the πB - 2/2005 resolutions of solidarity SELID. IB 2005 2C 26/9/2006 02:31 ÌÌ ™ÂÏ›‰·245 five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters is arbi- characterizes the Government of George 245 trary and illegal and urged the US W. Bush, who is seeking to set himself as Government to release them. More the leader of the international campaign recently, on August 9, the 11th Circuit of against terrorism, a campaign that has the Atlanta Court of Appeals handed been turned into a new crusade against down the unanimous ruling of three of its the Third World peoples’ right to sover- judges revoking the sentences and eignty and self-determination. annulling the rigged trial of the Cuban For all the above-mentioned reasons, Five in Miami. Since they are innocent of we, the Communist and workers’ parties the crimes they were accused, this would gathered here today, demand the imme- imply their immediate release. diate release of the five Cuban young However, while the Cuban Five are heroes who have been kidnapped for still kidnapped, harassed and punished in seven years in US prisons, as well as the US maximum-security prisons, in the end of the genocidal US blockade case of the notorious Cuban-born terror- imposed for 45 years on the heroic Cuban ist Luis Posada Carriles, the US people. Government insists in obstructing the Likewise, we express our deep rejec- course of justice and does nothing to tion of all terrorist acts committed in stop the unpunished terrorist actions of every form and against any people in the the Miami Cuban-American mafia. world, including state terrorism like the The kidnapping of the Cuban Five and one waged against the Cuban people, the US Government’s complicity with the and also demand the extradition and trial notorious terrorist Luis Posada Carriles of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in are an evidence of the immorality that Venezuela. THE PARTIES Communist Party of Albania New Communist Party of Britain Algerian Party for Democracy & Bulgarian Communist Party «Georgi Socialism, PADS Dimitrov” Communist Party of Argentina Communist Party of Bulgaria Communist Party of Australia Communist Party of Cuba Democratic Progressive Tribune, Communist Party of Bohemia & Bahrain Moravia Communist Party of Belarus AKEL, Cyprus Workers Party of Belgium Communist Party in Denmark WCP of Bosnia & Herzegovina Communist Party of Denmark Communist Party of Brazil Communist Party of Egypt Communist Party of Britain Communist Party of Estonia πB- 1/2005 www.solidnet.org SELID. IB 2005 2C 26/9/2006 02:31 ÌÌ ™ÂÏ›‰·246 246 Communist Party of Finland Communist Party of Norway Communist Party of Macedonia Palestinian Communist Party Unified Communist Party of Georgia Philippine Communist Party-1930 German Communist Party (DKP) Communist Party of Poland Communist Party of Greece Portuguese Communist Party Hungarian Worker’ Party Romanian Communist Party Communist Party of India (Marxist) Socialist Alliance Party, Romania Tudeh Party of Iran Communist Party of Russian Federation Iraqi Communist Party Communist Party of Soviet Union Communist Party of Ireland Communist Workers Party of Russia - The Worker’s Party of Ireland Party of the Communists of Russia Communist Party of Israel New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Party of the Communist Refoundation Communist Party of Slovakia Party of the Italian Communists Communist Party of Spain Jordanian Communist Party Communist Party of Peoples of Spain Worker’s Party of Korea Sudanese Communist Party Socialist Party of Latvia Communist Party of Sweden Lebanese Communist Party Syrian Communist Party Socialist Party of Lithuania Syrian Communist Party Communist Party of Luxembourg Communist Party of Tadjikistan Party of the Congress for the Communist Party of Turkey Independence of Madagascar (AKFM) Communist Party of Ukraine Communist Party of Malta Communist Party, USA Party of the Communists of Mexico Communist Party of Venezuela Popular Socialist Party of Mexico Communist Party of Vietnam New Communist Party of Netherlands πB - 2/2005 resolutions of solidarity SELID. IB 2005 2C 26/9/2006 02:31 ÌÌ ™ÂÏ›‰·247 SOLIDARITY WITH VENEZUELA 247 Today, the people of Venezuela, landowners, the implementation of the the heir of the emancipating ideas Act of the Land is making progress. of SimÔoã n Boliãvar, El Libertador, is the pro- Hundreds of thousands of hectares have tagonist of a revolution, led by President been recovered and are being allotted Hugo Chaãvez Friãas, that is a hope for that among thousands of families. The coun- nation and for all the peoples of Latin try works speedily to expand its road America. infrastructure, its industrial development In the last few years, in spite of facing and its agricultural self-sufficiency. Oil, the constant aggressions of US imperialism the main export commodity of the and the destabilizing and subversive activ- Venezuelan economy, is really state- ity of an internal opposition that has been owned now and its earnings are mainly defeated in the ten popular referendums allotted for the country’s development held up to now, the triumphant Bolivarian and social programs. Revolution can show a vast social work that In the international arena, President has benefited millions of citizens who used Chaãvez promotes the Bolivarian to live sunk into poverty and neglect. Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), a As part of the numerous programs project for the integration of Latin that are being carried out by the America, on the basis of solidarity, social Bolivarian Revolution, last October justice and cooperation, that is being Venezuela declared itself as a Territory implemented in the relations between Free of Illiteracy and 1.5 million Cuba and Venezuela and is present in the Venezuelans learned how to read and agreements signed with other South write. Many of them are studying now in American and Caribbean nations. higher educational levels. The health sys- As part of the ALBA, the govern- tem has been extended to the whole ments of Venezuela and Cuba have country, thus benefiting over 17 million approved a program so that, in the next people who were totally excluded earlier ten years, six million Latin American and from this elementary social service that is Caribbean people will receive ophthal- being expanded now with the improve- mologic health care, while two hundred ment of public hospitals and the con- thousand students from this region will struction of new health facilities. receive free training as doctors who will Unemployment has decreased consider- be willing to provide health services for ably and a wide network of markets has the excluded and marginalized people, been opened so that 12 million people who are the vast majorities of the popula- can buy staple food at low prices. tion in the region. Notwithstanding the strong resist- For all the above-mentioned reasons, ance of the local bourgeoisie and the the Bolivarian Revolution is an example πB- 1/2005 www.solidnet.org SELID.
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