COASTWALKER T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F C O A S T W A L K SAVING THE CALIFORNIA COAST ONE STEP AT A TIME Spring 2004 J Nichols President’s Message The Sand Dollar by Linda Hanes by Emily DeFalla Early spring, and my mind is looking forward to this summer’s In memory of Valerie Hurst Coastwalks and back to how I spent last summer, walking the Coastwalk recently received a $2100 bequest from the estate of entire coastline with the CTE 03 group. Valerie Hurst, who made a point of listing Coastwalk as a When I think about last summer, I remember all the wonderful recipient in her will. Valerie last walked with Coastwalk in 1992, people who spent time helping us: feeding us, hosting us, leading but kept her membership current until her death in 2003. For her us, or telling us about their piece of the coast and their trails. participation, caring and generosity, we keep her in our memory. I remember one afternoon in Orange County, when we were Help Make the Coast Accessible for your Heirs met at the boundary of San Clemente by a large group of people Could there be a more meaningful legacy? You can help protect who walked with us down the San Clemente beach. Among them the coast for future generations by including Coastwalk in your were San Clemente City Council members and the City Manager. future financial planning. Have you thought about… Stephanie Dorey, then mayor of San Clemente, was part of that continued on page 6 group; not only was she very knowledgeable and friendly, but she took the whole group to her house (just across the railroad track from the ocean) where we were royally treated to food and drink. SUMMER COASTWALK That was one of the special days; there were others. We were Don’t miss coming on one of our 23 great summer walks. overwhelmed by the care we received, and the support for comple- We have many old favorites and some new ones. You can tion of the trail. San Clemente will have a nice trail running beside strap on a backpack and discover the Lost Coast, spend their railroad track, very near the beach. They’re determined people. Thanksgiving at Asilomar and venture out on Coastal Trail There are lots of determined people up and down the coast explorations, walk the warm beaches of southern California who want to see hiking trails, get down to the ocean and some- or the windblown bluffs in the north state, camp on a ship times see relatively undisturbed habitat. Whenever I get discour- or in a fort, or a state park. The coast is beautiful and the aged, I think of the wonderful people we met last summer, who diversity staggering. Please check online at cherish their coast and care for it. Bit by bit, coastal access is www.coastwalk.org for a complete schedule and availability. being assured for those who come after us. May the vision endure. 2004 Coastwalk Board Coastwalk continues to grow in our 21st ocean and those around it could be, and I year. This year our board will be oversee- grew to love the environment. In my early ing some major changes. The basic teens, I traveled the entire Southern Who We Are and “restructuring of Coastwalk” is an effort California coast in search of good waves What We’re About aimed at improving efficiency, service to and surfing competitions. At my high The Coastwalk Mission our volunteers and walkers, and complet- school, I organized the nation’s first school ■ Complete the California Coastal Trail ing the CCT (see p.3 for more on restruc- surf team. It led later to a life of school (CCT)—a continuous trail along the entire California coastline, turing). Our board members enthusiasti- and community organizing, and a career in ■ Protect the scenic and natural cally volunteer in every organizational public service.” Fearon, now an administra- environment of the coast while providing aspect from finances to walks. They tor for the Marin County Health and Human public access, represent the heart of Coastwalk, our Services, also participated in some early ■ Educate the public about the CCT and hundreds of volunteers. Coastwalk activities. “Bill Kortum was respon- coastal protection and, ■ Coordinate with government, community Linda Hanes, President – Sonoma County sible for my first job out of college, and and trail organizations to promote the CCT, Diana Savage, Vice President – Orange Co. I’ve been following him ever since. It doesn’t protect public access and encourage Gregory Fearon, Treasurer/Secretary – take much for me to agree to get out to coastal protection. Sonoma County the coast, and it’s an added benefit if I’m STAFF Stan Bluhm – Los Angeles County getting to pay back what it has given to me.” Richard Nichols, Executive Director Jon Breyfogle – Sonoma County Farewell to Carl May Helen Shane, Administrator Debra Byrd – San Diego County Anne Peterson, Coord. for Volunteers and Longtime Coastwalk Board member and Summer Walks Bob Cowell – Tuolumne County activist Carl May is taking leave from the Emily DeFalla – San Francisco The Newsletter is designed to bring to board after many years of service. His Coastwalk members and friends news of Fran Gibson – San Francisco steadfast work has included organizing our activities and issues that affect the Nancy Graves – San Luis Obispo County and leading San Mateo Coastwalk and the coast of California and our mission. Sarah Gurney – Sonoma County Lost Coast Backpack, operation of the Newsletter contributors, editors and Joy Neri – Los Angeles County Coastwalk Store, and service as chair of photographers: Richard Nichols, Linda Don Nierlich – Los Angeles County the Nominating and Maree Fink Award Hanes, J Nichols, Anne Peterson, Don Bill Ratterman – Calaveras County committees, as well as regular atten- Nierlich, Helen Shane, Nancy Graves, Stan Bluhm, Emily DeFalla Gillian Parker – Sonoma County dance at board meetings. Carl is not Mel Savage – Orange County disappearing, however. He plans to Layout and Design: Joanne Klein, Graphic Visions Katie Seward – Del Norte County finish his current commitments for CONTACT INFORMATION Patrick Ward – Nevada County 2004 by leading the backpack and Coastwalk, 7207 Bodega Avenue, New Board Members running the store. Sebastopol, CA 95472-3725 Coastwalk Advisory Board (800) 550-6854, (707) 829-6689 Fran Gibson We appreciate our knowledgeable Advisory www.coastwalk.org Fran has been a volunteer with the San californiacoastaltrail.info Board members. The Coastwalk Board wants Francisco Bay walk for seven years, and to encourage strong partnerships with the acted as liaison to the Coastal Trail advisory members and a continuing involve- Expedition as they walked through San Expedition DVD Party ment. We plan to develop a contact person Francisco. She has worked in the field of Do you wish you had walked those from the Coastwalk Board for each advisory health advocacy and is currently a 1196 miles with the Coastal Trail member and ask them to make observations, medical writer. She brings management, Expedition last summer? Come join provide suggestions, and give advice on a advocacy, planning and press relation skill us for the premier of the CTE03 wide range of subjects, from new summer to the Board. DVD release, hear some of the “Walk walks to coastal development issues. Stars” tall and short stories, preview Gregory Fearon Bill and Lucy Kortum – Sonoma County the DVD (maybe buy one), while Coastwalk’s Treasurer/Secretary Milt McAuley – Los Angeles County sipping a glass of wine. When? says he owes the coast more than he can Maree Fink – Sonoma County Wednesday, March 31 beginning at 7 ever repay. “My mother and I lived in La Tim Reed – Alameda County p.m., at the Sebastopol Veteran’s Jolla a few blocks from the beach, and Tom and Vivian McFarling – Sonoma County Auditorium at 282 S High St, one she would lie on the beach with her Steve Jones d.a. – Sonoma County block off Main St. or Hwy 12. friends while I wandered out into the Wallace J Nichols – Santa Cruz County $20 donation (707) 829-0325 shorebreak. I learned how supportive the Susana Nierlich – Los Angeles County 2 A HUGE Thanks to our From the Donors and All who Executive Director Support Coastwalk by Richard Nichols In the life of any healthy organization, a In December last year we sent a letter asking for certain amount of growth and change is contributions to either our general operations fund bound to happen. Coastwalk is no differ- or to our newly established Coastal Trail Fund, a fund ent. After years of slowly and consciously set up specifically to help Coastwalk complete the building up the organization with more CCT. We are happy to announce that the 150 people summer walks, day hikes, a set of CCT listed below responded, contributing $7000.00. guidebooks, reports, grants, volunteer Thank you for supporting the Coastwalk mission of manuals, newsletters, fundraising, protecting the coast and building the CCT. membership program, CCT development, Of course many other people have contributed J Nichols a CCT report, outreach and more, we’ve to Coastwalk with their time, membership dues, donations, or coming on a walk. As reached a point where a small dedicated you can tell by reading the Executive Director’s report, we are a growing organization. staff and a host of volunteers cannot We, as a non-profit functioning for the good of the people of California and the keep up with the demands of running health of the environment, need to raise money. We depend on your generosity.
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