COURT DIRECTORY. 233 Martin John. esq. High street, Ports- Michell Miss, Shirley, Southampton i Moody T. H. C. esq. Commercial road, mouth & Wymering ho. Portsmouth Michell Mrs. Shirley, Southampton I Southampton Martin M. W .esq.Sth.Stonebm.Sthmptn Michell Mrs. R. F. Shirley, Southmptn 1 MoodyT.S. e~q. Bridgefield ho. Sthmptn MartinMiss,Oak cot. 8hirleySouthmptn Midrlleton Rev. F. G. M.A. Meadsted, Moody W. e8q. Portsmouth dockyard Martin T. esq. West street, Havant Alton 1 Moore Col. West ~treet, Fareham Martineau J. esq. Froxfield, Peter; field M iddleton theMisses ,Carisbrooke,N wpt Moo re Major T. 6 Hi~h street, Gosport l\Iarvin Mr. E. Groverd.south,Southsea Middleton Mr. H. 8 Brougham terrace,,MooreCapt.R.M.lOOakleypl.Southsea Marvin Mr. R. Grove road, Soutusea Southsea iMooreRv.C.A.LL.B.Ahbot'swd.Rom~ey Marx F. J. P. esq. Arlebury, Nw.Alrsfd Middleton J. e•q. Ponner, Ringwood ,MooreRev.GeorgeAuthony,Porchester, M askew G. esq. Clanville, Weyhill Midwinter Rev. N. M.A.Southgate road, Fareham M11son Capt. G. R.N. Eton ho. Sontbsea Winchester 1 Moore Rev.J.F. A.M.Ampfield, Romsey .,Mason Rev.G.H.B.A. Wickham,Farebm Mildmay Lady, Dogmcrsfield rark, Moore E. H. esq. Captaiu's rw.Lymngtn Mason Rev. J. B.A. East Tytberly Winchfield Moore Edward Morris, esq. Guu wharf, l\Uson Rev. T. W. M.A.Titchborne,New Mildmay Edward St. John, esq. Dog- Portsea Alresford mersfield park, Winchfield Moare J. L.e~q. Shirley, Southampton Mason G. esq. Yateley, Farnborough Milclmay Mrs. E. Dogmersfield park, Moore Miss M. A. Bentley, Farnham Massey Capt. Arnewood, Lymington Winchfield Moore Miss M.S. Belvedere road, Hyde Masterman Lieut.Hamhledon,Horndean Miles Capt. R.N.Westhill ter. Winchstr Moore Mrs. 23 St. Thomas' st. Prt:;mth Masters Capt. A.lFairfield vils.Wncbstr Mill Sir J. B. hart. Mottisfont abbey, Moore Mrs W. Upper Dover !lt. Ryde Ma~ters Capt. J. R.N. Lind st. Ryrle Romsey Morant C. esq. Upham cott. Bishop's Masters Mr. J. Peel terrace, Landport Millarrl Hev. J. Church l'lt. Lymington Waltham Masters Mr. J. Player street, Ryde Millard H. esq. Hound, Southampton , Morant G. esq. Farnborough pl.Bagshot M a ton G. esq. 25 Land port ter.Southsea Millaway Mr. W. 40 Prince George's st.' Morant G.J. esq. South Hayling,H a vant Matson Misses J. & E. Sea field lodge, Portsea Morant J. esq. Hrockenhurt!t, Lyndhurst Emsworth Miller Rev. Sir T. C. hart. M.A. Froyle, Morby Mrs. Forton, Gosport Matson C. esq. Seafield Iodl!'e, Emswrth Alton · Mordaunr. Miss E. Bournemouth, Poole Matthews Capt. M.R.N.Cosham,Ptsmth Miller Rev. J. 4 Clifton ter. Winchester Moresby Mrs. Bellevue pi. Southamptn Matthews Rev. H. S. B.A.Bentwtb.Altn Miller G. esq. 5 Gloucester pl. Sont.hsea l\Joreton Hon. A. Bembrid~e, Ryde Matthews Mrs. M. Itchen, Southamptn Miller Mr. H. J. Broad street, So11thsea Morey Mrs. Sheet, PeterE'fidd Maturin Rev. B. A.B. Bellevue cottage, Miller J .esq. 96 St.Thomas' st .Portsmth Morey Mrs. M. A. 5 John street, Ryde Lymington Miller Mr. J. Sbertield, Basingstoke Morgan Mr. M. Northwood, West Cowes Maturir1 Rev. C. H. M.A. Vicarage, Miller Miss, Anstey Manor house, Alton Morgan Miss M. A. 39 Southampton Ringwood Miller R. e~q. Muscliff, Christchurch buildin~,rs, Lymington Maturin Miss, Vicarage, Ringwood Miller :Mr. T. Overton Moriarty H.A.esq. R.N.Mileenrl,~ndprt l\Iaughan :Miss, Son.rbampton rd. Romsy Miller W .T.esq. Kn~stn. cross, Land port Morley C. esq. the Close, Winchester Maunder Mr. G. Bell street, Romsey Miller W. V. esq. 4 Beaumout terrace, Morley Mrs. Louisa Evelyn, l Beresford Maurice Rev.J .P .Michelmarsh,Romsey Buck land, Land port place, South~ea l\Iaverly Mr.J. H. 9Cold>barhour,Gsprt Milletl Mr. H.IO Cold harbour,Gosport Morri~ Sir J. bt. Southsea ho. Southsea l\Iaxton Mrs. High street, Fareham Millidge Mr. E. York ~treet, Go8port Morris Hev.J.L.M.A.Highclere, Newbry Maxwell Mrs"'M. 3 Vernon sq. Ryde Millidge Mr. G. I Clarendon pl.Southsea Morris Rev. T. Argo villa, Whitchurch May E. esq. Colehrook st. Winchester Milligan Mr. R. Ea~t ridKe, Belvedere rd ~Torris Hev. W. Sarisbury, Fareham May F. C. esq. Alverstoke, Gosport Millman J. esq. Mill brook, Southampton Morris Mr. J. R. Mall, Newport May J. eilq. 26 Pyle street, Newport Mills J. esq. Bistern park, Rin~wood Morris Miss, Titchtield, Fareham May J. esq. Mile end villa, Romsey Mills Miss, 5 Cnmbury ter.Sonthampton Morris Mr. T. Shirley, SouthHmpton l\Iay T. esq. Monk SherbornP.,Ea~ingstk Mills Mrs. Bi~hopstoke, Winchester Morrison S. esq. Nether Wallcp May W. esq. Broadwater, Romsey Mills Mrs. Alverstoke,Gosport Morrison Mi~s 8. Sanrlhill, RJde Maybury A. K. e~q. Queen ~t. Emswrth Mills Mr. W. 7 Gold street, Soutl1sea J\forse Rev.H.M.A.Havantrd.Emsworlh Maynard Hon. Miss J. A. 6 Mariuo- Milner Rev. E. W. M·.A. 21 Penny street, Morse Mr. '1'. Alverstoke, Go• port parade, Ventnor Portsmouth Mortimer J. e>q. Clifton, Godshill Mayo Mrs. A. High street, Andover Milner Rev.J. Walhampton, Lymington MortimerJ.esq.M.n.Portland bo. Gosprt Mayo C. esq. St. Peter's st. Winchester Minchin Mr~. S.Castle ter. West Cowes Mortimer Mrs. M. A. Grately, Ando~er M each Miss, Fitzgerald pl.Southampton Minchin W.esq.45St.GeorgP.'s sq.Port~ea Mortimer T. esq. Bridge street, And over Meade Rev. H. Madeira villa, Veutnor Minns Mr. R. 19 St. Paul's sq. 8outbse11 Mortimer vV. esq. 106 High st. Newport Meadon Mr. J. B. Alton Minter J. M.n.4 Glot.~cesterpl.Southsea Morton the Hon. A. H. Spencer rd.Ryde Meadows Rev. F. 5 High st. Gosport Minty R. esq. the Spain, Petersfield Morton Mrs. An~Iesey, Gosport Meadows Mr. G. 4 St. Mark's pl.Gosprt Mist A. esq. lbhesley, Ringwood Mosbery G.e~q. Kingston cres.Landport lVIeares J. esq. Gwydyr house, Newport Mitchell Li.eut. W .R.N. Fawley ,Sthmpln MosdeH Misses, Ibthorpe, Hurstboume Mears Mr. J. Stratfld. Turgi~,Basingstk Mitchell Rev.F.l49 High st.Portsmouth Tarrant M ears Mr. R. High st. Bishop'sWalthm Mitcbell Rev. H. B.A. Hook, Winchfield Moser Mr. L. 2 Spring pl.Hili,Stlwmptn Medhurst E. esq. Highclere, N ewberry Mite hell Misses M. A.& J. Buckingham Mosse J. R. esq. High street, Fare ham Megginson B. esq. 61 High st.Port.smth road, Ryde Mosse R. L. esq. Ea~t street, Fareham 1\Ieggs G. esq. Alverstoke, Gosport Mitchell Mrs. & Mi~s, Brading, Ryde Moth T. esq. East011 Meik Miss, 2:3 High street, Portsmouth MitchellC.e~q.M.n.Carisbrooke Newprt Mott A. e~q. Binsted, Alton Meilan Mrs. E. Ross cot. Lr. Dover st Mitchell Mr.J. Poplar cott. Abbolt'<l Ann Mott Mr. T. Land port road, Land port Meller:~h C. J. esq. Dragon st. Petersfld Mitchell Mrs ..J .1~ Cottage gr. Southsea Mottley Capt. T. R.A. Cams, South~ea Menefy Mr. H. London road, Andover Mitchell Mr. Hazeley hea1h, Winchfield Mottley :Miss M. 64. St. Thomas' street, Menzies Rev. W.4Portland ter.vVnchstr Mitcbell Mrs. Freshwater, Yarmouth Portsmouth Menzies Mrs. J. Clamatns cot.Bonchrch Mitchell Mrs. 67 St. Thomas' st. Prtsmth Mottley Mr. W. Peru villa, South sea Mercer Col. R. R.M. Cassillis ho.Sthsea M itch ell Mrs. M. A. Spencer road, RydP Mould Mr. 'f. Easton Mereditb J. esq.l High street, Go:;port Mitchell W.e~q. Market >q. Peterstield Mount Hev. R. 1 t3ugle st. Southamptn Meriton Miss, Curdridge corn. Botley Mitchell W. H. esq. 128 High street, Mountain Mrs. C. Langbrooke, Havant Merriman Mr. W. 16 Crms st. Portsea Portsmouth Mountain Miss C. Convent ho. Havant Mersh Mr. R. A. Buckland, Land port Mitchell W. H. F. esq. Nelson pi. Ry~e Mourow Mrs. L. Bournemouth, Poole Messenger Miss J. Anstey, Alton Mitchison \V. e5q. R. N.Bittern, ~thmptn Mowls Mr. S. Aldersholt, Farnbam Messum Mr. J. Cupernham, Romsey Moffatt Major B. Cliftou pi. Winchester Muggeridge Mrs. Bentley, Farnham Me .. sum J. Y. esq. R.N. 2 Union terrace, M oiler Rev. C. B.A. Hordle, Lymington M ulcock H. J. esq. Ropley, Aires ford Landport Moller Rev. G. H. Burton, Ringwood Mullens G. R. esq. Farlington, Ha\"ant Me taxa Countess M. 1 Bridgstock ter- Mollett Mr.J .H .5 Cranbury pi. Sthmptn .M ullett Mr. J. 3 Belle vue ter. South sea race, Ryde Mondey T. esq. Titchtield, Farebam Mulock Mrs. A. 8 Bdlevuepl.Sth11mptn Metcalfe Mrs. A. Mansfield ho. Ringwd Mongan Rev. J.C.M.A.Herriard,Basing- Muuday Miss, Fawley, Southampton Metcalfe H. esq. Vernalls, Lyndhurst stoke Munday Mrs. M. St. Mary Bourue Mew E. esq. Mouse hill, Wootton Monk Mrs. High street, Odiham Mundy Major R.M.Hollybank,Emswrth Mew J. A. esq. Quay street, Newport Monk Mrs.North Warnborough,Odiham Mundy H. esy. Rack clo.-H~, Anduver Mew Mis~ J. Player street, Ryde Monro Rev.P.M.A.Colden com.Twyford Mundy Mrs. Abbey, Romsey Meyrick Mr. W. 35 Melville st. Ryde Monro Mrs. Bridge house, Twyford Munro Mrs.Atdermoor,Shirley,Sthmptn Miall Capt. G. G. R.N. 4 Mile emi ter- Montagu Lady A. Syduey terrace, Ryde M urhead P. esq. Berry road, Go;; port race, Landport Moody Misses, Froyle, Alton Murray Rev. A. M.A. North W:Jitbam Miall Mr. D. Buckland, Landport Moody Miss E.J.Clmrcb st.Basin(!stoke Murray A. esq. Portsmouth dockyard Michell Capt. Nelson pl. Lymin~ton t\'Ioody J.S.esq.Chilworth ho.Soutbmptn Murray Mr. J. Amelia st. Land port J\iichell Misses, Yewberry, Southamptn Moody Mr.
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