XNQNAL^ FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 ^ VOLUME 6 NUMBER 41 Washington, Friday, February 28, 1941 The President § 403.71 of said regulations is amended CONTENTS to read, as follows: THE PRESIDENT § 403.71 Manner of payment of in­ EXECUTIVE ORDER Executive Order: Page demnity. The indemnity under any in­ Jonesport, Maine, customs port Extending the Lim its of the Customs surance contract for which the Corpora­ of entry, limits extended—._ 1187 P ort of E ntry of J onesport, M aine, tion may be liable shall be paid by in Customs Collection District No. 1 immediate settlement in the cash equiv­ RULES, REGULATIONS, (Maine and New H ampshire) alent or by deferred settlement. The ORDERS insured may indicate in his statement in By virtue of the authority vested in proof of loss whether he wishes the in­ T itle 7—Agriculture: me by section 1 of the act of August 1, demnity to be paid by immediate settle­ Federal Crop Insurance Corpo­ 1914, 38 Stat. 609, 623 (U.S.C., title 19, ment in the cash equivalent or by de­ ration: sec. 2), it is ordered that the limits of ferred settlement, but the Corporation 1941 wheat crop insurance, in­ the customs port of entry of Jonesport, reserves the right to make payment in demnity regulations Maine, in Customs Collection District No. a form other than that indicated by the amended_____________ 1187 1 (Maine and New Hampshire), be, and insured. If the insured indicates that Surplus Marketing Administra­ they are hereby, extended to include the a deferred settlement is desired, the Cor­ tion: towns (townships) of Beals, Jonesboro, poration will issue a certificate of in­ Milk handling orders amend­ Roque Bluffs, and Machiasport, State of demnity to the insured indicating the ed, marketing areas: Maine. number of bushels of indemnity due and Fort Wayne, Ind________ 1189 This order shall become effective on the date of approval of the statement in Omaha-Nebraska------------ 1189 the thirtieth day following the date proof of loss. This certificate of indem­ T itle 16—Commercial P ractices: hereof. nity may be used— Federal Trade Commission: F ranklin D R oosevelt Cease and desist orders: (a) To establish the cash equivalent The W hite H ouse, H & D Sales Co., et al____ 1190 February 25, 1941. of the indemnity; Hall, E. W______________ 1190 (b) To secure a loan made available Jacobs Candy Co., Inc----- 1191 [No. 8695] by the Commodity Credit Corporation; T itle 17—Commodity and Secu­ or [P. R. Doc. 41-1417; Piled, February 26, 1941; rities Exchanges: 12:38 p. m.] (c) To secure a warehouse receipt if Securities and Exchange Com­ wheat is available. mission : § 403.72 of said regulations is amended Investment Company Act of ■ Rules, Regulations, Orders to read, as follows: 1940, underwriting of in­ dustrial issues_________ 1191 § 403.72 Immediate payment of in­ T itle 30—Mineral R esources: demnity in the cash equivalent. Where TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Bituminous Coal Division: an indemnity is paid in cash equivalent Little Valley Coal Co., mini­ CHAPTER IV—FEDERAL CROP by immediate settlement, the amount mum price schedule; re­ INSURANCE CORPORATION thereof shall be computed by multiplying lief granted___________ 1192 [FCI-Regulations-101-W ] the amount of loss, in terms of bushels of wheat, of the class and grade specified NOTICES Part 403—1941 W heat Crop I nsurance for the payment of the premium for the R egulations insurance contract, by the price of such Department of Agriculture: wheat at the current basic market, as Surplus Marketing Administra­ PAYMENT OF INDEMNITY, AMENDMENTS tion: determined by the Corporation, less the Omaha-Council Bluffs Mar­ By virtue of the authority vested in the amount per bushel fixed by the Corpora­ Federal Crop Insurance Corporation by keting Area, handling of tion representing the price differential. m ilk (2 documents)____ 1204 the Federal Crop Insurance Act, ap­ The current basic market price for any proved February 16, 1938, as amended by Department of the Interior: Public Law No. 691, 75th Congress, ap­ class or grade of wheat at such basic Bituminous Coal Division: proved June 22, 1938, the Wheat Crop market shall be the basic market price, Berwind Fuel Co., et al., re­ Insurance Regulations1 are amended, as determined by the Corporation, for the lief granted_________ — 1198 follows: day when the claim for indemnity is Carrs Fork Coal Co., proceed­ approved for payment by the Cor­ ings dismissed________ 1198 16 P.R. 2253. poration. (Continued on next page) 1187 1188 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, February 28, 1941 CONTENTS—Continued day, the date of the next following busi­ ness day shall be used. Subject to the Navy Department—Continued provisions of paragraph (b), the certifi­ FEDERÄLÄREGISTER Contract summaries—Con. PaSe cate of indemnity shall not be assignable, ■V. I»3 « Sun Shipbuilding and Dry and the provisions of §§403.84, 403.86, Dock Co. (2 documents) _ 1197 403.87, 403.89 shall be applicable to all Turner Construction Co------ 1195 settlements effected by means of a cer­ Virginia Engineering Co------ 1194 tificate of indemnity; Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Securities and Exchange Commis­ and days following legal holidays by the (b) To secure a loan made available Division of the Federal Register, The National sion: by the Commodity Credit Corporation (if Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Hearings: loans are made available with respect to tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Backstay Welt Co_________ 1205 the 1941 wheat crop), in accordance with July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Federal Water Service Corp., tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ et al. (postponed)______ 1205 instructions issued by the Commodity mittee, approved by the President, Credit Corporation. The insured, on a The Administrative Committee consists of Stonewall Electric Co., et al., ap­ form prescribed by the Corporation, may. th e Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer plication granted________ 1205 of the Department of Justice designated by War Department: at any time during the period of the loan, the Attorney General, and the Public Printer notify the Corporation that he desires or Acting Public Printer. Contract summaries: to liquidate such loan, and request that The daily issue of the F ederal R egister James, T. L., & Co., Inc_____ 1193 the cash equivalent of the indemnity be will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Pressed Steel Car Co., Inc___ 1192 of postage, for $1.25 per m onth or $12.50 per established. The cash equivalent of the year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in indemnity will be established on the basis advance. Remit money order payable to the of the prices in effect on the date that Superintendent of Documents directly to the § 403.73 of said regulations is amended Governm ent Printing Office, W ashington, D. C. the request of the insured is received in to read, as follows: the appropriate branch office of the Cor­ § 403.73 Payment of indemnity by poration. The amount of the cash equiv­ deferred settlement. Where the insured alent shall be computed in the same man­ CONTENTS—Continued has indicated that a deferred settlement ner as is provided in paragraph (a). If Department of the Interior—Con. is desired, the Corporation will issue a the amount of the cash equivalent is not Bituminous Coal Division—Con. Pa§e certificate of indemnity to the insured sufficient to liquidate the loan and Cease and desist orders: indicating the number of bushels of in­ charges in connection therewith, the Magic City Coal Co---------- 1202 demnity due and the date of approval Corporation shall notify the producer of Vande Ven, Geo_________ 1202 of the statement in proof of loss. This this fact; District No. 8, relief denied— 1200 certificate of indemnity may be used: (c) To secure a warehouse receipt, if Hearings, etc.: (a) To establish the cash equivalent the Corporation determines that wheat is Consumers’ Counsel Divi­ of the indemnity, in which case the in­ available for the payment of the indem­ sion, et al___________ 1197 sured shall give notice to the Corpora­ nity, at any time prior to the expiration District No. 10__________ 1200 tion, by signing the certificate and re­ of the certificate of indemnity. Where District No. 11__________ 1198 turning the same to the appropriate an indemnity is paid in wheat, payment Enos Coal Mining Co_____ 1201 branch office of the Corporation, that he shall be made in the form of a warehouse Georges Creek Coal Co____ 1198 desires his cash equivalent to be estab­ receipt representing flat wheat of the Jensen, G. B., Coal Co., et al_ 1201 lished. The cash equivalent shall be de­ number of bushels approved by the Cor­ Midland Electric Coal Corp_ 1197 termined in the manner provided in sec­ poration as the amount of loss or of such Wahl, René_____________ 1202 tion 72 except that (1) the basic market portion thereof as the insured may re­ Witherspoon, J. L_______ 1202 price used shall be the basic market quest, and of the basic class and grade Office of Indian Affairs: price, as determined by the Corporation, specified for the payment of the premium Nevada, proclamation of an for the day when the certificate of in­ for the insurance contract, or its equiva­ Indian reservation_____ 1203 demnity is received in the appropriate lent in wheat of any other class, grade, or Federal Security Agency: branch office of the Corporation or the quality, as determined by the Corpora­ Food and Drug Administration: date of the expiration of the certificate tion. However, in any case where the Canned peaches, etc., stand­ of indemnity, whichever is earlier, and indemnity or any portion thereof is paid ards of quality; hearing_1204 (2) a deduction shall be made, in addition in wheat, a deduction will be made of a Navy Department : to the deduction of the price differential, number of bushels equal in value to the Contract summaries: of an amount per bushel, based on the deduction that would have been made Aberthaw Co______________ 1196 length of time elapsing between the date under paragraph (a) had the indemnity Austin Co________________ 1196 of approval of the statement in proof been paid in the cash equivalent.
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