C as S CITY C HRONICLE ® m~>co~TYCLASS CITY ENTERPRISE, c~o~Ic~, Es~blIsheds~,,~a~=~co=~o~ia~a in 1881 [ April 2.0, 1906, CASS CITY, M|CH "~ FRIDAY, AUOUST 12, ~gm. Vol. 5, No. 16 COMING FAIRS. The meetings of the association as MILl O[ STYli ROAI) y. P. A. CONV[NIiOt well as the camp fires to be held on Following are the dates of com- Thursday and Friday evenings will N[ARLY COMP[[I[D ing f~irs to be held this fall: /iT ChSS CiTY • S A take place in a large tent in the vil- LE Cass City fair, Sept. 27-30. lage park Which will be lighted with GRAVEL LAYING W~LV BE F~N- Thumb District fair at Port Hu- WiLL BE HELD AUGUST 24, 25 electric lights. !SHED NEXT WEEK. AND 26. the ivlayvnle i~and wilt give an Huron County fair, Bad Axe, Oct. open air concert Wednesday evening, 4-7. and will furnish music Thursday and Scarcity of Help Has De~ayed Work CON TINUES Imlay City fair, Oct. 4-6. Re-Opening Services of Evangelical Friday, day and evening. Somewhat. Another Mile Deckerville fair, Sept. 13-15. Church Will" Be Conducted There will be a long list of prom- to Be Built. Croswell fair, Sept. 28-30. on August 28. inent speakers on the camp fire pro- North Branch fair, Sept. 28-30. grams. The three cand,idates for Armada fair, Oct. 5-7o A. T. Overman, the contractor, ex- The brick work on the Evangeli- governor, the two, candidates for Ut~i- Caro fair, Aug. 30-Sept. 2. bill| Suits from per cent pects to complete the mile of state cal church will be completed this ted States Senator, Congressman. State fair, Detroit, Sept. 19-24. road between the East' river bridge week, the carpenters are busy in Fordney and his Opponent, Hon. I~rn- to 3o. per cent Discount. and the county line early next week. putting up the inside w~)od-work .and mW Townsend, of Saginaw, Congress- All the work has been done on the placing the new windows, and the man McMorran, of Port Huron, and Canvas Oxfords and Shirts left from last week's job except the laying of the gravel [LLIN6ION outside painting is well under way. Hon. L. C. Crampton, of Lapeer, and: sale 1=2 PKICE. ~ and five-~ighths of that was complet- The building committee expect to others, have been invited to be pres- ed Tuesday. have the building in readiness for ent and speak or to send some one Mr. Overman has been hampered the re-opening services which have to represent them. somewhat by the scarcity of help, D. KNOX HANNA FOR SHERIFF. been arranged to take place on Sun- There will be' ball games on Thurs- Other Oxfords And Shoes [rom [I owing to the busy season on the day, August 28. Rev. George John- day and Friday, also horse ]-aces one day at least. farms. This week the force was "Will Do Duty to Best of My Ability son of Cleveland, Ohio, will ass.ist larger than when the gravelling was the pastor, Roy. J. A. Schweitzer, in A feature of Friday's program will and Give Everybody Square 20% to first started, 11 and 12 teams being the services on that occasion. be a foot race betw:een the four 4096 Deal." Tuscola county candidates for sheriff. on the job, and the w~ork progressed Previous to the re-opening ser- more rapidly and satisfactorily. vices, a Young Peoples' Alliance con- DI, COUNT After this mile is completed, the I desire to announce to the Repub- vention of the Flint District will be building of the mile of state road 5can voters of Tuscola county my held in the new church, commenc- sTAIII[[Y GMllAM running one mile south from the candidacy for nomination as sheriff Contitt~t~ed on el~}~th ~&~e~ J. D. CRONBY C& 8ON Betl~el church will commence. This at the Primary election to be held sOIl) TO ROCll[ST[R Mr. Overman anticipates will be September next. completed in less time because help The township of Ellington in Bl lN(i [XliiBIls BALL PLAYER ADVANCED TO will be more easily procured, tt will which I reside, has never had repres- HIGHER LEAGUE. probably be finished in six weeks. entation on the republican ticket in R) TH[ fAIR ¢ The second mile will contain more culverts than the first, but they will Has Been Kazoo's Mainstay Behind PREPARATIONS SHOULD BEGIN be small ones. The largest one the Bat and Did Excellent bo.ilt east of town had a !0-foot span. NOW FOR THE EVENT° "lr sectirte" Work. GOES TO OREGON TO TEACH. Good Displays of Products and Stock Will shoo the flie from Stanley Graham] the star catcher Are Lead!ng Factors for its on the Kalamazoo base ball team, Fred A. Tiedgen, Formerly Superin- Success. has been advanced to a higher ' Horses and Cattle. We tendent at Cass City Schools. league, having been sold by the Ka o zoo management to Rochester, N. Y. Guarantee it. Try it. Fred A. Tiedgen, formerly super- It is timely to suggest to farmers The sale was formally completed re- intendent of the Cass City Schools, and village folks alike to plan their cently and he is to report at Roches- has accepted a position as superin- exhibits for the annual fair Which ter August 19. The price paid was tendent of the schools at Marshfield, Will be hed at Cass City Sept. 27, 28, Wood's Drug 8tore $~,000. Oregon, a place of about 5,000 in- 29 and 30. Stanley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. habitants. For the past two years he D. Knox Hanna. One of the chief things which has made the fair useful is the d,isplay has been in charge of the public this county and my friends at home of products in various departments. schools at Mason. The school board have urged me to become a candi- We are "Watching" " An attractive exhibit is always in- at that place expected him to re- date, hoping that at this time we teresting to visitors, and the greater main another year and have not as may have the favor of voters on elec. the exhibit of high class articles the yet found a man to fill his place. tlon day. Lots of People more satisfactory is the fah'. Mr. Tiedgen graduated at Olivet Having served three years as su- Everybody should think of "taking pervisor of my home township; the something to the fair." it iS this These Days first Republican supervisor to be class of exhibits which, creates the ei6cted there in a great many years, greatest interest in the fair afl'd a You wou!d hardly beiieve how our watch trade has grown I am encouraged to believe that I will much bettm-~ a~3d more representa- and is growing. be treated fairly in this matter. •rive list of products is thus secured. If I am honored by the, nomination ~[ Of course, we understand why--so wita you if you will ex- If you have som4 corn, wheat, fruit, and election to this office I shall live stock, home made household art- amine our watch stock. have "out one pledge to redeem: To icles, etc., which you consider a lit- You simpiy must be convinced by our arguments. do my duty to the best of my ability tle better than the average, put them and to give everybody a square deal, in the most attractive con.dition and q'hey are as conyincing as that two and two make four. (Adv) D. ENOX HANNA. take them to the fair. Briefly it is this way--you want to buy a Watch, and we have the watch that you ought to want to own° Let's get together. SMAll PP[[ ° SO[gl[RS' RI:UNION, Is/iT MAYvI[[[ A. H. ttlGGIN$, FROSTS~ INSECTS AND DRY VETERAN'S ASSOC[AT[O N OF Jeweler ~nd Optometrist, WEATHER THE CAUSE. FIVE COUNTIES. Cass City, Hichigan. Peaches A]so Be!ow Average--Wheat WiEI Meet on Aug. 17~ 18 and 19. Yield Good But Sqme Other Camp Fires, Prominent Fred A, Tiedgen. Crops Short. Speakers,, Etc. REDUCT|ON iN college in 1900 and in the intervals The 14alamazoo Evening Telegraph of his teaching since then has been According to the monthly crop re- At ~he last meeting of the Five gave his season record Friday a,s working at the U. of M. for a de- port issued from the office of the County Veterans' Association held follows: gree. He was at the head of the secretary of state, the severe frosts last yem- at Sandusky, the place of Pat Graham has been Kalamazoo's LAWNS Vermontville schools four years and in the budding season, ravages of in- meeting this Year was not decided mainstay behind the bat this season taught for a year in the Detroit sects and the extremely dry and hot upon. and it was left with the execu- and has done excellent w.ork, though University school. weather during the month of July tive committee to select the place. since an injury received about 30 At Mrs. Parker's this week. have so injured the apple crop that Mayville recently extended an invi, days ago he hasn't been at his best. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. this year's yield wall be the lightest tation to the old soldiers to come In 58 games he has batted .251, hav- in the past ten years.
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