THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON NOVEMBER,, 1943 VOLUME XXX NUMBER ONE The Convention Group Assembled at the Westchester Country Club, Rye, New Vork, June 19, 1943. The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Published in November, January, March and June by THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON, a Corporation not for pecuniary profit, organized under the laws of Illinois. Volume XXX November, 1943 Number 1 AN OPEN FORUM FOR THE FREE DISCUSSION OF FRATERNITY MATTERS 7A^ THIS ISSUE Page One Hundred and Tenth Convention 2 The Lighter Side, by Buell A. Patterson, Omega '17 3 The Psi Upsilon Scene 5 ExECUTTVE Council Meetings 8 Psi U Personality of the Month 11 The Chapters Speak 12 Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association 13 Kappa Chapter Centennial 14 In Memoriam 15 "On to the Fields of Glory" 28 Names in the News 30 Psi Upsilon Directory 32 EDITOR Edward C. Peattie, Phi '06 ALUMNI EDITOR Robert A. Eichelberger, Tau '26 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE DIAMOND John C. Esty, Gamma '22, Chairman Jerome W. Brush, Jr., Delta Delta '39 A. Northey Jones, Beta Beta '17 Herbert J. Flagg, Theta Theta '12 (ex-officio) J. J. E. Hessey, Nu '13 Edward T. Richards, Sigma '27 Scott Tiirner, Phi '02 (ex-officio) Business and Editorial Offices Room 510, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Life Subscription, $15; By Subscription, $1.00 per year; Single Copies, 50 cents Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1936, at the Post Office at Menasha, Wiscormn, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Paragraph 4, Section 538, Act of February 28, 1925, authorized January 8, 1936 ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH CONVENTION annual Convention held in the Beta Beta '17, LeRoy J. Weed, Theta THE110th year of the Psi Upsilon Frater '01, and Henry N. Woolman, Tau '96. nity, under the auspices of the Execu At the suggestion of the Executive tive Council, w^as called to order at the Council, the Chapters had appointed Westchester Country Club, Rye, New alumni delegates to this and future York, by Scott Tumer, Phi '02, Presi Conventions and had also empowered dent of the Executive Council, who the Council to appoint delegates for after welcoming the delegates, ap them in the event that the delegates ap pointed Stephen G. Kent, Delta Delta pointed by the Chapters should be un 11, Secretary of the Executive Council, able to attend any Convention. This as Temporary Recorder. action was approved. Over sixty members of the Frater An important appointment an nity, delegates and others, attended in nounced during the Convention was the course of the day. that of Richard M. Ross, Lambda '20, The Records of the Convention have President of the Lambda Alumni Asso been pubhshed in a confidential book ciation, as Archivist. let and have been sent to the Chapters A resolution was adopted welcoming and the Presidents of the Chapter the Epsilon Nu Chapter, which was in Alumni Associations. stalled on April 17, 1943, at Michigan One of the most interesting decisions State CoUege, Lansing, Michigan, into reached was a resolution the purpose the Fratemity. of which was to broaden the previous The Executive Council announced provision of the Constitution so that in that in January, 1943, a joint Council- addition to alumni who reside in the Governors Committee on War Prob place where a Chapter is located other lems had been appointed which had alumni can become active members. endeavored to advise and assist the This Vidll be particularly useful in Chapters in their efforts to cope vvdth providing a mechanism for reviving the the difficulties brought about by the active Chapter following the war in war. those cases where a Chapter has no The Council reported that despite local alumni. war conditions, our Chapters had main There have been a number of cases tained a remarkable degree of vitaHty in the past where it was found desir during the year just concluded. The able to hold a Convention in New York annual reports submitted on March 1, under the auspices of the Executive 1943, showed an increase of 61 over the Council. The first case occurred in 1858. 1942 active membership, and a gain of Then in 1918 and later in 1934 Con 16 over the more normal 1941 figure. ventions were again held under the This increase was, of course, more than auspices of the Executive Council. No offset by the increase in those leaving Convention was held in 1917, which college, the number of those graduating was the first and only break in the con and of those leaving without graduat tinuity since 1841, although a quorum ing both being considerably larger than does not seem to have been present in the figures for 1942. The reason for the the Civil War year of 1862. increase is indicated by the fact that The following brothers were elected more than 82% of those who left col to the Executive Council for the usual lege before graduation did so in order term of five years: A. Northey Jones, to enter the Armed Forces. THE LIGHTER SIDE By Buell A. Patterson, Omega '17 "HAVE NOT" became a "Have" of four delegates for the outlander's A when the Psi Upsilon Convention chapter. Little did they know when of 1943 assembled at Mr. Westchester's they pledged him and he sat down to famed New York. Country Club, Rye, the chapter board that fame and recog To one who had never attended a con nition was to come to him, even though vention, even at the advanced age late in life. which must be the lot of one who bade More research as to whether those his farewell in campus the original fu recurrent letters were t's or I's brought tile to make the attempt world safe for to hght the names of the other mem our American standards, the sessions bers of the quartet, and they were con were stimulating. (And mildly, you can tacted. They all said, "Well, if you are that say again.) going, we will go." No backing out from The average undergraduate visits responsibihty then, and truly, two out some other of Psi chapters U during his of the three showed up. At least the collegiate career, and meets brothers ugly duckling was able to tell them who come to his chapter house from from club managers, adult caddies, and afar. He meets many of his own almnni their ilk. He was further safeguarded and some from other chapters when by insisting that one of them go out on the latter live in his city, but he doesn't the train with him after a too-early get the over-all picture which makes up breakfast opposite Grand Central. the national significance of Psi Upsilon, There is safety in numbers, misery unless he has attended an annual con loves company or something, so that vention. He is proud that he is a Psi U, along about noon of convention day, but doesn't know all the reasons for this and directly on the spot where many pride. A convention brings out those a shudder must have been shud in reasons. 1929, the two delegates had found the Brother Peattie, saddled with the meeting room, been looked at suspi editing of The Diamond, asked the out- ciously, and finally been accepted as lander described above to write some worthy of listening to the words of wis thing in a light vein about the conven dom that flowed from the versatile tion, which should probably be capi- throat of Brother Scott Turner. Encour tahzed, and. Heaven help him and agement came from the fact that, to Brother Peattie, he is almost getting the jaundiced eyes of the duo, some editorial. The reader's indulgence is of the delegates looked even more de asked while the writer tries to tell of crepit and unhealthy than they. Some what made one delegate that way. actually looked older. One moming a letter consisting of Positive proof than they were at a illegible hen tracks across a paper, in convention came, however, only after dicating that the paper originated in committees were appointed. These the recipient's chapter house, arrived. wrangled even as committees always Recourse to codes and assistance from have, and each had its own long- other brothers in the same oflBce devel winded dissenter. There was nothing oped the fact that the letter was a re mysterious about the convention com quest to attend the Convention of Psi mittees which operated just as commit Upsilon on June 19 and to act as one tees operate under the jurisdiction of 4 THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON the Rotary Club of What Cheer, Iowa. uate days was displayed by even the Usually the delegate with the loudest most sanctimonious. Warren Agry, Zeta voice wore^ the others down or was '11, got do'wa to cases with Warren eliminated. Agry, Zeta '45, despite the flesh-colored By the time luncheon was served, hair of the senior Agry. The dinner did throats had loosened moderately, and it. delegates were discovering more bonds Songs started up at table after table, in common than just the obvious ones and even the Kenyonites would have of brotherhood. If they hadn't met be been impressed. Old friendships really fore they remembered the time so-and- were renewed and new friendships so did something or other and won were cemented by the clasped hands dered what ever had become of him.
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