M M atawan C ham ber Starts M em bership 'Drive I . oin | 'CbYSi'KJJVG ; :| THURSDAY- | J. iuTA'W iw v gososicir-: • i i m : ■-.v ; M I Homes I OF MATA'-VAN, MARI.BOKO, j All Week JSOiJWUilL ani,’ MA0ISQK- Mombe? ; Mcnvnpf i03fh YEAR — Zf,d W E E K As h -j IaUou ‘ MATAWAN, N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY If, i?S8 Now Jersey r*rcM* A j s o c l a U o o Singi® Copy Ten Cenfs :MoM^omSuii:M<ali§ - ftets-'Support.■:. I-To 'Fix -Ijcvics' For New Testimony •:■■■ Snul ..Cantor. Union, a developer Sew er Assessm ents of Savre tocuds SouUi bringing suit v.against .Madison. Tbwiwttip; tinfer v.. Bn!s. Ton runJ \:<hC-Wwt’::Park'/'Av9.'.':fuIiiig:.lu' te- :coV(ri’;f2,100,000 al|eB«<liy, cniitrlbu^ Hesideiiftt . «>f Malawan ttar- ,:ted by: fho .rfevdgpsra .undci- .alt oiif;h ui-d -lown'ihiu who would Kt, \1 duri »i gai i»d li ilt i thi like ta contribute luiids to pre- Bearing Sek ediiied\ : suii : ycisterday , : from Middlesex' scrva the tormer Ornmmtir iCmlnty. J tt- d g; : (i,fe'thi>Tn S. Sclwut belt 'tuwrr a* -#n hnian-. 1 Tim : Mnt'jtvan' Stymi: A.ssosf»in«;i‘.{‘ ; The- n;;ihwLvsionf tho'. third '"Schwarts in New; Bnmsn'tdc .for c:tl monusuinr urtt asked hy tns •ji'.r»r/h?M ihe appeal of ?cmr apifPv u j ComrntJK-ion this wock ai:f.ouitC?'.d • pt»iiUcd to fix Unit's 10 b t us sv tnet'i u'.vnery reiving to set astdft , Puder and i ’u o e r , Newark, CPAs, Bell Tower, Comniiiteo 4o do-. fit wiii hold • :t nubli^ h^arinp July VVllU (r*v;ed on. their pro^ Ut bring In u ceriitied accounting . nai«. at ttieir earnest eonven!- j ed against properly owners 124 at 8 p.m. al th.*; Ilavino Dr. to lustlfv the totat am wit-ot «Jnm- enee. ■■ ....... ................... I were WencIUtod by the .isnpru'.'t:- eiiies by UK? a-segment comniisr: \ KUtiJuV] io iis hieiliud of j j.s cc-mprized of Leroy ,Std;- tiori/'" ' '■ . ­ agijs sw ShL, M r. Canto*: iriMtitiedl Sn fur. SS5.50 biu.bsnn cub««t> .«<!.: V ';-'t.v . : -: , :,: fixing ior n jr,«j»dpur : eLs,. fhuirin.m, James. Koddin^* :.the: accounting; firm;»s serving bis «r in^provf-n^nt project Thu four. plabtilis,'. FrederlcH : cciriipsnios. :■■■ .. ■ ■■ ■ Special' aeciiunf* have been [ nnd Keiisf-alaer Cartan* . M a’ier, fornVRr-; president of; th« hack.to ) 1)62. , net up (o receive oi'natlons to j .Fiw.!!«!53-..,of -thrj first Rssoftsrrifmi borough baurd of, health; - Middle-.-, Mure ■ Gordon, suvre, Wand*., this1 caus* »t bosh (lie Centra) commisdon were r»Jl.':d invalid by township attorney: In-ank ■ Jour- sex. Apartments. r inc.;. ,.'..HayiAef.i ■ jersev jJan k und Tnist Co.'s- •iho Superior- Court after an nppea! Apartment* Inc., developers , of - nick. • • tlazlet. -. representing ihi> Mutawan nftsce and at the Far­ of levies', was made by property Madison Tfwnshlp Sewerage'-!'Al'J- Tree Haven and Ravine G&rden.?- mers and Morchantd National Guilty■ ■ *.«•-. Plea. owperru. , • - • : -•■ " Apartments; and Dr. Zayari .S.v 'thoritjj! arid Alfred";3;- H ill Perth, Bajik, M«tav/an. (.becks should , 'tum m isftun Uc!iij»ncd Amboy, representing th s . jyiadisou Ayanian, Sunset Avf;., v:ere.uplml*i-: h* mads payable to (he ' Bell A si'cuiid rommissiori. reslfined in their acUon:V to havo';fhi? a$su.;s^ Townsli'p Hoard ol Education, all Tower ComniJttefc’’ and mailed in March of;tliis year after noiify- xirenupusly. objected to tho,.recoss.- Is Entered mentis levied against -their propy, io either Charles t , Schuclc tf-p ft«g the Boroufjh Council that H erties set usido. ; • • -holding: it was giving M r.. Cantor at the f armers and Merchants could find no equitably w a y of m ia his attorney, Herbert J3. Bier- or to Charles Mandevlllo at the Three BfiyshoK} nion pleaded levying assos.srn<;i»t» for the sew- The court went f»>r(hG»' and found matt: !iayreville: time.: i mproperly. Contra! Jersev Bank. Euiity to ntOu’ii.j $171 f/wn a »viut- | cr project. - .. "... ... nil the. determination* by i)\tj as- '. to bring In sunftlinn fl J t •■hou'i The committee hnpes to raise avvun Ras. station Mandav «i;ci onft A method of assessing formu* seMsmeiU commission and tiie mity- ha VS; feen'a1 fiart o{-: jjretrla’ito , the fund* to finance a concrete of ihe three also pleaded guilty'to j Jo ted by the first; commission -was or and council bad boen bawd o a ; suit. Rift Mr. Merman contended baxa for the tun-ieut l>dl toivvr, trivial; S/14S5..'JIJ in various articles ; found inequitable by tho Superior 'an unsound approach',* in^ the.coiirfav that an tho couit had erai od > a plaque ami wrouplit linn fence troiii the hoir.u ;>f thc yuuoi. nw:j- i Court in J'oiJiuury. ’2G7 uft^V bcUi* (ip»*iiou, and - should be/ set a.S'ide.;V itiotlon'byRichard F. Plechner, to surround It on a suitable ci*. Ommry Cnliri .Utdga >1. Hay- ' hiK an appeal-by aparlmcar own­ Tht use of thc -iintde levy-jjitr-.. Metuchen, as attorney for the zon­ site. It Is. hoped that a site can mond McGow'yii .'H'.cajjied the pleas ! cv-j. The borough then ordered fronl-foot factor was found too dc- ; ing board, to have Dial body given be found for the tower hi lcr- and set Ju ly M lor sentencing. j to 'reassess properties bynefitted void, t^f rttlatinnship to truo worth.. a dismissal on rullnijo denying Mr. hum; J ’ark, directly apposite The three urc John D. Silva, 3.5 j by the .sewer i-xiensiiHr. • . and benefits ‘ . v ; Cantor a vanftnce for a hamburg­ thn Matawan fichopi* comnlex. I.iJw ity F’l., Wt.-rii Keanj-lmrj?; An- i Meanwhile, at the lYM irtYdiiW ' Judjje Lane noted that there wun- er .stand on1, Route. 516 . as pari; of. Committee nwinbers include. *»«)u nt.cohluo, 2S Hemlock Si., lion, al! property owners with the stjilute v.liifh wtiuhl ■ hsive the Sayre Woods South uivJertHk- Dr. William H. Pein(el, Ross Ha/hit. and ,i.irk Crirn^ro, Key|HJrf cxcepthw ed Uuisv who appealed- ora! bis w u ri to make >nquir;y in-*. mp. tno . total figure had thereby, Moghan. Frank Uunoan. John ; Gaidcus, Kcyport. * < Ihe assessment, must pay their tn the nsHOn'iments and have com-: been affected atid a recomputed re­ Bernardo Rodrlsuocot Union Beach (seated) onoithe photo was taken. Che clccilon (:i w i fnr next Tasslni, Koberi llardle. Mr. : Silva pleaded pidliy Uj liaving ( original levies until a new petenr .ij't-ntn's uayi^mxl fo maka port from Puder and: Puder wns of two candtdaics for the M C A ? Board o! I rtisSces i Moiidny: H«i»riwcntalivcs Nlghl is set tor Thursdnv Mandevllle and Mr. Schock. : loots and o»her n rtid ‘,“.s auch | luont bnsis is aj)|»r:n;ed. a dtMorniiiii'.fjr>u in Rfeplni; v.'ith ; needed. It was also pointed out to represent the area served by the Bnyahur* Servlro i nt ths Kevport center. Ten cumtldnlcs will In- elected renter, Keyporr, gets good news over the telephone i (hniughout (lie -rountv to icprc.teiK ilw pour. Ten i a camera, projector, jewelry, ru- i Decision Bv Court the rubii" thiit wcu> handed down. • .Judge Schwartz had. on the firs: j iiia and coins, totaling $-i'l85.30 1 The decision, handed down by lint Judftt* Lunc* loom! the day. exempted the township for irom supporters. Tho conversation gets a i lso from ! others have been solected by tl-.u Monmouth County i , (coniinm *^.0 0 page'four) ‘ Superior Court Jud^c* Merijtt I une . (continued ou pa^'.e fourV. l-'V; 8ny .loss to M r.; (.‘anior in' reject-! Rodrigue*’ campaign manager, F.mesin t r u t of | Hoard of Freeholders under tin- provisions • #f tho .ing the building of hnnies 'on , a Promoted Union Beach, Ictt, and Rlcbnrd C. Wenncr. service ! firecn AmendnuMil of 19S7 and 1(1 mure will be chosen smaller lot size on a 700 ft. square, center director. James Freuerlcks ot Cliflwood j front a cross vecttan of tlto Monmouth commuiihy. traet tha! was' toil, .over ' from the Bench, the other candidate, wa* not .present when I original development...This so felt tn affent the figures-used.1 A t Bank : : Cantor “ Shocked'' .. : , Crash Fatal To Area Man , Mr. Cantor told iti court Tues­ • Robert B. BdrloW; president, The ARMY EROSION CONTRACT day of tieinR 'shocked by •■de Cenlral , Jersey": Rank and ‘ Trust mantis ' put; upon him in Madison Company, ■ has' announccjc! the ap- Richard N. • Henry, ' 35, <>f -47! . der und severe leg cuts. She is ro . J concussion, . ’ . Township that lie build schools and' pointnu'ni of- Wllbar- F,, Schneider, Eenidale PI.. Cfiffw'ood, was fatal- \ ported In critical condition bi Perth | Another Daughter Hurt:' V ; install off > ftite sanilary sewers J21 Khvihc Dr.. Marawan. to. ua- AWARD CAUSES CONFUSION Jy injured in .u hit. and run crasn ! Amboy (ieneral 'Hospital. :: > - * „„>#i T.- when devulopmp Savre Woods sistank vice president of the .bank's Oil lhe Garden. Sm c - Pa rk w a y . ta ! Also 'reportol Uv ortH-nl «»v!i- m M m in t r i i m i i ' South,,He found -this way bayonet- Matawan officy. ; ' Aiinouncement of tho award of Woodbrldfic Thursday uiyhl His lion ,s Mrs. Jlw ry'a 11-ycnf-oM Ja rd w?il* n*..riU- S - Stt - Townahip voted to reject Introduc- (propery lo bu ’b&nefitted Is pti* Wlfo, Vivian, V.
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