BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Documents Anhui tongzhi gao 安徽通志稿 [The Draft of Comprehensive Gazetteer of Anhui Province]. Bao Shichen 包世臣. Anwu sizhong 安四种 [Four Writings of Anwu]. Bian Baodi 卞宝弟. Bian Zhijun zouyi 卞制军奏议 [Memorials of Bian Zhijun]. Chen Bangzhan 陈邦瞻. Songshi jishi benmo 宋史纪事本末 [The Separate and Full Account of Events in Song Dynasty]. Chen Zhida 陈智达. Sanjiao chuxue zhinan 三教初学指南 [Guide for Beginner of the Teaching of Three Doctrines]. Chen Zhongyu 陈衷瑜. Chenzi huigui 陈子会规 [Rules Proposed by the Master Chen]. Damingxian zhailonghua cun diaocha ziliao 大名县翟龙化村调查材料 [Materials Collected in Fieldwork in the Zhailonghua Village of Daming County]. Dayu ji 大狱记 [Great Inquisitions]. Ding Bin 丁宾. Ding qinghui gong yiji 丁清惠公遗集 [The Posthumous Collection of Writings of Ding Bin, the Lord of Cleanness and Beneficence]. Dong Shi 董史. Dongshan jicao 东山集草 [Writing Collections of the Notables]. Donghua lu 东华录 [The Donghua Annals]. Du You 杜佑. Tong dian 通典 [Encyclopedia for Institutions]. Foshuo sanhui jiuzhuan xiasheng caoxi baojuan 佛说三回九转下生漕溪宝卷 [The Precious Scroll of Twisty Descending down upon Caoxi As the Buddha Says]. Foshuo wuwei jindan jianyao keyi baojuan 佛说无为金丹拣要科仪宝卷 [The Precious Scroll of Essential Rules of None-Action Golden Elixir As the Buddha Says]. Gao Ju 高举 et al. Da Ming lü jijie 大明律集解 [Collected Commentaries on The Great Ming Code]. Gaokou cun diaocha ziliao 高口村调查资料 [Materials Collected in Fieldwork in the Gaokou Village]. Guanxian duo’erzhuang diaocha ziliao 冠县垛儿庄调查资料 [Materials Collected in Field- work in the Duoerzhuang Village of Guan County]. Guanxian xusanli zhuang diaocha cailiao 冠县徐三里庄调查材料 [Materials Collected in Fieldwork in the Xusanli Village of Guan County]. Guo Jianling 郭篯龄. JiYu shanfang shiji 吉雨山房诗集 [Poem Collection of the Auspicious-Rain House in the Mountain]. He Qiaoyuan 何乔远. Min shu 闽书 [The Fujian Gazetteer]. Fuzhou: Fujian renmin chubanshe, 1994. ——. Mingshan zang 名山藏 [The Valuables of the Immortal Bookstore]. Hong Mai 洪迈. Yi jian zhi 夷坚志 [The Record of the Listener]. Huang Baonin 黄葆年. Guiqun caotang shiji 归群草堂诗集 [Collected Poems of the Thatched Hut of Returning to the Herd]. Huang Yupian 黄育楩. Poxie xiangbian 破邪详辩 [A Detailed Refutation of Hetero- doxies]. Huang Zhen 黄震. Huangshi richao 黄氏日钞 [Personal Daily Notes]. Huang Zongxi 黄宗羲. Nanlei wenan 南雷文案 [Writing Collections of Mr. Nanlei]. ——. Mingru xuean 明儒学案 [The Scholarly History of Ming Confucianism]. Huangji jindan jiulian zhengxin guizhen huanxiang baojuan 皇极金丹九莲正信还乡宝卷 [The Precious Scroll of the Golden Elixir and Nine Lotus of the August Ultimate on Correcting Belief and Recovering Original Simplicity and Returning to Nature]. 486 bibliography Hui bao 汇报 [Collected Reports]. Jiangsu haiyun quanan 江苏海ㄬ全书 [The Complete Book of Sea Transportation of Jiangsu]. Jindaishi ziliao congkan: xinhai geming 近代史资料丛刊·辛亥革命 [Series of Primary Sources for Modern Chinese History: The 1911 Revolution]. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 1957. Jinshu zongmu 禁书总目 [The Catalogue of Banned Books]. Jiu wudai shi 旧五代史 [The Five Dynasties History]. Junjichu lu fu zouzhe 军机处录副奏折 [Transcripts of Memorial to the Throne Pre- served by the Grand Council]. Kugong wudao juan 苦功悟卷 [The Scroll of Apprehending the Way through Hard Working]. Kumarajiva 鸠摩罗什 trans. Foshuo mile xiasheng chengfo jing yishu 佛说弥勒下生成佛经义疏 [Commentary to Sutra on the Descent of Maitreya and Sutra of Maitreya’s Attain- ing Buddhahood]. Beijing: National Library of China, n.d. (This literature was annotated in the Tang Dynasty by an unknown author.) Li Guangxin 李光炘. Longchuan shichao 龙川诗钞 [The Transcription of Poems of Longchuan]. Lianghuai yanfa zhi 两淮盐法志 [The Chronicle of Salt Administration in Lianghuai]. Lidai zushu yuanliu daomai 历代祖师源流考 [The Origin and Orthodoxy of Patriarch in Each Generation]. Ligusi cun diaocha ziliao 李谷寺调查资料 [Materials Collected in Fieldwork in the Ligusi Village]. Lin Run 林润. Yuan zhi tang ji 愿治堂集 [Writing Collections of the Hall of Aspiration of Universal Order]. Lin Xiangzhe 林向哲. Oulizi ji 瓯离子集 [The Writings of Oulizi]. Lin Zhizhi 林至致. Zhuowu shiyi 卓午实义 [Reflections at Noon]. Lin zi benti jing shilüe 林子本体经释略 [Brief Interpretation to the Original Scripture of the Master Lin]. Lin zi benxing shilu 林子本行实录 [The Chronicle of the Practice of the Master Lin]. Lin zi menxian shilu 林子门贤实录 [The Chronicle of Virtuous Disciples of the Master Lin]. Lin zi nianpu 林子年谱 [The Chronicle of the Master Lin]. Lin zi quanji 林子全集 [The Complete Works of the Master Lin]. Lin zi sanjiao zhengzong tonglun 林子三教正宗统论 [Introduction to the Orthodoxy of the Master Lin’s Three-in-One Teaching]. Ling Tao 凌焘. Jiangxi shigao jishi 江西视臬纪事 [Records of Inspection Trip to Jiangxi]. Linzi sanjiao zhengzong yizhi lu 林子三教正宗易知录 [Reader for the Orthodoxy of The Master Lin’s Three-in-One Teaching]. Liu Delong 刘德隆. Liu E ji laocan youji ziliao 刘鹗及老残游记资料 [Primary Sources for Liu E and his Travels of Lao Can]. Chengdu: Sichuan renmin chubanshe, 1985. Liu Hainian 刘海年 and Yang Yifan 杨一凡 eds. Zhongguo zhenxi falü dianji jicheng 中国珍稀法律典籍集成 [The Collection of Rare-Seen Chinese Juristic Writings]. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe, 1994. Liu Kunyi 刘坤一. Liu Kunyi yiji 刘坤一遗集 [Remaining Works of Liu Kunyi]. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1959. Lu You 陆游. Laoxue an biji 老学庵笔记 [ Jottings from the Life-Long Learning Hut]. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1979. ——. Lu Fangwong quanji 陆放翁全集 [The Complete Works of Lu You]. Beijing: Zhongguo shudian, 1986. Mi zang 密藏 [Scriptures of True Words]. Ming shi 明史 [The History of Ming Dynasty]. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1974. Ming shizong shilu 明世宗实录 [The Veritable Record of the Emperor Shi of Ming Dynasty]. Mingjiang jinshan zhi 闽江金山志 [Gazetteer of Minjiang Jinshan]..
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