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Administra (1994). tion of apomorphine increases nerve Stimulated clitoral Goodnow C., “An exercise in arousal”, Chicago Tribune, intracavernosal blood flow and vaginal wall blood flow for Sunday, Womanews, Section 13, p. 8 (Dec. 14, 1997). enhanced clitoral erection and vaginal engorgement in a Abstract of Graber B. et al., “A circumvaginal muscle female. A plasma concentration of apomorphine of no more nomogram: a new diagnostic tool for evaluation of female than about 5.5 nanograms per milliliter is preferably main sexual dysfunction”, Journal Clinical Psychiatry, 42(4), tained. 157-161 (1981) as available on Medline (http://ww w.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). 15 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets 20 Before Nerve Stimulation After Nerve Stimulation arx s k P O 15 g 3 : s xt S E 10 - ESE 5 3 & 5 l- 5 - d O O - O. Apomorphine (mg/Kg) 5,945,117 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Seagraves R. 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O: O O.O5 O. 1 O.2 O.3 O.4 Apomorphine (mg/Kg) FIG, 2 U.S. Patent Aug. 31, 1999 Sheet 3 of 3 5,945,117 12O 11 O 1 OO 9 O 8O 7O 6O 5O 3O 2O A Systolic Pressure (mmHg) 1 A Diastolic Pressure (mm Hg) O.O O. 1 O.2 O.3 O.4 O.5 Apomorphine (mg/Kg) FIG, 3 5,945,117 1 2 TREATMENT OF FEMALE SEXUAL More recently, studies with males show that oral admin DYSFUNCTION istration of apomorphine can be used to induce an erection in a psychogenic male patient, as long as the apomorphine FIELD OF THE INVENTION dose required to achieve a significant erectile response is not This invention relates to dosage forms and methods for accompanied by nausea and vomiting or other Serious unde ameliorating female Sexual dysfunction. More particularly, Sirable side effects Such as arterial hypotension, flushing and this invention relates to the use of apomorphine-containing diaphoresis. See U.S. Pat. No. 5,624,677 to El-Rashidy et al. compositions for amelioration of female Sexual dysfunction. and Heaton et al., Urology, 45,200-206 (1995). The specific mechanisms by which apomorphine acts to produce an BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION erectile response in a human patient are not yet completely understood but are believed to be centrally acting through Apomorphine is a Selective dopamine receptor agonist dopamine receptor Stimulation in the medial preoptic area of that has been widely utilized as an emetic agent, Sedative, the brain. antiparkinsonian agent and a behavior altering agent. Recent 15 research and clinical Studies have demonstrated that in males It has now been found that certain controlled delivery apomorphine has an erectogenic effect manifested by penile Systems for apomorphine can provide a practical therapeutic erection. The effect of apomorphine on female Sexual func use in ameliorating Sexual dysfunction in human females tionality has not been previously investigated. while reducing the likelihood of undesirable side effects. Females also can have Sexual dysfunction that increases with age and is associated with the presence of vascular risk SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION factors and onset of menopause. Some of the vascular and muscular mechanisms that contribute to penile erection in Administration of apomorphine increases nerve Stimu the male are believed to be similar vasculogenic factors in lated clitoral intracavernoSal blood flow and vaginal wall female genital response. It is known that in Women, Sexual 25 blood flow, each of which is associated respectively with arousal is accompanied by arterial inflow which engorges enhanced clitoral erection and vaginal engorgement in a the vagina and increases vaginal lubrication and that the female. muscles in the perineum assist in achieving clitoral erection. A Sublingual apomorphine dosage form, usually contain In the female, Sexual dysfunction can arise from organic and psychogenic causes or from a combination of the ing about 2 to about 12 milligrams, preferably about 2 to foregoing. Female Sexual dysfunction includes a failure to about 8 milligrams, of apomorphine, is effective for produc attain or maintain vaginal lubrication-Swelling responses of ing Sexual readineSS in human females without inducing Sexual eXcitement until completion of the Sexual activity. Substantial nausea or other undesirable Side effects. Organic female Sexual dysfunction is known to be related in 35 Sublingually, administration is effected preferably about 15 part to vasculogenic impairment resulting in inadequate to about 20 minutes prior to Sexual activity. The plasma blood flow, vaginal engorgement insufficiency and clitoral concentration of apomorphine is maintained at no more than erection insufficiency. about 5.5 nanograms per milliliter, preferably about 0.3 to Female Sexual dysfunction has not been Studied as exten about 4 nanograms per milliliter, and more preferably about Sively as male Sexual dysfunction. This has partly been due 40 1 to about 2 nanograms per milliliter, to maintain a circu to the difficulty of obtaining volunteer female subjects and lating Serum level and mid-brain tissue level of apomorphine to the historical belief that female sexual dysfunction was during the period of Sexual activity Sufficient to maintain orgasmic-related (delayed or non-orgasmic) or libido and vaginal engorgement, its associated lubrication and clitoral hence lacked an appropriate animal model. 45 erection during coitus, but less than the amount that induces The use of New Zealand White male rabbits as animal Substantial nausea. models for impotence has been well established.
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