GABBING \\ [TH 61STER .ANINTER\ IE\\ \\ 1TH \\. 1.1 D. HEADIINERS 1ADT N/.\ l’;§{\11 STUDENT LIFE THE INDEPENDENT NE\\'SPAPER ()F \VASHINGTON 1‘NT\'T{RSI'1‘Y TN [.0118 SlN1‘lC 1\T\ VOLTTME 128. N1). 17 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. Jittttx \\ \\ “511131 111310;“ WU houses only stem cell Analysis: where does your researcher in Missouri activity fee go? Tno sLLLs to pL-i'nIIInL-uth L-n» on their researL‘h iLILIlItIL-\, HT \t‘ tI'II|\ hL~1iL\L IhIII \lh BVTRDV WIS Ni N'; EDITOTL ‘KIlnH \iiswurIIIiI”searchers' HhTCh embrmniL «tom 14‘“ 1’1" mutt should thL (I('S\ to nannnalh a prowd seath “Ould p1a\ a deIIr T't'llt LT11"\\ For all ihi tT)nTTIt\I‘TN\ sur» siemLL-Llllins FathL-gislame “Ill he halted it the lanlaTHL‘ \LIIIItl to IIILLLL sure I rounding I‘mllr§1)nlt \lt'm Lell susinn in rLLL-nt hlslrtr) has fails to pahs. sL'arL‘hL rs LIIu hIIw the same "W Student Unio] researth \mshmgmn I mu I proposed hills to ban use OT Th the Lnnersin iIsLli mm“ \\L Lion't “Iint \T|\\I>lll'i sit\ houses the nnlx \llKNHLll'l thesL- LLlls Though none hau- does notplanLLIn IIm s L Tit be \1I'TT Its an Ilnllwkl1‘ll11' spends its money 1 St ILntisI. James lluetiner. In pdNNt‘d ILL. oi \Lt. Tarroh said pensions It does \LIsh to make ~181l'.b1l1 It tltL IriitIIIth huh IIsL»IheLL-llsinhisldh Allothvr LmhrmIiIL stem Lell reseath Ithe LL-lls full\ maildhle inr and ”11‘ ettorts oi our oppo» instant Ls oi stem LL»ll rLsLath 7 ris \, aoll its reLathLr,IiLLord l'TI‘TTls ~uL LLL»Li, ”in |\ IIlIL-rL \\1‘ Ten Largest Student Group Ends“: or usL in IhL sIIItL In\nl\e adult “ll rL-sLIithLrs I ra\ L' led In}: to Tom “esterhnuse tlIL Hill h1" sIIILi Tar 1) Tail 31 sIL» III (I Us oranimal lines dLmn this rLoadt hL\ \ha\ E\Lcuti\e dll’E‘(l0r tor mediLIIl PL LIr ol l’IItlioloux IIiid “LIN onL- nts Ht makt thL [It stop her aust oi thempotL- niial rLImmuniLLaIInn lIIIIIIIIIIolIIm Stu\Ln TeitelinunI WWW-haunt (CH2) InnsIanITLIddo this nSPENT] threIII ol |)I'|n}.’, thrtmn In lat]. The questionable reseIIth 1\ no strJIIgLr to this pnliIILItl iMUMFlef) \\llh this threat hanging our r oth-r thrI-dts In assoLIatIon Llimate In \TTSNITUTT has nl)LLII 11llTTLTII' He is TTI'NI kntm II tor Missouri' said ( onIIiL- Tarnm. “”11 bills that haw been posed a LLInSIsIL nt prooebln red helm; III\ol\L-d III the lll'\[ L Lire yin the a llalNUn for The .\lis- by the house and smote.” she TIIrrmx, ReLenth, t\\LI HariIIrd Lit IINIL'Itpl‘ll'ITNIN. II ILIIIII Lhtld» soIirI (oalitiori lor lilesdnng said researt‘hers ultimateh retused hood bone Llixetise. He used urLs The most notable Instance tLI,]0m the SIOIIL-rs Institute be» adult stem tells to IILhiL-\e this 0m:u§ Lpast months er o! Tth hesitanu comes from Cause the political climate “as , L urL'I but heLIIuse Ihe mdtihes LIrgILnilaIinn uorlud to bring lhi' smut-rs lnstltull‘ In Kansas unfmorable tor them. The\ betueeti the 11'”\ Iind the par \iiILndinLrII TN) to thL .\Lt» (III, Mo. th\ hawopenh stIIt» \L'TL‘ both InIL-rL»sIL-Ll In embr\~ \LIIIIIL-r ballot. Amendment L»d that a planned L-\pIInsIoII oniL stem (ell reseerlt See STEM CELLS. page 8 until-h " «'LNMD‘NNNHT S'LIMNTU’ BY DAVID TABDlT “W“ BY PREETHI NILLU the number LIl LIL-signaled MAMGING EDITOR llIL LIlT\\\(’r |\ that it great CONTRIBUTING REPORTER rl\1't\ III Missouri, llIL-rL-b) number ol the studenttun elIIIIiIIIIIIIIg d](t)l‘ltl1 rL-lIItLLl One percent doesn't LIIILII LII-ms that take place on 3003, one person “as dLLIdL-nts. amount to much In Stude I ILlTlTDlIN .IrL, III least in part. killed or lnleTLed In an (“10' lhk’\\d\hlngl4tlll iIi\L'rsiI\ linion' (as thL\ iuIILlLLl In \tIILant ltnion hnl related trIIiiIL Lrash L-\LrI programs \Iill piteIIII I‘ dur ALllTlttIIN T, hours In the state o1 .\lix» mg \Lllltllltll (ollLuiIItL \an The Student .»\1Il\lll«‘\ lL-L. “It IlLl llI Among thL- groups , \IIItIstiL \ lItII \ILIIrL lll' \\ \\L»wlL.(lILI I. setannuall) atone erL‘ent ol [In uhoni IIInLls IIrL- annually relating to the Loiisruu LIII» _'l. mini Tlllllttl \iIi\ I lit HI ”11' hL' Lost Lit tuition, luIILts IhL Ls ol drunk 11T1\llltt1 LIII Hit Lo 4 litlll Lit tl.L LLIIIIIIIIHL'L'. entirety oi Student l'rtioii programming 1 ”.1 t R s \\l lh‘signIIII-Ll Llri\Lts IissLI» spu ored L-Ients. From 11“!pr Int hitting l III’TTbULlrd. The Student inledlth -\dr LIIItL-d \LiIlI 1 H Li R S. are \\ lLl) to Bauhaus to [)Imtli I. Ltlll|)|l\ Programming (‘oun- \lSUl’) Committee (SH-\C) at not LIllow-Li to imbibe dlLohol to am number of smaller Lil Illlll eam .ll. operate Washington I‘nnersm has and restaurants that Lorrob» D\L'nl$ Stude :1 lniou lfit‘) TJIINI'Il tIiT SIT funding. CPC jOtnCd other Missouri uni «Irate hith the dilterent unl» makes a large impttLt on the runs tln- \xL-Lkl) Hap y Hour \erstli b) introduSLing a Thes of “ashington l'Iint-r» equ In Htmles Plat/.3, while chapterg of 1. HT (IL- Io prmiLlL- sit) studLn lL-IIIII II is thL» group respon- atneh Helping to Establish no n aleoholn he\ L rages to ' is yea “v ’omL- 3.8m) Iin» slhlt' tor planlng Iind Lima- d Ensure an lduLIIted and designtti eLid dergradudtes and A Student ni/IIIII the Tl\l1‘1")1‘drly WILD (Mei mo restaurants Activities Fee of SL’H. gen» (ITTlt I‘FIN around .\lissouri. IIILlud- erating more than SIN mil» \I also prmidL-s t'undin non lor Th years Sponsored mg \Tlsbhslppl Nights. Mike lion III operating lunds tor to mrr :LILI rumpus student Iiruvt'wt «more 3 b\ the Missouri Trdnsportii DulII's Pub and (Irill MILIke Duffy‘s a local Dal often frequented by Washington Untvemty stu- 51'. And. although Sl‘ makes groups \xlIiLh annually ap Tlttn Department‘s 11l\l\ltlll ot lrIIiIIhreLlL \dloou are par- its budget reL'ortls publnli dents:IS tale/lg pant/Ia pt‘IIl tor tIIIIIliIIg.’TlIL-sL-i’unds ping/am sponsomdby the MISSOU/T Transporta - highum Ndl1’l\, available, mum students Nllll (Ion Department, that aims to entourage safe dnvmg dens/ans prImIIrIII IIIIIIs Itl inLrLIIsL» See C H.E.E RS . page 4 “under where their lTlUllI') See SU BUDGET, page 4 Olin frowns on online MBA GROOVY GLASS — IVIEIISALES mtnrd in the classroom, lloL lIhL-rg Iigri'LLi SIMOR STAN REPORIIR LIIIILIIL \K‘t‘\|<TTl\ llTI lude nu "IL‘LIIIIIIIL: up, lltt\\ LI” IoIIIIILi “ll“ .1 protnwr and one due» ll. Io pliHldt‘ tttil Thinking about getting an mm \llpt'l\ mun ol \tudt'nls' \mrld L'\JlTlplI\ LIIILi lldllLlN .\liH vLiIliout giving: to lex “milk on lLIIrniiiu L\IILIIL tum Is .1 IhiIIL again. NL1\ \IHTII‘ husi It ptILIII about qual- good ldld ht \IIITT 'hut l LII in \s NI hoL-l plllll\\1lf\ lI\ Loiinttol liiI thr programs,” kL-pt Lat about or” N Llllill[\ Illin \Ltinol Ill BLINltIL‘\\ \nld1dl\ liilkhtkrg‘d\\l\1d“[ to LLIIIIIol lhr qunix III IIIL ptotrwns ILLLIIlh \LIiLL-d LleIIii ol IIIILtLrurIIduIiiL» pro L \pt Tl| IILL LIIIliiiL LLIIILL in tin- .Iimui online lLIi ttIL Hlii; \leUI)l. Hut‘ \dld tmpnluh HTlIlTlt \‘al\'(l\ tl| N|l\1lll’N\ \dniiii ITTI‘IHTUT “th proLrIInis dl IItLr ; . [\lIJIIL-ll rkll€\ progranh \Tll11tTTl\ IIrL III ‘ unlit doing DLtTt‘ltTN It IIIL ‘lu11ITlT\ LTTI upon ht III in; Itl the Inn Alli \ um ll 'Tll'\ run: with Tilgt'lh onh looking itti [t‘tlllllid I‘l'lTliT \.I« itu IIIL-IIILI I» I‘I' Li’lUHlLdI'V IIillinLII ILIIL ilt\' knitw: lL~’.i\); \LIHLLx .tIILt \ntpu LlL:1\\‘I1 that IILI lIl'LTJITlttn \l\\\\\LI I \l.‘,_., m MI I. \ ltd: LL.‘ It dip-ITLT\ nliut\ u \\_llt' Mr ,t: \I-L LNII in. \th\ out tit IIIL pro L? In In. I. ‘2 .I» a :IILILFI.‘ \t WT -lt I .I um II lug vLL..L _ L ,;~LI~II nzwapouu mm ILIEF' CHE PHOIE [Vt-1:2 DIV-15MB 2 STUDENT LIFE ( NEWS Senlor News Editor 1 Mandy Silver/ news@studliie_com WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER 4, 2006 STUDENT LIFE One Brookings Drive #1039 MBA 0:1 FROM #42 Worn Ulidlnng Saint tomes. MO 63130-4899 Briefs PAGE 1 the interpersonal mntactt ital (:31 to a suiLesstul business pro Advertismgé)3(314)59935 6713 gram. Fax: (31)3 5-5938 “That i not to s.1\ 1011 can- 9- mall: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL no01 hate programs that are wwwstudlife com sendinL1 the bms and adults outside cordance with school policy The stu- substantial thatn lime some b;lTl'lL'adt.d the doors dttre dent brandishingtthe gun Louuld face Copyright 2006 online L'i1nipi1n 1t‘ aid 11- girls, kilIling three before taking up to a 180 dai suspenston or upu . SC Editorin Chief Sarah KlIJtiIr North Korea to conduct his (11 nlife i\\(1 c 1 ha\\e slit Associate Editor: LizN died ofn the1r \irninds nd fi\e othhers ’58 LinLL‘ .1 nioiit.h “ten Minglinl Editors. JustinkDrathlldSOH 037 nuclear testing are sliIlL rttdicalltLiniured. lChesh are a nuunity r of Iilroeratnls tlhat mg (1 urrt- 111 ancaster t1unt\0 in me .1 on 11.11 wt SeniorNewsEditor: MandySilve North horoa made its intentions l‘ennml a , are in \thich 110- UNIVERSITY that is parrt 111 .1 program that SeniorFo mEditor DanielMllitem Lluear on1Tuesda\ that it \1i1uld beg l-nc Is \iriualli unheard of It also in\\101\es a filgnlutdl nl laLet SeniorBadenz EUIIOT IvannaV ng i-lLar testing 111 order to bolster ills has beL‘L eeth nation's third deadlt - - fate Lompont 1i SeniorSceneEdttnr ""FUHS defenses against ihL (mmd States s hool shrtnnmnu in less than one \xeek.
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