A2 Nakahchi Access Map 01<20190405改訂>Web M

A2 Nakahchi Access Map 01<20190405改訂>Web M

Kumano Nachi Taisha Grand Shrine C One of the three great Kumano shrines, Shin-Kobe Shin-Osaka Kyoto this Shinto shrine's religious roots are in to Tokyo KUMANO Traveling around to Hakata Osaka the ancient worship of Nachi Waterfall. Sannomiya Between the shrine and neighbouring Position Seiganto-ji Temple is an 850-year-old Namba in Japan camphor tree believed to be home to Recommended Shin-Imamiya The Spiritual Heart of Japan another deity. Visitors can pass through Tennoji a hollow section of the trunk and pray Route The Japanese have worshipped nature in its most magnificent forms since the annals of the Kumano Kodo at the small altar inside. country’s history. In Wakaayama’s mountains and along the coast, you will find waterfalls, Nakahechi Route Nankai Koya Line Wakayama Prefecture ancient trees and even giant rocks that embody deities. The stunning abundance of nature by train and bus Kansai JR Hanwa Line makes Wakayama one of Japan’s most spiritual destinations. International Airport JR Kansai Airport Line Hineno Kumano Hayatama Taisha B Gojo Koyasan and Grand Shrine Hashimoto Together with Hongu Taisha and Nachi Taisha, Hayatama Taisha is one of the Kumano Sanzan three great Kumano shrines. According to tradition, pilgrims would sail down the JR Wakayama Line Kumano-gawa river to this shrine after visiting Hongu Taisha. Compared to the Wakayama Discovery by Bus latter, the grounds here feel more open and spacious, and the buildings are Koyasan Sta. World Koyasan and Kumano painted a striking vermilion. The onsite treasure hall has an impressive collection Heritage Access Bus of invaluable art and artifacts. (Route Bus) 1 round trip on weekdays(AM)/ Gomadanzan 2 round trips on Saturdays and Sundays(PM) https://en.visitwakayama.jp/good-to-know/koyasan-kumano-bus/ JR Kinokuni Line Kirari-Ryujin Ryujin Onsen to Ise Kumano Hongu Tokaido, Sanyo Shinkansen Line Taisha JR Line Kurisugawa Kumano Hayatama Nakahechi Hongu Taisha-mae Taisha Nankai Koya Line Nachisan Seiganto-ji Temple D Bijutsukan-mae Kumano Hongu Taisha A Shingu Kii-Tanabe Grand Shrine Seiganto-ji with its picture-perfect pagoda is thought to have been founded in Nachi Waterfall This shrine, with its beautiful sweeping cypress bark roofs, is one of the three main the early 5th century by a priest from India. It is closely tied to Kumano Nachi Nachisan Seiganto-ji Meiko Bus Shirahama shrines of the Kumano faith. The entrance is up a long flight of stone steps flanked by Taisha Grand Shrine and for a long time the two functioned as one religious Kumano Nachi Taisha Kii-Katsuura Ryujin Bus ancient cedar and cypress trees. The main shrine building is an architectural institution. The precincts of the temple have magnificent views of Nachi masterpiece, and there is a treasure hall you can enter for a small fee. Waterfall, and it is even possible to see the Pacific o to the south. Kumano Kotsu Nara Kotsu Oyunohara Pilgrimage Route Bus Hosshinmon-oji Until a flood in 1889, this is where Kumano Hongu Taisha stood. The world's largest This is where you enter torii gate still into "the divine precincts Hosshinmon-oji remains. of the Kumano Hongu Hosshinmon-ojiHosshinmon-oji Express Kuroshio Taisha". Kumano Hongu Heritage Center Hongu Taisha-mae Kumano-gawa YunomineYunomine Onsen Onsen Kumano Hongu Taisha A River Boat Tour A beautiful ocean Takijiri-oji Tsuboyu Onsen Oyunohara spreads outside the Ride in a rustic wooden boat window of this train Once said to be the Gyuba-doji Statue down the river to Kumano Watarase 0nsen Hayatama Taisha, part of the that runs along the entrance to the Chikatsuyu-oji coastline. pilgrimage route connecting Visitwakayama.jp sanctuary of the Kawaya 0nsen Kumano Sanzan, the Chikatsuyu-oji the three great Kumano course from here to Gyuba-doji-guchi Kumano Hongu Onsen Area shrines. the Chikatsuyu-oji is JR Kinokuni Line popular. Michi-no-Eki Kumanogawa Kumano-gawa River Boat Tour Takijiri Recommended Route Takijiri-oji Tsuboyu Onsen Kumano Kodo Kan Tanabe The Day Before A tiny bath in Yunomine Osaka・Kyoto said to have healing properties and water Gyuba-doji that chan. This unusual Express Kuroshio IN Gongen-mae onsen is a registered B Kumano Hayatama Taisha 3 hrs from Kyoto Sta. Kii-Tanabe Sta. Statue world Heritage site. 2 hr 20 mins from Shin-Osaka Sta. 1122 Popular as the symbol of Kamikura-jinja Shingu Sta. the Kumano Kodo Shingu Kii-Tanabe Sta. Nakahechi, it is said to resemble the Hanayama Stay in Tanabe Kamitonda Pope traveling. Shirarahama The 1st Day Beach Nachi Waterfall Nachi-no-Taki-mae Shirahama Sta. C D Kumano Nachi Taisha · Seiganto-ji Daimon-zaka Slope Daimonzaka Kii-Tanabe Sta. Nachisan ❶ 55 mins by bus Nanki Shirahama Airport Nachi Waterfall & Shirarahama Beach Three-storied Pagoda Nachi Sta. Gyuba-doji-guchi The seaside resort of Shirahama is OUT known for its sparkling white sand Kii-Katsuura Sta. ❷ 0.5 hr on foot (1.3km) and frequently tops the list of the Kansai region’ s best beaches. Katsuura Onsen Shirahama With a cascade of 133 metres, Nachi Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Chikatsuyu-oji Japan and has been a site of worship Nachikatsuura since ancient times. Katsuura Onsen ❸ 30 mins to 40 mins by bus Stay in Kumano Hongu Onsen Area Katsuura has more than (Yunomine Onsen・Watarase Onsen・Kawayu Onsen) 100 onsen sources.The open-air baths in the area have fantastic sea views. The 2nd day The 3rd day Kumano Hongu Onsen Area AM Kii-Katsuura Sta. AM ❹ 20 mins to 30 mins by bus From Kii-Katsuura Sta. to Daimonzaka JR Kinokuni Line ❾ 20 mins by bus Hosshinmon-oji Kushimoto Daimonzaka, Kumano Nachi Taisha, ❺ 2 hr 30 mins on foot (7km) Seiganto-ji, Nachi Waterfall Hashigui-iwa Rock PM Kumano Hongu Taisha From Nachi-no-Taki-mae to Kii-Katsuura Sta. From Hongu Taisha-mae 10 25 mins by bus Kushimoto Sta. ❻ to Michi-no-Eki Kumanogawa 20 mins by bus Train Kumano-gawa River Boat Tour Kii-Katsuura Sta. PM Hashigui-iwa Rock ❼ 90 mins by traditional boat Express Kuroshio 4 hrs to Shin-Osaka Sta. Bus ‘Hashi’ means bridge, 4 hr 40 mins to Kyoto Sta. and as legend has it, a Kumano Hayatama Taisha・Kamikura-jinja revered monk attempted *You can stop over at Shirahama Onsen and Wakayama City. to build a bridge from 1:230,000 From Shingu Sta. to Kii-Katsuura Sta. Osaka・Kyoto the mainland to Oshima *Transfer at Hineno Sta. for Kansai Airport 0 5 10km 20 mins by train Walk island. ❽ Express Wide View Nanki From Shingu Sta. to Kii-Katsuura Sta. 2 hr 50 mins to Iseshi Sta. 35 mins by bus https://www.westjr.co.jp/global/en/ticket/ *Transfer at Taki Sta. for Iseshi Sta. Boat Stay in Katsuura Onsen Ise *Due to consumption tax reforms fares are scheduled to be revised in October 2019. 熊野外国人観光客交通対策推進協議会 2019.3 奈良・京都方面 NARA KOTSU To Nara, Kyoto 南海 Main Bus Routes Nankai 五条駅 大阪・京都方面 熊野古道中辺路 バス路線図 大阪方面 301 302 高野線 JR Gojo Sta. To Osaka 大和八木駅 To Osaka, Kyoto Kumano Kodo Nakahechi Bus Route Map Koya Line 和歌山線 ◉ Kii-Tanabe Sta. ➡ Takijiri ¥960 Wakayama Line Yamato-Yagi Sta. 橋本駅 ・ ・ ・ /40 mins /runs 13 times a day Hashimoto Sta. 八木尾 十津川温泉 JR Yakio Totsukawa Onsen 阪和線 ◉ Kii-Tanabe Sta. ➡ Yunomine Onsen ¥1,940 Hanwa Line 高野山 発心門王子 道の駅奥熊野 ・ /100 mins /runs 5 times a day -guchi Hosshinmon 81 80 発心門口Fushiogami-guchi 伏拝口 Michi-no-Eki 関西国際空港 日根野駅 Koyasan Hosshinmon-oji Kansai Airport Hineno Sta. のバスは、80 81 84 85 Okukumano JR 南海りんかんバス 85 ◉ Kii-Tanabe Sta. ➡ Hongu Taisha-mae ¥2,060 関西空港線 Nankai Rinkan Bus 方向転換して戻ってきます。 84 /90 mins /runs 2 times a day Kansai-airport Line Note: These busses are on the same ! road to/from Yunomine Onsen. ・ /115 mins /runs 5 times a day (via Yunomine Onsen) 和歌山駅 ( Wakayama Sta. 護摩壇山 81 Nakahechi Museum of Art Gomadanzan Nakahechi Bijutsukan-mae 湯の峰温泉 301 302 ◉ Hongu Taisha-mae ➡ Yunomine Onsen ¥300 Yunomine Onsen 302 85 龍神温泉 なかへち美術館前 53 ・ /10 mins /runs 5 times a day Ryujin Onsen Chikatsuyu-oji 84 熊野本宮大社 Gyuba-doji-guchi 302 81 80 Kumano Hongu Taisha Kajiyakawa-guchi ・ /15 mins /runs 5 times a day 85 84 301 80 近露王子 84 85 ◉ Hongu Taisha-mae ➡ Hosshinmon-oji ¥460 牛馬童子口 本宮大社前 鍛冶屋川口 301 80 81 /15 mins /runs 7 times a day *Winter: runs 5 times a day Hokusogi Hongu Taisha-mae 53 Takijiri ) 下湯の峰 302 51 81 91 90 71 ◉ Hongu Taisha-mae ➡ Shingu Sta. ¥1,540 北郡 滝尻 Shimoyunomine 85 ・ /50 mins / runs 3 times a day JR 下湯川 53 90 91 73 きのくに線(紀勢線) Shimoyukawa 301 /60 mins / runs 6 times a day Kinokuni Line (Kisei Line) 84 8084 8581 ・ /80 mins / runs 5 times a day (via Yunomine Onsen) Nonaka Ipposugi 野中一方杉Kobiro-oji-guchi 小広王子口Kobiro-toge 小広峠Doyukawa-bashi 道湯川橋 80 90 91 大斎原前 向越 94 95Kurisugawa 栗栖川 Oyunohara-mae ◉ Shingu Sta. ➡ Hongu Taisha-mae ¥1,540 Watarase Onsen 渡瀬温泉 Mukaigoshi 大日越登り口 /60 mins /runs 6 times a day 鮎川新橋 Dainichi-goe Nobori-guchi /80 mins /runs 2 times a day (via Yunomine Onsen) Ayukawa-shinbashi 請川 滝尻王子 Ukegawa ・ /50 mins /runs 3 times a day Takijiri-oji 下地橋 /80 mins /runs 3 times a day (via Yunomine Onsen) 下鮎川 Kawayu Onsen Kameya-mae Fujiya-mae 川湯温泉かめや前ふじや前 Shimoji-bashi Shimoayukawa 熊野古道館 高原熊野神社 ◉ Shingu Sta. ➡ Nachi Sta. ➡ Kii-Katsuura Sta. ¥620 Kumano Kodo Kan Takahara Kumano-jinja 篠尾方面 To Sasabi ・ ・ /40 mins /runs28 times a day 紀伊市ノ瀬 道の駅熊野古道中辺路 瀞八丁方面 Kii-Ichinose Michi-no-Eki Kumano Kodo Nakahechi 那智の滝 To Dorohacho /30 mins / runs once a day Nachi Waterfall 古道歩きの里ちかつゆ Kumano-gawa River ◉ Nachi Sta.

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