FRANKLIN DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL CONDITIONS FOR WORK ON ROAD RESERVE A Supplement to the Auckland Code of Practice for Work in the Road (CoPWiR) May 2007 A4 print layout CONTENTS 1. Scope 2. Consent f or Works 3. Contractor’s Responsibilities 4. Hours of Wor k 5. Health and S afet y, and Qualit y Ass uranc e 6. Poles Erected in R oad Res erve 7. Positioni ng of Ser vices in Urban Areas 8. Materials 9. Road Crossings and Driveway Crossings 10. Infor mati on Signs 11. The 1 Metre R ule 12. Footpat h Reinst at ement 13. Non-conf ormanc e 14. Work Completion Record 15. Fee Structure Appendices: Franklin District Council O perational Area Servic es Layout in the Berm Approval to Work close to Watercare Ser vices Plans of Known Services in the Franklin District Opus International Consultants Ltd Pukekohe Office 17 Hal l Street PO Box 594 Pukekohe Ph (09) 237 1 470 Fax (09) 237 14 71 For further copi es of this booklet contact Franklin District Council on 237 1300, or O pus Int ernational Cons ultants Revision 1, May 2007 1. SCO PE Franklin District Council has adopted the Auc kl and C ode of Practice f or Working in t he Road (CoPWiR). The C oP WiR, has been developed in partnership between the Auckland Utility Operators Group (AUOG) and t he A uc kland region’s Road Controlling Authorities (RCA’s). The CoPWiR covers the required standards for the planning, management and execution of any maint enance or repair wor k of existing services or any new inst allations, both underground and above- ground incl uding roadside ser vice s tructur es, within the road res erve. In additi on to t he CoP WiR, Franklin District Council have devel oped t his suppl ement ary document whic h outlines the Loc al Conditions for Work in t he Road within t he Franklin district. These loc al conditions outline additional requirements to t he CoPWiR and are nec essar y t o reflec t t he loc al operating procedures and c onditions wit hin t he Franklin district. All works undertaken in the Franklin district road reserve must compl y wit h the requirements of t he CoP WiR and with t he local conditions as outlined in this suppl ement ary document. A copy of the CoPWiR can be downloaded from www. auog.org.nz. (Franklin District Council has not adopt ed Part 3 “Contractor Perfor mance” and Part 4 “Training” of the CoPWiR.) In the event of any ambiguit y or contradiction between the CoPWiR and t he Franklin District Council Loc al Conditi ons as cont ained herein, the Local C onditi ons s hall t ake precedence. The ai m of t he C oPWiR and this doc ument is t o: • provide c onsist enc y i n proc edure and qualit y of repair in all aspects of road and ser vice r einstatement • protect the ass ets of t he Franklin District Council • cause mini mum disruption and dist urbance to road users and adjacent propert y occ upiers during wor k 2. CONSENT FO R W ORKS The principal provider must appl y to t he Franklin District Council’s Network Manager for approval to wor k on t he road re- serve, by submit ting a R oad Opening Notice (RON) application no fewer t han 15 days prior to the commencement of wor k. Applicati on forms can be obtai ned from Franklin District Council or from the Network Manager. The Net wor k Manager for the Franklin District Council is currently O pus International Cons ultants, who can be contact ed on 09 237 1470. 3. CONTRACTOR’S RESPO NSI BILITIES 3.1 Traffic Management The princi pal pr ovider mus t submit a Traf fic Management Plan (TMP) to t he Net wor k Manager at leas t 5 worki ng days prior to the commencement of wor k. The TMP must compl y wit h all requirements of t he lat est edition of the Transit New Zealand Code of Pr actice f or Temporary Traffic Management (COPPTM). Where Generic Plans are being us ed, these shall be previ ousl y approved by the Net wor k Manager, and shall be referred to in t he application. No work is to c ommenc e without an approved TMP. The f ollowi ng tabl e det ails the road hi erarchy in Franklin with regards t o the required level of traffic c ontrol under COPTTM: Level 2 Roads Level 1 Roads Level LV Glenbrook Road All roads not Level 2 or Unsealed Roads Gl enbrook—Wai uku Road LV Local roads with less Mill Road than 500 vehicles per Pukekohe East Road day Any request t o close a road, impl ement a temporary s peed restriction, or change a regulat ory sign must be approved as part of t he TMP prior to the commenc ement of any wor k. The f ollowi ng State Highways run t hrough the Franklin district: • Stat e Highway 1 • Stat e Highway 2 • Stat e Highway 22 Wher e any wor k ac tivit y or traffic management prac tice involves a St ate Highway, the principal provider mus t contac t Tran- sit New Z ealand for appr oval. 3.2 C onfirmation of B oundaries The principal provider is responsible for confirming existing fences are on the pr opert y boundary prior to seeki ng approval for the location of any service installations. Failure to do so, will result in the principal provider meeting all costs associ- ated with future reloc ations should the need to reloc ate the ser vices for future roading improvements arise. 3.3 Loc ation and Prot ection of E xisting S ervices The principal provi der is responsibl e for the location and protection of all overhead and underground servic es prior to and during all phases of work. All Franklin District Council ser vice plans c an be obtai ned by contac ting the Cus tomer Ser vices t eam l ocat ed at the Frank- lin District Council of fices, 82 M anukau Road, Pukekohe, Phone (09) 237 1300 or www. franklindistrict.co. nz. Applicants are advised that a special cons ent is required from Watercar e Ser vices Ltd t o work in close proxi mit y to a Wa- tercare wat ermai n or sewer. A c opy of the Watercare Ser vices Lt d requirements and approval procedure is included on page 11 of t his document. Other Ser vice Authorities may also have s pecific requirements for wor king around t heir s ervices . The principal provider is responsi ble f or contacti ng all relevant Ser vice Aut horities t o obt ain t heir specific requirements. Indicative plans of some of the known s er vice loc ations in the district are s hown on pages 14 and 15. These plans include some private s er vices which may not be readily available thr ough liaison wit h the main ser vice aut horities. These plans are provided as a guide. They ar e not detailed or complet e, and were bas ed on t he information available at the time of printing. 3.4 Trai ning The princi pal provider is res ponsible for ensuring all s taff are sufficientl y trai ned and c ompetent t o undertake t he t as ks t hey are assigned during all phas es of the wor k. 3.5 Subcontractors The principal provider must ens ure all s ubc ontrac tors are induct ed and are c ompet ent t o undertake the t as ks they are engaged to undertake, and are wor king in acc ordance wit h approved notices, c ons ents and TMP. 4. HOURS OF W ORK The permitt ed hours of work are 7:00am t o 7: 00pm Monday t o S at urday on Loc al and Collec tor Roads, and 9: 00am to 3:00pm on Art erial Roads. The exc eptions t o this requirements are emergenc y wor k situations or where writt en approval has been obt ained from the Net wor k Manager. Arterial roads within the Franklin District: Buckland Road Massey Av enue Collingwood Road Mill Road East Street Paerata Road Edinburgh Street (P ukek ohe) Pukek ohe E ast S treet George Str eet (Tuakau) Puni Road Glenbrook Road River Road Glenbrook-Waiuku Road Stadi um Drive Kingseat Road Tobin Street Kitchener Road (Waiuk u) Waiuku Road Linwood Road Wesley Street Manukau Road West Street (Puk ekohe) 5. HEALTH AND S AFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The princi pal provider mus t be able t o demonstrat e t o the Networ k Manager that t hey and t heir subcontract ors have appro- priate health and saf et y policies and qualit y assurance s ys tems in place prior t o the c ommencement of wor k. 6. POLES ERECTED IN RU RAL ROAD RESE RV E All power poles and other above ground fi xt ures t o be erect ed or reloc ated within the road reser ve must be pegged out on- site prior to construction for inspection by the Network Manager, for approval of the location. In general, poles will only be permitt ed t o run down one side of the road, and mus t be kept wit hin 1m of the act ual boundar y in rural areas.
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