Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2020 PASTORAL PLAN FOR WORSHIP ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, issued by Bishop da Cunha, remains in effect until further notice. Those who are most vulnerable and at a greater risk due to age, preexisting health conditions, or in close proximity to vulnerable people are encouraged to remain home at this time. If you or a close loved one show symptoms of illness, please refrain from coming to church. The weekend Mass schedule here at St. Joan of Arc Church remains unchanged… Saturday at 5:00pm, Sunday at 8:00am and 10:00am. During the week Mass is celebrated Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00am. Per state regulations, gatherings cannot exceed 40% of a house of worship’s occupancy capacity. Taking into account social distancing of 6 feet between people or households, means only approximately 3 people in every other pew. All worshippers enter the church through the Main Entrance. For safety and order, a person will not be able to choose a specific seat. A specially trained group of greeters will assist people to their seats. Once we reach our occupancy limit, we will not be able to admit others. Charity, cooperation and understanding are asked of all. Everyone entering the church is required to wear a mask or other face covering. Please provide your own masks. While there is hand sanitizer available in the foyer, please consider providing your own, if you can, as supply is limited. There are receptacles at the entrance of the church in which you may place your contribution to the parish as you enter. On-line giving is encouraged via our parish website. Thank you so much for your support, especially at this extraordinary time. The offertory procession (bringing up of the bread and wine) and the usual sign of peace have been eliminated. You may offer the sign of peace with a head nod and wave. The holy water fonts at the doors of the church will remain empty, however, we do have a battery operated touchless holy water dispenser just inside the entrance to the church. Simply place your hand under the dispenser to activate the sensor. Missals/hymnals have been removed as it would be difficult to sanitize them. Singing has been eliminated from our worship until further notice. Holy Communion will be distributed at the usual time during the Mass. Those receiving Communion will approach row by row (keeping the 6 feet safe distancing protocol) and section by section.Please remain at your pew until your row is called. The priest will distribute Communion with sanitized hands while wearing a mask. Communicants may lift their mask just prior to receiving Holy Communion. Following the Final Blessing, please exit the church by the door closest to your pew maintaining the 6 feet distancing protocol. Upon exiting the church, please refrain from congregating near the doors of the church. After each Mass, the tops of the benches, door handles and other high traffic areas will be sani- tized. Scheduling for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers will be suspended for the time being. All parish ministries and events will remain suspended until further notice. The church will be closed following each Mass. The Parish Office and Faith Formation Office remain closed. We encourage all who make the prudent judgement for themselves not to return to church for Mass, to instead participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and view other good quality spiritual programming on Catholic TV, found on your local cable Channel 268 or on EWTN, Channel 56. Mass is televised each Sun- day at 11:00am on Channel 6. You can also view daily Mass on-line at http://www.catholictv.org/masses/ catholictv-mass. Let us remember one another in prayer especially those most in need of our prayers at this time. Let us commit ourselves to prayer for an end to the covid-19 coronavirus. Wintery Weather During the winter months, when the Nauset schools are closed or on delayed start because of snow, the weekday Mass will be canceled, as well. The intention for that day's Mass will be transferred and included with the intention of the next weekday Mass. Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2020 Mass Intentions PRAY FOR THE ILL OF THE PARISH WEEK of December 5—December 11 Martin Coughlin, Loretta Stephens, Harry Marcoux, John Keane, Tris Windle, David Cousins, Lynne Saturday 5:00 Daniel DelGizzi Scalia, Alex Podeszwa, Thomas Stone, Nick Bartick, Sunday 8:00 William F. Griffin Pam Hedlund, Len Hedlund, Greg Morongell, Nora Patricia O’Keefe Gould, Edan Pearl, Anne Caruso, John M. Pollard, 10:00 Lew Carrington Peter Cruckshank, Bill Hannon, Ivy Davis, Maddy Monday 8:00 Jim Ulyan Hayes, Clare Stevenson, Joseph Nosari, Vincent 5:00 Father Bob Kemmery Lencvewski, Jeffrey Wolfgang, Joan Ouellette, Bev Tuesday 8:00 Margaret Deegan Sarazin, Tyler Benscoter, Agnes Wolfgang, Fr. Paul 12:00 Our Parish Family Smith, Marilyn Drewes, Ray Castriotta, Julianne Wednesday 8:00 Ann Crossman Sullivan, Robert Grudzina, Marge LaGrassa, Jim Friday 8:00 Sewell Rose Lewis, Joyce Loechner, Frank Salomone, Chad WEEKEND of December 12 and 13 Larivee, Dick Wentworth, Nuvia Downs, Karen Mary McNulty, Olivia Hart, Alex Haas, Patrick Saturday 5:00 Joseph Wignot Devine, Gerry Csaposs, Addie Priess, Frank Sunday 8:00 Father Bob Kemmery McCarthy, Andree Yager, Paul Kascsak, Patty 10:00 Charlie Wolff Camarra, James Manley, Betty Babcock, Thomas Murphy, Chris Frazier, Melissa K., Baby Lillian NOVEMBER 29 COLLECTION RESULTS—THANK YOU! Thoman, Jessica O., Fran McDonagh, Donna Regular Collection $ 7,938 Hibbert, Margaret Royce, Beth Nixon, Anne O’Brien, Ben McMahon, Gerry Moynihan, Martha ANNUAL PARISH APPEAL—to-date $ 40,540 Moynihan, Richard Paskiewicz, Mary Rodrigues, THIS WEEKEND —2nd Collection — Christmas Flowers Emily Sparks, Stephen Moreau, Paula Madeiro, NEXT WEEKEND—2nd Collection — Retired Religious Paul Brandon, Rita Folger, Gerri DiCristina, Kathleen Kilmer, Marguerite Forren, Mary Pickard, Deepthi Moola, Steve Novick, Ernie T., Eleanor HOLY DAY Symecko, Hector Pelletier, Bob Cunnane, Evelyn Reidel, Kathleen Paterson, Crystal McCuin, Rose of Austin, Andrew Michael, Cayla Cartier OBLIGATION * * * PRAY FOR OUR ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE FEAST OF THE MEN AND WOMEN IMMACULATE Brandy Nelson, Timothy Horigan, Scott Doucette, CONCEPTION Michael Wilson, David Lucas, Sean Lucas, Peter Civita Shayne, Peter Cabral, Gregory DeLuca, Josh- The Holy Day of the Feast ua Schmitt, Joseph Long, Brad Howard, Thomas of the Immaculate Con- Scudder, Jeffrey Stebbins, Phillip McDonough, Da- ception will be observed vid Wilcox, John Amick, David McDonald, Lt. Ed- with a Vigil Mass on Mon- ward J. Maloney, Andrew Kelley, William James day, December 7, at Miller, David Orloski, Stephen Tammaro, Michael 5 pm, and two Masses on L. Hamilton, Thomas Crawford, Aaron Charette, Tuesday, December 8 at 8 Nicholas McGahey, Edward Prufer, Christian P. am and 12:00 pm. Goodman, Trevor Lafontaine, Connor Lafontaine, Colin Bracken, Michael Bracken Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2020 2020 Annual Parish Appeal ADVENT PENANCE The Annual Parish Appeal is a long-standing tradi- During the Season of Advent as we prepare for tion here at St. Joan of Arc Parish. Your response the celebration of Christmas, we recall St. John to the Annual Parish Appeal over the years has the Baptist's exhorta- helped us to make various improvements as the tion to, “prepare the needs have arisen and fulfill the multi-faceted mis- way of the Lord”. sion of the parish. Your generosity to St. Joan of Arc Parish helps to support our parish ministries, Local clergy will be outreach and activities as well as maintain the par- available for ish buildings and grounds. the Sacrament of Reconciliation at It has been said that 2020 is a year unlike any oth- Our Lady of Lourdes er in living memory. The unexpected covid-19 pan- Church in Wellfleet demic and the shut-down of so many aspects of on Tuesday, Decem- society which followed has brought untold hard- ber 15th from ship, physical illness, economic distress, and emo- 1:00pm to 2:00pm. tional strain to many among us. It was very painful to have to shutter our church especially during Holy Week and Easter. Although contributions to the parish are lower than they were last year, I am profoundly grateful that so many parishioners continued to deliver their budget envelopes or utilize our online giving option through it all. Out of an abundance of caution and concern for the health of our community, we made the difficult decision early on to keep our Parish Thrift Shop closed after the order to remain closed was lifted. This led to the inevitable and significant loss of revenue which the Thrift Shop operations normal- ly provide to St. Joan of Arc Parish. As people of faith we know that we are called to share the blessings we have received, serve Christ in one another and worship in memory of Him. The Annual Parish Appeal is an opportunity for Have you or anyone close to you ever given thought those who can, to make an additional sacrificial to becoming a Catholic Christian? With a new liturgi- offering to our parish. You may return your gift by cal year coming upon us, perhaps now is a good time mail or simply place it in the collection basket at for inquiry. RCIA is a small, faith-sharing community Mass. Another option is to contribute through our that helps answer such questions and provides a vehi- online giving via our Parish Website cle for either becoming a baptized Catholic adult or www.joanarc.org. being confirmed in the Church.
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