MykoLibri Christian Volbracht Catalogue 130 October 2021 Isestrasse 79 20149 Hamburg www.mykolibri.de - Tel + 49 40 460 52 05 e-Mail [email protected] References: Bibliography and History AINSWORTH, C. G.: Introduction to the NISSEN, Claus: Die Botanische Buchillustration. history of mycology. Cambridge 1976. Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart 1966. About 2 500 illustrated botanical works are described. DÖRFELT, H. & H. HEKLAU: Die Geschichte der Mykologie. PFISTER, Donald H. et al: Schwäbisch-Gmünd 1998. A bibliography of taxonomic mycological literature 1753- JUNK, W.: Rara historico- 1821. Vaduz 1990. From naturalia. Berlin. 1900- Linnaeus to Fries. 1939. With mycological Rara and Rarissima. STAFLEU, Frans A. and Richard S. Cowan: Taxonomic literature. KRIEGER, Louis C. A selective guide to botanical C.: Catalogue of the publications and collections with mycological collection of dates, commentaries and types. Howard A Kelly. Baltimore 2nd ed. Utrecht 1976-2009. 7 1924. vols and 8 supplements. 37.600 botanical works published until LAZZARI, Giacomo: 1940. Storia della Micologia Italiana. Trento 1973. UELLNER, Winfried: Fungorum libri Bibliothecae LINDAU, Gustav & Joachim Schliemann. 3rd Paul SYDOW: Thesaurus enlarged ed. Vaduz 1976. literaturae mycologicae - Describes 1995 books and et lichenologicae. Lipsiis prints in the former Schliemann 1908. 5 vols. 41800 books collection in northern Germany. and prints before 1910. VOLBRACHT, Christian: MykoLibri. Die LLOYD: Wycoff, E. & W. Holden: Bibliothek der Pilzbücher. Hamburg 2006-2017 Bibliographical contributions from the Lloyd Volume 1-2. More than 3600 books and prints in Library. Cincinnati: 1911-1918. The botanical the collection Christian Volbracht, 1481 to 1959. and mycological collection of the American mycologist C. G. Lloyd. Free offer - Postage extra All books are complete and in good condition unless otherwise stated. Items not conform to description may be returned within a week after receipt Payment: Postbank Hamburg Account Christan Volbracht 0763279203 (BLZ 20010020) IBAN: DE08200100200763279203 BIC: PBNKDEFF Paypal: [email protected] (plus transfer charges). No Credit Cards. VAT/TVA/USt.-Nr.: DE 166887889. [1] AHLES, Wilhelm Elias von [8] ANTOINE, H. Allgemein verbreitete eßbare und schädliche Pilze Flore des champignons du Nord-Est de la France. mit einigen mikroskopischen Zergliederungen und Reims: Centre Départemental de Documentation erläuterndem Text zum Gebrauche in Schule und pédagogique de la Hte Marne 1975-1977. 2 vols. Haus. Eßlingen: Schreiber 1876. 4o. (i), (1)-29: 11 plates; (i), (1)-35: 2 (1 col.) plates p (i-viii), (1)-13, (14, index): 30 plates (29 First part on Russules, Lactaires, Bolets, second on chromolithographed and finished by hand) by Polypores. Original wrappers; 24 cm Euro 25 Heinr. Gross (Unsere wichtigeren Giftgewächse mit ihren [9] APN pflanzlichen Zergliederungen 2) Mitteilungsblatt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pilzkunde Volbracht 7; Stafleu 18.955; Uellner 7; Stafleu 2835 Niederrhein. Jahrgang 1 - 13, Heft 2. 1983-1995 (Giftgewächse Deutschlands by Hochstetter). - The rare Complete series of this scarce and useful paper, published first edition in folio. Original decorated hard-cover, a bit in Duisburg in Germany and edited by Ewald Kajan. 13 rubbed and with two spots. In all a good copy, 34,5 cm. years with 28 parts, with coloured original photos. Very Euro 220 nice set, original wrappers inserted in three art-leather- boxes with gilt title on spine. 21 cm Euro 350 [2] AINSWORTH, Geoffrey Clogh & Guy Richard BISBY Dictionary of the fungi. (Including the Lichens) Seventh edition. Kew: Commonwealth Mycological Institute 1983 p (i)-xii, (1)-412: 16 plates Volbracht 9. - Cloth with dust-wrappers. 18,5 cm Euro 13 [3] ALEXOPOULUS, Constantine John Introductory Mycology. Art Work by Sun Huang Sung. New York: John Wiley & London: Chapman & Hall 1952. p (i)-xiii, (1)-482: 487 ill. Uellner 15 (2nd ed.). - Original cloth. 24 cm Euro 31 [4] ALLESCHER, Andreas Diagnosen einiger neuer, im Jahre 1895 gesammelter Arten bayerischer Pilze aus der Abteilung der fungi imperfecti Separatabdruck aus den Berichten der Bayerischen botanischen Gesellschaft, Band IV. München: 1896 (31)-40 Volbracht 17; Uellner 20; Lindau & Sydow 835. - Original wrappers; cover worn. 27,2 x 18,5 cm Euro 18 [5] ANGERER, J. & J. POELT [10] ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT Mykologische Notizen aus Südbayern. Ex: Ber. MYKOLOGIE ULM (AMU) Bayer. Bot. Ges. 33, 1969 Ulmer Pilzflora I-III. Ulm: AMU 1986-1996 p 5-10 Interesting collection of papers. Original paper-cover; 21 Disbound; 23 cm Euro 10 cm Euro 45 [6] ANNA, Gaddo de & Franco TOMAT [11] ARIETTI, Nini & Renato TOMASI Funghi di casa nostra. Udine: Carlo Lorenzini I funghi velenosi. [2a edizione]. Bologna: editore 1988 EdAgricole 1975 (1-6), 7-159, (160): col. figs p (i)-xv, 1-269, (1): 32 col. plates Scarce. Original decorated paperback; 21 cm Euro 15 To the second, enlarged edition (the first is from 1969) were added 32 beautiful coloured plates. Original cloth; [7] ANONYMUS 24 cm Euro 25 Conoscere i funghi. Bologna: Istituto per lo [12] ARX, J. A. & Emil MÜLLER sviluppo economico dell‘Appennino & Unione micologica italiana 1971. Die Gattungen der amerosporen Pyrenomyceten. (1-3), 4-32: 16 col. plates, 10 figures Bern: Buchdruckerei Büchler 1954 Good copy, with an old owner-stamp. Original paper- p (2-7), 8-434: 117 figs cover; 4o 25,5 cm Euro 18 (Beiträge zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz 11, 1) Original paperback; 24,5 cm Euro 80 [17] BAMBEKE, Ch. van Sur l’évolution nucléaire et la sporulation chez Hydnagium carneum Wallr. Extrait des Mémoires de l’académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, tome LIV, sixième fascicule Bruxelles: Hayez 1904 (i-vi), (1-3), 4-44: 3 chromolithogr. plates 4o (29,5 x 23,3 cm) Lindau & Sydow 1646. - Original wrappers. Front cover loose and a bit soiled. 25 x 16 cm Euro 35 [18] BAMBEKE, Ch. van Sur un champignon non encore déterminé, figuré et décrit par Fr. van Sterbeeck. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France. Tome XXI, 3e fascicule 1905 Lons-le-Saunier: Imprimerie Lucien Declume (1)-2-4: 1 fig Lindau & Sydow 1649. - Original wrappers.25 x 16 cm Euro 10 [19] BANKS, Sir Joseph A short account of the cause of the disease in corn, called by farmers the Blight, the Mildew, and the Rust. London: Printed by W. Bulmer 1805 p (1)-14, (16): 2 folded hand-coloured plates [20] BARLA Volbracht 52; Ainsworth, Hist. Myc. p 151; Pfister p 20 (another printer, different pagination), BM (NH) [13] ASSINDER, Sue & Godon RUTTER p 95, Pritzel 404 all with other editions from the same How the mushroom got its spots. An explainer‘s year; Dörfelt & Heklau p 151. - A famous pamphlet on guide to fungi. Kew: The British mycological the black rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis). Sir Joseph society ≈ 2000 Banks (1743-1820) was a botanist and explorer and president of the Royal society. He published his paper (1)-44 (45-48): party coloured illustrations after a disastrous harvesting in the year 1804, to enable A nice booklet for young beginners. Paperback 30 x 21 „intelligent agriculturists“ to examine the disease and cm Euro 8 extirpate infected crops. His explanations were based on the detailed and beautiful plates by Francis Bauer [14] ATKINSON, George Francis „botanical painter to His Majesty“ King George III. - A On the identity of Polyporus „applanatus“ of nice and clean copy, bound in recent hardcover; 22,5 x 18,5 cm, plates 29 x 24,7 cm Euro 250 Europe and North America. Reprinted from the Annales mycologici (vol. VI, No 3, 1908) [20] BARLA, Jean Baptiste Berlin: R. Friedlaender & Sohn 1914 (179)-191: 3 plates (II-IV) Flore mycologique illustrée. Les champignons des Alpes-Maritimes, avec l‘indication de leurs Stafleu 19.671. - Wrappers. (24 x 16 cm) Euro 10 propriétés utiles ou nuisibles. Nice: A. Gilletta [15] AZEMA, René Charles 1888-1892 p (1)-80: 69 (1-64, 3bis, 4bis, 8bis, 9bis, 16bis) Les champignons catalans (Bolets de Catalunya chromolith. plates by Barla and V. Fossat, one by Nord). Vol. 1 (- 2). Prades: Revue Terra Nostra Boudier 46-47, 1982 Volbracht 61; Stafleu 310; Uellner 52; Plesch 28; p (1-2), 3-412: 112 plates Junk Rara p 181. - The scarce original edition of this Scarce original edition with fine drawings of fungi. classic and important mycological flora from southern Pictorial paperback; 24 cm Euro 50 France. Jean Baptiste Barla (1817-1896) was a rich man, dedicating himself to botany and social duties. He [16] BAHRIM, M. & I. PETRESCU was cofounder and director of the Museum d‘Histoire Prepararea si conservarea ciupercilor. Bucuresti: naturelle de Nice and became famous for his works on fungi and orchids. This is his second great iconography, Editura tehnica 1971 after Les champignons de la province de Nice (1859). (1-2), 3-151 (152): 15 col. plates The volume is here and there slightly spotted, with a few Mushroom-cookery-book from Romania. Last plates annotations in pencil. Bound in private half cloth; 34 cm bound in upside-down. Original pictorial cover; 20 cm Euro 1300 Euro 25 4 p (1)-263, (264): 36 col. phot. plates The curious battle of a doctor who ate Amanita phalloides to prove the effectiveness of his vitamin-treatment. Original paperback; 21 cm Euro 55 [24] BAUER, Carlo Alberto & Onorio DALPIAZ & Federico CHIERZI Di funghi non si muore. Piccolo trattato sui funghi velenosi. Trento: stampato Eurographik 1966 p (1-4), 5-85, (86-87): col. ill. Original pictorial paperback; 17 cm Euro 15 [25] BAYLE-BARELLE, Guiseppe Descrizione esatta dei funghi nocivi o sospetti con figure colorate. Milano: Presso Giovanni Silvestri 1808 p (i-vi), (1)-58: 2 folded hand-coloured plates Volbracht 99; Stafleu 20.456; Pfister p 21; BM (NH) 216; Pritzel 529, Traverso 105: all with 2 plates; Lazzari p. 200. - Rare work on poisonous and suspect species of fungi. Guiseppe Bayle-Barelle (1768-1811) was a botanist and professor of agriculture at the University of Pavia.
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