Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented The credit line for all works unless otherwise specified is: The Merrill C. Berman Collection. Acquired through the generosity of Alice and Tom Tisch, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder, Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III, David Booth, Marlene Hess and James D. Zirin, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Jack Shear, the Patricia Bonfield Endowed Acquisition Fund for the Design Collection, Daniel and Jane Och, The Orentreich Family Foundation, Emily Rauh Pulitzer, The Modern Women’s Fund; and by exchange: Gift of Jean Dubuffet in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colin, The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection, and the Richard S. Zeisler Bequest. 526.2018 "a.r." group, Łódź, Poland, est. 1929 – 1936 A&D Printer: Drukarnia Polska Brochure for an exhibition of Modern Printing (Drukarstwo Nowoczesne), Łódź, Poland 1932 Letterpress 8 1/2 × 11 3/8" (21.6 × 28.9 cm) 275.1937 Johannes Baader, German, 1875–1955 D&P The Author of the Book Fourteen Letters of Christ in His Home (Der Verfasser das Buches Vierzehn Briefe Christi in seinem Heim) 1920 Cut-and-pasted gelatin silver prints, cut-and-pasted printed paper, and ink on book pages 8 1/2 x 5 3/4" (21.6 x 14.6 cm) Purchase 400.2018 Johannes Baader, German, 1875–1955 D&P Untitled (Advertisement for Myself [Reklame für mich]) on poster designed by Raoul Hausmann for Dada Milchstrasse (Dada Milky Way) performance 1920 Cut-and-pasted printed paper, colored paper, and ink on printed paper 19 11/16 x 12 13/16" (50 x 32.5 cm) 401.2018 Johannes Baader, German, 1875–1955 D&P Untitled (The Mother [Der Mutter]) 1921 Cut-and-pasted printed paper and ink on postcard 4 5/16 × 6 5/16" (11 × 16.1 cm) Print Date:12/08/2020 12:25 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 1 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 142.1953 Willi Baumeister, German, 1889–1955 D&P Composition 1922 Gouache, crayon, and pencil on paper 12 3/4 x 8 5/8" (32.4 x 21.9 cm) Katherine S. Dreier Bequest 365.2011 Willi Baumeister, German, 1889–1955 A&D wie wohnen? Die Wohnung (How Should We Live? The Dwelling) 1927 Lithograph 44 3/4 x 32 3/8" (113.7 x 82.2 cm) Architecture & Design Purchase Fund 402.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Effect of Banners Seen from the Train Station (Wirkung der Transparente vom Bahnhof gesehen). Promotional design for glass painter Ernst Kraus 1923 Ink, gouache, and pencil on paper cut-and-pasted on paper with pencil 11 1/4 × 8 7/16" (28.5 × 21.4 cm) 403.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Roof Advertisement (Dachreklame). Promotional design for glass painter Ernst Kraus 1923 Gouache, ink, and pencil on paper 11 1/4 × 8 3/8" (28.6 × 21.3 cm) 404.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Roof Advertisement/Partially Transparent (Dachreklame/Teilweise transparent). Promotional design for glass painter Ernst Kraus 1923 Gouache, ink, and pencil on paper 11 1/4 × 8 7/16" (28.5 × 21.4 cm) Print Date:12/08/2020 12:28 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 2 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 405.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Promotional design for glass painter Ernst Kraus 1923 Gouache, ink, and pencil on paper 11 1/4 × 8 3/8" (28.5 × 21.3 cm) 406.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Wall-painting study for the stairwell of the Weimar Bauhaus building on the occasion of the Bauhaus Exhibition 1923 Gouache, ink, and pencil on paper cut-and-pasted on paper with pencil 26 1/8 × 15 3/4" (66.3 × 40 cm) 407.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Poster design (unrealized) for Bauhaus Exhibition, Weimar 1923 Gouache, ink, and pencil on paper 18 1/16 × 11 7/8" (45.8 × 30.2 cm) 408.2018 Herbert Bayer, American, born Austria. 1900–1985 D&P Exhibition stand for electrical company 1924 Gouache, ink, pencil, and cut-and-pasted printed paper on board 26 3/8 × 14 15/16" (67 × 38 cm) CH2020.1517 Ella Bergmann-Michel, German, 1896–1971 CD-CON Wahlkampf 1932 (Letzte Wahl) 1932/1933 Digital transfer of 35mm film (black and white, silent) Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (DFF) Print Date:12/08/2020 12:28 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 3 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 855.1983 Henryk Berlewi, Polish, 1894–1967 D&P First State of the Mechano-Faktura (I Stade de la Mécano-Facture) 1923 Gouache and pencil on paper 21 3/4 x 17 3/8" (55.2 x 44.1 cm) The Riklis Collection of McCrory Corporation 409.2018 Henryk Berlewi, Polish, 1894–1967 D&P Poster for First Exhibition of Mechano-Facture (1 Wystawa prac mechanofakturowych), Austro-Daimler automobile showroom, Warsaw, March 14–25, 1924 1924 Stenciled gouache on paper mounted on board 29 1/2 × 23 5/8" (75 × 60 cm) 410.2018 Henryk Berlewi, Polish, 1894–1967 D&P Mechano-Facture 1924 Gouache on paper 32 5/8 × 42 7/8" (82.9 × 108.9 cm) 411.2018 Francis Bernard, French, 1900–1979 D&P Maquette for cover of Languepin Electric Welding brochure c. 1930 Gouache, cut-and-pasted gelatin silver print, ink, and pencil on paper 10 9/16 × 16 1/2" (26.9 × 41.9 cm) 412.2018 Francis Bernard, French, 1900–1979 D&P Maquette for cover of Languepin Electric Welding brochure c. 1930 Cut-and-pasted gelatin silver print and printed paper, gouache, and pencil on board 12 5/8 × 9 5/8" (32 × 24.5 cm) Print Date:12/08/2020 12:28 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 4 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 413.2018 Francis Bernard, French, 1900–1979 D&P Publisher: Publimp-Nadal , Paris Printer: R.C. Seine , Paris Brochure for Languepin Electric Welding c. 1930 Gravure composition (irreg.): 10 5/8 × 8 1/4" (27 × 20.9 cm); sheet (folded): 10 5/8 × 8 1/4" (27 × 21 cm) 528.2018 Max Bill, Swiss, 1908–1994 A&D Printer: Berichthaus, Zürich Associated Artist: Sigfried Giedion, Swiss, 1888–1968 Poster for an exhibition on the Neubühl housing project (Wohnausstellung Neubühl), Zürich 1931 Letterpress 50 5/8 × 36" (128.6 × 91.4 cm) The Merrill C. Berman Collection. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Joseph Lebworth (by exchange) 529.2018 Max Bill, Swiss, 1908–1994 A&D Associated Artist: Sigfried Giedion, Swiss, 1888–1968 Poster for an exhibition of furniture by Wohnbedarf at Le Corbusier's Maison de Verre [Immeuble Clarté], Geneva 1933 Letterpress 50 1/2 × 35 3/4" (128.3 × 90.8 cm) The Merrill C. Berman Collection. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Joseph Lebworth (by exchange) 531.2018 Anna Borovskaya, Russian, 1901–1983 A&D Publisher: OGIZ-IZOGIZ (Association of State Book and Magazine Publishing Houses-State Publishing House of the Fine Arts), Moscow and Leningrad By Opening Daycares, Playgrounds, Factory Kitchens, Cafeterias and Mechanized Laundries, We Will Introduce 1,600,000 New Women Workers into the Workforce to Work Toward the Completion of the Five-Year Plan (Organizuia iasli, detploshchadki, fabriki-kukhni, stolovye, i mekhanicheskie prachechnye—dadim 1,600,000 novykh rabotnits na vypolnenie piatiletki) 1931 Lithograph 28 1/4 × 20 1/8" (71.8 × 51.1 cm) Print Date:12/08/2020 12:28 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 5 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 139.2010 Sándor (Alexander) Bortnyik, Hungarian, 1893–1976 A&D MA VII - IK (Grafikai) Kiállitása 1919 Lithograph 37 3/8 x 24 13/16" (95 x 63 cm) Gift of Joseph H. Heil, by exchange 414.2018 Marianne Brandt, German, 1893–1983 D&P Our American Sisters (Nos sœurs d'Amérique) c. 1926 Cut-and-pasted printed paper on board 19 5/8 × 12 11/16" (49.8 × 32.2 cm) 415.2018 Marianne Brandt, German, 1893–1983 D&P Sports—Sport (Les sports—Le sport) c. 1927 Cut-and-pasted printed paper on board 19 3/4 × 13 1/16" (50.2 × 33.2 cm) 422.1938.2 Marianne Brandt, German, 1893–1983 A&D Manufacturer: Bauhaus Metal Workshop, Germany Ashtray 1924 Brass and nickel-plated brass 2 5/8 x 3 1/8" (6.7 x 7.9 cm) Gift of John McAndrew 424.1938 Marianne Brandt, German, 1893–1983 A&D Manufacturer: Bauhaus Metal Workshop, Germany Ashtray 1924 Brass and nickel-plated metal 2 3/4 x 3 1/8" (7 x 7.9 cm) diam. 3 1/8" Gift of John McAndrew Print Date:12/08/2020 12:28 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 6 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 186.1958.1a-c Marianne Brandt, German, 1893–1983 A&D Manufacturer: Bauhaus Metal Workshop, Germany Teapot 1924 Nickel silver and ebony .a: 7 x 9" (17.8 x 22.8 cm) .b: 3 1/4" (8.3 cm) .c: 2 1/8 x 3 1/8" (5.4 x 8 cm) Phyllis B. Lambert Fund 187.1958.2 Marianne Brandt, German, 1893–1983 A&D Manufacturer: Bauhaus Metal Workshop, Germany Fruit Dish 1929 Chrome-plated brass 15/16 x 8 3/8" (2.4 x 21.2 cm) Phyllis B. Lambert Fund 532.2018 Maria Bri-Bein, Russian, 1892–1968 A&D Publisher: OGIZ-IZOGIZ (Association of State Book and Magazine Publishing Houses-State Publishing House of the Fine Arts), Moscow and Leningrad Woman Worker, Fight for a Clean Cafeteria, for Healthy Food (Rabotnitsa, boris’ za chistuiu stolovuiu, za zdorovuiu pishchu) 1931 Lithograph 40 3/4 × 28 1/4" (103.5 × 71.8 cm) 530.2018 Maria Bri-Bein, Russian, 1892–1968 A&D Publisher: OGIZ-IZOGIZ (Association of State Book and Magazine Publishing Houses-State Publishing House of the Fine Arts), Moscow and Leningrad Study Technology, Master Science (Izuchit’ tekhniku, ovladet’ naukoi) 1933 Lithograph 34 × 23 7/16" (86.4 × 59.5 cm) 862.1983 Max Burchartz, German, 1887–1961 D&P Construction with "B" 1923–24 Gouache, cut-and-pasted painted paper, glue, and pencil 19 3/4 x 25 1/2" (50.2 x 64.8 cm) The Riklis Collection of McCrory Corporation Print Date:12/08/2020 12:28 PM Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented Page 7 of 66 Engineer, Agitator, Constructor: The Artist Reinvented 416.2018 Max Burchartz, German, 1887–1961 D&P Untitled (red square) c.
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