BREEDERS, KENTUCKY DERBY (1916-2018) Most Wins Breeder Derby Span Sts. 1st 2nd 3rd Kentucky Derby Wins Calumet Farm 1935-2018 25 9 5 1 Whirlaway (1941), Pensive (’44), Citation (’48), Ponder (’49), Hill Gail (’52), Iron Liege (’57), Tim Tam (’58), Forward Pass (’68) & Strike the Gold (’91) Col. E.R. Bradley 1920-1945 33 4 4 1 Behave Yourself (1921), Bubbling Over (’26), Burgoo King (’32) & Brokers Tip (’33) John E. Madden 1917-1932 15 4 1 0 Sir Barton (1919), Paul Jones (’20), Zev (’23) & Flying Ebony (’25) Claiborne Farm 1919-1993 38 3 3 7 Johnstown (1939), Jet Pilot (1947) & Swale (’84) Belair Stud 1925-1956 11 2 1 0 Gallant Fox (1930) & Omaha (’35) Robert A. Fairbairn 1934-1945 3 2 0 0 Gallahadion (1940) & Hoop Jr. (’45) John W. Galbreath 1945-1975 6 2 0 1 Chateaugay (1963) & Proud Citizen (’67) Greentree Stable 1919-1942 10 2 0 0 Twenty Grand (1931) & Shut Out (’42) Arthur B. Hancock III 1981-2000 7 2 2 0 Gato Del Sol (1982) & Fusaichi Pegasus (2000) King Ranch 1946-1951 4 2 0 0 Assault (1946) & Middleground (’50) Meadow Stud Inc. 1950-1973 4 2 0 0 Riva Ridge (1972) & Secretariat (’73) Harry Payne Whitney 1915-1929 25 2 1 1 Regret (1915) & Whiskery (’27) WinStar Farm LLC 2003-2018 8 2 1 0 Funny Cide (2003) & Super Saver (’10) Most Starts Breeder Derby Span Sts. 1st 2nd 3rd Kentucky Derby Wins Claiborne Farm 1919-1993 38 3 3 7 Johnstown (1939), Jet Pilot (1947) & Swale (’84) Col. E.R. Bradley 1920-1945 33 4 4 1 Behave Yourself (1921), Bubbling Over (’26), Burgoo King (’32) & Brokers Tip (’33) Harry Payne Whitney 1915-1929 25 2 1 1 Regret (1915) & Whiskery (’27) Calumet Farm 1935-2018 25 9 5 1 Whirlaway (1941), Pensive (’44), Citation (’48), Ponder (’49), Hill Gail (’52), Iron Liege (’57), Tim Tam (’58), Forward Pass (’68) & Strike the Gold (’91) Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney 1935-1975 19 0 1 1 John E. Madden 1917-1932 15 4 1 0 Sir Barton (1919), Paul Jones (’20), Zev (’23) & Flying Ebony (’25) William S. Farish 1977-2013 14 1 2 1 Charismatic (1999) Elmendorf Farm 1944-1998 14 0 0 1 Hal Price Headley 1917-1950 13 0 1 0 Phil Chinn 1916-1945 11 1 0 1 George Smith (1916) Belair Stud 1925-1956 11 2 1 0 Gallant Fox (1930) & Omaha (’35) Greentree Stable 1919-1942 10 2 0 0 Twenty Grand (1931) & Shut Out (’42) Isidore Bieber 1949-1970 10 0 0 2 Greentree Stud Inc. 1949-1981 10 0 0 3 Coldstream Stud Inc. 1932-1949 9 0 0 1 Hirsch Jacobs 1949-1970 9 0 0 2 Mereworth Stud Farm 1931-1984 9 0 1 1 Willis S. Kilmer 1928-1935 8 1 0 1 Reigh Count (1928) Joseph E. Widener 1923-1940 8 0 2 0 WinStar Farm LLC 2003-2018 8 2 1 0 Funny Cide (2003) & Super Saver (’10) Charles T. Fisher 1932-1952 7 0 0 2 Harry F. Guggenheim 1951-1971 7 0 1 1 Warner L. Jones Jr. 1942-1985 7 1 0 0 Dark Star (1953) Loblolly Stable 1984-1991 7 0 1 0 Arthur B. Hancock III 1981-2000 7 2 2 0 Gato Del Sol (1982) & Fusaichi Pegasus (2000) Overbrook Farm 1989-2006 7 1 0 1 Grindstone (1996) Kentucky Derby Winning Breeders, Alphabetically (1875-2018) Alexander, A. J. 1877/1880/1885/1894 Keck, Howard B. 1986 Armstrong, F. W. 1934 Kilmer, Willis Sharpe 1928 Armstrong, Noah 1889 King Ranch (Robert J. Kleberg) 1946/1950 Asbury, Dr. Eslie 1954 Knight, F. D. 1918 Baker & Gentry 1900 Lamantia, Blackburn & Needham/Betz Thoroughbreds 2009 Bashford Manor Stable (George J. Long) 1892/1899/1906 Larrabie & Eastin 1895 Belair Stud (William Woodward) 1930/1935 Leach, William E. 1956 Benjamin, Edward B. 1971 Lisle, Rufus 1888 Brant, Peter M. 1995 Little Hill Farm 1998 Calumet Farm (Warren Wright) 1941/’44/’48/’49/’52 Littman, Larry 1992 Calumet Farm (Mrs. Gene Markey) 1957/1958/1968 Madden, John E. 1914/1920/1923/1925 Calumet Farm (Mrs. Bertha Wright) 1991 Madden, John E & Vivian A. Gooch 1919 Camden, Johnson N. 1903 Madden, Preston 1987 Carter, J. T. 1879 Martin, Perry & Steve Coburn 2014 Castleman, Ben S. 1977 McDowell, Thomas C. 1902 Chenault, O. H. 1901 McGrath, H. P. 1875 Chinn & Forsythe 1916 Meadow Stud, Inc. (C. T. Chenery) 1972/1973 Claiborne Farm 1939/1984 Mellon, Paul 1993 Clarke, Harvey 2012 Miller, Dr. & Mrs. F. Price 1951 Clay, E. F. 1905 Miller, John Henry 1883 Clay, J. M. 1878 Monticule (Dr. Gary Knapp) 2008 Clay, Josephine 1890 Moss, Mr. & Mrs. Jerome S. 2005 Clay & Woodford 1896 Needham/Betz Thoroughbreds & Lamantia, Blackburn 2009 Coburn, Steve & Perry Martin 2014 Neet, Dr. J. D. 1898 Combs, Leslie II 1969 Nuckols, Charles, Jr. & Sons 2002 Cottrill, William & J. W. Guest 1884 Oak Cliff Thoroughbreds Ltd. 1989 Danada Farm (Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rice) 1965 Olin, John M. 1974 Darmstadt, Pamela duPont 1994 Overbrook Farm 1996 Davis, H. N. & Idle Hour Stock Farm 1932 Parrish Hill Farm & W.S. Farish 1999 Eastin & Larrabie 1895 Peters, Leone J. & A. B. Hancock III 1982 Eaton Farms & Red Bull Stable 1976 Phipps Stable (Ogden Mills “Dinny” Phipps) 2013 Echo Valley Horse Farm, Inc. (Don & Shirley Sucher) 1988 & Stuart S. Janney III Ellsworth, Rex C. 1955 Pine Brook Farm 1966 Evans, Thomas Mellon 1981 Pope, George A., Jr. 1962 Ewing, John B. 1897 Potter, R. H. McCarter 1912 Fairbairn, R. A. 1940/1945 Prather, Mrs. J. B. 1904 Farish, W.S. & Parrish Hill Farm 1999 Price, Jack A. 1961 Forsythe & Chinn 1916 Pullen Bros. 1970 Foster, David J. 1983 Red Bull Stable & Eaton Farms 1976 Franklin, A. C. 1891 Respess, Jerome B. 1909 Galbreath, John W. 1963/1967 Riddle, Samuel D. (Glen Riddle Farm) 1937 Gardner, H. P. 1929 Robinson, Sir John 1917 Gentry & Baker 1900 Sanford, M. H. 1876 Gilmore, Mrs. William & Mrs. William M. Jason 1979 Santa Rosa Partners (Mike Ryan & Gerry Dilger) 2017 Gooch, Vivian A. & John E. Madden 1919 Schwartz, Morton L. 1936 Greathouse, John W. 1960 Scoggan Bros. 1893 Greentree Stable (Mrs. Payne Whitney) 1931/1942 Someday Farm (Patricia & Roy Chapman) 2004 Gunther, John D. 2018 Spreckels, A. B. 1922 Guest, J. W. & William Cottrill 1884 Squires, James D. 2001 Haggin, James B. 1908 Stonerside Ltd. & A.B. Hancock III 2000 Hancock, A. B. & Mrs. R. A. Van Clief 1947 Summerhill Farm 2016 Hancock, A. B. III & Leone J. Peters 1982 Swigert, Daniel 1881/1882/1886 Hancock, A. B. III & Stonerside Ltd. 2000 Tafel, James 2007 Harbor View Farm (Louis E. Wolfson) 1978 Tartan Farms Corp. 1990 Harper, Rowe 1985 Taylor, E. P. 1964 Harrison, C. L. 1911 Team Valor 2011 Hayes, T. P. 1913 Van Clief, Mrs. R. A. & A. B. Hancock 1947 Hertz, Mrs. John D. 1943 Waldemar Farms, Inc. 1975 Hoots, Mrs. Rosa M. 1924 Whitney, Harry Payne 1915/1927 Humphrey, Mrs. G. Watts, Jr. 1980 Wills, D. H. 1959 Idle Hour Stock Farm (Col. E. R. Bradley) 1921/1926/1933 WinStar Farm, LLC 2003/2010 Idle Hour Stock Farm & H. N. Davis 1932 Woodford & Clay 1896 Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Roy 2006 Woodford, J. Hal 1907 Janney, Stuart S. III 2013 Wooton, Mary Lou 1997 & Phipps Stable (Ogden Mills “Dinny” Phipps) Woolf, Herbert M. 1938 Jason, Mrs. William M. & Mrs. William Gilmore 1979 Young, Milton 1887/1910 Jones, Warner L., Jr. 1953 Zayat Stables 2015 Following is listed (1916–2018) the breeder, the year, the horse and the finish in the Kentucky Derby Audley Farm Inc. (Hubertus Liebrecht) (1-0-0-0) Bell, John A. III (also see Jonabell Farms Inc.) & 2012 Bodemeister* 2nd Claude R. (Shug) McGaughey III (1-0-0-0) th Austin, Bob & John Witte (1-0-0-0) 1992 Technology 10 A th 2017 Girvin 13 Belmont, August (1-0-0-0) Abel, A. J. (1-0-0-0) Aykroyd, David; Helen Alexander & 1922 My Play 5th th 1944 Gramps Image 8 Helen Groves (1-0-0-0) Benjamin, Clarence & Louis Bandell (1-0-0-0) Abercrombie, Josephine (see Pin Oak Farm) 1984 Althea (f) (e)* 19 th 1975 Fashion Sale 10 th A Cross Ranch (Robert Allee) (1-0-0-0) Azpurua, Eduardo (1-0-0-0) th 1988 Sea Trek 17 th 2006 Sweetnorthernsaint* 7 Benjamin, Edward B. (1-1-0-0) Adam, Donald (see Courtlandt Farm) st Adams, Andrew (1-0-0-0) 1971 Canonero II 1 1980 Hazard Duke 13 th Adena Springs (Frank Stronach) (2-0-0-0) B Berkshire Stud & Oak Cliff Stable (1-0-0-0) 2001 Thunder Blitz 4th Bach, Dr. Arthur (1-0-0-0) 2002 Private Emblem 14 th 2010 Stately Victor 8th 1953 Ace Destroyer 11 th Besilu Stables, LLC (1-0-0-1) Aisco Stable (Abraham I. Savin) (1-0-0-0) Backer, John W. (1-0-0-0) 2016 Gun Runner 3rd 1973 Royal and Regal 8th 1992 Disposal 18 th Best A Luck Farm LLC (Lori Fackler) (1-0-0-0) Alberta Ranches Ltd. (Frank McMahon Badgett, T. Brown (1-0-0-1) 2014 Dance With Fate 6th & Max Bell) (2-0-0-0) 1987 Avies Copy 3rd Bettersworth, J. R. (1-0-0-0) 1961 Four-and-Twenty 7th Baker, Bill G. & C.A. (1-0-0-0) 1971 Helio Rise 14 th Flutterby 8th 1991 Forty Something 16 th Alexander, Henrietta K. (1-0-0-0) Baker, Dr. Howard (1-0-0-0) Betz, Kidder, Gainesway, Graves, D. J. Stable & 2000 Wheelaway 5th 1995 Serena’s Song (f) (e)* 16 th Cole (1-0-0-0) Alexander, Kenneth Deeds (2-0-1-0) Baker, Luann (1-0-0-0) 2013 Normandy Invasion 4th 1918 Escoba 2nd 1997 Phantom on Tour 6th 1921 Star Voter 11 th Baker, R.L.
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