illl0RICIl RESUIC" SUI[I "UMBEl I NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION u.s OEPIRlMENT OF lifE ImllOR * UliONAl PIRK SERVICE "".~ ..: " . f -:"_ ... ._ ... Blue Ridge Parkway UD:lARY Acc. NO'-L',... Q/,~3 ,--_ " • '. J , , , ,~ . - . , ..... /". " ,:. FI,. I,--Pretldent and Mra. Lyndon B. Jobn.soo au olU.1 In Loroyette Plrk, July 16, 196 ~ . o.ceo",po.nled by repOlte .. and Seeret 8et"vice oleota. Wuhlnalon. D.C. b, Georae J. Oluewakl. Ph. D. HISTORIAN, NA nONAL CAPITAL REGION NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION HISTORICAL RESEARCH SERIES, NO. I u.s. Dl':PARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR * NATIOOA L PARK SERVICE Waahinaton 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Stewart L. Uda ll, Secretary NATIONAL PARK SERVICE George B. Hartzog. Jr •• DIrector The National Park System, of which Lafayette Park is a unit, is dedicated to conserving the scenic scientific and historic heritage oj the United States for the benefit and inspira_ tion of its people. Contents Pog. Preface ... ....•..... ...... ...••.... .... ....••..... ..... ...•. ....•... .... ...... ..... .•... vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS....................................... ................. ill; SECTION I. ADl4INISTRATlON OF LAFAYETTE PARK.............. I SECTlON U. HISTORICAL DATA.............................................. 3 SECTION In. LANDSCAPING OF LAFAYETTE PARK, 1872_1933... 17 SECnON IV. MEMORIAL STATUES OF LAFAYETTE PARK......... 29 SECnON V. LANDSCAPING BY NA'I10NAL CAPITAL PARKS, 1936-1937........................................................ 41 SECTION VI. LAFAYETTE PARK AND THE COMMUNITY ............ 51 APPENDlX.... ......................................................................... 511 BIBLlQGRAPHY ............................. :........................................ 64 • NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION HISTORICAL RESEARCH SERIES No. 1. Lafayette Park (In Preparation) No.2. Franklin Park No.3. Dupont Circle No.4. Farragut Square No.5. Lincoln Park No.6. The Frederick Douglan Hou se No.7. Memorial Stones of the Washington Monument ., Preface Thi. hi. torical . ",rvey of Laf"y~tte Par ~ i. a prelim;nuy ",,,,dy and the littt in a -e rie. ot doc",m~nted hiotorical monoarapho to be ""bli.hed on the park area. and hi" oric .i'e. o f Waohin(jton under the j"d.dictiOJ> of .he National Capital Reaion of 'he Na'ional P .. ~ Service. Each . tudy "'ill COver the legal o<iiin and admini.tutive au.ho"ty ot .he . ~ei l ic pad" '" hi.torie .i'e, the developmen'al .taaeo in par~ land_ .caping, and .he preoent uu and value to the community, They a re ,~cific.lly de_ .i,ned to illu.tr.te the hi.torieal .ianiticance and value of each par~ Or hi.torie .ile, to aid in preurvina their natural beauty from the inroad. of non.par~ project •• and to ur~ e ao authoritative refennce work. on the o~cific o",bjech of .he paper • . Under pruent development plan. for !.-abyette Par~, the Na tional Capital Region h .. authorhed the p,.ep.aralion of 'he plan approved by the late Preoident, John Fihaerald Kennedy, in 1962. n wao completed by the wen·~nown American architect., John Corl Warnecke and A n oelatco, who are currently canyinll out rcotoration and o.her conotruction wor~ on Lahyette Par~ and Square under the ou""rvi.ion o f the National C apital Rellion. The pruent deoign, a copy of which io included in thi • • tudy ao Fillure 38, i. intended to give dignity and unity to Lafa y"tte Par~ in keeping with ,t. hi . t orte relationohip and .illniliunce to the White Hou"". It .ech to c~eat e as u' en.i~e a view .. pouible from the Executive Man.ion throuih Lafa yette ParI< and up Sixtunth Stuet without mOving the otat"e 01 General Andrew Jac~ . on, The four .tatuu to hero ... o f the Ame~ican ltevolutionaTY War ... ill b. retained in th.ir pretent locat'on • • Provi.ion will be made lor the ..,ating 01 vi.ito," and for the p".u ge of ""deot"an. throullh the p"rk area. Colorful di . play. o f ",n onal flowe .. and . hrub. will continue to enhance the enjoymer,t of 'he parI< by W.. hington rcoidenlo and vi.ito", to the Nation'. capilal. Lafa yette ParI< io a reetanll"lar area of approximately nven acreo of land which, oriainally. wat included in the Pruident'. Park according to the pl.n. of Major Pierre I..'Enlanl. Thoma. Jefferoon decided that it wao too h'en.ive an area to be included in the White Hou"" g,o""dl and a"thori ~ ed it, l eparation into a par~ area for the uoe of r",;dent. and vi.ito .. to W.. hinglon , In 18Z4, it wat named Labye tte P o r k in honor of M<o.jor General Mar'lui. de Lafayette, hero of the Ameri· c a n R"volullon, lollowin(j hio triumphal vi . it to the Unit"d Stat ... , The earliut definitive landocape trealmen t of Lafayette ParI< "'at designed in 1853 by the leading America n la nd'cape architect of tho day, Andrew he~lon Downinll. Batie,ny. Lafayette Par ~ ,. a compromite between Ihe formal I t)'le of European continental Ilarden. and £n(jU.h n.tunli.m . Throughout the YUTO , Down_ inll' o plan h n been adhered to wilh only .light modif icalion. being mad. thereto ao the major land.ca pe wor~ wu ca rrie d out by the Army Corp. o f &.gineero from 1872 to 1686, and durinll 1936 and 1937 by the National Capital Par ~ . , forerunner of .he pre unt National Ca pital Region. Under CUT rent development plan . fOT Lafayette Square, Downina' . plan will continue to be adhered to at the outotandina featuru of the acea are beinll rcotored and new fe deral buildinll' are beina conot r ucted in ouch a manner that the peaceful ~i",a of Lafayette Par~ will be retained. Since thi. hi.torical s urvey of Lahye"e Park i. de. igned a. a pilot model, I have included all pertinent documentary material from the filet of Ihe National Ca pital Rellion. PhotOllr aph. are from the file. of Abbi. Rowe and the lnformation Br.neh, Early . ketche. of Wuninaton and plan. and drawin80 of the land. c.ping of Lafa yette Par~ He from the !.-and Recorda , G r aphi~ . and Map Dlvi.ion. Cor_ rupondence i. from the Ma il and Record, Branch. My Own I"","onal in tervi . .... a nd ground ourveyo provided coordinatinll fact. e .. ential to the ",,,dy. September 1~1>4 G ,J ,O • • u l [ k• . c::::: LAfAYETTE. SQUARE Ftc, 2.-La.r.,eIU &!~ ... In reL.t1oa 10 tbe "lihUe HOllSe Nellhbofhood. vIII List of Illustrations Figure Page Lafayette Park and the White House Nellj:hborOOod COVER 1. President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson strolUna; In LaJayettt Park, Frontispiece July 16, 1964, aceompanlB<i by reporters and Secrel Service aa;ents. 2. Lafayette Square In relation to the White House Nellj:hborhood. vi 3. South front Of White House and outline (In wlllte) enclosing limits :r;tl of Lafayette Puk to the north. Dome 015t. Matthew's Cathedral, scene of the State FUneral Mus on Novem~r 25 , 1963, for the late Pre/lldent, Jolin F. Kennedy, appeau In upper left. 4. OVerlay showina; orlgtnal Iloldlna;s of patentees with superimposed 2 sketch of the future Washlnlj:ton, accordlna; to Dr. Joseph M. Toner. 5. Sketch showing land holdings 01 orlgtnal patentees, 1792. 4 6. Comparative plans of L'Entant and Ellicott lor the Federal City. 5 7. L'Enfant plan 01 Washington sllowlng restoration 01 avenues after 6 delellon by Washington and Jefferson. 8. Undated manUllcrlpt sheet, £. 1800, soowtng surveyor 's notes lor 8 laying out the streets and blocks around the President's House and Park. 9. Park system of the National Capltlliunder Jurisdiction of the Na_ 9 tlonal Capital Regton. 10. Sketch showing dimensions of Lafayette Park and sidewalks. 10 11. Map of Washington, published In 1818, showing survey by R. King, 11 surveyor 01 the City of Washington. 12. Map published t. 1837 showtng Penneylvanlil. Avenue cut through 12 and separating the Presldent'sHouse and Grounds fNm LaJayetle Square. 13. Andre.... Jackson Downing, landscape architect, WhO designed the 14 bulc landscape plan for LaJayette Park. 14. Earliest sketch, k' 1857, showing Downlna; plan forlandscaplng 15 LaJay ette Square. 15. Sketch published 1872. 1813 showing Downing plan of LaJayette 16 Square. Figure Page 16. Brollze urn placed In Lafayette Park In 1872. " 17. Park lodge, erected In Lafayette Park In 1914, to be removed under 22 neW development plans of the NaHonal Capital Region. 18. A particularly fine specimen of the u appeared In 1891. Age, disease, constant replacement of trees and """;t,, 19. Final design of La1ayette Square after landscaping by Corps of 26 Engineers, 1872-1886. 20. Inventory of Lafayette Park, 1929. " 21. Preliminary sketch plan of Lafayette Park approved by FIne Arts 28 Commission, 1921. 22. Rare photo of memorial to General Andrew Jael<son showing the 30 Iron gates which formerly enclosed LatayeUe Park. 23. General Charles de Gaulle, accompanied by President Owlght D. 32 Eisenhower, carrying the memorial wreath to be laid at the foot of the statue to General Latayette on betlaltof the French nation on April 23, 19{iO , during the historic vtsltof the French Presi- dent to the White Hoose. 24. Statue to General Lafayette and his compatriots til Lafayette Park, 33 showing memorial wreath laid by General de Gaulleon Apri123, 1960. 25. Memorial elatue to General Thaddeus Koscluszko, Polish hero of 34 the Revolutionary War. 26. Memorial s tatue to the Comte de Rochambeau, leader of the 36 French Expeditionary Foree during the Revolutionary War. 27. Memorial statue \0 Baron VOn Steuben, Prusslan diSCiplinarian 36 and inspector General of th" Continental Army. 28. Diagram of Lafayette Park prior to reconditioning of 1936-1937. 40 29. Rare sketch of suggested treatment of Lafayette Park by Commls_ 42 sian of Fine Arts, f.
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