Otofiuntontocaltl] of llitssacljusttts. MANUAL FOR THE USE OF THE OENER^^L COURT CONTAIMNG THE RULES AND ORDERS OF THE TWO BRANCHES, TOGETHER WITH THE COXSTITUTIOX OF THE COMMONWEA.LTH, AND THAT OF THE UNITED STATES, AND A LIST OF THE EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, AND JUDICIAL DE- PARTMENTS OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT, STATE INSTI- TUTIONS AND THEIR OFFICERS, COUNTY OFFICERS, AND OTHER STATISTI- CAL INFORMATION. Prepared, pursuant to an Order of the House, By WILLIAM STOWE, CLERK OP THE HOUSE OP BEPRESENTATIVEg. / ^ BOSTON: tn> William white, printer to the state. 1858. CHARLES VJ-. UKIAM, President Commonbealtfj of fEassacIjusctts. House of Representatives, Jan. 13, 1858. Ordered, That the Sergeant-at-Arms cause to be printed and bound in suitable form, two thousand copies of the Kules and Orders of the two branches, with lists of the several standing and special committees there of already constituted, together with such other matter as has been pre- pared for the purpose by the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in pursuance of an Order of the last House. Sent up for concurrence. WILLIAM STOWE, aerk. In Senate, Jan. 14, 1858. Concurred. S. N. GIFFORD, aerk. V - u jrrr A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Agriculture, State Board of, . 134 Alien Passengers and State Paupers, Commissioners of, . 136 Almshouses, 135 Bank Commissioners, 136 Board of Education, 134 Boston Athengeum, 229 Cabinet Officers of the United States 139 Census of inhabitants and legal voters, 115 Cities of the Commonwealth, 123 Colleges of the Commonwealth, 132 Ccmmistioners, 136 Committee Rooms, assignment of, 226 Committees, Standing, of the Senate, 214 Standing, of the House, 223 Joint Standing, 215 Joint Special, 220 Congress, members of, 140 Congressional Districts, 101 Constitution of Massachusetts, 33 of United States, 9 Council Districts, 106 Councillors, 187 Counties, Officers of, 126 Court, United States Supreme, 139 of Claims, United States, 140 of Common Pleas, 124 Supreme Judicial, 124 Courts, PoUce, 125 Contents. Page. District -Attorneys, 125 Dietricto, Congressional, 101 Council, 106 Representative, 107 Senate, 103 Elections in the different States, times of, 137 Executive Department, 187 Governors and Lieutenant-Governors of Massachusetts, since 1789, . 99 of States and Territories, salaries and terms of oflace, . 138 Hospitals, 135 House of Representatives, list of members of, their districts, resi- dences and boarding places, . 196 Rules and Orders of, 169 Standing Committees of, . , 223 Officers of, .213 Reporters of, 228 Idiotic and Feeble-minded Youth, Massachusetts School for, . 136 Insurance Commissioners, 136 Judiciary of Massachttsetts, 124 United States, 139 Joint Rules and Orders, 161 Joint Standing Committees, 215 Joint Special Committees, 220 Legislative Department, 190 Legislatures of the different States, times of meeting of, . 137 Monitors of the House, 213 Pilot Commissioners, 136 President of the United States, 139 Representatives, list of, 196 in 35th Congress, 141 Rules and Orders of the Senate, 149 Rules and Orders of the House, 169 Rules and Orders, Joint, . , , 161 Contents. 5 Page. Senate, list of members of, with districts, residences, &c., , 190 list of members of, alphabetical, 194 Arrangement of seats in, 193 Officers of, 195 Reporters of, 228 Senators, United States, 140 Senators United States, from Massachusetts, since 1789, . 100 State Almshouses, 137 Board of Agriculture, 134 Industrial School for Girls, 136 Library, 229 Lunatic Hospitals, 135 Prison, . 136 Reform School for Boys, 136 Superior Court of the County of Suffolk, 124 Valuation of the Commonwealth in 1850, 115 CONSTITUTI'"N UNITED STATES. —— CONSTITUTION UNITED STATES ARTICLE I. Section 1. Legislative Powers ; in whom vested. Sect. 2. House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen—Qual* ifications of a Representative—Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned—Census—Vacancies to be filled—Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment. Sect. 3. Senators, how and by whom chosen—How classified—State executive to make temporary appointments, in case, &c.—Qualifications of a Senator—President of the Senate, his right to vote—President pro tern., and other officers of Senate, how chosen—Power to try impeachments When President is tried, chief justice to preside—Sentence. Sect. 4. Times, &c., of holding elections, how prescribed—One session in each year. Sect . .5 . Membership—Quorum—Adjournments—Rules—Power to pun- ish or expel—Journal—Time of adjournments limited, unless, &c. Sect. 6. Compensation—Privileges—Disqualification in certain cases. Sect. 7. House to originate all revenue bills—Veto—Bill may be parsed by two-thirds of each house, notwithstanding, &c. —Bill not returned in ten days—Provision as to all orders, &c., except, &c. Sect. 8. Powers of Congress. Sect. 9. Provision as to migration or importation of certain persons Habeas Corpus—Bills of Attainder, &c. —Taxes, how apportioned—No export duty —No commercial preferences—No money drawn from treasury, unless, &c.—No titular nobility—Officers not to receive presents, un- less, &c. Sect. 10. States prohibited from the exercise of certain powers. 1 10 Constitution of the United States. ARTICLE II. Sectiox 1. President ; his term of ofBce—Electors of President ; num- ber and how appointed—Electors to vote on same day—Qualification of President—Oo whom his duties devolve in case of his removal, death, &c. —President's compensation—His oath. Sect. 2. President to be commander-in-chief—He may require opinion of, &c., and may pardon—Treaty making power—Nomination of certain oflScers—When President may fill vacancies. Sect. 3. President shall communicate to Congress—He may convene and adjourn Congress, in case, &c. ; shall receive ambassadors ; execute laws, and commission officers. Sect. 4. All civil offices forfeited for certain crimes. ARTICLE III. Section 1. Judicial power—Tenure—Compensation. Sect. 2. Judicial power; to what cases it extends—Original jurisdic- tion of supreme court— Appellate—Trial by jury, except, &c.—Trial, where. Sect. 3. Treason defined—Proof of—Punishment of. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. Each State to give credit to the public acts, &c., of every other State. Sect. 2. Privileges of citizens of each State—Fugitives from justice to be delivered up—Persons held to service having escaped, to be delivered up. Sect. 3. Admission of new States—Power of Congress over territory and other property. Sect. 4. Republican form of government guaranteed—Each State to be protected. ARTICLE V. Constitution; how amended—Proviso. ARTICLE VI. Certain debts, &c., adopted—Supremacy of Constitution, treaties and laws of the United States—Oath to support Coustitutiozi, by whom taken —No religious test. ARTICLE VII. What ratification shall establish Constitution. Constitution of the United States. 11 AMENDMENTS. I. Rclij^ious establishment prohibited—Frecclom of speech, of the press, and right to petition. TI. Right to keep and bear arms. quartered in any house, unless, &c. III. No soldier to be IV. Right of search and seizure regulated. Y. Provisions concerning prosecution, trial and punishment—Pri- vate property not to be tfiken for public use, without, Sec. TI. Further provision respecting criminal prosecutions. VII. Right of trial by jury secured. "VIII. Excessive bail or fines and cruel punishments prohibited. IX. Rule ot construction. X. Same subject. XI. Same subject. XII. Manner of choosing president and vice-president. AVE, the people of t;:e United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure dome.^tic tran- quillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to our- selves and our posterity, do ordain and e-tahlish this Con- stitution FOR THE United States of Ameuica. ARTICLE I. Section 1. All legi>lative powers herein granted shall be vCNted in a congress of the United States, which shall couNist of a senate and house of representatives. Sect. 2. The house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year, by the people of tlie several states ; and the electors iu each slate sliall have the qualirtcations requisite for electors of the most numcrims branch of the state legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not liave attained to the age of twenty- tive years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and wtio sfiall not, w lien el-.cted, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chost n. ; 12 Constitution of the United States. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free per- sons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three- fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand; but each state shall have at least one representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Planta- tions one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Yii-ginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to till such vacancies. The house of representatives shall choose their speaker and other ofiicers ; and shall have the sole power of impeach- ment. Sect. 3. The senate of the United States shall be com- posed of two senators from each state, chosen by the legisla- ture thereof, for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided, as equally as may be, into three classes.
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