154 TOWN OF NAPANEE. TOWN OF NAPANEE. 155 but to every section of Canada through which it intersects), the village NAPANEE ACADEMY. increased rapidly in population, until now it is near three thousand. This building is now in process of erection, and is to be completed valueonanufacturing establish- Village property increased largely in by the first of May, 1865. The material is brick, and, when finished, all realizin?.., handsome profits. ments of various kinds were started, and will be one of the most convenient, substantial, and imposing edifices best water pris lieges in Canada. A The river here affords one of the in Western Canada. The cutirsea of instruction will embrace that of the railway bridge, eleven canal has been made from the falls near primary, intermediate, and higher ntatheraatics, and the classics. hundred feet in length, and supplies the power for two foun- dries, a large flouring mill, plaster mill, cabinet and chair factory, saw CHURCHES. made available for propelling mill, woollen factory, and could be Cnuatu or ENGLAND, (St. Mathews) was erected in 1815, of stone, machinery. The head fall at the Napanee almost any amount of at a cost of four thousand dollars. It is capable of accommodating thirty-une feet. In this mill they flouring mills, from the canal, is about three hundred persons; Rev. J. J. Bogart, Rector. In con- use an overshot wheel, twenty-six feet in diameter, twelve feet in nection with the church is an excellent parsonage, costing about two breadth. These mills were erected, in 1846, by the executors of the thousand dollars. The building is partly estate of the late John S. Cartwright, M.P.P. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CBURCH in height, and con- OF CANADA, (St. Andrews) was of stone, and partly of wood, seven stories built in 1864, of stone, and of stoins. One thousand bushels when fully completed will cost about eight tains large store-rooms and four run thousand dollars ; Rev. John Scott, minister. of wheat can be manufactured into flour, at this mill, every twenty- ' four hours. It is carried on by James F. Bartels, who is also largely WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH, WAS erected in 1861, of stone, at a cost of about ten brick and tile manufacturing,—in this branch twelve men thousatal dollars, situated on corner of Church engaged in and John streets ; Rev's. William 31cCullough, D. Brethour, and J. are employed. F. German, B. A., manufacture of woollen goods, Perry, 1%IcGillivray & Co., ministers. It will accommodate about one thou- In the sand persons. employ eight hands. The factory contains five looms, three sets of manufacturing ma- carding machines for custom work, and one set of Mertiontsr EPISCOPAL CHURCH, was built in 1828, of and was first frame, and chines. The factory has been in operation since 1837, is situated on the corner of Robert and Church streets. It cost about out carried on by Christopher Cramer. The establishment turns two thousand eight hundred dollars. It is capable of 800 seating about about 360 yards per week. persons. Revs. David 'Wilson, and G. French, Ministers. by John Herring. The Napanee Foundry was started, in l842, ROMAN CATHOLIC, (St. Patrick's) WAS erected in 1801, of stone, Buildings are stone, and, with machinery, cost six thousand dollars. with a parsonage and school connected, the whole costing about ten The power for propelling the machinery is supplied from the canal. thousand dollars. It is situated on the corner of Thomas and West kept employed in manufacturing mowers, reapers, streets. It will Fifteen men are accomodate about 700 persons. Rev. J. Brown, ploughs, agricultural implements, stoves, mill castings, &c. priest. ' The Phoenix Foundry was established in 1816. The buildings are atone, and the power used is water. Eight hauds are employed ; and MISSIONS. cultivators, &c., are turned out. McKane WESLEYAN CHURCH, stoves, ploughs, mill castings, (Selby), was erected in 1820, of frame, and cost about one & Dwyer are the proprietors. thousand dollars. It will accotnmodate about six Co. employ ten hands, manufacturing ready-made hundred persons. Revs. R. Hennie & William, McCullough, David Brethour and clothing. John F. German, B.A., ministers the several branches There are many other establishments engaged in WESLEYAN CHURCH, (Empy Hill) wns erected in 1860 nt n cost of industry, usually required for a town of this size. TOWN OF NAPANCE. 156 TOWN OF NAPANEE. 157 of eight hundred dollars. It will accommodate about five hundred Babcock, Jesse, blacksmith Babcock, Joseph, laborer Revs. William McCullough, David Brethour aud J. F. persons. Babcock, Reuben, 1ahorer German, B. A., ministers. Babcock, William, laborer W6sLEYAN CaURCA, (Mount Pleasant) was erected in 1861, at a Bahr, Amandus, laborer cost of eight hundred dollars. It will accommodate about five hundred Baker, Nelson, laborer Baruhnm, Alfred, laborer David Brethour, and J. F. persons. Revs. William 11icCullough, Bartlev, John, sailor German, B.A., ministers. BAR1`ELS, JANIES F. proprietor Napanee Mills, brick and tile mannfacturer SCHOOLS. Bartels, William G. cabinet maker Board of Grammar School Trustees hold meetings every month. BEEMAN, TRUMAN, J.I'. commissioner in B.R., conveyancer, &c. Centre F. V. Carey, Chairman ; John Stevenson, Dr. A. S. Bristol, B. C. Begley, John, chairrnaker, bds Dnndas Dr. James Grange, Rev. John Scott. Davy, BELL, ROBERT B. proprietor of livery stables, nr Campbell House, Board of Common School Trustees hold meetinrs once a month. It Bridge (see card, p. 158) Bell, \Irs. Peter, tailoress T. Beeman, C. R. Miller, J. C. Huffman, W. Parrish, C. James, C. Bell, Mrs. William, tailoress B. Perry. BENSON, JOHN, collector of customs, In Bridge SECRET SOCIETIES. Benson, Stephen, photographer Uxto.r LODGE No. 9, G. R. C.-B.egular communications Friday Berril, '%Villiam, carpenter Bird, William, grocer W.M., Hiram M. Wright ; P.M., B. before full moon in each month. Blair, James, sen. tailor C. Davy ; S.W., S. T. Clement ; J.W., Fred. Richardson ; Secretary, Blair, James, jun. tailor, Dmndas, h same John Benson ; Treasurer, J. C. Iluffman ; S.D., Robert Downey ; J.D., Blair, John, tailor, bds Dundas Thomas Henry ; I.G., C. B. Perry ; Stewards, Moses Williams, A. Blakcly , James, patent medicines Blewett, James, Grocer, Dundas, 1i same Culbcrtson ; Tyler, Isaiah Abrams. Blewett, ,lohn, groceries and provisions, Dundas, In same LOTAL ORANGY LODGE, No. 356.-NIeetings are held every second lileicett, Ric•hnrd, grocer Monday in each month, in Grange's Block, Dundas street. James Blewett, \1'iliinm, clerk, bds Dundas Rooney, W. M. ; A. C. Davis, Secretary ; Samuel Wilson, Treasurer ; IIOGAR'l', GILBEItI', postmaster, Dundas, bda Dundas Bowen, Edw•ard, grocer, Dundas, It llundas David Edgar, Foreman Com. Bowers, George, fariner Bowers, Dn.•id, farmer Abrams, David, laborer Bowey, Thomas, bartender, Itailroad House Abrams, George, laborer Bou•ev, William, proprietor, Railroad Ilouse Abrams, Isaiah, contractor Bovd, James, laborer Abrams, John, laborer I((;%-es, John, blacksmith, h John Anderson, Christopher, laborer Bo^es, John, waggon maker Anderson, Thomas, laborer Iloyes, Robert (Webster & Boves) h Robert Allen, Lewis, carpenter Bo^le, Henry, general dealer, bundas, h Thomas Allen, William, carpenter Boyle, Henry, stoves, tioware, hardware, &c. Allingham, Itichard, cabinet maker, Dundas, In same I;radshaw, NVilliam, waggon maker, bds Robert flllingham, Richard, shoemaker Brennan, Daniel, laborer Allingham, William, boot and shoe manufacturer, Dundas, h same Briggs, B. boot and shoemaker, Dundas, It Dundas Appleby, William, huckster Briggs, James, farmer Aylsaorth, Jehiel, grocer, Dundas, In same Babcock, Henry G. laborer TI)N'N OF tiAPANEl:. 159 AD\'F:RTISINI: DIRECTORY. Brigg's, JoLu, waggml maker, Us Bridge Brisco, Benjamin, general dealer in dry goods Bristol, Amos S. physician aad surgeun R. B. BELL 9 Brown, .lames, note broker Brown, Titus F. dentist Brutun, Charles, at cloth factor ,v 0 Itrutuu, William II. general dealer, Dundas, h same tlnrmias, John J. laborer Campbell, Mrs. C. widow CAMPBELL IIOI;SE, John Dwight, proprietor (see card, p. 160) Carman, Ilarrc (('arn -•I & IluLbs) h John Carman & liul,bs (Henry Carlnan and Henry A. M. IluLbs) photo- Fraphers, 1)undas (1►racallcn, Luke, farmer Carson, James, laborer Casc,v, Francis V. clerk Chanlherlnln, S. G. grocer Chamberlain, Thomas, 11L I). physician and surgeon ^ STALLES, Chamberlain, William It. medical student l'11AN1I31:RL1\, HENRY, dealer in staple and fancygroceries, crock- cry, and glassware, &c. llundns, h sanie CAMPBELL HOUSE, (711ahman, Charles, tinsmith, Us Mill Chatterson, John, oyster saloon, I)uudas, h same Diandiis Street, Napa>t><ee, C. W. Clark, Leonard, blacksmith Clnpp, Jouas, C. cabinetmaker ('Iapp, Joseph, cabinetmaker, h Centre Clentcnts, S. T. dentist, officc, Grangé s Block, Jolln, h Robert JOHN W. COLE, Cliff, (:cor,e, carpenter Clil)', John A. carpenter 1'low, If. P. Iumber manufacturer and manufacturer of piano-wheel horse-rake 1'oatcs, John, harness-mnker, h Mill l'ockhunn, George, grocer, llundas. h same Coff, Juhn CUI.I:, JOIIN W. livery stahle proprietor, Dundas (see card, p. 158) CONI\IG11l'I:1L B:1NlC OF CA\Ai):1, office, John Street ; Wil- REAR linm Munro, teller, and :11exandcr Slnith, agent Conger, Belyot, mason Conger, Peter, mason and builder 201 Conger, Peter, sailor Conger, Peter W. mr.son Conway, George, sawyer Corneli, John, clerk, Ilolbrook IIouie T)LTNDAS STREET I Cronk, Christopher, laborer Culhane, James, proprietor, Lenoz Hotel NAPANEE, C. W. Culhane, Patrick, ostler, Lenox Hotel TOWN OP NAPAN EE• 16 I 160 A DVF.RTISI NG DI RECTORY. Cunningham, Edward, cstler, Davy's Hotel Currie, John, blacksmith, h Ney/burgh DAVIS, ALEXANDER C. general dealer in dry goods, clothing, ALEX. C. DAVIS groceries, hardware, &c. Dundas GENERAL DEALER IN Davis. Thomas G. palesman, A. C. Davis DAVY, B. C. (Davy & Holmested) and town major, h Graham Davy, G. H. proprietor Davy's Commercial Hotel, Dundas Davy, John laborer DRY GOODS, Davy, Samuel, laborer Davy, William W.
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