, .. I" ~ ~.... .:. t:: ••• .. .. PAST AND FUTURE THE PAST; Gordon Knight, president of Georgia's Peachtree Chen Club posses winner's check to Wil· liam Lombardy, champion of lost fall's Peach Stat: Opcn. James R. Bollard (center), a USCF Director and Vice· President of the Atlanta Chess Association, holds championship trophy. THE FUTURE: The Atlonto Chess Association is hosting the 1967 U.S. Opr n. Aug."t 13·25. at the Atlanta American Motor Hotel. The concurrent U.S. Speed Championship will be held on August 19 ot Mossey JuniOr College. which wos patron and host to the Peach State Open. President Jock Barnette of Mossey i, enthusiastically supporting the 1967 U.S. Open. For a look at the past and a glimpse of how enjoyable your future con be if you ploy in this year's open. sec lombardy's story on page 21. Volume XXD Number 2 February, 1967 EDITOR: Burt Hochberg CHESS FEDERATION CONTENTS PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland A History~Moking Tournament! ................................ ............................ 23 VICE-PRF.SIDENT Isaac Kashdao Abstract Art and the Benko System, by Pol Benko ................ ................ 24 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS NEW ENGLAND Jeme. Bolton Chess Life Here and There, compi led by Wm. Goichberg ............ 26, 31, 40 H.rald Dondls Ell Bourdon EASTERN Robert LaBelle The Peach State Open, by William Lombardy .................................... 27 L,wla E. Wood Michael Raimo MID-ATLANTIC Earl Clny Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, by Robert Byrne ........................................ 30 Steve Carl"Uth,r. Ro~rt Erku Woodpushers' Scrapbook, by Fred Wren ................................................ 32 SOUTHERN Philip lAmb i' ~ l~r l.,hde CarroLl M. Crull Women's Chess, by Kathryn Slater ........................................................ 33 GREAT LAKES Don ald W. Rlldln. Dr. Hlrvey McCle lla n V. E. V.ndenbur . The Caro-Kann Defense, translated by Oscor Freedman ........................ 34 NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Giior,e Tleu Itob.rt ...... rner K ltn Rykltltn N.Y. State Senior ond Junior Results .................................................... 36 SOUTHWESTERN W. W. Cre... John A. Howell hrk IJlshop From the Piotigorsky Cup, by Bernard Zuckerman ................................ 38 PACiFIC Burrard Eddy K ltnnnll. Jonn Col. Paul L. Webb From the Editor's File ............................................................................ 40 SECRETARY Tournament Life, compiled by William Gaichberg ............................ 42 Dr. Leroy Dubeck EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS ARMED FORCES CHE$S................ Robert Karch JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION COLLEGE CHIiS5. .......... ..................... Paul C. JOSII INDUSTRIAL CHESS ............ St.nley W. D. Kinl USCF is a non·proflt democratic orl.nitaUon, the oUlcl.1 iovernlng body and FIDE (World INTERNATIONAL AFPAIR$.... ........ Jetry Sp.nn Chess Federation) unit for chUI in the USA. Anyone lntere.ted in advancing American chen WUlllCIl'~ 1"~crn .tlO n .I... ........... KUhryn SI.ter i$ elliible for membership, with benefits which include a CHESS LIFE 5Ubscrlptlon and eUr\bUlty JUNIOR CHESS ........ ~~ ...... M ......M_ .. Rob.rt Erlr.•• for USCF ratlni. MASTERS AFFAIR$..... ..................... Robert Byrne MEMBERSHIP ................................ Don.ld Schultz Regullr Membership: 1 year, $10.00; 2 yen., U9.00, 3 yean, 527.00. F.mUy Membership or NATIONAL OPEN ........................ Herman EAtrada Junior Membership (Under 21 at explntiOn date): 1 year, $11.00; 2 year5, $9 .50; 3 yean, $13 .50. Famlly memberships apply when two or more members of the UrnI' family re!ide at tbe uma NOMINATIONS ....... ~~ . ~ ........... _ ... ... ..Franlt Slrol1 RATINGS I. PAIRINGS................ Al'Pad E. £10 MkIreli and receive onl.y one monthly copy of CHESS LlF'E. The firlt fam1ll' member p,ays regulu RATING STATI$TICIAN ............ WIII . Oolcbberl rates and each .ddltional member pays the family rain. All such members blVe the "me TAX DEDUCTIBILlTY .~ ................. H. rold I)(lndU: explrlUon date as the flnt member (except where hi' 1.1 • We Membership). Family membership!! TOURNAMENT AOM. ........Georl. KoltanowllI.I should be submitted togethar. Wheneve r they I re nOl, Ihe nallle, address, and expirltion d ale or TOURNAMENT RULES ................ J.me. Sherwtn the Ill'st member must be I IYen ; the .dded member(') will hiVe the ume expiration da te . Sus. COUNSEL • TRIA$URI!R_ Oavkl Horcma..o.n IlIl nlng Membership (becOIllU We .ner 10 consecutive .nnual payments): $20.00. Once a Sust.lninZ U. s. CHAMPIONSH1P ... _ ... ~.~ .. M.urlce Kuper Membership has belun, eacb succeS$!ye ye.r', duel must be paid before the expiration date. U.S. OPEN . _~_~.~ .......... ~.~~ ................ W. B. AIr.1n Otherwise, the IWih'ninl cycle Irtul$ oYer .,.In at year OlIe and at wb.atever rates are then In WOMEN'S CHESS ..... M ........... ~ ...........Eva Aconaon effect. Life Membership: $200.00. CHESS LIFE is publl.lbed monthly by USCF .nd entered .5 second.class matter .t East WORLD CHESS FEDERATION Dubuque, nlInol5. Non.member l·yr. • ubfCrlpllon: " .50 1$7.50 outside USA); 5lngle copy: SSt' n:it (F.I.D.E.) outside USA). Ch.nl' of .dd.e.. : AUow Ilx weeki notice; please &lve us both the new address and the old address, includln& tha numbers and d.tes on the top line of your stencil. Fred Cramer Address an communication., and mike .11 ehecks payable to: Vice-President, Zone l5 (U.S.A.) _._----- UNITED STATES CHISS FIDIRATIDN, I., htt 11th Street, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 22 CHESS LIFE • o Ice ournamen • • Irec ors anlzers As you all know, the only tournaments which can be USCF 3. Collect dues from each player who cannot show a rated are those in which all the contestants are USCF mem­ current membership card; collect another $5 from each bers. In this regard, you are accustomed to checking the holder of an orange card whose junior status will termin, USCF membership card of each entrant in your tournament ate before the expiration date shown on the card. to be sure that he is currently a member. If he has inadvert· ently permitted his membership to lapse (often the member 4. Retain your 20% affiliate commission on the dues himself doesn't realize this has happened until you check his collected, and forward all dues information and money to card), then of course you collect his USCF dues and forward USCF as soon as possible. them to our business office. Something new has been added. You will be having more BE SURE TO GIVE COMPLETE NAME AND ADDRESS, and more of the younger members showing orange member­ INCLUDING ZIP CODE, FOR EVERY PERSON FROM ship cards, rather than the blue cards you are used to seeing. WHOM DUES HAVE BEEN COLLECTED. These orange cards signify that the holders have paid the USCF Junior dues of $5 rather than the Regular dues of $10. BE SURE TO INDICATE EXACTLY WHAT TYPE OF Junior dues are only valid for persons who shali not have DUES EACH PERSON HAS PAID, FOR HOW LONG A reached their 21st birthday before the expiration date shown TIME, AND IN WHAT AMOUNT. on these orange membership cards. DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOUR TOURNAMENT RATING To assist USCF in keeping accurate membership records REPORT IS READY BEFORE SENDING DUES INFORMA· and to insure that your tournament will be r;lled, we ask your TION TO US, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE NEW OR cooperation in the form of the foliowing steps to be per· RENEWAL MEMBER GET HIS MEMBERSHIP CARD AS formed at each event. SOON AS POSSIBLE. TRY TO FORWARD THE NECES­ 1. Check that every player has in his possession a SARY INFORMATION TO US WITHIN 72 HOURS. valid, current USCF membership card. Your help is vital to the well·being of your Federation and 2. In the case of ORANGE cards, be sure the holder to the improved membership service we are all striving so will be under 21 years of age at expiration date. hard to make reality. • • - In ournamen J;lnuary 21-23, 1966: Boston, M;lsS;ichuseits; United States of cf MIT'S Project Mac for the PDP-6 computer. It is hoped America, Planet Earth. that it can play regularly in tournaments so that its strength The Massachusetts Amateur Championship marks the very can be more accurately compared to that of human beings. first time (in the world, as far as we know) that an electronic "MacHack VI's current rating is a provisional 1239 (Class computer played chess against human beings under regular D). The computer's play is extremely erratic; witness the tournament conditions; time limit, Swiss·system pairings, following games: touch-move, the works. C;lrl Wagner (White); MacH;lck VI (Black), 1. P·KN3, P­ In the past, as everyone knows, computers have been pro­ K4; 2, N·KB3, P-KS; 3, N·Q4, B_B4; 4. N·N3, B·N3; 5, B-N2, grammed for chess playing, but only for scientific experi· N-KB3; 6. P.QB4, P-Q3; 7. N-B3, B·K3; a. P·Q3, PxP; 9. BxP, mental purposes, and their opponents have usuaily been lim­ QN·Q2; 10. PxP, R-QNl; 11. B·N2, 0·0; 12. 0-0, B-KNS; 13. ited to the programmer and his colleagues. This time the Q-B2, R·Kl; 14. P·Q4, P-B4; 15. B-K3, PxP; 16. NxP, N-K4; computer was paired against rated chess players who were 17. P-KR3, B-Q2; la. P·N3, B.QB4; 19. QR-Ql, Q·Bl; 20. K·R2, interested only in winning the game, not to demonstrate a N·N3; 21. B-NS, R·K4; 22, BxN, PxB; 23. N·K4, P-B4; 24. scientific point. N-B6ch, K·N2; 25. NxB, QxN; 26. N-B6, QR-Kl; 27. NxR, RxN; The following is an excerpt from a report sent in by 2a. Q-B3, P·B3; 29. R·Q3, R-K7; 30. R·Q2, RxR; 31. QxR, N· Benjamin Landey, weIl·known New England chess organizer, K4; 32. R-Ql, Q-QB2; 33.
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