cvr_itto 4/10/02 10:06 AM Page 1 Technical Report Phase I 1997-2001 Technical Technical Report Phase I 1997-2001 ITTO PROJECT PD 12/97 REV.1 (F) Forest, Science and Sustainability: The Bulungan Model Forest ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev. 1 (F) project PD 12/97 Rev. ITTO ITTO Copyright © 2002 International Tropical Timber Organization International Organization Center, 5th Floor Pacifico - Yokohama 1-1-1 Minato - Mirai, Nishi - ku Yokohama - City, Japan 220-0012 Tel. : +81 (45) 2231110; Fax: +81 (45) 2231110 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.itto.or.jp Center for International Forestry Research Mailing address: P.O. Box 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, Indonesia Office address: Jl. CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang, Bogor Barat 16680, Indonesia Tel.: +62 (251) 622622; Fax: +62 (251) 622100 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.cifor.cgiar.org Financial support from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) through the Project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F), Forest, Science and Sustainability: The Bulungan Model Forest is gratefully acknowledged ii chapter00 2 4/8/02, 2:50 PM Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations iv Foreword vi Acknowledgements viii Executive summary ix 1. Introduction 1 2. Overview of Approaches and Methods 4 3. General Description of the Bulungan Research Forest 8 4. Research on Logging 23 4.a. Comparison of Reduced-Impact Logging and Conventional Logging Techniques 23 4.b. Reduced-Impact Logging in Indonesian Borneo: Some Results Confirming the Need for New Silvicultural Prescriptions 26 4.c. Cost-benefit Analysis of Reduced-Impact Logging in a Lowland Dipterocarp Forest of Malinau, East Kalimantan 39 5. Biodiversity Research in Malinau 57 6. People’s Dependencies on Forests 109 7. Negotiating More than Boundaries: Conflict, Power and Agreement Building in the Demarcation of Village Borders in Malinau 131 8. Research in Bulungan Model Forest: The Management of a Large, Multistakeholder Forest 157 9. Annex (In CD-ROM) 162 iii chapter00 3 4/8/02, 2:50 PM Acronyms and Abbreviations AAC Annual Allowable Cut DAS Daerah Aliran Sungai (Watershed) ACIAR Australian Centre for International DBH Diameter at Breast Height Agricultural Research DEM Digital Elevation Model ACM Adaptive Co-Management DR Dana Reboisasi (Reforestation Fund) Al Aluminum DRH Diameter at Reference Height AMDAL Analisis Dampak Lingkungan FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (Environmental Impact Assessment) Fe Iron ANOVA Statistical Analyses of Variance FORDA Forestry Research and Development APHI Asosiasi Pengusaha Hutan Indonesia Agency (Association of the Indonesian Forest FPP Forest Products and People Concessionaires) GIS Geographic Information System asl Above sea level GPS Global Positioning System BAF Basal Area Factor GTZ Deutsche Gessellschaft für Technische BALITBANG Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Zusammenarbeit (Research and Development Center) H Hydrogen BAPPEDA Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Regional Development Planning ha Hectare Board) H2OWater BDMS Bara Dinamika Muda Sukses, a name of HPH Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (Forest coal mining company Concession Rights) [BI] Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) HSI Heavy Soil Impact BI Bifurcation index Hue (Soil) Dominant color BIOMA Yayasan Biosfer Manusia (Human ICRAF International Center for Research in Biosphere Foundation) Agroforestry BIOTROP Southeast Asian Center for Tropical IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Biology Development BRF Bulungan Research Forest IHH Iuran Hasil Hutan (Forest Product C Carbon Royalties) C/N Carbon to Nitrogen ratio IHPH Iuran Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (Forest Concession License Fee) CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory INHUTANI Eksploitasi dan Industri Hutan (Forest CEC Cation Exchange Capacity Exploitation and Industries), a name of Chrome (Soil) Color Purity or Strength the State-owned forest enterprise CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research IPB Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor CIRAD Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Agricultural University) Recherche Agronomique pour le IPPK Ijin Pemungutan dan Pemanfaatan Kayu Développement (Wood Utilization and Harvesting Permitt) CNV Conventional Logging IRD Institut de Recherche pour le C-Org Organic Carbon Développement CV Commanditaire Vennootschap (Limited ITTO International Tropical Timber Partnership) Organization iv chapter00 4 4/8/02, 2:50 PM IUCN International Union for Conservation of RKPH Rencana Karya Pengusahaan Hutan Nature and Natural Resources, now (Forest Management Plan) known as the World Coservation Union RKT Rencana Kerja Tahunan (Annual Work [K] Kenyah language Plan) K Potassium ROADENG Road Engineering KCl Potasssium Chloride SD Standard Deviation LIPI Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia SDM Sumber Daya Manusia (Human (The Indonesian Institute of Sciences). Resources) LSD Least Square Distance SEKWILDA Sekretaris Wilayah Daerah (District LSI Low Soil Impact Secretary) LUV Local User’s Value SFM Sustainable Forest Management [M] Merap language SHK Sistem Hutan Kemasyarakatan (Forest Community System) m Merap ethnicity SOFTREE Computer software for inventory and me/100g Milli-equivalent (ionic concentration unit)/ topographic mapping 100 grams sp. A species (name unknown) Mg Magnesium spp. species (plural) in a given genus MLA Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment SPSS Statistical Packages for the Social MOF Ministry of Forestry Sciences © MSI Moderate Soil Impact Tau ()Test statistic of Kendall’s rank coefficient N Nitrogen TFF Tropical Forest Foundation Na Sodium TPn Tempat Penimbunan Kayu Sementara NARS National Agricultural Research System (Temporary Log Landing) NGO Non-Governmental Organization TPTI Tebang Pilih dan Tanam Indonesia (The NH4OAc Ammonium Acetate Indonesian Selective Logging and NRM Natural Resources Management Planting System). NTFP Non Timber Forest Product UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [P] Punan language UNMUL Universitas Mulawarman (Mulawarman P Phosphorus University) p Punan ethnicity USAID United States Agency for International PD Project Document Development PDM Pebble Distribution Method USDA United State Department of Agriculture phi Statistical measure of relationship Value (Soil) Color Brightness strength WCS Wildlife Conservation Society PMDH Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan WWF World Wide Fund for Nature (Community Assistance required from Forest Concessions) PPT Pusat Penelitian Tanah (Center for Soil Research) PT Perseroan Terbatas (Limited Liability Company) p-value estimated probability (of result occurring by chance under a stated null hypothesis) RePPPRoT Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration RIL Reduced-Impact Logging v chapter00 5 4/8/02, 2:50 PM Foreword Forest, Science and Sustainability: the Center for International Forestry Research Bulungan Model Forest (CIFOR) have played the leading role on the research side. Scientists and students from LIPI, CIRAD- Specialists in tropical forestry generally agree that Forêt, IRD, and several universities have also to achieve sustainable management of production participated. Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry, PT forests one must be able to convince private INHUTANI II, PT Trakindo Utama, Caterpillar Asia, companies that they can benefit from adopting the District Government of Malinau, several NGOs forestry practices that cause less damage to the and dozens of local communities have all been residual stand. Likewise, government agencies have heavily involved on the development and to develop new rules and regulations based on solid implementation side. economic and ecological data that reduce private Through their experiments at a commercial companies’ administrative burdens and operating scale, the researchers have been able to demonstrate costs while keeping the environmental impact of that Reduced Impact Logging practices can not only production activities to a minimum. One must also reduce damage to the residual stand by 50%, they find ways to reduce conflict between private can also improve companies’ profits by increasing companies, local communities, national and local the productivity of their felling and skidding governments and environmental organizations. That, operations. The researchers also showed that in turn, requires better understanding of the needs companies could harvest 7–9 trees per hectare and and expectations of each party. still keep the damage to the residual stand and to soil These things are much easier to say than to and water resources at an acceptable level. If the implement in the field. Nevertheless, over the last companies follow these guidelines they probably five years a unique partnership involving researchers wouldn’t need to engage in costly regeneration from several institutions with government officials, treatments. Thus, the government would no longer private companies, NGOs, and local communities has have to require such treatments and monitor their made significant strides towards achieving these implementation. This is obviously of interest to both goals in the District of Malinau in East Kalimantan, the companies and the government agencies. Since Indonesia. several companies such as PT INHUTANI II and PT The initial initiative for this partnership came Trakindo Utama have been involved in the process from the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia and the from the start they can feel completely confident ITTO. The strong political support from the Ministry about the reliability of the results. and the generous financial support and technical By using a new technique called advice
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