www.exploreinc.ca 1-866-936-1805 May 22, 2020 Attention Pipeline Integrity Division; A low-pressure system is bringing widespread rain to Alberta. General amounts of 20-40mm is expected for most of the province (except the Northwest corner). Due to this expected precipitation, the following advisories are in effect. Anyone situated close to the streams affected are advised to be cautious of the rising water levels. This is an internal notification to update you of current high flow conditions issued by Alberta Environment and Parks. High flow can lead to waterway bank disruption, erosion, sloughing or scour. When this occurs over or around a pipeline water crossing the chance of a depth of cover failure or pipeline exposure increases. Pipeline leakages can lead to high cost property damage and high impact environmental damage. If you require any depth of cover services or research into pipelines with potential problems, please let us know. Contact Derek Leiman (780-293-1810) or Katie Welter (306-834-4402). Below is an update from Alberta Environment and Parks: Current Conditions and Impacts: x 20-50mm of precipitation, with pockets of higher amounts due to convective activity is possible. x 30-60mm of precipitation is also expected in the Smoky basin, in the Grande Prairie-Grande Cache areas. Local amounts of 80 mm are possible due to convective activity. High Streamflow Advisory: North Saskatchewan River (downstream of Rocky Mountain House as well as tributaries of the North Saskatchewan River between Rocky Mountain House and the City of Edmonton and the Clearwater River) – in effect Water level rises of 1-2m are possible on tributaries. Water level rises of 3-4m are possible on the North Saskatchewan River. The North Saskatchewan River is expected to peak in Edmonton over the weekend, and at the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan early to mid-next week. Swan Hills (Swan River, Driftpile River, East Prairie River and Sakwatamau River) – in effect Water level rises of up to 2.5m are possible. Smoky River and its tributaries upstream of Watino – in effect Water level rises of up to 2.5m are possible in the streams in the Smoky River basin. Athabasca River Basin (Athabasca River upstream of the Town of Athabasca, McLeod River downstream of Rosevar to the confluence with the Athabasca River, The Little Paddle River, The Paddle River upstream of the Paddle Dam & The Pembina River – in effect Water level rises of 1-2m are possible in these areas. Flood Watch: Little Red Deer River – May 22, 2020 Rising water level are expected to impact low lying areas adjacent to the river, such as Red Lodge Provincial Park and Westward Ho Campground. Behind every explore experience, is trust. Head Office: Calgary Edmonton Office St. Paul Office Drayton Valley Office Box 62, Hanover Place 18941 - 111 Avenue NW Box 1987 -5133 50 Ave PO Box 6267 Suite #1200, 101 6th Ave SW Edmonton, Alberta St. Paul, AB 6521 50th Avenue West Calgary, Alberta T5S 2X4 T0A 3A0 Drayton Valley, AB T2P 3P4 780-455-5598 780-645-3399 T7A 1S1 www.exploreinc.ca 1-866-936-1805 General River Conditions: Athabasca River Basin: Water levels are generally average to above average, and recent water level rises of 0.5 to 2.0 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. Bow River Basin: Water levels are generally average to above average, and recent water level rises of 0.25 to 1.0 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. Battle River Basin: Water levels are generally above average, and recent water level rises of 0.1 to 0.3 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. Milk River Basin: Water levels are generally average to above average, and recent water level rises of 0.2 to 0.8 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. North Saskatchewan River Basin: Water levels are above average, and recent water level rises of 0.5 to 2.5 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. Oldman River Basin: Water levels are generally average to above average, and recent water level rises of 0.2 to 0.7 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. Peace River Basin: Water levels are generally average to above average, and recent water level rises of 0.5 to 1.3 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. Red Deer River Basin: Water levels are generally above average, and recent water level rises of 0.5 to 1.4 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. South Saskatchewan River Basin: Water levels are generally average to above average, and recent water level rises of 0.1 to 0.4 m have been observed due to recent precipitation. For more information on real-time precipitation and river data go to: http://environment.alberta.ca/apps/basins/default.aspx Behind every explore experience, is trust. Head Office: Calgary Edmonton Office St. Paul Office Drayton Valley Office Box 62, Hanover Place 18941 - 111 Avenue NW Box 1987 -5133 50 Ave PO Box 6267 Suite #1200, 101 6th Ave SW Edmonton, Alberta St. Paul, AB 6521 50th Avenue West Calgary, Alberta T5S 2X4 T0A 3A0 Drayton Valley, AB T2P 3P4 780-455-5598 780-645-3399 T7A 1S1 $OEHUWD5LYHU%DVLQV ±*RYHUQPHQWRI$OEHUWD p 3UHFLSLWDWLRQ0DSV Week 'D\ :HHN 0RQWK (YHQWV $OEHUWD5LYHU%DVLQV ±*RYHUQPHQWRI$OEHUWD p 3UHFLSLWDWLRQ0DSV Month 'D\ :HHN 0RQWK (YHQWV $OEHUWD5LYHU%DVLQV ±*RYHUQPHQWRI$OEHUWD p )RUHFDVWHU&RPPHQWV Weather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