SPARTAN DAILY VOLUME 126 NUMBER 32 Serving San Jose Slate [niversily since 1934 lilt RSDAY MARCH 23, 2006 DAY NIGHT Opposing Views: Sports profile: Before leaving for Spring Break, Should the U.S. pull out Lam isha read the Daily online Friday. of Iraq immediately? Augustine Regular publication to resume Tuesday, April 4. () 411i Opinion Page 2 Sports Page 6 70F 48 F Few cast In this corner... Blogger ballots in A.S. elections on break Jessica Loebig wins from Iraq only contested race DANIEL ESCH / DAILY STAFF Saddam critic By Jill Seib & Erin Keilah Chin Above, A bloody paper towel sits in a ringside makes SJSU visit DAILY STAFF WRITERS garbage can Tuesday at the Washington United By Zeenat Umar This year, 469 students voted in Youth Center in San Jose DAILY STAFF WRITER the Associated Students election. after being used to clean Jessica 1..oebig. who ran for di- up a nose injury. Left, Jeremiah Smith, rector of extracurricular affairs, won A "Baghdad !flogger" who risked a senior majoring in with 299 votes. Iler opponent, Mark ost atism under Saddam I lussem's re- aviation, spars with Powell. came in with 144. gime is Ili Illake hums ilt.t appearance in "I'm feeling good." she said. "I'm another member of the an \ ineocan uniseisity ttislay at noon came out and SJSU Boxing Club Tuesday just excited that people at the Iii Martin Luther King Jr. Joint voted. Being the only one contested, at the Washington Union Library on the second floor in rooms it really meant a lot to Inc.'' Youth Center in San Jose. 225 to 229. This year's voter turnout was not Salam Pax. as high as previous years. Last year, whose real 1,6.47 students voted, and Alberto name has never Gutierrez received W7 votes to be- In the ring been revealed come A.S. president. ,icciirding to This time around, Gutierrez was re-elected as A.S. president after win- ne%%. media, ning in a race in which he was unop- with the SJSU has contrib- posed. Out of the 469 votes, he re- uted to world- ceived 368. wide cover- Pax "This is a bittersweet victory." said boxing club age of Saddam Joel Bridgman. director of student Ilussein's re- rights and responsibilities. "The bit- gime and the terness comes from the apathy of the Sports, Page 7 Iraq 'tsar I le began writing his news student population. The sweetness On an Internet blog six months before comes from the fact that we actually the iii nut and Cumiinued well into received votes and that's support, and the war Ile nsked retribution when he support is always a good thing." opyill began voicing his criticism of Gutierrez said that it %% as harder to soddom's government. lilting veils of get students to vote this year because Students discuss issues in the black community Ica I. iesentment and angel of an ordi- there was not much competition. more . double standaids ith ma!, and females nary man according to The Guardian By Tandrea Madison and other newspapers. -There was not much of an incen Delta member IsisinA -is 111e \ !Man \ mencan community," said tive for people to go out and vote," To add to the dangers of li% ing un- DAILY STAFF WRITER leader 01 the discussion. .ind 1,C:Z.111 II% I 1/4-11.1 Menthei ircer represso e di' Gutierrez said. "Seeing how many explaining what invited thy S liii k some people .igreed with I Over right der a dictatorship, he students to tote it % ulged homosexuality during a didn't care made When the ladies !VIM I ciiva Theta Entertainment 'tele% ision s. \\ Inch asi.o. Meis offered anothm opinion his really challenging in a lot of ways." period when thousands of Iraqis were Sorority first armed at the Student Union focuses on musicians' lends We Ali\ s \sant to be hsioked tip.- said A le x Ramos will remain as control- offenses or no ohlone room on 'I nesday inght to set up "It's like a %%hole industii to siatch black Sedos I itake. slIk11:111 In allendillICe persecuted for minor ler in the upcoming year. Ramos re- lot then discussii in. there were less than In:0141: light," she said It iii inteiengsti sir' should be doing it outset% apparent offense lor that matter. ceived 356 votes. Clic Angkhami won in his blog that one In allendec, ise it 110WeVer, as the 1111n thing to watch, il you d t linkink About it 'cople around the lmloom nodded their l'ax nu:muffled for vice president with 358 votes. of- %%as shot in the head, 1111:, licked 1/.\ . they prepared themselves for According to the lit I 55 eh sib'. -lied- is aeleement and 1)ella membei Brandi !Ionic his friends "I'm really excited," Angkham mu others %%hi, is CI L' arrested, and mitre They arranged chairs, set up a table a documentar 1.1kk, a look :it \ lvtlearis said that It is tilt beyond people said. "We have our work cut out for one is cnt missing. lor no apparent shots casing their chapter and put out food. the rap battles .ind beets that made and broke rust \smiting to he "hooked up.- us next year. and definitely over the reason By the end 01 the night, the Ohlone room careers." The sat1 At go es smite Institis it' lilt h w an: main resources out there Mine of this election, it showed us -We've net er had a blogger in was so lull it was standing room only the early day s of hip hop And hoii beets tot hlack people. but they don't always want we have even more work to do to get Mc 19 years of presenting the Major I he question 01 the night and title of have gone from simple "dissing- to 1111Inki she said students to participate." .X1111101, Series at the unisersity, and the discussion sias ''Why Can't We All Get Artists featured on the slits hate included I lendos added that pnonlies were an is - Brandon Glover, director of busi- it is a real pro [lege to bring to the Along.'" 50 Cent. Ja Rule. In I ion'. I I. Cool .1 and site \sell She said where people should ness affairs, Benjamin Dresher. di SJSI - community the man I think is I he discussion was set up to facilitate iminem I ’iincerned about higher education and rector of student resource affairs, and the famous and most deservedly cons ersations about the relationships and The first question I lentll is asked %%as. making pmeiessoe huh Cs. the were more most Bridgeman will return to A.S. after the world." said interactions %% ithin the black community, 'What do you guys heel out issues me '- I he matenalisos famous !logger In addressing issues such as black on -black response was immediate and mixed mlence. matenalom, young parenting and l's c' noticed is that there ate SEE ELECTION PAGE 5 "One thing SEE DISCUSSION PAGE 5 SEE BLOGGER PAGE 4 Theater group to tour the Chinese stage By Erin Hull and is I, s king for small stain 11'. to is usually 11101-C SIX:c1,111/Ctl isit as %it'll than in .-kmerican schools. I talc y DAILY STAFF WRITER ( is Iii, leaches Hash ani- said that the systems' dillerenres mation, said he lollys to lecture on might actually stork to the sill Two San Jose State lniversity that topic s'. tile abroad as well as dents' advantage. television, radio, film and theatre scope out opportunities lot a sab- "If, for example. I a 'hi nese pro department professors will em- batical. lessor) could come 0% ei as a guest bark today. on a trip to the other Beginning in Shanghai. the lecturer or a specialist in simiething side of the globe, with aspirations group will be hosted by the that we wanted, then that would be to foster an academic relationship Shanghai 'lleatre Academy, which great. ... We may then he able to between San Jose and China. Culley describes as "their big give them something general. like Television, radio, film and theatre (arts) school, like their Juilliard or a general English education. or graduate student Jennie Yeung tel,A." something about American the- will lead department chair Mike Ye ung, who rills as I 'hainnan of ater," Idley said. Adams and professor James K. the Silicon Valley Morin Festival The arts in China are steeped Culley from Shanghai to Beijing, plans on involving some (*Wiese in tradition, but are not falling be- where they will visit various art students in this September's tradi- hind in modern experimentation. academies and film and radio cen- tional 'hinese testi% al Culley said. ters in an effort to further their own "Part of the reasm I'm going is I’rddition is revered and nour- cultural education. to invite some of the people (from ished, but they are looking towards "We professors always want the Shanghai Theatre Academy) the future," Culley said. to learn something new," Adams to do exhibitions for the Moon There are many similarities said. "I know it sounds trite, but Festival ... they're planning on between American theater and its it's true." sending something like 20 peo- 'hinese equivalent, Olney said. The group consists of three peo- ple over to perform at the festival "They have Italian opera. just ple with different specialties, and along with the costumes." Yeung as we have a traditional IMropean they plan to have a varied travel said.
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