WE Will SELECT AND SUPPORT THE BEST MEN FOE THE BULLETIN IS NOT A PARTIZAN PAPEE ISELIN AVENEL PUBLIC OFFICE THE KEASBEY COLONIA PORT READING EDGARS HILL SEWAREN 3TOHDS V/OODBRIDGE HOPELAWTT ULLETlN t o£ Woodbridge Township with Middlesex County News. AVENEL, N. J., APRIL 6, 1923. PRICE 5 CENTS VOL. I, NO. 33 GILL WIN "OPEN PRESS" IN WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP JOS. E. E. BOYNTON OF THEATRE NOTES WOODBIIIDGE ADDRESSES Episcopalians Will Erect "Ebb Tide" will be seen at the Em- Township Road Department Explosion His Resolution Is Finally Passed P.-T. ASSOCIATION pire Theatre, 'Rahway, this Friday. Church at Fords It is the story of a man who had never Ifiseusses Pre-Sclicol Age Work Reported Only Narrowly Averted With Only Slight Modification WITH REV, ARNOLD FENTON AS ••mown success and a girl who had AV.ENESL.—The program of tie RECTOR. IT WILL BE BUILT never known love and how they found Parent-Teacher's Association which ON HISTORIC SJJOT their souls in the exotic South Seas. Medieval Practice Of Giving Most Of Legal was held at the school house on Wed- A thrilling fire and shipwreck at sea. Blum And Neuberg Looking After Public lay afternoon, was a very inter- FORDS—A neiw church is about to A Century Comedy and Topics of the Interests Join Hands In Stopping Advertising To Favored Paper Abolished esting one. The school children which be built in this vicinity 'by a newly Day complete the bill. took part were from the two divisions formed Episcopalian congregation. Saturday, 'Conway Tearle will ap- Wasteful Use Of Road Funds By Township Committee With Only o.f the first grade. The lower class This 'body of worshippers ha—ve pear in "The Referee." Referee John under Hiss Gleckler gave a dialogue 'been meeting for about two years- at LVIcArdle was known as "Honest John" And Countermand High Two Dissenting Votes. about spring and two songs on the the Ford's Fairfleld School house, but when he was offered a large sum within about four months, when it same theme which pleased the audi- both Sunday school and church ser- of money to referee a crooked fight, Priced Cinders. ALSO PLAN TO HAVE PAGEANT shall have attained its majority of one ev.ee very much. The higher class vices conducted by the (Rev. Arnold the temptation was great. His ac- 1 The .North End of the Township iff COMMEMORATING 258th ANNI- year of age. In the meantime, mat- under iMiss Jardine gave a little play- Fenton, son of iDr. iFenton, rector of ceptance brought him the girl he POLITICAL FENCES OS the stormy petrol on the political VERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF ters which affect the North End, in let in costume on Arbor Day which St. Luke's P. E. Church in Metuchen. loved. There will also <be a Ham ORGANIZATION IN NOETH map of YVoodbridge Township. The THE TOWNSHIP. which this paper has the most com- was very cleverly Tendered. Some time ago a piece of land was Hamilton Comedy, four acts of vaude- END OUT OF EEPAIE South End, iFords, it is boasted, Hoy plete covering, or in other publicity offered the congregation 'by Mr. IChar- ville and Reginald Denny in "The WOODiBRIDGE—-Despite the crowd Mrs. E. H. :Boynton, State Chair- AVENKU-JHoidson iMaxim, the in- holds in the hollow of his hands. But work of a more general nature, the les A. Bloomfield, in the south east Leather Pushers" Round 2. fhich had gathered and excitement lan of P-re-school age work, spoke on ventor of "Maxinxite" once surprised the North end of the second ward, Bulletin will be recognized immedi- corner of his garden, as a 'building iA't the Saturday matinee every expected, the regular meeting of the he line of work of which she is chair- •a caller at his .Brooklyn home toy comprising Iselin and Colonia are fast ately, the division of the legal adver- site for a church, as well as the build- child will be presented with an ink- Township Committee, was a very man to the largest attendance of the calmly lighting a cigar with a stick growing communities, in which near- tising to ibe aa nearly equal as possi- ing blocks and over a thousand dol- less fountain pen. quiet and orderly affair, last Monday urrent year. Her paper was most in- of dynamite. When the visitor ex- ly every voter planted there by Henry ble between the three papers, while lars in money if the congregation ac- night at the Town 'Hall. Moreover, eresting and given in her pleasing On Monday and Tuesday, Gloria •pressed surprise that dynamite did Kuntz and Or. Albee are not disciples Committeeman Hoy insisted on Te- cepted the offer. (However, owing to the cause of the aroused interest, the nd winning manner. The iworV •Swanson will 'be seen in "The Impos- not explode, Mr. Maxim took another of the Fords representative at all. serving a little patronage for the the fact that it was thought advisable question of an equal division of the vhich is 'being done at this period sible Mrs. iBellew." The extras on stick and proceeded to use it as a (Moreover they read the Bulletin, Perth ^Am'boy Evening iNews for such to build in a spot more centrally lo- legal advertising, was side-tracked, n the child's life is new and the Monday will he Pathe News and Ae- hammer to drive a nail into a hard- which devotes hut little space to things as affects Fords. Thus, if the cated, the offer though greatly appre- and would have been forgotten alto- peaker gave many good ideas to the sop's Fables. On Tuesday, 'Harold wood plank. Not content with that singing the praises of the big •Com- ruling is lived up to 'faithfully Com- ciated, was finally turned down. Mr. gether had not someone of the parties ssociation here which has just (Lloyd Comedy and Classic. he next cut a piece off, like so much mitteeman from the second (ward. In mitteeman Gill's ideas of taking the Bloomfield whose mother's father was interested reminded them of the fact ently added a pre-sohool age depart- On Wednesday another wonderful wood, with a carpenter's saw, and, the third ward, the political fences of papers out of ipolltics will have won a the first Episcopalian Bishop in the that the "findings" of the Township nent. A short discussion followed Metro picture will "be seen "All the that done, insisted on cooking his certain organization politicians are great victory. State of New Jersey, iwished to leave Attorney, .1. H. Thayer-Martin, re- he reading of the paper. Brothers Were Valiant." Stars such guest a ra-elsh rabbit on a chaffing even more out of re«pair. If. an elec- a memorial to Bishop Creuse and garding the legality of the various Since the dedication of the new 'During the business hour it wae as Malcolm McGregor, Billie Done, dish over a lamp of nitroglycerin. tion were called today in the third could think of no 'better way than Township organs, iwas due to ibe re- Township Hall, on October lTtli, •oted to give $i2.50 which sum is ask- Robert McKim and Lon Ohaney will Thus while all the properties for a ward, Mayor Neuberg* alone, of any having a church erected on his prop- ported. 1923, here will mark the 242nd anni- ed of all the Associations in the coun- be in the cast. Adventure and thrills tremendous explosion were there, man connected with the old line par- erty, which is surely one of the most versary of the completion of the first y to help defray the expenses of a in a vivid sea story. A graphic tale of (Maxim was aible to manipulate them ty organization, would carry the But when called for, ilr. Martin historical spots in this vicinity and meeting house of the Township. Con- elegate from the county to the Na- mutiny and revenge. An education so that not enough heat was pro- ward. The first ward, is always promptly drew his report from his the location of the old Bloomfield sequently Committeman iMcElroy ional Convention to be held in Ken- graphic is also shown Wednesday. duced to break up the parts of the doufotful. Thus the stampede of the portofolio, and proceeded to render a mansion known to history with the suggested a pageant for then, which ucky. On Thursday, Thomas Meighean explosive compound. Township road committee to the decision which "read" all other well known iMollie .Bloomfield episode would also commemorate the 258th Mrs. Baker of the Board of Educa- will be seen in "Back Home and North End, bringing with them seiv- (papers except the "Wood'bridge Inde- of intoxicating the English soldiers A parallel case, speaking figura- anniversary of the founding of Wood- lon announced that it was necessary Broke." Besides this picture a Hal eral car-loads of cinders, is a per- pendent out of the Township's list of while she sent word to Washington, tively, of course, developed Tecently 'bridge Township. iPIans for this his- or the Board to advertise again for Roach Comedy and the 8th chapter fectly natural phenomenon in a poli- "technically qualified" newspapers. then having his headquarters at New in the Township road department. toric event will 'be reported on at the ids for the building of the aditorium, of "The Oregon Trail." tical compound such as we have here. It happened, however, that certain in- Brunswick and which surely 'played The explosion did not occur—and the next meeting.
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