![Arxiv:1207.1913V1 [Astro-Ph.HE] 8 Jul 2012 DR3.Html One Bevtoso H -A K O Oeta a Than More for Sky X-Ray the the Decade](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Draft version September 25, 2018 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 5/2/11 CLASSIFICATION OF X-RAY SOURCES IN THE XMM-NEWTON SERENDIPITOUS SOURCE CATALOG Dacheng Lin1,2, Natalie A. Webb1,2, Didier Barret1,2 Draft version September 25, 2018 ABSTRACT We carry out classification of 4330 X-ray sources in the 2XMMi-DR3 catalog. They are selected under the requirement of being a point source with multiple XMM-Newton observations and at least one detection with the signal-to-noise ratio larger than 20. For about one third of them we are able to obtain reliable source types from the literature. They mostly correspond to various types of stars (611), active galactic nuclei (AGN, 753) and compact object systems (138) containing white dwarfs, neutron stars, and stellar-mass black holes. We find that about 99% of stars can be separated from other source types based on their low X-ray-to-IR flux ratios and frequent X-ray flares. AGN have remarkably similar X-ray spectra, with the power-law photon index centered around 1.91 0.31, and their 0.2–4.5 keV flux long-term variation factors have a median of 1.48 and 98.5% less than± 10. In contrast, 70% of compact object systems can be very soft or hard, highly variable in X-rays, and/or have very large X-ray-to-IR flux ratios, separating them from AGN. Using these results, we derive a source type classification scheme to classify the other sources and find 644 candidate stars, 1376 candidate AGN and 202 candidate compact object systems, whose false identification probabilities are estimated to be about 1%, 3% and 18%, respectively. There are still 320 associated with nearby galaxies and 151 in the Galactic plane, which we expect to be mostly compact object systems or background AGN. We also have 100 candidate ultra-luminous X-ray sources. They are found to be much less variable than other accreting compact objects. Subject headings: catalogs — X-rays: general — infrared: general 1. INTRODUCTION their X-ray spectral shapes, X-ray variability, and X-ray- The XMM-Newton observatory has been carrying out to-optical and X-ray-to-IR flux ratios. Based on these pointed observations of the X-ray sky for more than a properties, we define some quantitative criteria to clas- decade. The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Cata- sify other sources. Sources with interesting properties, log (Watson et al. 2009) provides various properties of discovered as a part of this work are the subject of a serendipitously detected X-ray sources, in addition to companion paper. We devote significant effort to visu- targets, from these pointed observations. It has been ally screen the results so as to reduce various kinds of updated regularly, and the latest version as of the writ- systematic errors. ing of this paper is the 2XMMi-DR3 catalog3, containing In Section 2, we describe the source selection proce- 353191 X-ray source detections for 262902 unique X-ray dure, the calculation of the flux and the hardness ratio, sources. It is the largest X-ray source catalog ever pro- the search for stellar X-ray flares, the measurement of the duced. long-term variability, the source classification from the Such catalogs are rich resources for exploring a va- literature, the search for optical and IR counterparts, the riety of X-ray source populations and identifying rare determination of the (extra)galactic nature, and simple source types (e.g., Lin et al. 2011; Pineau et al. 2011; spectral fits. The properites of the sources with known Pires et al. 2009; Farrell et al. 2009). Compared with types are shown in Section 3.1. The scheme that we other large X-ray catalogs such as the ROSAT cata- propose to classify sources is given in Section 3.2. The arXiv:1207.1913v1 [astro-ph.HE] 8 Jul 2012 logs from its all-sky survey (RASS) and pointed obser- results of applying this scheme to the sources with un- vations and the Chandra Source Catalog (White et al. known types are presented in Section 3.3. The discussion 1994; Voges et al. 1999, 2000; Evans et al. 2010), the and conclusions of our study are given in Section 4. 2XMMi-DR3 catalog has several advantages because of the large effective area, high spatial resolution, and/or 2. DATA ANALYSIS broad energy band coverage of the XMM-Newton obser- 2.1. The 2XMMi-DR3 Catalog and Source Selection vatory. In this paper, we select a sample of sources of the The 2XMMi-DR3 catalog is based on 4953 pointed ob- best quality from the 2XMMi-DR3 catalog and study servations. These observations have a variety of modes their properties in detail. We first establish a subsam- of data acquisition, exposures (>1000 s), and optical ple of these sources whose types are known and study blocking filters (thick, medium, and thin). The cata- log contains detections in five basic individual energy 1 bands (0.2–0.5, 0.5–1.0, 1.0–2.0, 2.0–4.5, and 4.5–12.0 CNRS, IRAP, 9 avenue du Colonel Roche, BP keV, numbered 1–5, respectively), for each European 44346, F-31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France, email: [email protected] Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC), i.e., pn, MOS1/M1, 2 Universit´ede Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, Toulouse, France and MOS2/M2 (Jansen et al. 2001; Str¨uder et al. 2001; 3 http://xmmssc-www.star.le.ac.uk/Catalogue/xcat public 2XMMi- Turner et al. 2001). Results are also given for various DR3.html combinations of energy bands and cameras. Band 8 2 Lin et al. refers to the total band 0.2–12.0 keV, and EPIC/EP TABLE 1 refers to all cameras. We also follow these notations Sources with multiple SRCID numbers throughout this paper. We focused only on point sources with multiple XMM- 106501 241552 111034 111032 113853 113854 127424 127426 134832 134833 210662 13940 195048 143291 143295 147800 147801 Newton observations and at least one detection with the 150531 150532 163538 163539 183730 183731 190860 190861 signal-to-noise ratio S/N 20 in this paper. We consid- 198805 42983 42980 201208 201209 202064 62202 20302 196589 ered only point sources because≥ extended sources (typ- 205954 86092 206123 206125 20843 196637 210401 245122 ically Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) and galaxy 213162 149986 221841 4783 227999 198991 235153 73445 235311 73852 252232 156258 37588 37584 49466 49454 clusters) tend to be subject to complicated problems of 50074 50083 50260 50265 50339 50335 53515 53514 source detection and flux measurement (Watson et al. 54078 54077 61618 61621 6320 6324 63368 63365 2009). We define a source to be point-like when its 66168 66171 69639 69640 73642 73647 8091 8087 extent (EP_EXTENT in the catalog) is zero (at least in 91437 206280 206281 93326 93329 one detection). We note that in the pipeline, if the ex- Note. — Each cell lists the SRCID numbers that should corre- tent radius in a detection is <6′′, it is set to zero, i.e., spond to the same source. a point source is assumed. We estimated the S/N us- ing EP_8_CTS/EP_8_CTS_ERR, where EP_8_CTS, given in 2009). The ECFs used in the catalog were based on the the catalog, is the total counts summed over all cam- calibration before 2008, except for a few observations. eras, and EP_8_CTS_ERR is its error. Our requirement of We applied correction factors provided on the catalog having at least one detection with S/N 20 is to en- ≥ website to obtain fluxes corresponding to the newer cal- sure at least one good spectrum for detailed analysis ibration. In this paper, we mostly used the EPIC fluxes when needed. The requirement of having multiple ob- in 0.2–12.0 keV (band 8) and 0.2–4.5 keV (called band servations allows us to calculate the long-term variabil- 14 hereafter). They were obtained by first summing the ity. It is different from the requirement of having mul- fluxes in the relevant individual bands and then averag- tiple detections. The catalog includes only detections ing over the available cameras weighted by the errors. We with a total likelihood (from all bands and all cameras) estimated their systematic errors to be 0.107 and 0.074, > 6 (corresponding to about 3σ). We used the service respectively (Appendix A). http://www.ledas.ac.uk/flix/flix.html to find the We also calculated four X-ray hardness ratios HR1– observations of a source and estimate the fluxes for the HR4 defined as observations that have no entries in the catalog. There are 5802 sources satisfying the above conditions. HRi = (Ri+1 Ri)/(Ri+1 + Ri), (1) However, as the catalog was produced using an auto- − mated procedure, some of these sources suffer from var- where Ri and Ri+1 are the MOS1-medium-filter equiva- ious kinds of problems, and we excluded them based on lent count rates in the energy bands i and i + 1, respec- visual inspection. About 16% are spurious, mostly due tively. These count rates were obtained by multiplying to single reflections caused by bright sources outside the the EPIC fluxes by the ECFs for the MOS1 camera with field of view, out-of-time events, and extremely bright the medium filter. We note that the 2XMMi-DR3 catalog sources (Watson et al. 2009). We also excluded about also provides the camera-specific X-ray hardness ratios, 8% of the sources that are detected within bright ex- but the count rates used, and thus the hardness ratios, tended sources, especially SNRs, though they pass the depend on the camera and the filter.
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