Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1947 The Anchor: 1940-1949 10-16-1947 The Anchor, Volume 60.03: October 16, 1947 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1947 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 60.03: October 16, 1947" (1947). The Anchor: 1947. Paper 12. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1947/12 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 60, Issue 3, October 16, 1947. Copyright © 1947 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1940-1949 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1947 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \ < COLLEGE t 9 f LIBRARY :• ^ } \ \ I Hope Coilege Anchor f LX-3 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan October 16,1947 t t. t I HOMECOMING TO BE OCT. 24, 25 X * Dr. Joseph Zsiros Obtains Pull Tactics Chairman Bennett Plans II Passport For U. S., Hope Two Full, Fun Packed Days u Dr. Joseph Zsiros, accompanied by his wife, small son, and Hope's annual Homecoming celebration, an event which It student, Bela Korponay, will arrive from Hungary within the attracts many alumni as well as students, has been scheduled for October 24 and 25. The program arranged for this year r next few months to be a guest professor in the Hope College promises to be especially -busy and interesting. I t Bible Department. His present position is professor of Old One of the best known traditions (< Testament at the Theological Seminary of the Sarospatak Academy. Although a native of Hope Co-operates of Hope College's Homecoming is the Fresman-Sophomore pull con- Hungary, Dr. Zairos is not a new- Registrar Releases In Food Program t comer to the United States. He test. Gordon Brewer is the student council chairman of the event. Bill studied at the University of Penn- According to Mr. Rhine Visscher. > Enrollmerrl- Figures Hillegons is coaching the Freshman Hope College Director of Dininp sylvania twenty years ago after team and will be assisted by Jack t The following statistics on Hope Halls, the college will cooperate completing his preliminary studies Stegeman and Ernie Meeusen. Con College's enrollment have been re- with the food conservation drive T in his native Hungary. His special Vander Woude and Bob Van Zyl leased by the registrar's office. This which was recently announced by are working with the Sophomores. field of study has been the Sume- year the men on campus outnumber President Truman. The program t Both groups are having rigorous rian and Akkadian languages and the women students two to one, including meatless Tuesdays and practices and expect to be in good ( with the sophomore class having poultryless Wednesdays, went into cultures, a field in which he has shape by the date set. the largest enrollment. The number opi'ration during the past week. established an enviable reputation. Eighteen Per Team .)f veterans in each class has also Students have also been asked In 1946 our college investigated Eighteen, including the anchor been tallied. to cooperate in the attempt to con- the possibility of assisting Saros- Men Women man, compose a pull team. It is Total serve bread by eating one less slice patak college to recover from the SENIORS 19 63 142 generally agreed that the anchor per day. Each student now eats on chaos of war. The result was a JUNIORS 143 68 211 man has the most important posi- the average of four slices per day; drive to which the students gave SOPHS 339 119 458 tion on the team — that of being cutting to three would result in excellent support. At that time. FROSH 259 129 388 the rear man on the hawser. saving approximately thirty-five Dr. Bela Vasady, Hungarian repre- SPECIALS . 9 2 11 The Homecoming parade is tak- loaves of bread each day. sentative of Protestantism, was a VETS INST. 7 0 7 ing place on Friday evening. Each This entire program will require guest of our campus. We learned fraternity and sorority and the I » the whole-hearted support of all that the students and faculty of 836 381 1217 Freshman class is busy preparing the students if it is to be a success A Sarospatak deeply appreciated our a float for this event and will be "helping hand" which we had ex- Veterans in Hope's dining room . Men Women Total eagerly contending for the prize. pressed in the form of gifts and SENIORS Mi 3 by After traveling down Eeighth 1 letters. JUNIORS 109 2 111 Street the parade will make its Interest Lasting SOPHS 199 5 204 Chapel to House way to the athletic field where an K Again in May of this year, we FROSH 83 0 83 / all-college pep rally will be held. sought to assure those at Saros- ) SPECIALS . 8 0 8 Sadko Concert Chairman Ike Heemstra has prom- patak that our interest was real VETS INST. 7 0 7 Mr. Konstantin Sadko, a famous ised to make this a really rousing i and lasting. This time we sent affair. and versatile Russian tenor, will many boxes of clothing — these make his first public appearance in Busy Day arriving at Sarospatak in July. Holland in the Hope Memorial Saturday, October 25, will be an- We, at Hope College, did not Coming i • Chapel tomorrow evening at 8:15 other busy day. All fraternities look for reward. We had given The above scene was snapped at last year's Soph-Frosh Pull, just p. m. The Girls' Choral Group of and sororities will be entertaining }l -• from our abundance, but to the before the Freshman Stalwarts, this year's contending Sophomores, ji the Central Avenue Christian Re- their alumni at social functions young men and women at Saros- were pulled into the river. Ir formed Church is sponsoring the during the morning. The finals of patak, and to their teachers, came program. Mr. Sadko was well re- the Men's Tennis Tournament will the knowledge that their task of ceived by the students and faculty also be held at Columbia Courts at setting the wheels of their college 10 o'clock. Homecoming Schedule of the college two weeks ago when to run smoothly once more was Time Place Event Chairman he participated in chapel exercises. At 2 o'clock Hope's loyal fans \ receiving encouragement from Mr. Sadko is touring America and followers will gather at River- overseas. We have become enriched Tuesday for the first time since the outbreak view Park for the big game with with the love and the gratitude of 7:15 P.M. YW Room, Chapel Alumnae Meeting Alida Klosterman of the war. He is highly recom- Kalamazoo College. This promises > their hearts. Dr. Joseph Gulyas, Friday mended by other concert artists to be one of the best games of the Chief Librarian of the Sarospatak year, and if enthusiasm means any- * 4:00 P.M. Black River Pull Cordon Brewer and has received favorable com- Academy, wrote a poem entitled 7:30 P.M. Downtown Parade Don Walchenback ments from many European coun- thing our boys should really be hitting hard. i < "Thanksgiving" which expresses 8:30 P.M. Athletic Field Pep Rally Ike Heemstra tries. Student tickets for the pro- this sentiment, and the poem can Saturday gram may be obtained at the Col- Alumni Supper be found in this issue of the An- Between 9 As announced Brunches and Sorority Chairmen lege office. At 6 P. M. there will be a supper chor. and 12 Noon Luncheons for all alumni in the Hope Church Student-Teacher Exchange 10:00 A.M. Columbia Courts Tennis Finals Prof. Haverkamp parlors. The parlors are large For the past six months Hope 2:00 P.M. Riverview Park Game Anchor News enough to provide for all attending College has been trying to effect 6:00 P.M. Hope Church Parlors Alumni Supper Alumni Officers alumni. This will be followed by Richard Hoebeke, Circulation a student-teacher exchange with (Student meals follow regular schedule) a musical program at Hope Memo- Manager, announces that letters Sarospatak. If this could be ac- 8:00 P.M. Chapel Musical Alma Vander Hill rial Chapel. The program this complished the bonds of friendship have been sent to the parents of 9:00 P.M. All Dorms. Open House year will be in charge of the stu- could effectively be cemented. Be- Dr. Zsiros all members of the Freshman class, dents, with Alma Vander Hill as cause of the international situation, all of last year's subscribers, and chairman, and will include numbers however, severe difficulties were Student Wives Plan IRC Picks Officers Committee all of last year's graduates for sub- by the Men's Glee Club, Women's encountered and the Sarospatak Sport, Hospital Work scriptions to the Anchor. If there Glee Club, Piano Ensemble and the authorities were unable to secure For Coming Year Decides Against are any who have not been con- String Quartet. passports for their representatives. Student Wives met in Van Raalte tacted but desire a subscription Saturday evening all dormitories After the application of Hope Lounge on October 14, 1947, at At a recent business meeting of Queen Rule please see the Circulation Manager will be open for inspection. The College for a passport was denied 8:15 p. m. the International Relations Club, or leave a note in the Anchor Box, rooms will be "spic and span" for three times.
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