THE KEY Offici a_! Organ of Kappa Kappa Gamma Oc tobe r , Nin e t een T we nty -Three V o I u m e F o r ty - N u m b e r T h r e e B OARD OF E DITORS Editor-i11-chief RosA LIE B. GEER 241 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Editor's Dep11ty ALICE V. DOYE II7 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. A lunmCE Editor MARION V. ACKLEY . 890 B la ine, D etroit, Mich. Department Editor MRS. EvERETT WARNER . soB E. Adams St., Muncie, Ind. Exchange Editor HELEN BEIDERWELLE . 2537 Homestead Place, Cincinnati, Ohio College Notes a11d "Hoots" HELEN BowER 8o47 Woodward Ave., D et roit, Mich. B11siness A1 mwger-- Executive Secretary DELLA LAWRENCE BuRT (MRS. HowARD) Box 920, Bryan, Tex. CONTENTS Installation of Gamma Lambda ........................... -. 223 Middlebury's French School. ..... ... Doroth·y Canfield Fisher 225 National Council Session, 1923. 229 Kappas in Book and Magazine ......... Lalah Randle Warner 279 Editorial Comment. 282 Endowment Fund... .......... ................... ...... ... 289 Hoots . ... ... ....... ......... ...... ... .. Helen Bower 290 Exchange Department. .. ........ .... ... H elen B eiderwelle 292 College Notes . ........... ... .. ........... Helen Bo<.uer 305 In Memorian1. 307 Chapter Letters . ........ ·. 3 ro Clippings ........... ... ......... · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 337 Entered as second-class matter November 3, 1910, at the postoffice at Menasha, Wis., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section r I03, Act of October 3, 191 7, authorized July 31, 1918. Subscription price, one dollar per year. Published four times a year in February, April, October, and Dece mber, by George Banta, Official Printer of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, ·wisconsin. Material intended for publication must reach the editor before the first of January, March, September, and November. FRATERNITY DIRECTORY NATIONAL COUNCIL National President-MAY C. WRITING WESTERMANN (Mrs. Theodore), 11 Kraft Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. National Vice·presidn•t-MAlUON V. ACKLEY, 890 Blaine D etroit Mich. Executive Secretary-DELLA LAWRENCE BURT (Mrs. How~rd). Bo~ 920 Bryan, Tex. National Registrar-MARIE LEGHORN, 120 Prospect, Seattle, Wash. ' Editor of KEY-ROSALIE B. GEER, 241 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. CHAIRMEN Historian-FLORENCE BURTON ROTH (Mrs. A. H.), 629 Myrtle St., Erie, Pa. Chairman, Stud.ents' Aid Fund--CHARLOTTE POWELL GODD.ARD (Mrs. Richard H.). 401 E. 11th Ave., Denver, Colo. Custodian of the Badge-Executive Secretary Custodian of the Songbook-CAROLINE McGOWAN NORTON (Mrs. H . W.), The Park House, Whitesboro, N. Y. Chairman Endowment Fund--IRENE FARNUM CoNRAD (Mrs. Sherman), 163 Charles St., Wilkes Barre, Pa. DEPUTIE S National President's Deputy-MINNIE ROYSE WALKER (Mrs. Guy Morr-ison), 924 W est End Ave., New York, N. Y. National Vice-president's Deputy-ALICE HINKSON, 8040 Second Blvd., Detroit, Mich. Executive Secretary's Deputy- FRANCES V AN ZA ND'.r MoRGAN (Mrs. Charles Lewelling), 103 Hill Crest, Fort Worth, Tex. National R egistrar's Deputy-MRS. W. F. GOODFELLOW, 4510 21st N. B., Seattle, Wash . Edito•·'s Deputy-ALICE V . DOYE, 117 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. PANHELLENIC Chairman of National Congress-MRS. NORMA N L. McCAUSLA ND, JR., 517 Angell St., Providence, · R. I. Kappa Kappa Gamma Delegate-ESTELLE KYLE KEMP (Mrs. Frank A. Jr.), 2516 Ash St., D enver, Colo. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES For time and place of meeting of chapters or alumn·m associations, write to the secretaries. ALPHA PROVINCE President-MRS. WILLIAM BRAY, 745 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. BOSTON (Phi), Barbara Chase, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. ST. LAWRENCE (Beta Beta), Marion E. Higley, Kappa Lodge, Canton, N. Y. SYRACUSE (Beta Tau), Margare~ Louise Williams, 907 Walnut Ave., Syr acuse, N. Y. CORNELL (Psi), Mona Wolff, 508 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. MIDDLEBURY (Gamma Lambda), Ruth Mary Collins, French House, Middlebury, Vt. TORONTO (Beta Psi), Mat·yon E . Moody, 113 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont., Can. BETA PROVINCE President-EDITH BAKER HUNT (Mrs. Clifford R.), 119 West Mt. Airy Ave., Mount Airy, Philadelphia, P a. ADELPHI COLLEGE (Beta Sigma) , Marian Meader, 446 Third St., Brooklyn, N. Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE (Beta Iota), E lizabeth Pollard, Box 63, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA (Beta Alpha), Mary C. Siter, 3323 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. ALLEGHENY (Gamma Rho) , Virginia Debolt, Hulings Hall, Meadville, Pa. PITTSBURGH (Gamma Epsilon) , Frances Saurman, 6340 Darlington Rd., Pittsburgh, P a. WEST VIRGINIA (Beta Upsilon), Jane Cox, 230 Kirk St., Morgantown, W . Va. WILLIAM AND MARY (Gamma Kappa), E lizabeth Kent, College of William and Mar y, Williamsburg, Va. GAMMA PROVINCE Preside-nt-VIOLA PFAFF SMITH (Mrs. Geo.), Sta. M., Box 166, R. R . No. 1, Cincinnati, Ohio. MU NICIPAL U NJVERSlTY OF AKRON (Lambda), Neva McMillen, 696 Dayton St., Akron, Ohio. OHIO STATE (Bet a Nu), Marion L. Lilly, 300 King Ave., Columbus, Ohin. CINCINNATI (Beta Rho), Aria P. Shawe, 3454 Whitfield Ave., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. KENTUCKY (Beta Chi) , Isabel Bennett, Kappa Kappa Gamma House, L exington, Ky. DELTA PROVINCE President-EDITH E. HENDREN, Apt. No. 2, Alberta Manor, 504 W. Drive, Woodruff Place, Indianapoli s, Ind. PURDUE (Gamma Delta), Elizabeth R obinson, 102 Andrew Place, W . L afayette, Ind. DE PAUW (Iota), Ruth Pitkin, Kappa House, Greencastle, Ind. BuTLER (Mu), Florence Lupton, 36 S. Ritter Ave., Indianapolis. Ind. INDIANA STATE (Delta), Helen Woodward, Kappa House, Bloomington, Ind. MICHIGAN (Beta D elta ), Elizabeth R anck, 1204 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. ADRIAN (Xi), Hildreth Gasner, South Hall, Adrian, Mich. HILLSDALE (Kappa) , Alice Bach, 157 Oak St., Hillsdale, Mich. F R ATERN I TY DIRECTORY EPSILON. PROVINCE President-MRS. HELEN GALE GEORGE, 2114 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill. MINNESOTA (Chi), Dorothy Mann, 329 Tenth Ave. S. E., _Minneapolis, Minn. WISCONSIN (Eta), Esther Koenig, 425 N. Park St:, Madison, _Wis. NORTHWESTERN (Upsilon), Virginia Bull, 524 Maple Ave., Wilmette, Ill. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN (Epsilon), Eleanor Reed, 412 E. Monroe St., Bloommgton, Ill. ILLINOIS (Beta Lambda), Louise Berry, 313 Chalmers St., Champaign, Ill. ZETA PRO VIN CE President-VIRGINIA LUCAS ROGERS (Mrs. Ames ) , Abilene, Kan. NEBRASKA (Sigma), Irene Simpson, 312 N. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY (Omega), Elizabeth Martin, 1602 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. KANSAS STA'rE AGRICULTURAL COLT.EGE (Gamma Alpha) , Edith Holsinger, 311 N. 14th St., Manhattan, Kan. WASHINGTON (Gamma Iota). Dorothy L . Specht, McMillan Hall, Washmgton Umversity, St. Louis, Mo. MISSOURI (Theta) , Isabelle Steppe, 600 Rollins, Columhia, Mo. DRAKE (Gamma Theta), Marguerite Minassian, 715 Clark St., Des Moines, Iowa. IOWA (Beta Zeta), Martha Dean, Kappa House, Iowa City, Iowa. ETA PROVINCE President-ALICE BURROWS, 1266 Clayton St., Denver, Colo. CoLORADO (Beta Mu), Eleanor~ Goodrich, 1221 University Ave., Boulder, Colo. ARIZONA (Gamma Zeta), Frances Blair, 338 Spe·edway, Tucson, Ariz. NEW MF.XICO (Gamma Beta), Norma Williams, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. T HETA PRO VINCE Pusident-BERTHE LATHROP, 7205 Broad P I., New Orleans, La. OKLAHOMA STATE (Beta Theta) , Aleene Mabr)•, Kappa House, Norman, Okla. 'rExAs (Beta ,Xi), Florry Wilkes, 705 West 24th St., Austin, Tex. TULANE (Beta Omicron) , B eth McLeod, 8003 Spruce St., New Orleans, La. I OTA P ROVINCE President-DOROTHY DUNIWAY, 470 Hall St., Portland, Ore. WASHINGTON STATE (Beta Pi), Jean Baird, 4504 18th. Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. MONTANA (Beta Phi), Gei·trude Pease, 400 University Ave., Missoula, Mont. IDAHO (Beta Kappa), Fairy Sanger, Kappa House, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. WHITMAN (Gamma Gamma), Margaret I. Thygeson, Green Cottage, 'Valla Walla, Wash. WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE (Gamma Eta), Norma E. Hooper , 614 Campus Ave., Pullman, Wash. OR~;GoN (Beta Omega) , Nancy Wilson , 754 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Ore. KAPPA P R O VINCE Presiden t-MRs. A. C. WHITAKER, Stanford University, Cnl. CALIFORNIA (Pi), Adelaide Griffith, 2725 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal. LELAND STANFORD (Beta Eta), Martha Montgomery, Stanfoi'd University, California. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATIONS ALPHA PROVINCE Vice-p•·esident- MAY GLADYS BURNS, 486 J arvis, Toronto, Ont., Can. Boston Association-Winifi·ed M. Dodge, 26 Orient Ave., Newton Centre, Mass. Sy•·acuse Association-Floren ce R. Knapp, 410 \Vescott St., Syracuse, N. Y. Weste1·n New York Association-Madolin De Witt, 43 South Washington St., Rochester, N.Y. St. L aw•·ence Association-Louise Reynolds, Canton, N. Y. To•·onto Club-Dorothy Avery Thompson, 79 Howland Ave .. Toronto Ont. Can. Middlebu1·y Association-Barbara H. Smith, Levi H eywood Memorial Library, Gardner, Mass. BETA P ROVINCE Vice-p•·esident- PAULINE HART (Mrs. John R. Jr. ), 3601 Walnut St .. Philadelphia, Pa. New York Association-Frances Hall·, 101 Jewett Ave., Jersey City N. J. Philadelphia As~oc~ution-Elizabeth Christian, 4406 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. R eta I~ta Assocwtwn-;-Helen Gawthrop, 1110 Shallcross Ave., Wilmington, Del. B ~ta St.qma Glub_-_Ahce Wilson, 317 Sixth Ave., Brookl)'n, N. Y. Ptttsburuh As..octat:o~Mrs. Gilbert Seil, 612 Tenth St., Oakmont, Pa. Morgantown Assocuztw11r---<Katherine Alger, Park St., Morgantown, W. Va. GAMMA PROVINCE Vice-p•·esident- HELEN ZELLER GARDNER Columbus Ohio. Akron Associati~n-;-Sara Bowman, 92 Oakdale 'Ave., Akro'n. Ohio. (!_qlu'Yf'btts . Assocu~ttqn-Katherme 'ravlor, 1377 Madison Ave., Apartment 8, Columbus, Ohio. Ctnctnnah Assocht7tton-Mrs. H. C. Rainey, Jr., 6308 Ridge Ave., Pleasant
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