An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • ' Biker Bou· claim to be ~ten·~ basketball loses to more than fa. t and furious, Hofstra, 6-l-62, ,\13 Al8 on-Protit On::. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 L .S. Postage P~id Tuesday & Friday '\ev, ark.. DE Pem1it ~ ·o. ~6 FREE Volume 129, Issue 28 I . · · www.revie~.udel.edu . · · · · >~ , · fr!~ay, January 31, 2003 Students return from Antarctica B\ JOH'\ :\L\ RCHIO"<"E \ \ r 'l' tudenh partlctpattng m the umvcrslt)' ·, fir~t Study Abroad trip 10 \ntarcllca returned thts past weekend after being out of the counm three weeks. The group of 16 stmknts and twt> professors enjoyed a stay tn Buemb Aires. Arcenttna. alone '' Lth their adventure to scenic and deserted Amarctica. ~ Pht>tograph~ profe-;sor Jonathan Ct>X. one of the director-, of the trip. said he got the idea through collaboration with the International Studte-. Program. There was a need h~r a more adventurom. de-..tinatton in the program. he -..aid. and the um\er-..ity jumped at the chance to THERE\ tE\\ /L.•,Ji, Lloyd venture to the se\ emh continent. Above, a gentoo penguin nurtures its chick. Belo""• students· A-.. the -..tudents took clas.,cs m photOJOUmah-,m. Cox said. April Effort and Kath)' :\laddox shoot in (jshuaia. they ''ere able to work with -..ome of the most advanced technolt>gy a' ,ulable . .. tudents. ju-,r by gl>ing digital. increase their learmng curve exponenuall~ :· he '>at d. 'They are probabl) year-. ahead of student-. who shout ftlm:· !\lore than S 120.000 in equipmenr came from Cannon. one uf the '>pon-.or-, of the trip. Cox said. and the students put It all to use. taking m re than -10.000 images. Junior Sue Fan >aid the trip was an e:xpenence she will ne\-er forcer. ·'[Aniarcltcaj i. the mo-.t ama11ng place I've ever seen." '>he -.aid . "There I'> no ,,.a) to compare it to an) other trip:· After two da,·s on a boat. seemg the 'irtuall\ untouched tundra of Antarcuca was mind blowing. Fan said. - "It wa. a lot of tra,·e]mg. but it ~\as worth e,·en· minute of it." she ,aid - - Fan. who took more than 900 pictures. ~atd there were certain images that \n:re too beautiful to be captured on film. "I probabl; got -;omc of the best shots I've e\'er gorren:· -,he sat d. "From the minute you Sa\\ an; thing. you JUst wanted to shoot it ·· It ts hard to pa-,s up opponunittes like thi,. Fan said. becau'e she mav never be able to do it again. "Antarcttca ''as such a -.urreal e.Zperience:· she said. "It dtdn.t reall) tee! like we were there a lot of the time:· fill RL \ !£\\ ,l,6he Ll<.v I sec STUDY AfH{Oo\.0 page A7 A group ofunhersitJ students climbs a ·teep glacier at Panadise Bay. · . Campus intruder Arrest made months after crash B\ ERI.. FOGG complicated thts 111\Csttgatton, .. he ( '' \, \ l.ullor -.aid. receives sentencing 1'\e\\ark Police arrc~ted a Police department transfer-. and Ne\\ ark man Jan. 2-1 on the charges manpo\\er i-,sucs added to the of erumnall) neg!tgent homicide in complicatwns ot the acctdent Itself. BY JOH."< \ L.\RCHIO'\E and one count uf from three to stx months. connection with a car crash that Le Min said I 1 If Ttfi f harassment. Crofs ,aid. l\lathis wtll occurred last April. "With <I colltsion of that .lcffrej T. !\latlm. who In 1999. Mathis was spend stx month' in home Lt. Thoma~ F. Le Min satd magnitude. we \\anted to gt\e it the brol-.e into a Gilbert arrested for hiding in a confinement. Keith A. Kaminski. 18. turned attention tt deserved." he satd. Restdence Hall this past stall of the women· s The rest of the sentence him-.elf in to police immediate!) Le l\ltn said Kaminski was THL RL\ ll \\ /File Photo after betng notified of the warrant tested at the time of the a::cidcnt for September and fllndlcd a bathroom 111 the Gilber1 B will be camed nut on h:vcl Jeffrey 1\lathis was unJ\ erstty student. was Re-.tdencc Hall. three probation. -.he said. for his arrest. alcohol and drug innJ!vcmcnt. sente~ced to four On April 3. 2002 at ·'Part or the reason the sentenced Fnday. Jan. 2-1 In the most recent "He will have to check )"ears in prison. tn a :\e\\ Castle Count\ tre'>pa'>sing case. 1\lathi-. in at least once a week approximate!) R:25 p.m .. Kamin-,ki inve-,ttgation took so long wa-. wa-.. driving at an excesstve speed becau-.e we had w rule our alcohol Supcnor Court. officia(-. W<b arrested on Sept. 16. wtth a probation officer:· Crofs ~<lid Mathis· said 2002 and charged \\ ith Crofs said. "He will have a cnmmal hi-,tor) dtd pla} a ncar the .tnter,ecttOn of East and drugs as posstblc impairment." Till IU \IE\\ ICt'U ,,.".of '\,· " f'nfk.­ The sentence included burglary and unlawful curfew and be momtored role in his sentence. Delawate Avenue and South Chapel he said. Keith Kaminski was recentlv four year-, of mcarccratton. sexual contact. closely ... although the prenous Street when he lost control of his No tmpatnnent wa-, detected. Le arrested in connection with a which will require Mathis Prior to ht'> current In addttton to the crimes \\ere car. Le Min . aid. Min said. bur he believes speed fatal t:ar crash last April. to attend and 'ucce-.sfully sentence. Mathts received confinement ,Lspccts of his misdemeanors. He scud the car hit the curb on pla)ed a significant factor in the the left hand lane of East Dchmare complete a -.exual offender pumshments no greater ~cntence. she -,aid. l\lathi~ Trespa-,sing '' tth mtent accident. '\e\\ ,trk High School together. treatment program. than a S 1-18 fine for the ts banned from the to peep or peer. while A\enue. veered in the oppo-.•ite "The car was traveling tn cxce-..s She -aid her -,on mtg:ht t>e although the -.pectfi" have mio.,demeanors he universtty campus and considered a sex crime. direction and fltpped on its side. of 60 mile'> per hour:· he said. pat ,tl\ zed twm the '' ai -.t down for not been tinaltzed b) the commuted on campus from the restdence halb of does nut require the striktng a telephone pole and Lc ~lin satd the charge of th e rest ot his life. hut '>he and her Department of Deputy Attorney any other umverstty offender-, to register as wrapping around it. criminally negligent hon11cidc means f,untl~ d<> not \\tsh authorttlc-. to bc> Corrections. General Caroline L. Crofs l\lathis' computer will sexual offenders with the Kaminski and his passengers. a person's criminal!~ negltgent ha<~h \\ Jth Kaminski. It \1 ,ts reported in the satd ~lathis entered tnto a also be momtorec.l h} hts state. Alexander Ennis and Nichola'> Tukc. beh<n ior causes the death of anurber " \\'e knc\\ it \\ ~" comtng:· o,he Oct. -+. 2002 Issue of The gmlty plea for each of the probation officer for "The court was were treated by emergency mcdtcal person. o;,atd. ··Kctth'' a ntec ktd and he Reviev. that .\lathis had an two counts against him. pornograph), Crofs said. ndamant about htm having personnel and transported tn He ~<ud Kaminski ''as rele.tsed rrlddc a 1111 stake \\ e hot1e the) dntf r extensi,·e history of She said the four years and he will have to regi'>ter a strict level of monitoring Christiana Huspital. Le Min said. on ~ 1.000 unsecured bond becau-.e ~n too t1.tnl on h11n ... trespas-.ing on the ot tncarceration he with the state as a sex by probatwn once he ts He said Kaminskt suffered he has been cooperatiw \\Ith police Tuke .ttd her son keep' 111 touch university campus. recet\·ed is the statutory offender released tnto the mtnor inJuries. Tuke suffered -.evere and is not con-,tdercd a flight rio.,!-.. '' tlh Kamtn,kt and r- lonktng The Attorney General \\til Between 1990 and maxtmum for the sum of "He has to keep the community." she said. mjurics and Ennis died as a result of fm\\ard tn bcg:tnmng classe-. .It the his injuncs. decide the outcome of Kamin-.kt' 199-1. 1\lathts was arrested the two charges. poltcc hasicnlly made David LukoiT. t\lathi< un 'erst!) tn the spring Le l\ltn -.aid sc\eral factors and charged w irh sc\ en After the succc-,~ful aware of his address." she att<>rne). could nut be charcc'>. Lc J\lin s<ud. fhc 1\.,umnskt family dccltncd cuunts of trespassing. three completion of the sexual said "If he mo\C'>. he ha-. reached for comment. re,ulred in the delay of Kammski's ~Jar) Tuke. the mother of COI11J11ent counts of trespassing '' ith offender treatment to report his change nf arrest. 1\ tcholas Tuke. said the three bm' the intent to peep or peer program. whtch may range address to the poltce." ·'A lot of ctrcumstances were close fnend' and attended Plane slams into island in Delaware River, killing two BY ASHLEY OLSE'-o was expenencing problems with the However. only four member-. of lu '>t'\ \eJ on the JOb. \atumal/'lrar I itm aircraft at 5:38p.m.. Win~tcad swd. the Delaware Cit) hrc Department "Our resource~ \\ere limned:· he A smgle engine plane crashed on One minute later, the aircraft that were t1m\ n hv the Delaware State "> .
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