University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 3-10-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 114, 3/ 10/1978 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1978 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 114, 3/10/1978." 81, 114 (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1978/41 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • !JFEC!.AL OOu..J:i\QllO:Wf! L!ovono.Jo BUY THEM NOW, white T-shirts only, 2 for J,75 at PART~ TIME JOB: Sales, fl~xible hours; gooa pay, SPECIAL ALDUQUERQUE·JUAREZ bui trip, 37?,,.7fq California Fas~ion Outlet, ~313 Centr~l SE, across Possible full-time for summer. Call: Phil Franczyk, Departs March ~ 1, $30.00 round trip, $20,00 c;me from campus, 266-6872, 03/10 C,L.U., 883-5360. 03/14 w•Y· Caii!TC 255·6830, - 03/17 WATERDED: 1\!ATIRESS, FRAI\IE, pedestal, OVERSEAS JOBS--Summer/year-round. Europe, S. CHARTERED BUSSES TO Regionals in Tempe, Un3QUJ ,1 ·. · M . liner, $125. 268-8536;881-3874. 03/14 America, Australia, Asia, etc, AU fields, $500-$1200 Includes game ticket and lun.ch. Leaving Fr~day, monthly, expenses paid, sight seeing. Free In­ 1972 SUPERBEETLE, SUNROOF, AM/FM 8. March 10. For more informauon and reservations, lYbr.;D JW5·•B.W · BXICQ formation. Write: BHP Co., Dox. 4490, Dept. NB, 1 track, bike and ski racks. Excellent condition, great cail Sport.s Tours, 247·0126. 03/09 Oerkeley, Ca. 94704, 03/10 MPG's. 243-0888. 03/20 The New Mexico Daily LOBO PART-TIME JOB GRADUATE students only, SINGER FUTURA TOP of the line . .Slightly used but, will cease publication untl1 Afternoons and evenings, Must be able to work 8. MISCELLANEOUS Classlfleds still under warr(lnty, Has push button bobbin winder, Friday and Saturday nights. Must be 21 yrs. old. Monday March 20. blind hemS, does. computerized buttonholing. Also ~-~ DAILY Apply in person, no phone calls please. Save-Way SPECIAL has hUndreds of fancy stitches. Regularly $800, now CHBAP WATERBEDSI WATER trips $89.95 buys Liquor Stores at 5704 Lomas NE, ~516 Menaui-NE. ' $150 cash. 294-8755. 03120 you I) dar~ walnut !;taincd frame, 2) safety liner, 3) IOOLLElill'ION3 Classified Advertising Is located In 03/10 foam comfort pad, 4) any size maltress with 3-year HARI\IONY 5-STRING BANJO. $60. 268-2019 after guarantee; $89.95.3407 Central NB, 255-2289. 04/04 1: ~arr.on Hall, Rm. 105. Open 8:30a.m. 5 pm. 03/10 ADDRESS AND STUFF envelopes at home. $800 to 4:30p.m., Monday through Friday., PIONEER SX-750 1RECE1VER, 50 watts/channel. 7. c_:T:.:.R::.A:;_.V:..:E=.:L=-=· -:-::-::=--~= per rnpnth .possible. Offer--details, ~end n~me to: Six months old. Must sell. Best offer, 24:2-6881, 03/09 INTERNATIONAL CHARTER FLIGHTS Rates are: ~o run an ad 4 days or leas available! Eurailpasses, travel infQrnmtion at lTC, Triple ''S"1 699-E9 Highway 138, Pmon H11ls, CA. .costs15c a word· per. day; an ad pi~ceo FLUTE. ARTLEY. $150. Z47"3583; 268-4810. 03/\0 255·6830 9am-6pm. 03/17 , 92372. • 03/20 Clty Gets Prlvllege· \969 VOLKSWAGON SQUAREBACK. au\omatlc. 5 days or more coilsecutively costs9c Needs work Best offer. Call247-1902 after 5:00. ·a word per day. 03/22 NOON Is the deadline to place an ad MAMIYA RB 67, 90mm lens, 120 rolfback, prism ln.nextday li~der, $579.9.5. SOmm wide angiC lens, $349.95. TDDAY'S CROSSWDBD PUZZLE ·180mm lens, $249.95. 120 roll ba.c.k $89.95. Tra~es ACROSS 48 Row UNITED ~eature Syndicate ·accepted, Wilson Camera, 3107 Central NE. 03/09 49 Range crest Wednesday's Puzzle Solved: '64 CHEVY BELAIR, 4·do0r, body, motor good 1 Caribbean 50 Wind-driven m7rm;t condition, good mileage, nc.w tires, nee4s brakes. country clouds $250 or best offer. Call277-4~88. 03120 6 European 52 Irish ex­ Team PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Selectric, SUPER TUNE-UPS, $10, you buy parts. Bob 265· nation Field 4054, 265·3225. 03/20 clamation: ByRAYGLASS . 1. PERSONALS OtmranLecd accuracy. Reasonable rates. 298-7147 . 11 Ballet step Var. stant use and because we would tear 03/10 HANG GLIDER: SEAGULL SEAHAWK, good 14 Bitter LOBO Sports Writer In fact, the UNM Physical Plant, in 56 By means of ""'"~ffi~ them up too much. rugby team, we're turning down The UNM club is not without a CONTACTS??? POLISHING & SOLUTIONS. EDITORIAL SERVlCE AND writing assistan1 condition Excellent intermediate kite. 268-1522. 15 Hoofed \:harge of maintenance of fields, • !.If . 03/20 57 Power "We asked Ike Singer, associate everyone," he said. "Besides, the Casey Optical Company. 255-8736 lfn 265·1164. .. 03121 . mammal held off fertilizing the field for field,' however, They hold home SKIS--K-2 !.SO's, bindingll, poles. Boots--Formula I, source: 2 Athletic department officials director of athletiJ;s again this athletic department is not ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT con­ PLEASE NOTE ADDRESS Dox no. correctio~ and 16 Hoosier words three days to accomodate Davis' games on the field east of Johnson traception, sterilization, abortion. Right to Choose, put PYRAMID POWER to work for you wtth. a size 7V1 • Items brand new. Cal1247-0497 9 am to 5 fabulist have· denied the UNM Rugby Club semester. We wanted the field for responsible for providing fields for pm; 243-0730 after6 pm. 03/21 6.0 Former request. Gymnasium, a field the Ardvarks .~94-0 17 I. 04/28. Pyramld Power Hat. No one knows w~y. pyr~~ld 17· Kind of rifle- use of a university controlled two hours on five weekends. We club teams." DELIVER LUNCH, Cararro's Pizza will de!iver power works, bul it does. Improve learmng abtllty, DICYCL)!Sll OUR AZUKI bicycles are ·here. Spanish could have used. learn to relax and energize yourself. Instruc­ Regular retail, $159.95. Now $129.95! 25 yr. frame man queen playing field While allowing a non­ were turned down," Brown said. sandwiches, pizza, salads to your desk at lunch tLme. 19 Commit an Singer emphasized that the Cal\268·2300. 03/09 tion/suggestions included. Send 99c plus two 13c warranty. Couedess crank. The Bike Shop, 811 Yale 61 Lone university affiliated rugby team, the "The intramural people, Mr. S'E. (Next to Quarters Lounge) 842~9100. 03/21 offense "No one seems to want to take DORMS, IF YOU'RE HUNGRY at night .give stamps or $1.25 plus name and address label or Ranger's Albuquerque Ardvarks, to use the athletic department didn't turn William Kellerman and Mr. Fred Cararro's Pizza a call for delivery oflts famous PIZlll, something similar to CV, Box 41771, Chtcago, 60641. 20 Carr.ied friend In February, the Albuquerque down just the rugby team. into consideration that you can't 03120 away: Stang same field. P"erez, have been nice in allowing us sandwiches, and salads. 268-2300. 03/09 6. EMPLOYMENT 62 Wood city team was allowed to use the "We get hundreds of requests for use fields all the time. If you do, DO YOU SMELL a rat? .Call the LOBO News Tip TYPING 1ST QUALITY. 883-7787. tfn 21 Goes astray 63 "My Gal---" Team members of the UNM club to use their field," said Brown. COUPLES SUMMER 'WORK, Gallup KOA field for a game against Argentina use of the three practice fields. you won't have any fields," Singer Hotline, 277·5656. 03/10 FOR SALE BY 23rd Street Runs Into Heaven Books. 22 Distant view 64 Senorita's words 39 Distributed asked for permission to use one of "Without them we'd be in a lot of K Pathcen· "See You In The Morning" 18.50. J. Kampground. Housing plus salary. 863-5021, 03/14 24 Accessible at the request of Albuquerque said. WHY PAY $3,25 for a movje ticket when you could parent 12 Entrances propor- the football practice fields on south We're not just turning down the trouble." pay $2.50? ·General Cinema Corp. discount tickets L~vy "Surrealism" 65, Man Ray u~lph~~et For SELF-MOTIVATED PEOPLE to sell display ad­ to all 65 13 vertising for N.M. Dai1y LQBO. Must have car. Author Fr .. upper tlonately Mayor David Rusk, a member of available soon. 03/JO Adults" 275. H. Miller "Book Of Frtends 32.50, 26 Truthful ho campus twice this school year. They Fine editions located for the collector. 843-6396 after Come by Marron Hall, Room 133. tfn Clifford----- use 41 Dense tree the Ardvarks. HELD OVER !I ' 4ACTS of Passion" will run again 27 Nullify 18 were turned down both times on the noon Monday-Friday; all day Saturday. 03/10 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED. Good Loaf of growths March 9 & 10! 1 This is your Jast chance to see 6 30 ------ floor wages, medium tips, nights and _weekends. See Frank DOWN bread end 42 Ravaged grounds that the fields couldn't be provocativ.e one-acts in UNM's Experimental GREATTYPINGI266-3953. 03/31 32 Give as "Use of the field was a SP!!cial at Roy's Place 5914 Central, 266-7807. Must be 21. 23 Swiss river 44 Door sign used continually. Students May Shortly Theatre.
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