WIMPIV High school honor roll, A3-4 Putting you In touch with your world Sunday December 26,1999 Serving the Westland Community for 35 years VOLUME 35 NliMBCR 59 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN * 56 PAGES • http://observer-eccentric.coin SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS 0 1W>» HnmeTovtt ("utniBunic«H»»rtii Nvlwurli, J««". Goal: $120,000 Stalker tells court he's sorry t^'^tPKfi'fedJ A 17-year-old told those at his sentencing attorney, Darin Weinberg, for an elec­ Ingle told the court -- including the IH Wednesday he's sorry he stalked a teacher at tronic tether, because of the intimidat­ teacher and her. husband, who were |KffijK®B ing nature of the crime. both present, - he was sorry. SUBSi HlP John Glenn High School. The young man will "In that sense, (stalking) is like an "Td> like In apologize to the school-." HHK if^ v^v^^^n serve 89 days in jail* followed by two years of ongoing nightmare to the person, being Ingle said, addressing the court. "I'd 'Kj9*l Hi KCTMfr probation. stalked," McKnight said. jusi Like tu liny I'm Juii) and I have She. .cited Ingle's repeated tangles learned my lesson." BY HEATHER NEEOHAM years probation for misdemeanor stalk­ nuu^B with police. Both the teacher and. her husband STAFF WRITER ing. liuS^^^^v "You're dealing with some big guys declined to comment. The teacher filed a personal protec­ A 17-year-old John Glenn High who tell you not to do something and Melanie Sheridan; a probation, off! , tion order against him in October that School special education student told a you .'..still do. it." she said to Ingle, who cer, told the court Ingle began stalking barred him from contacting her or judge Wednesday he was sorry for was caught stalking at tin; school by tlii' teacher in August, despite being ^P^*1Q4,0S3 entering school property. stalking a former teacher and Westland police more than once: told.not 'to by'his mother..N'ancy. During his probation. Ingle will be expressed a willingness to get help. Weinberg said a tether would allow "He said-ithe teachers did •not let him subject to drug screenings and required Judge Gail McKnight sentenced Ingle to get the counseling he needs. te hit de of tlit- sturv." Sheridan to take necessary medications. Derek Ingle to 89 days of jail with cred­ "He's willing to do whatever neces­ it for time already served and two McKnight denied a request by Ingle's THE WEEK sary." Weinberg said. Please aee STALKER, A4 AHEAD Needy: New or slightly used blankets are being collected by Garden City Presbyterian Church, Middlebelt south of Ford. Blankets are being gath­ ered to help the American Red Cross reach a goal of 8,000 blankets for shelters In Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. Blan­ kets may be dropped off a.ori a.m. to noon today and next Sunday. TUESDAY Blood drive: A Red Cross blood drive will be 2-8 p.m. Tuesday at the West- land library on Central City Parkway between Warren and Ford. For an SjAH' i*ll!>r(!? B\ Fi*:V »-"• Mi!' !!»•" appointment, call Joe Shall we dance? Chris Okon a'id Ccileen Crandell po.sv for the con- Burchill, (734) 326 6123. era while dancing in ph;.s td The drive will be for , i ' - nr. .1.. ....•./„., i> .1 ^..,-., Diane Abbott, Westland's tltl.tr) » I t.ii ti t .-)<-i Li ». uin/a, LJ ' lit Jung (left/. Amy Kauruth (center). cable director, who is ill. and Cali Ileitis share a laugh.. Wow; Left to right,.Nick French, Tutu Minor, Jennifer Marion and Pete Daniels take advan­ tage of Dress Up Day Wednesday at Lutheran High School Westland. INDEX • Arts B4 • Classified C,D,E •Health BIO Mood's festive at high school • Movies B7 Teenagers may be known for wear­ dents will return to i lass Jan. 3. • Obituaries A2 mas carols. ing jeans, but students at Lutheran Students wore their best Wednes­ The school has a dress code, so st.u: • Real Estate/New Homes El High School Westland defy the stereo­ day, and some donned Santa hats dents, aren't normally sloppy, but types. Schwecke agreed it's nice l;o see them • Sports CI The mood was positive, Schwecke On Wednesday, the last school day said. dressed up, "It's a nice way to end the • Travel B7 before Christmas vacation, students "Obviously, it was very upbeat, A school year with a chapel," He agreed tl.-t school breaks are • Taste Bl observed'Dress Up Day. wearing their lot of students exchanged gifts," The Sunday best. Such celebrations occur student council sold candy cants with good, allowing students and staff to • Web column Bll some three times a, year, said Princi­ spend time with family and friends'. messages, which were delivered in r pal Steven Schwecke, before breaks. homeroom some w ho live a distance away. ,wi HOW TO REACH US "We usually end the day with a spe­ rTodav WHS iiH- last clay, so tiic "!tV. good for the whole sch ' c°ni.- cial chapel." One was held Wednesday mood was very upbeat," the principal munity." Schwecke said ' afternoon, he said, featuring Bible said. "'Counting the minutes " The Newsroom 734-953-2104 readings, a short message and Christ­ Lutheran High School Westland stu­ Newsroom Fax. 734-591-7279 Fmaj/ Ibfownfcoe. homacomm.net Njghtline/Sports ; 734-953-2104 Reader Comment Line.734-9532M 2 Salvation Army reaps benefits of local generosity Classified Advertising.734-591-090 0 Display Advertising:734*591-230 0 Home Delivery,734491450 0 Westland-area residents were gener­ $88,000, 'We're doing much better.1' hi -, ;. <if.- it /hi * 'i', .,:1, -:U ous this year, and The Salvation Army Yockey said Wednesday, noting there '"Then the kin^ n id -:<n t*> Itu^i ut fa* ;r.d :'>• ' /. *!•'*<od ' "I ,'.', J-v/v is seeing the benefits. Were several days left before t'hnst- right hand. 'Come -\on tii-it air We.-.-v./ :,,i e.r '. \-.-i, ^<r::, :hir.i. .'.: had,/ And As of Wednesday mornmg, the local mas, "It could still happen b\ my Father, inhertt the ki'i^dom jor h, -: - ,i-. \t r'? 1.1' 1, v.) ; *,•••; .' .••-.'' ';•'•• <i• r Army had raised $104,053, or 86.7 per­ He hftd hoped to reach the goal by pared for you from the fniindutao; c/ i!'} :( r I.|,.T - i (/ 'I, I ,•,„• : •> 'j •I;: i! •;':,./ i;.•).!•!• cent of its $120,000 goal On Tuesday, Christmas, but is counting on checks the uorid; for J n as h unify and \<>i, ,ri • It.H i»;>y: \'W n ',. .-. ;; •:••- it <i:^> ,i:t> 1 the figures had been $101,463, o-i 84.5 that will come in after Christmas. The .pa ."- >•»>** food. I UOH ti\a>t\ and M>U •in 1- '.•;.' xr^.' Of •• '> <"'• ^ ,'; ; fj :/ , *Ct'd percent, sa.id Lt Chuck Yockey, corps goal will be reached, he predicted. n<iee me something to d'-mk I u tt« J commander; stranger and yuit udlcotoedi */a I ,.11- A >;• 1 i •It's going very well.." The Red Kettle Yockey thanked "just everybody" who naked and you #arr me elo'/n'iM, i ''•>'• Vnd-Cl effort took in an average of $3,000 a helped. The woman who gave a. much- sink and von took rare of on-. I ir<<>. ir\ ; //., Ue >• •>? r/u ~> 'i ho : ,'H rs 1 }f day. he aaid. needed dollar bill is just as important prison and \ou c/siW me •iV U-i >;••'<! " ^ 1 .,, 1 j .• L/ •, n \l . Last year, the campaign took in as the man who grtve $1,()00, he said Then the rif>hieoH> u *!! u'<-n * .• /i. ,. ..,::1. U) • • Looking for a new job? Find a great one that's just Priesthood all in the family for them Exam is 1 right for you in the BY DlANl GAU ANDREA8SI Together they mark tb'ee genera priest Mifhai, , f.iiia- K.it:ia will •• n k. Employment Section of SPW tAi. Warn* lions of priests to the Orthodox half a eentur\ in the pno IhcuVi .l..i|\ ,; (\lthohc (Tuirib 2000 waived With nearly 50 years in the priest­ As a bov he told lu^ latbci I h-,ti lu today's hood, 24 years as pftntor at St. Michael At 81, Bartia has no immediate plans to step down. didn't plan tu In;- nfdairwti. *•-,j,MM,a:'ii!\ ; H ,K 111 Orthodox Church in Redford. the Rev. HomeTown Classifieds af'trf b,ean?i!: .«!riiK"-, ahniil. i !o-. -t :<•; 1; -.( .i ::'. ill: Michael Barna reflected recently on an "When people say Aie vmi going ti> gle-i f.urd !i.\ In-i t:i!h'-r wlin'i n i ii.:r.i.i i.:i ,. 1. i illustrious career and sums if tip dim­ retire',' I just tell them, 'Whv winild i I'nl-iUst getting g<^mi.' ' hr 1 vpiaimil. tr<an KiHSia mil w^ 11 n-, :.i',,i? Hn' uu I 'A ply by saying: "Prayer works." hin,^s ..>.eyes- war«..-....-,..m an>d invitu1. ,.,^- hi'lnnr-,- l '""'''' i'Mr-t> » ba hv.",ii:ibi !ia- ^!i*-:a 1 ^;! • Barn* fallowed in hi* father a !uut black frame ^dassi's. In- fine enrirclef! ' (^'th'^tox frbin^n TO America •••'"< "• i 1,1 .. step.1 when he became a priest. Today, bv a white beard lliMt <kinis jitr- 1 len< a| rd'out li"i\ Itie ^;..i'';i n-rd dnriMj. :-.(1:1 i ii he works with hi« son. the Rev Tjmo collar i;"'1 - w,-.i'! bvi •--,!• bt-.n-f 'iv dy<~-- '•••> thy B«rna, who IH ahsistaiil: pastor ai : Having .*vti in-.I ll'\<> bicb»':.litCjW:.!i !r\iIrVPl! .1 iriiidii'> .iff'nt \\f.o St Michael and who plans 1o take the helm w-nen ni« tamer reiires •»r-l>mr< n^:tl| in I Kl' f > tl 11 Ml i I I \ (III, fill l'U^M'"see EX*M, Vi an utt.-iii, \he Kt lb-; Nt ;l n d Ar, h I'lcnsr KW mmmT.
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