A Quarterly SEPTEMBER Review 1941 VO L.UM E 22 NEW SERIES, VOLÜME 1 N Ü M B E R 3 Economic Significance o f THE Montes Pietatis Anscar Parsons, O. F. M . Cap. E g o n o m ig Pr o b l e m o f t h e Fa m il y Gonzálve Poulin, O. P. M . C a r d in a l F is h e r a n d D u n s Sc o t u s Ladislas Siekaniec, O. F. M . T h e C u l t o f t h e M o t h e r o f G o d i n t h e B y z a n t in e L it u r g y Cuthbert Gumbinger, O. F. Aí. Cap. T h e Centiloquium Attributed to Ockham (Part III) Philotheus Boehner, O. F. M . Sgotistic Bibliography o f THE Last Decade (1929-1939) ( P a r t III) Maurice Grajewski, O. F. M. F r a n c is c a n a B o o k R e v ie w s McKeon, ed., TIbe Basic Works o f Aristotle; Sinisterra, Estadistica Gen­ eral de la Provincia Franciscana de Santa Fé de Bogotá; McGarry, Unto the End; Report o f the Second Biennial Meeting, The Capuchin Educa- tio n d Conference; Fitzgerald and Frank, comp., A List of 5,000 Cath- olic Authors; Narratio de Itinere Navali Peregrinorum Hierosolymam Tendentium et Silviam Capientium, A. D. 1189 B o o k s R e c e iv e d Published by The Franciscan Educational Conference St. Bonaventure College St . Bonaventure, N . Y . The Franciscan Educational Conference Founded in 1919, the Franciscan Educational Conference is an association of the members o f the First Order o f St. Francis in English-speaking countries who arc engaged in educational and literary work. Ten Franciscan, five Conventual, and five Capudiin provinces in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland and Australia are amliated to the Conference. The executive board o f the Conference consists o f the follow ing four officers and sixteen additional representatives of provinces: Thomas Plassmann, O.F.M., St. Bonaventure, N. Y. President Thomas Grassmann, O.F.M.C0NV., Fonda, N . Y . Vke-President Sebastian M iklas, O.F.M.Cap., Washington, D. C. Secretary-Treasurer M arion Habig, O.F.M., Quincy, III. Secretary of Franciscan Literature Sebastian Erbacher, O.F.M. Jo h n L o f t u s , O .F .M .C o n v . Detroit, Mich. Floyds Knobs,. Ind. Sil v a n o M a t u l ic h , O . F. M . Brendan O’Callaghan, O.F.M.Cap. Santa Barbara, Calif. Rochestown, Ireland Bernarmne M azzarella, O. F. M. Fr. D o m in ic , O.F.M.Ca p . Lowell, Mass. Montreal, Can. Ferdinand Pawlowski, O.F.M. Dániel Hughes, O.F.M.Cap. Green Bay, Wis. Oxford, England Hyaqnth Workman, O. F. M . Anthony Grealy, O.F.M. Three Rivers, Can. Waverley, Australia Theodore Roembr, O.F.M.Cap. Alphonsus Bonnar, O.F.M. M t. Calvary, Wis. London, England Gerard Tiedeken, O.F.M.CONV. Hubert Quinn, O.F.M. Liverpool, England Romé, Italy Norbert Zonca, O.F.M.Co n v . M atthew Baran, O.F.M.CONV. Chicopee, Mass. Detroit, Mich. REPORTS OF A N N U A L M EETINGS — The papers and discussions which are read at the annual meetings o f the Conference are published in the Reports, which are edited by the Secretary-Treasurer, Capuchin College, Brookland, Washington, D. C. An Index covering the first fifteen Reports (1919-1933) has been issued as a separate volume. A list o f the Reports which are nőt as yet out-of-print w ill be found on another page. Beginning w ith the year 1941, the Report will appear as the fourth or December number of Fran­ ciscan Studies. Reports, 1929 to 1933, have been indexed in the Catholic Peri- odical Index, 1930-1933; 1939 in C. P. I., 1939; 1940 in C. P. I., March, 1941; 1934 to 1938 w ill be indexed in C. P. 1934-1938. FRANCISCAN STUDIES — The first twenty-one volumes of Franciscan Studies are a series o f monographs on subjects o f Franciscan history and science which were published at irregular intervals by St. Anthony G uild Press, Paterson, N . J., under the auspices o f the Franciscan Educational Coniference. The volumes which are still available w ill be found listed on another page. Beginning w ith the twenty-second volume, Franciscan Studies is issued as a quarterly review of the sacred and secular sciences and serves as the official organ o f the Franciscan Educational Conference. The quarterly is indexed in The Catholic Bookman. CD EMBER, 1941 V O L U M E 22 NEW SERIES, VOLUME 1 N U M B E R 3 CONTENTS Egonomig Significance of the Montes P ietatis ................................ .......................................................... Anscar Parsons, O. P. M . Cap. 3 Eg o n o m ig P r o b l e m o f t h e Fa m i l y ........................................................... .................................................................Gonzalve Poulin, O.P. M . 29 Ca r d in a l Fis h e r a n d D u n s Sg o t u s ........................................................... .................................................................Ladislas Siekaniec, O.P. M . 45 T h e C u l t o f t h e M o t h e r o f G o d i n t h e By z a n t in e L it u r g y . ............................................. Cuthbert Gumhinger, O. P. M. Cap. 49 T h e Centiloquium Attributed to Ogkham (Part III) .......................................................... Philotheus Boehner, O. P. M . 62 Sg o tistig B ibliography o f THE L ast D egade (1929-1939) (P a r t I I I ) .......................................................... Maurice Grajewski, O.P. M . 71 F r a n q s g a n a ...............................................................................................................77 B o o k R e v i e w s ....................................................................................................... 89 McKeon, ed., The Basic Works of Aristotle; Sinisterra, Estadistica Gen­ eral de la Provincia Pranciscana de Santa Pé de Bogotá; McGarry, Unto the End; Report of the Second Biennial Meeting, The Capuchin Educa- tional Conference; Fitzgerald and Frank, comp., A List of 5,000 Cath- oUc Authors; Narratio de Itinere Navali Peregrinorum Hierosolymam Tendentium et Silviam Capientium, A. D. 1189 B o o ks R e g e i v e d ....................................................................................................... 95 F R A N C IS G A N S T U D IE S , a review of the sa- Entered as second-class matter M arch 19, 1941, cred and secular sciences, published in M arch, at the Post Office at St. Bonaventure, N . Y., June, September, and December. — March, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Additional 1941, Volum e 22 (N e w Series, Volum e 1 ) , entry at Paterson, N . J. Num ber 1. Copyright, 1941, by Franciscan Educational Annual subscription, $5.00, for four numbers, Conference. the December number being the Report which Cum permissu superiorum. contains the papers read at tne annual meeting of the Franciscan Educational Con­ Printed in the United States by St. Anthony ference. G uild Press, Paterson, N . J. A U Communications, whether of a business or of a literary nature, should be sent to the Secretary, Franciscan Studies, St. Bonaventure College, St. Bonaventure P. O., N . Y . EDITORIAL BOARD M arion Habig, O.F.M., M.A., Quincy College, Quincy, 111. Editor Thomas Plassmann, O.F.M., Ph.D., S.T.D., L.G.S.S., St. Bonaventure College, St. Bonaventure, N . Y. Managing Editor Theodore Roemer, O.F.M.Cap., Ph.D., St. Lawrence College, M t. Cal- vary, W is. Associate Editor Sebastian Weber, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., St. Anthony-on-Hudson, Rens- selaer, N . Y. Associate Editor Sebastian Miklas, O. F. M . Cap., Capuchin College, Washington, D. C., Editor of P. E. C. ADVISORY BOARD Theological Sciences: Leonard Bacigalupo, O.F.M., L.G., Lowell, Mass.; Dávid Baier, O.F.M., M .A., S.T.D., St. Bonaventure, N . Y.; Matthew Baran, O.F.M. CONV., M.A., S.T.D., Ph.D., Detroit, Mich.; Cuthbert Gumbinger, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Garrison, N. Y.; Boniface Hennig, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., J.U.D., Rens- selaer, N . Y .; Anaclete Kaczmarek, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., Ellicott City, M d.; Ephrem Longpre, O.F.M., L.G., Lmr.D.,Paris, Francé; V alen tin e Schaaf, O.F.M., S.T.B., J.C.D., Romé, Italy; Kevin Smyth, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., L.S.S., M ara­ thon, W is.; H yacinth W orkm an, O.F.M., L.G., Ottawa, Canada. Philosophy: Bertrand Campbell, O.F.M., Ph.D., St. Bonaventure, N . Y .; M a u r ic e Grajewski, O.F.M., Green Bay, Wis.; Basil Hbiser, O.F.M.Conv., M.A., Carey, O .; Pacificus Húg, O.F.M., Ph.D., Cieveland, O .; Clem ent O 'D onnell, O.F.M. CoNV., Ph.D., Rensselaer, N . Y .; James O’Mahoney, O.F.M.Cap., Ph.D., Cork, Ireland; M ark Stier, O.F.M.Cap., Ph.D., Marathon, W is.; Berakd Vogt, O.F.M., P h .D ., Butler, N . J. H istory: Dominic Devas, O.F.M., London, England; Patrick Gauchat, O.F.M. CoNV., Ph.D., S.T.M., Carey, O.; Maynard Geiger, O.F.M., Ph.D., Santa Bar­ bara, Calif.; Raphael Huber, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., Washington, D.
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