Community College Department of Public Safety 6680 S. Country Club Road, Tucson, Arizona 85709-1740 Page 1 of.....L Location Code PCNW Forward Copies To [JD.. Stolenst.ore... ..dProp.ertyvehlcl.e... •..§p. Missing.. c.c. w.. ar.Personrant s.erved [] Returned Juvenile . Found Person Driver's License No Weight Description Charges [JSooked OReferral [JField Released [JOther (See Narr) NAME: Last, First MI Loughner, Jared L. Driver's License No Eye Color Blue Teeth Work/School: Name/Address Charges . Shannon Road, Tucson, Az Model Color Characteristics Owner Address Vehicle Damage INCIDENTREJ:'ORT - BASIC CASE Report No, Reporting Officer ') Pima Community College Department of Public Safety C 1 0 _ 0 0 6 3 4 D. Simmons Page 2 of...:.. On 2/5/1 0 at 1030 hours I received a caII from Division Dean Patricia Houston reference suspicious behavior of siU~~T!~~~~~~I~~~~e£~§1~~s'~T!E~~~~~~~~~-?§Q9~~~§1i~o~B~~~~'!~9~?ii~ A~l~Ti~~.-~~~·=·~-==·====-.= ttldent named Jared Loughner had reacted strangely'to'the'reading ofanotherstUdent's" ..... dthe teaCher ha.<fsaidToughller-hacfm:a-decomment"s'lithe'Classafteiihe'poem thaTwer( .:ffue-pbem anci"saJ.<fthmgs about abortwn, wars, kITflng people~'andilwliy doo'tweJust' bombs to ouston'saId that Loughner hasa'iidar[persona:HiY"'ancnskill<for"creepy'i and-tliey'ha<C'-' reso ved to .-_"'_'M·'-·~-ye onhrrn.--Howevet,""fueYhadrecelVed an email fromanotherstudentln'tlle'class who-:---­ thoUght'he" ave aknifuIDhispossession'in aprotective cover; she'wasn't sureIfit wasa kiiIfe, bilt'thought-It'-- ~i~~~~:',~~~,~~.~~~~~'I~·=~~~l~~~·Q1~.~ituation-arKf see~~i~dv!~e.'·· -~=~==.==~~':=.'.=='='.-.::~~"'., ...':.~=.:~.===:'= -----'-oustonlfthestudent hacCbeen the"cause of any other inCidents, distractions,·or·code'ofconduct lssues'an<r --..-,.--- --check.'Loughner1s hIStory and see iffuere ·was--anyt11hlg·weneede.'rio"be'-concerned· -",.- kind ofbehavlor:TiOldher ifsowe mIght make contact with-hlmaiicrdlscuss'the·~·-·· ,- as'notl1illg to indicate he might have-atren<ro{mlsbehavToro{ih.ls·tYpe~that·we--·-·· react to in alaw enforcementmode at this time. I suggestedihey'keep'an-eye-on hiffi-and ____»~~f.~~~!1.~ ,~I~e9.e.~~l~Eed~I~<3:!~~~~~nj~:!hem~·------:_-=:= =:::::.=_:_:':~='-==-"'.':.~'~~=-:'~'-='.:==::.~:::::-:.=."=: ..•. Iliad Dispatch nuihim fOfwarrants and history. Loughiier has some prior drug'lnvolvementbui no'warrants or--' -_.. --";-->_._~--- -"·concern. "For'now~tlllsreport documentstlie'facultY'S' concerns'bui'-doesnotlii-myoplnlon'' ... -_. JU '" ~_.. _~. ~~~~£!i1.~.f~~~g§i~T~.LPolice.__===-"~~==-====.===~-=:·".'.--'.-=::'~:.'.-~====::===:=:=~===:=' --_._--_....-.__ ...-._.......--- ---------..... BASIC CASE NARRATIVE 5/06 Pima Community College Department of Public Safety 6680 S. Country Club Road, Tucson, Arizona 85709-1740 Page 1 of_l_ Connect-Up Report Weight 150 lbs Data Entry No. Veh Code No. VIN Veh Type Data Entry No. Owner Name: Last, First, MI Owner Notified DYes D No On 4/6/201Oatapproxinl(ltely 1626 hrsOfc. Serna and I responde~to Pima CommllnityCollege Northwest Campus aj)er~'()?t~~.g~if~a.sc~l1~erne(f Library to check the welfare of with. .- .d U - ._- - -- On 4/6/2010 at approximately 1626 hrs Ofc. Serna and I responded to Northwest Campus Library to check the welfare ofa person the staffwas cOIlcerned with. Upon arrivaIlcontactecfsWANK,':kR.IS who is t1J.e DIrector oftheLIbrary, s1J.elrifoITIledme there was ayouilg mall uSlrigol1eoffue-cornputers and he would sometImes make nOlses-lolld ell()llgl1forstaffCitthe referenced~s~t()h~a.r:lc_()E!~~!~~~~~j~bI~~fJ~e:~1:ifiedaS L6uqH::N'E:~:-.rAREDLEE:, __ a. current PCC student, who was working on the computer and listening to music using ear bud type headphones. He stated to metllat he -wasreallyinto musica~d1:hatso~1~~~e~~~e~~~1~)_e:e.IljoXing1:heI11lislc~nldexcltedlYlltter _ phrases and words from the songs. I asked LOUGHNER ifthis had happened in the past and ifanyone had asked him toUbequlet,he stated that hel1adbeentoTd Oil a previous occasloIl~TlnforIl1edL6tJ(J:I:-J::t\fER'thatthis behavior was not an acceptabIe practIce for'a publIc se1:1:I~g~~_sre:~~a.llx~~~~~IT~r<lTi.1{e-s1:ai:ed1:hatit wOlildriot llappe.nagali1. Ofc. Serna and I cleared the scene at 1722 hrs. MISCELLANEOUS INCIDENT REPORT Reoort Number UCR Code - Classification CIIIOI -10121415161 5602- Suspicious Activity / Person Connect-Up Report Location of Incident 2202 W. Anklam Rd. Tucson Arizona 85709 Reporting Officer Badge No. Additional Officer R. Yrigoyen 380 I\dditional Officer ID & Agency Additional Officer nmeReported Date Reported Time Occurred [)ate Occurred Clear Time Disposition Type Code Forward Copies To 1522 05 17 10 1522 05 17 10 1800 CLO A Contributing Circumstances o TASER Used O· Bike Officer On-Site BStored Vehicle Alcohol Involved Administrative Referral Stolen Property Domestic Violence Hate Type Crime 0 Returned Juvenile Drugs Involved Gang Related Activity I=~=~':::::::;"":";;::=~~;"""=~:;'::;;:':';';;'::"'::'::";':;:':;;';::"'-":::;::""""-,-.--,-.-........,."....--,-.-____ Weapons Involved .• PCC EmPlOye.e.suspect or Victim Victim's Rights Issued ~ PCC Student Suspect or Victim HOME ADDREss: Number/StreetlAptlCity/State/Zip -lome Phone Social Security No Weight =ye Color Facial Hair Teeth Location Description Nork/School: Name/Address Charges OBooked oReferraI PCYYC-2202 W. Anklam Rd Tucson, Az 85709 OField Released OOther (See Narr) Subj Code No NAME: Last, First MI Loughner, Jared Driver's License No Social Security No Weight 150 Facial Hair Teeth Location Description Nork/School: Name/Address Charges PQWC- 2202 W.Anklam Rd Tucson, Az 85709 VIN Model Color Joors Characteristics Owner Address Vehicle Markings Vehicle Damage INCIDENT REPORT - BASIC CASE Report No. Reporting Officer t'ima Community ColJegeDepartment of Public Safety C 1 0 - 0 2 4 5 6 R. Yrigoyen Page ~ of ~ 91195 17 10 suspicious activity was reported to me at the Pima College Viest Campus 2202 W. Anklam Rd Tucson, Az 85709. i\tapPl~())(imatel)1l522 hours, dispatch inf01111ed l11~thata Pimac=ol1e~e instructor\Vanted to report suspicious a.~tlvit)1. I retrieved allpeliinent infoTIllation and Illade telephoniccontact withPC\tVC instructor Patricia Curry. (:lllf"Y.stated that earlierin tIle dayshe was condu~tiJl~a Pilates class inthe recital hall ofthe CFAbllilding.Curry saicidllrin~theclass,sheillfon11edher studelltsoftheir tinalgradefor the semester. Curry stated that one ofher Stllci~nts,Jared.Lou~Ilner,became."very hostile" \vhen finding out he was receiving.a "B." Curry s<iid LOllghner "threw his work down" and said the grade was "unacceptable." According to Cuny, she spoke with Loughner outside t~eClass ~OOJ11, and t'elt like it might become pl1ysical.iougl1ner\vas t11e11 refelTecito Cl1l1y'S. supervIsor,· Susall I-I!einrich, who according to Curry also felt "intimicblted." No contact has been made with Heinrich or Loughner at this time. Curfy stated that her last semester class is scheduled for 1700 hours atCFA Recital Hall, anddid not feel comfOliable tea.cllingwithout ail l10 fficer in the area." I.infoTIl1ed CUlTY that I would benearthe CFA until her class ended.at 1800 112urs; slleack:now1eciged. I monitored the CFA complex until CUlTY'S class ended at about 1755 hours, and then cleared thecall at about 1800 hours. BASIC CASE NARRATIVE 5/06 Reoort Number UCR Code - Classification Page 1 of ---..L ClljOI -10121711131 5603 - Suspicious Activity, Other Connect-Up Report Location of Incident CIO-00634 PCCPD 7600 N. Shannon Reporting Officer Badge No. Additional Officer D. Reeve '0/5c.... I:\dditional Officer 10 &Agency Additional Officer Time Reported Date Reported Time Occurre Date Occurred Clear Time Disposition Type Code Forward Copies To 1700 6/3/10 unknown 6/1/10 1745 ACT A Contributing Circumstances [J TASER Used Bike Officer On-Site AICOhOllnVOlved 0 Stored Vehicle PCC Warrant Served Administrative Referral Stolen Property Missing Person Domestic Violence Hate Type Crime B Returned Juvenile §.Found Person Drugs Involved Gang Related ActiVity o ==..,.l Weapons Involved 1I1"'",~ .PCC. Em.Pfoyee.su.s.pec.t o.r Victim ~,,: Rlgbts I""ad ~ • •PCC Student Suspect orVictim 150 Eye Color Blue Teeth Charges DBooked DReferral DField Released DOther (See Narr) (Division Dean ofInstruction) Driver's License No Social Security No Weight Eye Color Teeth Work/School: Name/Address Charges o Booked Work: Pima Community College, Northwest Campus DField Released Model Color Characteristics Owner Address Owner Notified Vehicle Damage INCIDENT REPORT - BASIC CASE Report No. Reporting Officer Pima Community College Department of Public Safety C 1 0 _ 0 2 7 I 3 D. Reeve Page ~ of~ On 6-3-10 at approximately 1700 hrs, Division Dean, Patricia Houston wanted to meet with me for a student code of conduct aitheNorthwest Campus. .. I . on6-3..1():Tmetwith Division])can, Patricia Houst()ninreferenceto a st~dentby thenameofJareel Loughner (DOB 9~1()~88)dlstllrbinga'dass.Houston advised that Lo~ghner wasdisrupted 'In his n1athclass when he madereference to a problem that the instructor was trying to explairland argued with the instl1lctor on thenumber used. Houston han4edmeall e-mailthatwas sent to her fromD~IisaSiddall, anEducat'ion Sllpport StudentCounselor at the . Northwest Campus, and asked me to read it. I readovert11e e-mail and attachedit to this report. Idid notice thattwo oitrie e-mails were in contradiction to each other. The first e-mail that was dated on the second, did not state that he . was askedtoleave the classer did it state the student was under the influence ofa control substance.
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