jkpH;ehL muRg;gzpahsh; njh;thizak; tpz;zg;gjhuh;fSf;fhd mwpt[iufs; (07/11/2016 Kjy; jpUj;jpaikf;fg;gl;lJ) TAMIL NADU PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION “INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS” (Revised w.e.f 07.11.2016) 1. NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES:- The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission notifies vacancies for various posts in the Commission’s Website and Newspapers. The number of such vacancies notified by the Commission is only approximate and is liable for modification with reference to vacancy position at any time before or at the time of actual recruitment. 1/ fhypg;gzpapl’;fs; mwptpg;g[:- jkpH;ehL muRg;gzpahsh; njh;thizak;. muRg;gzpfspyl’;fpa gy;ntW gjtpfSf;fhd fhypg;gzpapl’;fis epug;g[tjw;fhd mwptpf;iffis njh;thiza ,izajsj;jpYk;. bra;jpj;jhs;fspYk; btspapLfpwJ/ mt;thW btspaplg;gLk; fhypg;gzpapl’;fSf;fhd vz;zpf;if njhuhakhdjhFk;/ bjhpt[g;gzpfs; ,Wjpahf;fg;gLk; tiu mit ve;j neuj;jpYk; khWjYf;Fl;gl;ljhFk;/ 2. HOW TO APPLY THROUGH ONLINE ,iணயவழிapy; ; 1. Applicants should apply only through online mode in the Commission's Websites www.tnpsc.gov.in/www.tnpscexams.net/ www.tnpscexams.in. tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs; www.tnpsc.gov.in / www.tnpscexams.net/ www.tnpscexams.in. Mfpa njh;thizaj;jpd; ,izajs’;fs; K:yk; kl;Lnk tpz;zg;gpf;f ntz;Lk;/ Page 1 2. One Time Registration (OTR) and applicant Dashboard are mandatory before applying for any post. One Time Registration is valid for 5 years from the date of registration. ve;jbthU gjtpf;Fk; tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; Kd;g[ xUKiwg;gjpt[ vdg;gLk; epue;jug;gjpt[ kw;Wk; jd;tptug;gf;fk;(Dashboard) Mfpad fl;lhak; MFk;/ xUKiwg;gjpt[. gjpt[ bra;j ehs; Kjy; Ie;J Mz;Lfs; eilKiwapypUf;Fk;/ 3. For applying in One Time Registration, the applicants should have scanned image of their photograph and signature in CD/DVD/Pen drive to upload the photo and signature. xUKiwg;gjptpy; gjpntw;wk; bra;a. tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs; j’;fsJ g[ifg;glk;. ifbahg;gk; Mfpatw;iw CD/DVD/Pen drive nghd;w VnjDk; xd;wpy; gjpt[ bra;J jahuhf itj;jpUf;f ntz;Lk;/ 4. Applicants who have already registered in One Time Registration on or before 29.09.2015 shall use their existing user ID and Password to create applicant Dashboard in the new One Time Registration system. No applicant is permitted to create more than one registration ID in one time registration. 29/09/2015 md;nwh my;yJ mjw;F Kd;dnuh xUKiwg;gjpt[ bra;Js;s tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs;. Vw;fdnt mtu;fs; bgw;Ws;s gadhsh; FwpaPL kw;Wk; flt[r;brhy; Mfpatw;iwg; gad;gLj;jp g[jpa xUKiwg;gjpt[ Kiwapy; j’;fspd; jd; tptug; gf;fj;jpid Vw;gLj;j ntz;Lk/; xU tpz;zg;gjhuh; xd;Wf;Fk; nkw;gl;l xUKiwg; gjpt[f; fzf;if (One Time Registration ID) cUthf;f mDkjpapy;iy/ 5. One Time Registration is not an application for any post. It is just collectionof information from the applicants and giving a separate dashboard to each applicant to facilitate them to maintain their own profile. Applicant who wishes to apply for any post shall click “Apply” against the post Notified in the Commission’s Website and use the same USER ID and PASSWORD given for ONE TIME REGISTRATION. USER ID and PASSWORD are created by the applicants themselves. Incase, if the applicant forgets the USER ID and PASSWORD, he can change or reset them using “FORGOT PASSWORD AND FORGOT LOGIN ID, OTR ID” Options. The Commission will not furnish USER ID and PASSWORD details to the applicants. [ xUKiwg;gjpt[ vd;gJ ve;jbthU gjtpf;fhd tpz;zg;gk; my;y/ ,J tpz;zg;gjhuu;fspd; tptu’;fisg; bgw;W mth;fSf;F jd;tptug; gf;fk; xd;wpid cUthf;f kl;Lnk gad;gLk;/ ve;jbthU gjtpf;Fk; tpz;zg;gpf;f tpUk;g[k; tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs;. njh;thiza ,izajsj;jpy; mwptpf;fg;gl;Ls;s mg;gjtpf;Fhpa mwptpf;ifapy; “Apply” vd;w cs;sP;L tHpna epue;jug;gjpt[f;Fhpa gadhsu; FwpaPL kw;Wk; flt[r;brhy; Mfpatw;iw cs;sPL bra;J tpz;zg;gpf;f ntz;Lk;/ tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs;. gadhsh; FwpaPL kw;Wk; flt[r;brhy; Mfpatw;iw jh’;fns cUthf;fpf; bfhs;s ntz;Lk;/ tpz;zg;gjhuu; Vw;fdnt Vw;gLj;jpa gadhsu; FwpaPL kw;Wk; flt[r;brhy; Mfpa tptu’;fis kwe;Jtpl;lhy; mtw;iw “FORGOT PASSWORD, FORGOT LOGIN ID, OTR ID”Mfpa tpUg;gj; bjhpt[ K:yk; kPz;Lk; cUthf;fyhk; / khw;wpf; bfhs;syhk;/ tpz;zg;gjhuu;fSf;F gadhsu; FwpaPL kw;Wk; flt[r;brhy; Mfpa tptu’;fs; njh;thizaj;jhy; tH’;fg;glkhl;lhJ/ Page 2 6. Applicants have to furnish their correct SSLC Register Number, Month and Year of Passing and Name of the Board which issued the certificate, while registering online. If any detail furnished is found to be wrong, both One Time Registration and Online Application will be rejected at any stage. tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; ,iza tHpapy; tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; bghGJ gs;sp ,Wjpr;rhd;wpd; gjpt[ vz;. nju;r;rpbgw;w tUlk; kw;Wk; khjk;. rhd;wpjH; tH’;fpa FGkk; Mfpa jfty;fis mjw;fhd fl;l’;fspy; rupahfg; gjpt[ bra;a ntz;Lk;/ nkw;go tptu’;fs; jtwhf gjpt[ bra;jpUg;gpd; xUKiwg; gjpt[k;. nju;t[f;fhd tpz;zg;gKk; ve;jbthU epiyapYk; epuhfupf;fg;gLk;/ 7. Applicants who have more than one SSLC mark sheets, should enter the details available in the mark sheet issued on final attempt in which he had passed the SSLC Examination. gs;sp ,Wjp njh;r;rpf;F (S.S.L.C) Xd;Wf;F nkw;gl;l kjpg;bgz; rhd;wpjH; itj;jpUf;Fk; tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs;. jh’;fs; ,Wjpahfj; nju;btGjp nju;r;rp bgw;w rhd;wpjHpy; cs;s tptu’;fisg; gjpt[ bra;a ntz;Lk;/ 8. A valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number is mandatory for o n e t i m e registration. E-mail ID and Mobile Number are to be kept in active mode. TNPSC will send all communications and messages only to the registered email ID and Mobile. xUKiwg;gjpt[ (OTR) bra;tjw;F gad;ghl;oy; cs;s kpd;d”;ry; Kfthp kw;Wk; miyngrp vz; Mfpait fl;lhakhFk;/ kpd;d”;ry; Kfthp kw;Wk; miyngrp vz; Mfpatw;iw bjhlu;e;J gad;ghl;oy; itj;jpUf;f ntz;Lk;/ nju;t[ bjhlu;ghd bra;jpfs; midj;Jk; tpz;zg;gjhuu; gjpt[ bra;Js;s kpd;d”;ry; Kfthp kw;Wk; miyngrpf;F kl;Lnk mDg;gg;gLk;/ 9. Though the applicants furnish details / information in the One Time Registration, the details furnished in the application for the recruitment concerned alone will be taken into consideration for that recruitment. tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; xUKiwg;gjptpy; j’;fsJ tptu’;fisg; gjpt[ bra;jpUe;jnghjpYk;. mtu;fs; Fwpg;gpl;l nju;tpw;F tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; bghGJ me;jj; njh;t[f;fhd tpz;zg;gj;jpy; gjpt[ bra;j tptu’;fs; kl;Lnk mtu;fs; jUk; tptu’;fshf vLj;Jf;bfhs;sg;gLk;/ 10. Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Nam of the applicant, Post Applied for, Communal Category, Date of birth, Address, e-mail ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final. However, applicants can modify certain fields till the last date specified for applying online. Certain fields are fixed and cannot be edited even before the closing date. Applicants are hence requested to fill in the online application form with utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained after last date for applying. ,izatHpapy; rkh;g;gpf;fg;gl;l tpz;zg;gj;jpy;. tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs; jUk; bgau;. tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; gjtpapd; bgau;. rhjpg;gphpt[. gpwe;j njjp. Kfthp. kpd;d”;ry; Kfthp. njh;t[ ikak; nghd;w tptu’;fs; ,Wjpahditahff; fUjg;gLk;/ tpz;zg;gj;jpy; mspj;j rpy tptu’;fis mj;nju;t[f;F tpz;zg;gpf;f bfhLj;Js;s ,Wjpehs; tiu njitg;gl;lhy; jpUj;jpf;bfhs;syhk;/ vdpDk;. rpy tptu’;fs; jpUj;j ,ayhJ/ vdnt tpz;zg;gjhuu;fs; Page 3 j’;fsJ tptu’;fis cs;sPL bra;a[k; bghGJ kpFe;j ftdj;Jld; cs;sPL bra;J tpz;zg;gj;ij gjpt[ bra;a[khW mwpt[Wj;jg;gLfpwhu;fs;/ ,WjpehSf;Fg; gpd;dh; xUKiwg;gjpt[ my;yJ ,izatHp tpz;zg;gk; Mfpatw;wpy; jpUj;jk;nfhhp njh;thizaj;jpy; bgwg;gLk; ve;jbthU nfhupf;ifa[k; guprPypf;fg;glkhl;lhJ/ 11. The Instructions and Illustration regarding One time Registration are available in the website www.tnpscexams.net / www.tnpscexams.in. xUKiwg;gjpt[ Fwpj;j mwpt[iufs; kw;Wk; tpsf;f’;fs; www.tnpscexams.net/ www.tnpscexams.in Mfpa ,izajs’;fspy; bfhLf;fg;gl;Ls;sd/ 12. An applicant already having user ID and Password, has to login. The available OTR particulars will be displayed on the screen. They have to fill up additional details required for specific recruitment application. gadhsu; FwpaPL kw;Wk; flt[r;brhy; bgw;wpUf;Fk; tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; mjidg; gad;gLj;jp cs;EiHe;jt[ld; xUKiwg;gjptpy; Vw;fdnt gjpt[bra;Js;s tptu’;fs; jpiuapy; bjupa tUk;/ nju;thizaj;jhy; mt;tg;nghJ btspaplg;gLk; xt;bthU nju;t[f;Fk; tpz;zg;gpf;Fk; nghJ mjw;Fhpa TLjyhf njitg;gLk; tptu’;fisa[k; gjpa ntz;Lk;/ 13. After submitting the details in the application, applicants can choose any one of the following modes for making payment of examination fee.
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