Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-8-2013 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 89, No. 12 WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the African American Studies Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 89, No. 12" (2013). WKU Archives Records. Paper 6364. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/6364 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PHOTO SPORTS After-school fun in Young WKU defensive Bowling Green specialists improving PAGE 7 PAGE 10 TUESDAY , OCTOBER 8, 2013 • WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY • WKUHERALD.COM • VOLUME 89 NO. 12 Annual security report shows increase in burglaries BY JACOB PARKER 1 [email protected] 2009 0 2010 Motor 2011 197 Rape The 2013 Annual Campus Security 6 4 Vehicle 1 report revealed an increase in burglaries 2012 (forcible) Theft and simple assaults on campus, while re- 5 18 ported cases of rape have been cut in half 42 2 1 since the previous year. 163 17 The annual report is compiled and 116 64 made available to the public to meet the Aggravated and simple requirements of the Jeanne Clery Dis- 89 129 assaults 12 closure of Campus Security Policy and 79 131 Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 and 00 23 3 the Kentucky Postsecondary Education 71 52 99 1 Campus Security (Minger) Act of 2000. 32 32 146 Weapons Burglary on campus has seen a sharp 132 36 92 1 Robbery Possession increase in 2012. After seeing a steady de- 65 41 1 cline since 2009, the number has more 2 Burglary Larceny DUI Drug abuse Alcohol 3 than doubled since the previous year’s 32 intoxication SEE CRIME PAGE 2 Maggots found on DSU loading dock Meme page Thousands of maggots lay highlights scattered across the loading dock of Down- WKU humor ing Student Union on Oct. 2. BY TREY CRUMBIE BRIAN POWERS/ [email protected] HERALD Grumpy Cat. Condescending Wonka. The Most Interesting Man in the World. These memes, tailored to a WKU audience, completely fi ll the WKU Campus Memes Facebook page. The memes poke fun at a variety of WKU topics including parking, dorm life and academics. Louisville senior Rachael Shel- don, a moderator of the page, de- scribed it as all in good fun. “It’s pretty much just a free-for- all of funniness in regards to West- ern,” Sheldon said. Among the many trends of in- ternet culture, very few are as wide- spread as internet memes. Internet memes can take on many forms, with many simply being an image with humorous text overlaid on top that can be created in a matter of seconds. Lawrenceburg junior Nathan Smith, the founder of the page, said the inspiration for the idea came during his freshman year, after BY JACOB PARKER thinking about some of the funny [email protected] things on campus and looking at other college meme pages. After rain recently fl ooded campus, maggots were fl ushed “I was just looking at all of my out from underground to the surface of the loading dock in friends from high school and how the back of Fresh Food Company in the Downing Student they were sharing pictures off of Union, administrators say. their respective school meme pages As early as Wednesday, Oct. 2, maggots covered the top and I just thought, ‘You know what? level of the loading dock. Let me see if WKU has one,’” Smith Workers set up a salt barrier between the loading dock said. area and the kitchen area of DSU, to keep the maggots out. After seeing that WKU had no As of Monday afternoon, dead and live maggots were still meme page, Smith said he created on the dock, in lesser numbers. the WKU Campus Memes page With the new waste system implemented at DSU, mag- with a friend. gots are a natural part of the fertilizing process. Smith said he and his friend ini- A “pulper” squeezes the liquid out of wasted food and tially just posted content that was Andre Brown sweeps maggots off the fl oor in the loading dock squeezes it into a sealed dumpster. relatable, not necessarily humorous. SEE MAGGOTS PAGE 2 of Downing Student Union on Oct. 2. BRIAN POWERS/HERALD SEE MEME PAGE 2 BIG RED KEYSTACHE IAN MILLER WKUHERALD.com TUE 72°/43° "RED STUDENT STARTS STUDENT TROUBLEMAKER" BUSINESS DEDICATED FOOTBALL WED 75°/50° STILL IN THE INSPIRED BY LOST TO CAUSE OF CHECK OUT RUNNING KEYS BREAST CANCER WKUHERALD.COM THU 79°/52° FOR MASCOT PAGE 6 AWARENESS FOR PHOTOS CHALLENGE PAGE 3 FROM SATURDAY'S PAGE 6 GAME FRI 79°/50° PAGE 2 OCTOBER 8, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM A line of salt CRIME for WKU Police Department, forms the told the Herald last year that barrier to the CONTINUED FROM FRONT football game weekends and kitchen area of tailgating on campus have not Downing Stu- reports with 65 total reports contributed to the number of dent Union as a in 2012. alcohol-related incidents. worker sweeps In 2011, there were only “Tailgating has changed up maggots 10 reported cases of simple drastically over the last few on the loading assault, while 2012 saw this years,” Johnson said. “We no dock on Oct. 2. number more than double longer patrol tailgating areas. BRIAN POW- with 21 reports. It’s up to HRL and other volun- ERS/HERALD In 2012, there were only two teers to do that. Our arrests for reported cases of forcible rape. football games have gone way This is less than the fi ve cases down.” reported in 2011. Larceny on campus has Only one robbery was re- continued to decrease since ported, also down from 2011’s 2009, with 132 reports in 2012. three reported robberies. This is almost a third less than DUI arrests have increased 2009’s 197 reports. since 2010, with 41 arrests Arrests concerning drug made in 2012. However, the abuse violations continue to number is still lower than see a steady increase with 146 2009’s 52 arrests. Alcohol in- reports from 2012. In 2009, MAGGOTS Chaney, project manager for of the ground by all of the rain toxication violations dropped there were only 42 reports and the DSU renovation, could water. slightly from 99 in 2011 to 92 in 2011 there were 129. CONTINUED FROM FRONT not be reached for this story. “You also have to realize last year. No murders, attempted Steve Hoyng, resident dis- the building is still under Mandi Johnson, the former rapes or acts of arson were re- The waste from Fresh trict manager for Aramark, construction, so not every- public information offi cer ported in 2012. Foods is turned into compost said the underground system thing is sealed as it should by maggots, which will help takes care of the waste that be,” he said. “You know, turn it into fertilizer that goes will be turned into fertilizer. there’s garbage containers to Baker Arboretum. He said there is no evidence out there.” Sustainability Coordinator that shows maggots ever en- While this is a recent prob- Christian Ryan-Downing told tered the kitchen area. lem, Hoyng said it’s being tak- Correction the Herald last month that Hoyng said maggot infesta- en care of. the new system was a test for tions aren’t abnormal. “We have called our pest Due to a Herald error, The College Heights Herald other areas of campus. “Any time you have an area control company and ex- Liberty sophomore Madi- corrects all confi rmed errors “If it works well with Fresh where any kind of debris is, plained, and they have taken son Marcum was incorrectly that are brought to reporters’ Food, we’ll expand and do maggots could be there,” he measures,” he said. “They’ve identifi ed as a member of or editors’ attention. Please more food waste at other said. sprayed and etcetera. It’s a re- Alpha Omicron Pi soror- call 745-6011 or 745-5044 to places,” she said. Hoyng said the maggots cent issue and we haven’t fi g- ity. Marcum is a member of report a correction, or email us Ryan-Downing and Dan were brought to the surface ured everything out.” Omega Phi Alpha sorority. at [email protected] MEME caption, “Interrupting Your ciplines, people from different campus — part of student life,” sites, such as Twitter and Insta- Outdoor Conversations Since groups, people who are in- Smith said. gram. CONTINUED FROM FRONT 2003.” volved in different activities,” In addition to posting Currently, the page has In the beginning, Smith Smith said. memes, Sheldon said the page more than 3,500 “likes” on “We would do broad stuff and his friend just invited their Smith said the students posts other content related to Facebook. like the DUC renovation or friends to the page and the who contribute to the WKU WKU, including the 24-hour- Louisville senior Marrquon whatever was going on,” Smith popularity grew from there. Campus Memes page come food petition and the Capital Bartee is one of those “likes.” said. “We attracted it just by in- from diverse backgrounds One Mascot Challenge. He said the page unites the Sheldon said there are plen- viting our friends and sharing as well, which helps with the “I think it’s the stuff that campus through common in- ty of popular memes that are what we thought was funny,” overall quality of the page as we fi nd interesting that we’ll terests.
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