![The Spirit of the Times (Pontotoc, Miss.), 1841-05-15, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
any well regulated commuai -1 i mam f^nIv requires to be pnbliciy stated to j lw ttARSHAL’9 SALK. •Mit ice, I * 'üjclv condemned. Bui if there Le | COMMERCIAL. Boram and company vs. K. Clark and co. URSUANT to a Deed of trust executed to Robert Hyslop and son P me as trustee, on the 8th day of May 1 hers opposed to the j*yment by the vs. samq. 1838, by John Wightman to secure the payment M• ° iiut desirous that the debt should bo REMARK«. J. Bo ram and company of certain sums ot money therein mentioned, to ! *|pj I desire to remind them that a vs. same. J. D. and B. M. Bradford, I shall proceed to The Intelligence by the steamer Great Baker, Johnson and company sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court ,o pay by thc^t- : - r Western, does not seem to indicate any vs. same. house door in the town of Pontotoc, on Monday [iben for stock In the l nion Bank Mil V virtue of the above stated cases to the 24 th day of May inst., the following descrifia change in the English cotton market. On “b*Crall obligation to f»ay ; mortgages me directed from the District Court tracts of land,viz: »Sections 19 and 20, township lie 1st May the Liverpool classifications in 7N range 7 west; section 10, town 13, range 5 east OID executed by the subscribers tor efnck of the United States, for the Northern District I New Orleans were as follows: ordinary and section 20, town. 12. range 6 east. All num­ W^y the State against loss; if the of the State of Mississippi, I will expose to pub­ '){ q 9$ ; middlings 1(1$ ; middlings lair bered from the basis meridian of the Chickasaw K? can successfully resist the payment lic sale at the Court House door in the town of surveys. Sale within lawful hours. lUjt a 10|; fair 11$ a 11$; good fair Pontotoc, on the " h day of June 1841, the May 6 1841. * B’up bonds and sutler no loss, then no following Lands, and Lots: undivided 1 of the B1' ding can bo had on t he mortgages, ll| a 12; good and fine 12$. These J. G. ENGLISH, Trustee. east $ of section 27, T. » R. 8 east; and north May 1,1841. 2-ins. fee #4 00. K. condition being complied with, they rates exhibit no change. $ of section 20, T. 9 R. 8 east. South-east qr. of In the Memphis market a slight decline sec. 18, T. 9, R. 6 east; lying in the Chickasaw This is the course the interest e void. took place last week ; market inactive. survey. West f and soulh-east qr. of seclionl4 •-hose concerned in the Union Bank, and north-east qr of section 23, T. *0, R. II THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. Pontotoc County. j dictate, because it settles the quca- east, in the Choctaw survey, cast 4 Lot 3, William Webb % PONTOTOC MONEY MARKET. block 8, south $ofIret 7, block 14, Lot 9, of of their individual liability; at any block 14, Lot 1, block 18, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, vs. Injunction Bill, |M the effort u> convert a very delicate Corrected weeklv vor ‘the Spirit of the of block 7,1 Ait 1, of block 8, Lots 1 and 1 of Christopher Cheatham . On motion of the Plaintiff by his Attorney, is:er!| question into a political question, Times. block 9. Also Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, of block 8. Lot 3, of block 9,and 8, 9 and 10 of block 8, lying it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court - the subscribers for stock another Specie 8 a 10 prem. that the Defendant is no» a citizen of this State, n > TENNESSEE. in the town of Fulton. Levied on to satisfy' the e jo get released from liability, and above stated cases, and all cost, sale during but a citizen of the State ot Alabama. It is lirefure operates exclusively for their* Agricultural Bank, (Columbia) fraud lawful hours. therefore ordered by tire Court, that publication rLft, I am aware that many of the Bk. of the State of Tenu, (Nash ville) closed be madejn the “Mississippi Intelligencer and A. G WEIR, .Marshal of the Genera£Advertiser for the New ( aunties,” a Do. do. (Knoxville) closed Northern District of Mi. -erIbers for stock believe they are not ALL OTHERS PAR By HENRY DUKE,his Deputy. newspaper published in the town of Pontotoc iu ■ Bd fur the redemption of the bonds May 8th, 1841. H ' this State, lor the space of two mouths succes­ ALABAMA. sively, requiring tire said defendant to make his L,rt;ofore sold : but they have no right to 5-ins. Pr’sfee #9 00 City Bank, (Mobile) fraud personal sppearance at the next term of this 3(1J n summary rejens** from the Leg. Commercial Bank, (Enterprise) fraud Court, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday L's'ure; il their ere not hound, the judicial Planters & Merchants' Bk. (Huntsville) closed in April 1841, then and tltere to plead, answer frbuna'* of the country are open to them, Tombeckhee Bank, (St. Stephens) failed FRESH GROCERIES! or demur to ttie said bill, otherwise the same ALL OTHERS ______ PAR |BbU. Brown Sugar, 5 do. ofloaf 30 sacks will be taken for confessed, and be set down for .. .||Pv cnn defend tlwm^olves ns oiher g hearing ex parte. LOUISIANA. * • 9 9V Rio. Coffee, UK) do. of salt, 13 bbls. of . d' * tid against an ulijust demand. Molasses, 2 Tierces of Rice, 4 boxes best James A copy from the witnesses, Attest JAS. W. DRAKE. Cl’k. at charter Exchange Si Com. Bank, (N. Orleans) fraud River Tobacco, 15 do. of Sperm Caudles, 5 do of JioD'll March 20 35 2-m prs fee $9 00 ‘ ythel’nion Bank was pas-red lb conformity Planters Bank, (New Orleans) fraud Tallow. 15 do of Raisins, 3 pipes Cog’. Brandy, one do. Ma’d. \\ ine, 3 boxes brandv fruits 3 do. Mb** requirements of the Constitution, Clinton &: Port Hudson R. R. Co. (Jack- i son) no sale Claret Wine, 5 do of Muscat; 2 bbls Onions, 5 that « tailur« by tin* next succeeding do of Irish Pototoes; Garden seed's, 8 boxes of ALL OTHERS ’ PAR THE Mature with a>l the facts before them, Rossin t?oap, 10 bbls. Flour, 1 do. of Crain be ries, L NORTH CAROLINA. 2 casks best Goshen Cheese, 1500 lbs. Bacon, arrpudiat^■ the execution and sale of the c? t:-:s Tinas. Bank of Newbern, (Newbern) closed 15 bbls rectified Whiskey, 15 kegs nails ‘JO do/,. j.. ^created at least a mûrit I obligation Weeding Hoes, 10 Grubbing do.,Iron Castings State Bank, (Raleigh) closed ' the State that nil disinterested perrons ' All of which has just been purchased in New toI^cTrs"'^ chiefly* 1 rn ALL OTHERS PAR recognize, Wld that the best interests tn WBt SOUTH CAROLINA. »obsenber tor cash Agriculture, Literature and Commercial intel- gfthccnnimonJy requires ns to redeem. Ban« of C'heraw, (Cheraw) no sale tn lo’m/ hv »I»#. for ,ns,^auc‘:: ligencc. Custom requires that a detailed ex- I hivs raid more on this subject than I I to i \ the hbl. ( oiree lb and a half to le position of the objects of tire paper should be ALL OTHERS PAR S jrs; ftuded, but I have not done so from piveu; and in this tire undersigned would not GEORGIA. I k to e5 per bbl., Spenn Candles at 60 to6o per designedly disappoint public expectation, abeiiei that there are mauy opposed to Be- Merchants’ k Planters Bank, (Augusta) closed : to.U per box, naiis JOto 12$ ! keying that the Home Interests of North Mis* de payment of the Suü« Bonds, but hav. Agusta Bridge Company, (Augusta) failed j Pel *‘en»-a” 5,50 too.lU dollars per sack. • sissippi arc, at ibis peculiar juncture, of para- ,j, :ajjen the ground since my nominal inn Bank of Macon, (Macon) failed I .. , J. N. W1LIE. mount importance to every other consideration the State is morally hoc».I to redeem Belfast Mining Company, (Dalonega) failed | fllarcb 30-1841___________________________ foreign iu its character, the “Times" will en­ herB^nds, I have u desire that my true Farmers’ Bk of Chattalreochie (Columbus) failed I ,, , . ter upon its new career with a full and firm de­ Bank of Darien and branches no sale J1 ,*l> aad for sa,e b>’ tbc termination to investigate, without fear or fa­ • «•iro may In* known. Bank of GawkinsviUe, (Hawkinsvillc) no sale ‘-LBhCIllBLR vor, the causes that have produced the preva­ [-bait entertain the highest regard for Bank of St. Marys. (St. Mary’s) no sale Jî10’ an*- .avf,?.na, ^ odS^; lent embarrassments of our citizens, aud to Bank of Milledgevillc, (Milledgcvillc) no sale Boston Nails, 10 »,6 s aod4*, point out the accessary remedy. lb renewed expression of the confidence Central Bank of Milledgevillc. no sale h>erm C amJles, Raisins, ha 11 and qr. boxes, r'aty liieiiik. | have only to regret that Central Bank of Georgia, (Milledgeville) no sale I^>af sugar, AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. Jcaunni serve them- For the very kind Chatlahoochie H. R. Banking Com- Madder and Copperda, pany. (Columbus) no «ale Pne. *'ocVa* , . In this Department will be noticed all the Ruiner iu winch you have boon pleased, , , Monroe R. R. k Ranking Co. (Macon) no «lie l ( aps’ fluted* important improvements throughout the Uniou b commun! ’ate rny nomination • J" rmi Ocmulgec Bank, (Macon) no sale ! Onèbbl.
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