Seen Near on Fort School's Fate Cloudy, Codl Cloudy and.cool today. Cliir FINAL and. cold tonight. Sunny Mid ft«* Bwk, Freehold cold tomorrow. Branch (See details, page 2) EDITION Honmouth County's Borne Newspaper tor 0£ Years VOL. 93 NO. 138 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1971 16 PAGES TEN CENTS Drug Center Plan Surprises City Mayor By AL HOBAy fice claimed that Mayor Cioffi mer school from the Sisters of ject to the program, let us ob- LONG BRANCH -Conflict was involved In the program, Charity. - ject after full Intelligent anal- ing reports from the office of the mayor disclaimed alt "The governor indicated the ysis." Gov. William T. Cahill and knowledge of the plan and announcement has already Inmates of the new facility, Mayor Henry R. Cloffi indi- called for a halt to local been included in his annual it was said, would be sent cate that the announcement objections until city residents message," the mayor said. here by referral from the var- today that Star of the Sea are made fully aware of the "The governor said it would ied state courts, social agen- Academy property, 152 Chel- issue. be a center for therapeutic cies and post-diagnostic re- sea Ave., has been purchased The program, according to treatment of drug users be- commendations from officials by the state as a drug rehabil- the governor's spokesman, tween 12 and 18 years of age, at the Menlo Park treatment itation center, was not a joint calls for the establishment of I have no additional informa- center. Drug users may also effort by local and state offi- dormitory and classroom fa- tion at this moment," he aUd- take advantage of the rehabil- cials. cilities to house persons in ed. itation center on a voluntary A spokesman for Gov. Cahill need of a high school educa- "The city was not aware of basis, according to the state yesterday said the announce- tion. the program prior to Gov. plan. ment was made jointly by the . The center, it was said, will Cahill's call this morning." In announcing the program governor and Mayor Cioffi. be ,headed by Commissioner Details Awaited yesterday, Gov. Cahill said: (Related Photo Page 2| James R. Cowan, state De- The mayor added: "I told "I envision a school where The mayor last night issued partment of Health, who is the governor that we would young boys and girls want to a statement which "made an now recruiting staff members await some details of the plan stay and study and rebuild emphatic point: "The state- for the program, so we could make a judgment their lives. ment made by Gov. Cahill The: governor said that Mr. based on the facts. The gover- He added that he is "confi- •was not—and I repeat not-a Cowan will hire a director, nor assured me," he snid, dent we will be able to instill joint statement." teafchers, psychiatric aides, "we would be fully informed a high degree of motivation" The governors spokesman social workers and a mainte- of the entire plan." to return the young addicts to said the purchase of the for- nance and security staff. The "Each of us. parents, citi- their homes "and their right- mer Catholic girls' school has facility, he said, will be zens," he said, "have a stake ful place in youthful society." been negotiated for a $150,000 opened as soon as the needed in our young people. Let us Mayor Cioffi said last night purchase price. It was said staff is recruited. , not raise our voice in objec- that, although he was not in- the therapeutic drug treat- Mayor Cioffi last night said tion until we are fully in- formed of the plan before the ment center would care for he heard nothing about the formed on the entire project.'.' governor announced it and about 200 persons from age 12 plan until 9:30 a.m. yesterday, Mayor Cioffi concluded: "It, called his office, He will not to 20 who have a history of when the governor called to is important that Long Branch support or reject the measure drug abuse. tell him that the state has ne- exhibit its maturity and un- until he has an opportunity to Although the governor's of- gotiated to purchase the for- derstanding. If we are to ob- fully study the proposal. 25 YEARS AGO — Scientists, engineers and miiltary men who took'part in the original successful Diana ex- periment, when a radar signal Was first bounced off, the moon and received back on earth on Jan. 10, 1946, take part in a cake-cuiting ceremony at the Evans Area of Ft. Monmoulh marking 25th anniversary of th*- event. Left to right, Gilbert Cantor, Bradley Beach; Eugeen D. Jarema, Belmar; Maj. Gen. George' I. Van Deusen, (U.S.A.-Rer.), MonmoutW .Beach; Dr. Harold A. Zahl, Holmdel; Dr. Walter S.. McAfee, South Belmar; New MCAP President and Peter Devreotes, West Long Branch. The knife used in the cutting was made from a replica of one of the original dipoles of the Diana antenna. In background is photo taken when Gov. William T. Cahill pro- Is Well Prepared for Role claimed Jan. 10 as "ijrst Contact With the Moon Day." , ' . : By DORIS KUIMAN near future the board will bfe view. "I believe that the ma- "With a little soul-search- LONG BRANCH - It's roll- united for a sole purpose — to jority of the board has always ing, I think that very soon we up-your-sleeves time for mem- reach out to help" the poor," had this as its purpose and won't have to worry about ber* of the hoard of trustees Mrs. Wheeler said jn an inter- somehow got sidetracked, . hearing MCAP called a'noth- of Moranouth Community Ac- ing agency'," an appellation tion Program Inc. she said she's heard applied With Moon Is Observed As Mrs. Julia Wheeler, new- to the agency "many times." ly-elected president of When this mother of 13 and FT. MONMOUTH — The sil- Ft. Monmouth, and Secretary tronics Association, Deputy the ceremonies were Mon- MCAP's governing body, sees grandmother of four speaks of ver anniversary of the world's of the Army Stanley R. Resor.- Secretary of Defense David mouth. • Freeholder Axel B. it, the trustees should do more the problems of poverty, it first communication, through Other messages were re- Packard and Maj: Gen. Carlson, Mayor John Gassner than set the policy of the isn't from a theoretical view. space and the first contact ceived from the Institute of George E. Pickett, assistant- of Wall Township and George county's antipoverty agency: She was elected to the MCAP with the moon was celebrated Electrical and Electronics En- chief of staff for Communica- Zuckerman, representing; the they should actively come board last November as a rep- at the Evans Area yesterday. gineers, the Armed Forces tions-Electronics. New Jersey Conference, of face-to-face with the problems resentative of the poor in the Maj. Gen. Walter E. Lotz Communications and Elec- Among others taking part in Mayors. : of Monmouth's poor and play Long Branch-southern Eaton- Jr., commanding Ft. Mon- a positive role in working out town-Sea Bright area. mouth and the Army Elec- solutions. Mrs. Wheeler said she was tronics Command, presided at A firm believer in the swift inspired to run for the board a ceremony attended by some translation of words to, action, because "I felt a lot of the of the men actually involved Mrs. Wheeler already has ar- board members really didn't in Project Diana, as well as ranged board-staff work ses- know the needs of the poor. by state, county and Wall sions and is restructuring the They didn't live through it. I Township officials. The Evans board so that every member thought since I was poor I Area is in Wall Township. will serve on a working com- could understand and reach Project Diana wasanexpe- mittee. out..." , riment in which radar pulses She is convinced that this Community Action were fed through a 40-foot- will rightly brighten what she Her belief in the efficacy of square "bedspring" antenna says is MCAP's somewhat tar- "I hope that to the very "There, also Is need to moti- community action isn't just at Evans toward the moon, nished image. near future the board will be vate the poor to come to theoretical, either. Mrs. and the returning echoes re- MCAP . ," (See.New MCAP, Page 3) ceived ZVi seconds later. It "I hope that in the very united...." was first successful on Jan. 10, 1946, but was not an- nounced until two weeks later, and then by Maj. Gen. George L. Van Deusen of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer in County Given a Challenge Washington. Gen. Van Deusen, Mon- mouth Beach, long since re- tired, spoke at the ceremo- nies, as did Dr. Walter S. McAfee, South Belmar, an Army Electronics Command On Drug Control Programs astro-physicist, who made the theoretical calculations for the Aimed at Remotivating In his letter to Mr. Irwin,1 mittee, and chairman pro tern original project. Others who '• By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU took part in the project and MIDDLETOWN - A resig- Teen-Agers, of Middletown Mr. Gannon further states, of the Narcotics Council: Township)," Mr. Gannon stat- "The council seems to feel at states in his letter: who are still working at Ft. SILVER ANNIVERSARY - Admiring a model of the radar tower at Camp Evans nation and a challenge. Monmouth were introduced by in Wall Township from which man ma de his first rodar contact with the moon The Board of Chosen Free- ed in his letter, "and as its this time the Outreach Center "I would like to interject a project director, I must give located in Neptune, should be personal, word of caution Dr.
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