Rhode Island College Digital Commons @ RIC The Anchor Newspapers 6-14-1943 The Anchor (1943, Volume 15 Issue 04) Rhode Island College of Education Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ric.edu/the_anchor Recommended Citation Rhode Island College of Education, "The Anchor (1943, Volume 15 Issue 04)" (1943). The Anchor. 66. https://digitalcommons.ric.edu/the_anchor/66 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ RIC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ RIC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HAPPY GIVE FOR VACATION THE ANCHOR VICTORY! RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Vol. XV , No. 4 PROVIDENCE , RHODE ISLAND June 14, 1943 Seniors to Hold 129 to Receive Ball in Gymnasium Class and Ivy Day Program Degrees in Education At (:ommencement The Senior Class sets another precedent by holding its Commence· features Senior Speakers ment Ball in the College Gymna­ Dr. Durrell Guest Speaker sium, on June 17, from 7:30 to 11:30 o'clock. Lucille Greenan and her Co­ Officers and Committee The twenty-second annual Com­ eds will provide the music for mem­ Will Plant Ivy mencement Day Exercises to be held bers of the graduating class and their Saturday, June 19, at ten o'clock in The annual Class and Ivy Day guests, the majority of whom will be the College Auditorium, will confer observances will be held on the cam­ servicemen from various camps in degrees of Bachelor of Education pus, Monday afternoon, June 18, at the state. upon Seniors . two-thirty o'clock. One of the out­ Patrons and patronesses of the The invocation will be given by standing features of the event will dance are President and :\lrs. Lu­ Reverend C. Bernard Chapman, be the awarding of the ANCHORby cius A. Whipple , Miss Catherine M. First Baptist Churc h, Keene, N. H. Connor, Mr. and ?-lrs. Frederick J. the Seniors to the class considered Dr. Donald D. Durrell, Dean of the Donovan, Miss Helen A. ::\Iurphy, by them most deserving of the School of Education at Boston Uni­ honor. Mr. and Mrs. Dominick A. Severino, versity will be the guest speaker. He Mr. and Mrs. John G. Read , :;VIiss The procession of the Class to the will speak on "Future Areas for Mary E . Loughrey , Miss Marion D. 1 campus will be led by 32 girls elected Pioneering. " Governor J. Howard Weston , Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles Un­ by the Sophomore Class, who will lVIcGrath will extend greeti ngs from derhill, Dr. Florence ::\1. Ross, Miss comprise the Daisy Chain. the state. Following the usual custom , Rose Snell, Miss Mar y T. Thorp, Included in the exercises will be Dr. James F. Rockett, Director of and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tuttle. a greeting by President Lucius A. Education in Rhode Island, will ad­ Arrangement s are in charge of the Whipple. Marjorie Wood will be dress the graduates and present the Senior Social Committee. The mem­ JOSEPH YOUNG Class Day speaker. Joseph Young, GLADYS HALLVARSON teachers ' certificates. President Lu­ Address to Graduates President of the Senior Class has bers are Claire Lennon , chairman ; 1 Address to Undergracluates cius A. Whipple will confer the de­ Ru th Fox, Margaret ::\fartin, Ida been chosen to address the gradu­ grees. Joseph J. Young , Jr. , Presi­ Miele, Lillian Ianiere, Louise Hurley , ates and Gladys Hallv arson, Presi­ dent of the Senior Class, will greet Shirley Dunn , Amelia Smith , and dent of the Studert Council, will de­ the assembly. Dorothy Cucare lli. liver the address to the undergradu­ The academ ic procession led by ates. Chief Marshal , Professor Eugene Senior Calendar The Class Hi tory will be read by Tuttle , and Assistant Chief Marshal, Ruth Rotman , w!:iile Eleanore Snider Professor Dominick Severino, will Ve,,per Bacr.al;,,,rpate Service,c reci te" me--\ C a~s e which proceed from Henry Barnard School, Sunday , Jun e 13 in the College she has written. Instead of the Auditorium. across the campus to the esplanade. conferring of degree pins by class Commencement Ball - Thursday, There the ranks will divide and in adv isers, a solemn note will enter June 17 at the College. reverse order follow the band, Dr. the ceremony when mention is made Class and Ivy Day -Friday, June 18 Whipple , Governor McGrath, Dr. of the members of the class who are on the campus. Seniors award the Rockett , and other guests led by Dr . now in the service. A special tribute Anchor. Frederick J . Donovan, to the Col­ will be given to them by Lois Mur­ lege Auditorium . The order of the Commencement and Banquet -S at­ ray. urday , June 19. procession will be as follows: the ad­ The exercises will close with the Continued on Page 6 traditiona l planting of ivy by the Senior Class officers and committee. WINIFRED WILDES ,vinifr ed Wildes will give the Ivy Ivy Oration Oration . Then the Seniors, led bv :JURJORIE WOOD Mitzi Hall , will gather on the Seni~r ('Jnss Day Speaker Steps for their last class sing. VESPER SERVICE Class and Ivy Day was planned Sunday, June 13, 1943 by a committee which included Senior Class to Hold Processional Helen Sanford, chairman, and these Comn1encen1ent Banquet Hymn by Class members of the Senior Class: An­ "Glorious Things to Thee nette Archambault , Regina Dar elius, Are Spoken" Haydn Climaxing the events of Com­ Shirley Dunn , Louise Hurley , :rnd mencement Day, the Senior Class Invocation Jennie Majka. Rev. William R . Clare, O.P. will hold its banquet in the col­ Providence College, lege cafeteria at 6: 30 o'clock. The Providence, R. I. identity of the faculty member and Choir senior speaker will remain undi s­ "America" Bloch closed until that time. " Glorious is Thy Name" Gounod The faculty guests at this farewell Scripture Reading gathering of the Seniors will be ELINORE SNIDER Rev . ,;i.7illiam G. Fagan President and Mrs. Lucius A. Class Poet Smithfield Ave. Cong. Church Whippl e, Miss Catherine M. Connor, LOIS MURRAY Pawtucket , R . I. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J . D onavan , Tribute to Servicemen Alumni Group Honors The Lord 's Prayer (in unison) Miss Mary E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Graduates With Tea Message to the Graduates John B. Archer , Mr. Gaetano Cavic­ Class of '47 Receives The Associated Alumni of Rhode President Lucius A. Whipple chia, i\li s Amy A. Thompson , and Miss S. Elizabeth Campbell. Anchor Island College of Education will Choir hold its annual tea in honor of the "Sanctus " Gounod This last issue of the Anchor is graduating class, Friday afternoon , (from St. Cecilia Mass) IMPORTANT NOTICE! being sent to all members of next June 18, from 4 to 6 o'clock, at the Senior Alma Mater Every Senior is to be present year's coming class. We hope that college. Benediction at a very important Commence­ they will enjoy reading about this Mrs. Joseph Hurl ey, president of Rabbi Aaron Goldin ment Rehearsa l on Tuesday , June season's closing college activities. To the association, has appointed Mrs. Congregation Ahavath Shol0m 15, at 4:30 in the College Audi­ these yea rlings we wish a happy and Justin P . McCarthy and Mrs. James Pawtucket , R. I. RUTH ROTMAN torium. eventful career at Rhode Island Col­ F. Colgan, Jr. as co-chairmen . Recessional Class Historian lege of Education. THE ANCHOR Servicemen's Column Faculty Notes A Digest of News and Le.tt~rs Rhode Island College of Educa­ 1st Lieut. Norman Green: I fin-/=::=:::::~z::::::'=::'::=::'::~z~=::'::~z::::::'=::':: tion graduates achieve high scores in ished in upper third of class at Avia- Army Classification Tests. Those tion Cadet School. Professor Jolin G. Read prese nt ed repo rt ed are Maynard Shusman, Published monthly by the students of Rhode Island College of Education 155 ; Lawrence McGuire , 153; James Staff Sgt. J. J. Presser: I finished two Visual Aids Programs at the at Providence, R . I. Sullivan, 151; Cecil J . Ca rd , 149. with the first 10% whi le attending i\Ien's Reformatory at Howard on Adjutant General School. '.\Iay 2 5 and June 2. The se programs were educatio nal ones for the 180 2nd Lieut . James Ru sso write s: Lieut. Bob Byron : In ground inmates . Vol. XV June 14, 1943 No . 4 At O.C.S. the top five men of 600 chool where I was und ergoing flight were Ii ted. I was second in my bat­ trai ning at Pen acola, I stood second tery of 200 men. in the class. The Science Department will have Editor-in-Chie f James Sullivan: The marks listed an exhibition in Elementary Science Sergt. Bill Boyle writes: At Air­ Estelle R . Goldin on my record were 140 on the I. Q. during the week of June 10. Under craft Mechanical School, my ave rage the directi on of Professor Read , News Editor and 151 on the Army Classificat ion Feature Editor' Business Manager for the entire 10 phase course was -the 151 proved to be the highest D octor Weston , and Mr. Jen sen, the Eleanor C. Labrie Yolande Magner Jennie Majka 92.6-at Aerial Gunnery School 95.4. in a group of 2 56. member s of science classes will pre­ Staff Staff Staff These marks placed me in the top pare more than one hundred sepa 5% of graduates of both schools. rate art icles. Among those being Annette Archambault Teresa Gugli001etti Shirley Kaufman INSTRUCTION Julia Malatt Julia Lynch Betty Kornstein planned are Te legrap h and Radio Rae O'Neill Fay Robin sets, Chemistry, Geology, and Biol Gabriella Lukasiewicz Corp.
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