IIIIATI, PATI, r'" .ta.. ,., TS tbrow •• ZS aa' At t~r.... pt ••w ...... .aOCI88tlD rOOD8, 101 .. 1&18", Cl! '.r••• b XI nil.. SUGA., bo.k roor otam, II n.h. ror n •• ,...... 8UOl8, b .... Ibn., Warmer ata.,. I, t •••• I .... lade".IIeI,. GASOLnolI, J5-A ••• ' •• '1." f.r I ••, ,all••• aD' 114, B .. ', C ... aD' IOWA: 8eaUHe4 showers and C., nil r.r n.. .all.... FUlL OIL. • ...1.. oa. warmer. I~r.. '" nn ....... ,.... .... 1.. 1 yeara ,.rt... THE DAILY IOWAN t •• r ••• flv. ,eo•• Iowa City'. MornIng Newspap.r NUMBER 178 FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, APRIL 22. 19" "':UII~"" VOLUME XXI • I Russians i es From er In '5 IIIIiIII e a rt Residents in Besieged Berlin- Report Warsaw, Reds • Reich Capital Of Red·Allied Sign Trealy Huddle .n Cellars (ut Olf LONDON (AP)-Three milLion Later Nazi propa,andist Hans terror-stricken Berliners, fearful Fritsche said that "during the of hunger as besiegIng Russian years of bitter battle for National Juncture Seen -01 Friendship Socialism we have learned to love From Escape armies cut them off from the rest ot the world, huddled in cellars Berlin and we will under no cir­ last night after being exhorted by cumstances let the enemy take Russians Clamp Paris Radio Reports Molotov Fail. Reich Defense Commissioner possession of our town." Allied Armies Meet To Arrive for Meeting Goebbels to defend the capital to Fritsche, vall u ely s~esting Gigantic Pincer the death. that Hitler himself might be con­ In Dresden Area With Stettinius, Eden dUcting the city's final defense, On City A late German broadcast de­ said: clared forlornly: "The hour is too --- PARIS, Sunday (AP)- For. WA HINGTON (A P) - "The man who at that time LONDON (AP)-Red army serious to hide anything now." fou,ht for Berlin-the man who mal announcement t h 8 t the Warsaw's announcement of a tanks burst into the flaming, As shells fro", Russian artillery conquered Berlin-today leads it~ AmericanR ond RnsRians have friendship tJ-eaty between Rus­ rubble·strewn str t.~ of Berlin smashed into the bomb-battered defense." last night within three miles of joined in centl'al Germany was ia and the Kremlin.sponsored 'city Goebbeis in his second speech Excerpts of Goebbels' speech tlpected today in a matter of Poll. h regimc threw into high in three days to Berliners de­ were broadcast over the German its heart in an overwhelming hours, ond there were indica. relief ye. terday a statement by clared: "What you have earned gl!neral radio as the propaganda fin a I a ault on the three· tions that the United ,Iates ordell HlllI that th pres nt with blood and tears you must de­ minister's talk was liven over quarters·encircled Nazi capital, Ninth army might be the cbosen chancl' for world organization. fend with aU the means at your controlled wire facilities to Ber­ the Germans announced last force for the historic meeti ng ' c one lost, may never recur." disposal. What you have earned liners, and therefore the actual night. with the Red ormy at or ncar Ther wa no confirmation of with sweat 'and work you must de­ tenor of his speech and his fUll re­ A dramatic flash from the fend as only you can defend 11." marks are not known. Berlin. the Polish report here, but it city radio said the Ru ians had Associated Press Correspond­ was accept d as probably true smashed into Berlin from the tnt Wes Gallagher, with the and a. a dark shadow over dip. northeast, swarming through Ninth army at Magdenburg, lomatic pl'epara tions flr the At a Glance- I Yank Planes Bomb the shell·cra tered streets of the reported that the great Russian "JUST TRYING IT ON FOR SIZE" sa.yS Rose Eric son, J4 ot Monmouth, 01., but Janet Fisher, Al 01 San Francisco United Nations Pankow and Weissensee districts. breakthrough-which now has en­ Ottawa, Ill., Is duly Impressed and longs for that da y In 1948 when she, too, will be donnlnr the black conference opening Wednesday. The Russians possibly Were three tered Berlin-explained why the cap and rown that signifies tour years at Iowa. Hull, former secretary ot state, Near Berchtesgaden miles Inside greater Berlin. Ninth army had been sitting on set out this country's hopes for Today's Raining war-ending blows on a the Elhe river west of the German the meeting, which he called a Munich's BaHered beaten enemy, the RussIans who rapilal since April lI- " tu rning point In history," in a Railyard. Pounded have fought their way to Berlin The Ninth army had, and stllL Three U. S. Divisions Yanks Advance Investigation Refutes letter dated April 20. He reported from the gates ot Moscow, also bas, the power to have marched that his health will not permIt Iowan . Without Opposition irreparably split Adolf Hitler's to Berlin within ten days ot its Register Small Gains I I I him to go to San Francisco, at ... ... ... greater Reich into two completely reaching the E 1 b e, Gallagher Charges of Conditions least in time tor the opening of SovIet tuk. battle inside Ber- , LONDON (AP)-At least 820 isolated areas after a sensational noted, and referred to the expected the meeting. lin, three miles from heart of American planes attacked In and 65-mile overnight advance. around ' the south German "na­ junrture of the Ninth and the Rus­ On Southern Okinawa In PhiliPPines In Veterans' Hospitals He wrote Secretary StettInius city. This great development left the sians in the Berlin area. tional redoubt" almost unopposed terror-stricken caplinl without that any successful world peace yesterday, dropping bombs in the Simultaneously with Gallagher's GUAM, Sunday (AP)- Three WASHINGTON (AP)-Investi­ agency "must be buIlt upon the AIUlOUDceJDeJlt of juncture of any escape routes to the south and <\f8patch, United States 12th army American infantry divisions made MANILA, Sunday (AP) - Russian, ailled armies expected area of Munich, Nazi birthplace, presaged an Imminent ]jnkup in gating congressmen said yesterday foundations of law, justice and and near Berchtes,aden where I r 0 u p headquarters announced small gains in the "bitterest kind American troops made new ad­ at any moment. force with American forces. Paris nothing had been discovered to fair dealing." The letter was Nazism may make Its last stand. c17ptiGally that a reconnaissance of fighting in their all-out offen­ vances in northern Luzon and on substantiate charges that "shock­ from Bethesda naval hospital radio said a j unction already had W..... More than SOD Eighth alrlorce plane "in contact with the 83rd sive on southern Ok'nawa yester­ Mindanao, agai nst the last two ing mistreatmcnt" is being given where Hull has been ill tor w .overn.ad, Russia been made. Fortresses escorted by 400 Mus­ division (which is a Ninth army day. Japanese strongholds in the Phil­ patients in veterans administra­ months. sign friendship treaty. The Russians were within 32 division) reported having sighted tangs and Thunderbolts brought miles ot a juncture with Ameri­ The American flag, meantime, ippines, Gen. Douglas MacAr thur tion hosplla Is. what is believed to be Russian Russian For e I g n Commissar Iowa del..... Northwestern In the total of bombs dropped on can armies on the Elbe by Ber­ was raised on little Ie island of( Coincidental with that develop­ V. M. Molotov tailed to arrive in armor somewhei'e east of the Elbe th e west coast, signalIzing the end announced today. doubleheader, 8-S, 5-4. Munich. to 10,~ 1qM. hammering !ln's account and a dispatch from ment, the Veterans of For ign time for bIg three foreign ~inls­ the alreadY battered railyards river this (Satu~) afternoon." of a six-day campaign. In a swift amphibious advance Wars crlliciz d the pol icies of the allied headquarters In Paris said The very fact that army group ters conferences yesterday so the there'and at nearby lngolstadt and a juncture was only a "matter ot Admiral Chester W. Nimitz re­ up the Mindanao river on th e veterans administration in han­ BrItish and American representa­ headquarters saw fit to make such dli ng insurance claim s. then bombing and strafing the jet hours." ported in his communique today southerJil-most major Island of the tives went ahead without him. plane base at Landsberg 30 rrJles an announcement lent it added that fighting was so fierce on archipelago, 24th division troops "Generally good conditions pre­ But Berlin, caught in a battle Apparently they found their 10 the west. s i i n i fie a nee. Reconnaissance southern Okinawa that one section pushed to a poi nt 32 miles inland vai l," In the veterans' hospitals, a U. S., British which the Germans said "never planell in contact with frontline views parallel on issues facIng the The Ninth alrtorce, strlkin, from has been surpassed in ferOCity," of high ground changed hands from theri IIlana bay beachhead. numbet· of congre.ssm n reported three major allies. divisions do not operate a t ex treme several times. They captured the Paldu -Palanga on the basis of a personal survey advanced bases, marle its tlrst raid as well as all the Baltic ports and range ahead of the Iirte. Otficials dIsclaimed knowledge He said Yanks of the Seventh, terminus of a road connecting with of various in titutions throughout into Austria with an attack by 120 the hold-out areas of Denmark Paris radio reported the dra­ vital highway No. 1. the co un try.
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