(—THE ~ SALE: Roadmas- or the Forrest FOR SALE: 10” Fairbanks-Morse 8 LINCOLN TIMES, Lincolnton, N.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1955 . Mp . : fV„ FOR 1949 Buick FOR RENT SALE ter. Excellent condition. Priced Pendleton 4-room house on hammer mill. Call RE 5-2714 reasonable. Call RE 5-5391 be- Louise Avenue. All modern con- 2t 6-13* tween 9 a.m. p.m. FRIENDS SAY OF RUTH GRAHAM . and 5 4t 6-13 veniences, Venetian blinds. For FOR RENT: Cabin at Windy A. Hill FOR SALE: further information see L. Beach, S. C„ on 1953 4-door Chevrolet. No located Pine St Call RE 5-5261. 2t 6-13 Wright at The Times office. Call RE 5-7677 6t-6-6-* Want Ads phone calls please. ts 6-13 Dial REgent 5-2571 JOBS WAITING: Young men and FOR SALE: 7 room house In God Chose Billy's Wife' women. SSO to $l5O per week. Forest Hills. Two baths. Out- You can work your way through side storage. Priced for quick LONDON The friends and “But I don't believe I would like for 25 years and her mother was a school. Write CHARLOTTE Shrum Motor Co. sale. 100 pet. GI. 90 pet FHA colleagues of evangelist Billy Gra- it if he were a traveling salesman nurse. Now they live across the BEAUTY SCHOOL. 129-1/2 Loans. See Russell RE ham say that the Lord certainly or just away on business trips. We street from Billy and Ruth, in South Tryon Street, Charlotte. Still In 5-2338. i mo. 4-14 J looked after him well in selecting . miss him a lot but we know he has Montreat, and look after children 6t Thurs. 5-19* Business WOMEN WANTED: Several girl" his wife. been called." when they are gone. jvimnn™-ii-v Yes, we are still in business, just v ir\rvw-irvTnr\Tn<, moved 1-door west between for- to address, mail postcards. No one, they contend, be The Grahams and their four Ruth was born in China about our could i mer location and Leonard’s Recap- Spare time every week. Write. better suited as the mother of his children live in Montreat, N. C. 300 miles north of Shanghai, on DR. I. R. SELF \ ping Plant. The Virginia, 9. Ann, the Box 161, Belmont, Mass. children, the wife who gives him children are Great Canal. She went to ele- and 7, SELF, We stock around 300 junk cars Imp. 5-16* counsel and the one who runs his* Ruth. 4. and William Franklin mentary schools there and to high DR. I. R. JR. from which valuable parts Graham. 3d. three. school in North Korea. There was j maytrucksbe salvaged. domestic affairs with such assur- DENTISTB 0 ymmmmammmmammmmmr a boarding foreign • ance and resourcefulness. “Young Bill.” she says, “some- school for pu- I 0 Come to see us for parts, new and pils. RE ised. Ruth Graham, 34, is a remark- times forgets how his father looks. Office: Dial 5-7042 J able young woman. She is poised, j He runs and hides when 'that man' When she was 18 she went to Offices: Over Lawlng-Kesiab Bulldozing comes the United States to attend Wheat- J and lovely, understanding and deeply j home.” Drag Store , on College just of Chicago. New And Used Parts spiritual. Smartly dressed, she That's why Mrs. and out 0 j Graham Billy was a there, too, an advertising agency Virginia came to Scotland and now student and Only Grading looks like 1 was how they met. to London to be with him during that FOUND: tire and wheel. executive. They became engaged in 1941 Truck his vital European crusade. Owner can same by iden- Ripping Land Sitting in one of the secluded i and were married in 1943. Graham claim tifying at Hovis Grocery lobbies of London's ancient “But when Bill comes home," was and Shrum Motor Co. No job too large or too commissioned a lieutenant in paying for this small Brown's Hotel. Ruth Graham de- she says, “we have a wonderful the Army to become a chaplain, adv. Phone RE 5-5221 Charlotte Hwy. scribed some of the joys and prob- time. We go off on long trips. He but he became ill before starting DON’T RUIN YOUR lmo. 6-1 j lems of being the wife of an evan- plays the and re- SUMMER JIMLOCKMAN with children his service and was released. CLOTHES. DE- gelist who has been their And he Get MON RAY Dial RE 5-8532 invited to | gains confidence. For two years he was pastor at ODORANT, world's only bedroom. preach in every capital of the free plays lots of golf. Nothing is so the de- FOR SALE: Three Route 3, Lincolnton Western Springs. 111. Then evan- positively STOPS veneer house good for him. It relaxes him odorant that brick with all world. like gelism claimed so much of his es- underarm perspiration and modern conveniences. nothing all Half- “I don't mind Bills long absen- else.” ; fort that he gave it full time. It body odor. FREE if Six says, was it fails. basement and full attic with ces from home.” she “be- Mrs. Graham cut out for her was then that they bought the months supply free with the stairways. Brick veneer garage. CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE: cause Bell, - I know that he is doing job. Her father. Dr. Nelson house in North Carolina across the purcltase of one bottle. ECONO- Must be seen to be fully appre- Snapdragons, baby breath, God's work. was a medical missionary in China I street from her parents so Gra- MY DRUG STORE. 5-26-6-16 ciated. 312 S. Rhyne St., Rhyne white, double feverfew, double ham would have full freedom for Heights. I mo. 6-2 * larkspur, and other flowers. Mrs. his long crusades. AVON NEEDS qualified women to Mace, 1, Lincolnton. SALE: Lola Rt. His parents live in Charlotte. N. service customers in Lincoln and FOR 4-room house on Dog- 4t 6-2* RATES Gaston wood blinds, C. His father, William Frank Gra- counties. You can earn Drive. Venetian a good weekly selling electric water heater. Nice lot. ham. is a retired dairy farmer. This size type 10c per line income nationally advertised Owner transferred. Mrs. Carl newspapers here,” AVON in See “One of the This size type 15c per line your own locality. Write Smith or call RE 5-5596. ts 5-2 said Mrs. Graham, “reported that Dis- Howkins-Proctor LAKEWOOD trict Manager, 4232 Darwin I get lonely Billis gone. No while This size type 20c per line Circle. Charlotte. 4t * mother with four children to raise 6-6 Furniture Co. could get lonely. We miss him but (Minimum charge, 30c) there is always plenty to do.” Above rates for 1 to 3 insertions Well Drilling; “Complete Home Furnishers” A New Suburban Development One of the things that disturbs Well Boring and | Ruth is memory of Graham the s ! 4 ! Furniture, Rugs, of Chinese friends and 6-inch her thousands Casing 20" 0 # Refrigerators from the first 18 years of her life. WANTED: Young man to train as t WANTED: Young man for service “I often sit and dream of all Write Write Service Stoves and Ranges. service station attendant. station attendant. $2.75 per foot . j j those people we loved so much." “Attendant”. Box 69. Lincoln- Station, Box 69. Lincolnton. 1 Charles Hoover 0 Dial RE 5-5161 Choice Home £iteJ she says, “and worry about what ton. N. C., stating name. age. ts 6-16 NO WATER—NO PAY 0 happened to them now that ! ! has and experience. 2t 6-16 ALL Lincolnton, N. C. Lincolnton, N. C. the Communists have taken over. FOR RENT: Two unfurnished WORK GUARANTEED Ride, private entrance. “We know' of peo- WANTED: to A frortt Char- rooms, with ! J (/. that millions Two out on Cherryville Dial RE: 5-5972 On 5. 32/ North ple have been liquidated and those lotte daily, leave Lincolnton 7 miles Bruce Christopher 0 0 1955 MODELS—We have new a.m.. 5 p.m. RE- highway. Call RE 5-7457. Chinese who were Christians and Charlotte Call Dial or \ lm. 5-30 ! 1955 model Scott-Atwater out- gent 5-2650. 2t 6-16 It 6-16 f 5-5815 5-5994 friends of Americans, we fear, were Route 4, Lincolnton board motors. Boats and motors the first to be done away with. RENT: 4-room apartment. for sale or trade. Easy terms. FOR SALE: 6-room house in FOR 1m0.5-18 | NO MORE ATHLETE’S FOOT, miles from Courtsquare Heating 2-28 4 "We know that the mission Boger City, all-over basement, I recently redecorated. Call RE Eczema. Ring Worm. Foot Odor. Henderson Co. ts house has been destroyed and that 5-5225. MON hot water and floor furnace, ts 6-16 Cottages, RAY FOOT RELIEF is our residence FOR RENT: apartments « < has been looted of shower in basement. Ernest unconditionally guaranteed everything See —Windy Hill Beach. S. C. Elec- to of value. Some day I ensilage rid you ailments, ! Lincolnton Insurance Keener or call RE 5-5261. 3t6-16 FOR SALE: Geihl blower trically equipped, near fishing of these as well For Information Phone RE: 5-2921 hope that we are able to go back with power take-off wagon as all other skin diseases. Free to and see for 1 and pier. E. H. Abernethy. Dial RE China ourselves.” FOR SALE: 5 registered White- Used only one sea- if it fails.
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