US ISSN 0009-5028 THE SEPTEMBER 1975 Official Publication of the AMERICAN CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION RI HMON MU IC P ES , INC. ROBERT THYGERSON DAVID N. DAVENPORT JACK KUNZ LEONARD VAN CAMP EUGENE BUTLER KENT A. NEWBURY WALTER EHRET JOHN A. RICHARDSON RUTH ARTMAN RICHARD OLIVER ~ ~..BB~I:.0LD A TINY BABE SATB Butler 35c ~HEPHERD, WHERE'D YOU LEAVE YOUR LAMB? - SATB ......•......... Thygerson 35c CHRISTMAS FOR YOU AND ME - SSA ............•.......•............... Kunz 35c JESUS SLEEPIN' SO PEACEFUL SATB .....• , .••.... , ......••••...••..... Ehret 35c A CHRISTMAS GREETING - SATB ........•...••....••••.............. Davenport 30c SING OUT YE CHRISTIANS - SATB ......•.............•.•............... Ehret 35c SING OUT YE CHRISTIANS SSA. .....•....•........••............... .. Ehret 35c COME HEAR THE WONDERFUL TIDINGS -- SAB ......••................ Thygerson 40c MARY'S LULLABY - SATB ..................•.••.................... Davenport 35c o REJOICE YE CHRISTIANS LOUDLY - SAB ....................•..... Richardson 30c BUT IT AIN'T EASY SATB. ................•.......................... .. Kunz 35c BUT IT AIN'T EASY - SSA ........................••••.................... Kunz 35c BUT IT AIN'T EASY - S(S)AB Kunz 35c ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE - SATB ..•...................•.••••...... Thygerson 35c WITH A UTILE BIT OF HELP - SATB •...........•.••.......•.......... Thygerson 35c SILENT THE FOREST SATB ...•....•.....•....••••••..•....••.....•.••... Butler 35c VOICES IN FESTIVAL SSAATTBB ............•.••••...... , ...••...... Davenport 35c ON THE LONG WAY LEFT TO GO SATB Kunz 40c SOUNDS OF HOPE - SATB ......•••.........................••......•. Artman 40c OPEN UP DOOR TO TOMORROW - SATB ....•........................... Oliver 35c LIKE A RIVER Thygerson 40c UP Artman 40c AT LAST THE KINGDOM HAS COME - SATB .......•..••......•....... Davenport 35c ~ETlMES I FEEL LIKE A MOTHERLESS CHILD SAB .•.•..........••.. Thygerson 35c AIN'T A THAT GOOD NEWS - SATB .........•....••..................... Ehret 35c AIN'T A THAT GOOD NEWS - SSA •.........•........................... Ehret 35c GOIN' TO SING - SA •.......••..•....•....•.•....•.................... Ehret 35c GOIN' TO SING SAB. .....••..•.........•••...•....•.............. .. Ehret 35c KUM BAH YAH - SAB ..•.............................•............. Newbury 35c o COME SING UNTO THE LORD SATB .. , .......•.......•••......... Van Camp 35c o PERFECT LIFE OF LOVE - (Two Equal Voices) ....••............•.......•. Butler 35c o GOD! THY BOUNTY REACHETH WIDE SATB ....•.........•..•••... Richardson 30c o LORD CORRECT ME - SAB ..•.....................•..•...••...... Richardson 30c (Please Write For Fifteen Reference Copies Only) RICHMOND MUSIC PRESS, INC. P.o. BOX 465 P.P. STA. RICHMOND, INDIANA 47374 member not recelvmg the Journal, ask and Jane S. Hardester, past presi.dent d)1J.Om them to contact this office. We are here Western Division, as Program Chairper­ the ------, to serve you if you will keep us in­ son. The Convention will be held March formed of your proper address at all 3-5, 1977 at the Fairmont Hotel at Dallas. times. Executive Secreta's JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ACDA BICENTENNIAL Due to constantly rising costs of pUb­ '-- .2>edh A second insert on the ACDA Bicen­ lication and mailing, new rates for sub­ tennial Celebration is contained in this scriptions to The Choral Journal will CONTINUING MEMBERSHIP issue. In forwarding your declaration of be announced during this year. Subscrip­ interest to Harold A. Decker's office, be tions are limited to Institutions and Public This year brings ACDA's move into sure to include your return address, so Libraries only, since the Journal is pUb­ Continuing Membership which entitles they may keep in touch with you. Appli­ lished for ACDA members exclusively. each new and renewing member a full cations for housing will appear in several Ample time will be allowed for Subscrip­ year's membership in the organization, issues of The Choral Journal beginning tion Agencies to comply with the new regardless of date of joining. For this in January to give you ample time to rates and all existing subscriptions will office it has meant the task of adding plan participation in the Celebration at be completed prior to changing rates. necessary information to each of more the National Music Camp at Interlochen, than 6,000 cards so that in coming months Michigan. A continuous series of articles -***- your Dues Notice will reach you on newly on various aspects of the Celebration will Your Executive Secretary had the pri­ designed forms. The two letters in the be featured in this year's Journals. vilege this summer of personally present­ code above your name designate the BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CHOIRS ing invitations to the ACDA Bicentennial month' your membership expires: JA, FB, Celebration to outstanding Choral Direc­ MR, AP, MY, JU, JL, AU, SP, OC, NV At the summer meeting of the ACDA tors in France, Germany, Austria and and DE. Dues notices will be mailed at Board of Directors at Dallas it was de­ England during his European trip. Re­ least 6 weeks prior to expiration date to cided to eliminate the categories of Ele­ hearsals and performances heard included allow you time to renew your membership mentary and Youth Choirs and replace the Gaechinger Kantorei, the Figuralchor and not miss any of The Choral Journals them with a committee titled Boys and of the Gedaechniskirche, with some 100 which will cease the month following Children's Choirs. Jerome L. Wright, additional singers, rehearse and perform your epxiration date. Since back Journals President of the Boys and Children's a Bach Cantata, and the Hymnuschor­ will not be available, be sure to forward Choir Directors Association, was desig­ knaben all of Stuttgart, the ACDA-CIR your payment in time to assure continu­ nated as chairman of the committee to Symposium choir perform the Beethoven ation of the Journal. Journals for new serve with Ken Howard, Waco, Texas, Missa Solemnis and the Mozart Mass K and renewing members received after the and George Bragg, Fort Worth, Texas, 115; the Vienna Philharmonic, the monks expiration date will begin with the month heads of the former committees Founder at Solesmes Monastery in France, and following payment of dues. and Director of the Northwest Boys the London Bach Choir with Paul Stei­ Should you have any questions, be sure Choir, Wright's address is 15420 195th nitz. to contact this office and above all be Street NE, Woodinville, Washington 98072. sure to notify us immediately of any 1977 CONVENTION CHAIRPERSONS change of address. Since the Journal is President Mathis has announced the ap­ Be sure to notify us mailed as second class mail, it cannot pointment of H. Royce Saltzman, North­ if you have any be forwarded until we have your correct western Division president, as the Na­ new address. Should you know of any tional Convention Chairperson for 1977 CHANGE OF ADDRESS , I Waco, Texas September 4 and 5, 1975 Chicago, II. September 18 and 19, 1975 Richmond, Va. September 25 and 26, 1975 Birmingham, AI. October 2 and 3, 1975 FEATURING: Performances of two new major choral works Two reading sessions covering music for all ages Appearances by noted composers including: Kurt Kaiser (Oir. of Music and Vice President, Word, Inc.) RALPH CARMICHAEL (Presi­ dent, Lexicon Music, Inc.) CHARLES F. BROWN (Oir. of Music Publications, Word Music, Inc.) and others yet to be announced Registration fee includes music packet, admissions and lunch. For more information, write to Noni Wells, Music Promotion Manager, Word, Inc., Box 1790, Waco, Tx. 76703. SEPTEMBER 1975 .. "I say almost because I think their Choirs and their directors attending the VIENNA SYMPOSIUM HAS penetrating power would have been a Symposium were from the University of little too modest in a regular concert hall. Delaware, Newark, Peter Jo McCarthy, SUCCESSfUL CONCLUSION But all desires were satisfied in the Fest­ director; University of South Alabama, saal of the Old University where Joseph Mobile, Malcolm Griffin, director; West­ Commenting on the Beethoven Missa Haydn listened in 1808 for the last time minster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, Solemnis, presented June 28 at the con­ to his "Schoepfung" and, after a self­ David H. Williams, director; Bethel Col­ clusion of the ACDA-CIR Symposium, conscious beginning, the choir became an lege, Newton, Kansas, David H. Suder­ the Presse critic wrote, "I am glad to assured performing group. man, director; Agnes Scott College, De­ alter my report concerning the Festwo­ "We have to congratulate Guenther catur, Georgia, Theodore Mothews, di­ chen (Festival week) performance of Theuring as the leader of the Symposium, rector; and the San Mateo Chorale, San Beethoven's Missa. It does not concern who offered once again a brilliant ac­ Mateo, California, Galen Marshall, direc­ the rarity of the presentation - two per­ complishment. And once again we had to tor. formances within one week sneer at sta­ admire the USA because of their College Several teachers attending the Symposi­ tistics - but the ability to perform the choirs, the extension, density, and quality um conducted a select choir in a Mozart Missa, which I thought could only be of this beautiful kind of music making Mass in C (K 115) at the Eisenstadt Ca­ presented by a professional choir. The as well as the. _motivation and energy of thedral on Sunday, June 29, which was six combined College and University these young people. (It could only occur followed by a visit to the Esterhazy Pa­ choirs mastered the enormous
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