__ BEEHLEI:IE~ PUBLIC LJE.H'~l'.r.~' DO NOT CIRCULATE 1 ·New Scotland .: You re a good man1 board candidates Charles Schulz Health pages 0 See Page 3 0 Family entertainment section 0 Pages 18·21 ttOt-tSOtl IN HYH~3a aAY 3HV~Y~ia 1St £10~•• . IHYHSI1 ~I1Snd H3H31H~3S sse dOL to-t0-60 no£ .t S .OZ t iUI!A-¥-¥-¥->~--¥-¥-¥-Jt.-¥.Jf-¥-\'-¥.J~.-¥-¥.Jt.-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥.Jt.-¥ ~TJt tl1 Eyes on the flag Clark, Reilly vying. for supervisor .post "'~"""'"',..., _,_ By JOSEPH A PHILLIPS But he is a lifelong town resident who .already can claim nearly a decade of The race to succeed· New Scotland experience in the rough-and-tumble of Supervisor Martha Pofit has become town politics, as .son of, and a key increasingly.heated - and in candidates · campaigner for, Pofit's predecessor. as Ed Clark and Rich Reilly, it presents a s_upervisor, now-county Legislator Herb dramatic study in contrasts. Reilly. Clark, 65, is a veteran of 23 years of At issue is how much experience municipal experience, tlie last 17 as mayor matters - to paraphrase Clark's of Voorheesville, before that as a village campaign theme - and of what kind, in trustee and planning board member. taking on the mantle of a supervisor who Holder of a masters in public ad­ herself had no elective experience before ministration, he is a retiree from several her campaign two years ago. careers, first as a public employee for a Both candidates acknowledge the quarter century, a policy analyst in the changes that Pofit has wrought in those state Labor Department and then a private two years, in both the conduct of the job . businessman. He has been married for and the expectations of the public. Both more than 40 years, a resident of. assert they are her rightful heir, Clark Voorheesville for 34, and father of a.grown a·s a colleague in intermunidpal co­ son. operation, Reilly as a member of the town By contrast, Reilly is in the early stages board "team" the supervisor has forged. of both family and career. At just 25, he "I feel privileged to be part of the team · has a two-year-old marriage and a !-year­ for the last two years," Reilly said. "(Po fit) Peggy Ware paints an American flag on Sara Weinman at a Halloween party at Bethlehem old daughter; he is still pursuing a degree has certainly brought a lot of leadership Town Park last Sunday. Jim Franco at Albany Law School while just beginning to developing an economic enhancement a career in public service, as a policy plan, long-term planning for parks, ·analyst on the· staff of a downstate codification of processes in town hall. legislator. He is not quite two years into Certainly those are issues that we all will his first term on the New Scotland town try to carry into the future." · board. Justice hopefuls line up 0 SUPERVISOR/page 27 for two seats on bench Sisters recall kindness By JOSEPH A PHILLIPS traffic tickets. Another 5 percent or so, he said, is civil cases, small claims Bethlehem voters face a crowded field actions principally; .Albany County does of NYC rescue workers for town justice Nov. 6 -as the town's not have a dedicated small claims court. two one-term Democratic incumbents But the remaining 65 percent of the By SUSAN GRAVES square off against a pair of Republican town caseload, he said, is criminal. Most .,._,.-.,,,,.,"'""~"'"""~ opponents. felony cases wind up before a county Exactly one month after the Incumbents Theresa Egan, who will grand jury and trial, but many begin terrorist destruction of the World also carry the Independence liiie, and before the town bench, which issues Trade Center towers in New York Kenneth Munnelly, also on the Green warrants, and conducts arraignments City, Delmar resident Terrie and Working Families lines, face first­ after arrest and some· preliminary Wilson and 10 other members of time candidate Frank Milano, who led evidentiary, procedural and bail hearings her family got an up close and the field in both the Independence and The actions of the local justice can personal tour of ground zero. The .Conservative priinaries last month; and therefore have a profound impact on the reason the family from all parts Paul DerOhanilesian, also· on the eventual disposition of these cases. of the U.S. traveled tQ the city was Conservative line. "You really have to be familiar with · to pay tribute to their brother, criminal procedure law," said DerOhan- · uncle, father and husband, who As judicial candidates, they are bound. perished in the attack. by ethical constraints from any but the nesian. most oblique criticism of their oppo- Munnelly noted that at least four Richard M. Keane, 54, of nents. · criminal rape proceedings, before Wethersfield, Conn., died on Sept. heading to county 'court jurisdiction, 11 in Tower No. 1. Since that time ''You can't launch into, don't vote for the family has rallied. Some have.· ·so-and-so because ... " said Egan. ''You began in his court during his injtial term. Criininal jury proceedings are rare, but appeared on Oprah and other have to go out and emphasize what you national programs, while others can dO." not out of the question -Munnelly has fielded two during his tenure. He· and continue try to figure out the best' The nature of the office· is not way to go on from here. conducive to policy-level issue judicial colleague Egan divide the court On Sept. 11, most of the family discussion in any case. Town Court·is calendar between them, and Egan often perceived as a glorified traffic estimates that in her half of a typical was unaware that "Ricky" was even in New York, but gradually court, but it is more broadly the principal month she will face eight or nine felony throughout the day they dis­ experience of the legal system that most arraignments-"half of which are in the covered that he indeed W'as. citizens ever have. middle of the night,:• she said. Munnelly estimated that roughly 30 But the bulk of their criminal cases Charlotte Keane, 45, another percent of his caseload is devoted to non­ are misdemeanor and violation level sister, was in Hawaii, when she members on the Fourth of July. got a call from Terrie, who like criminal traffic matters - vehicle and. offenses- DWI, petty larceny, criminal many Americans was glued to the mischief, and perhaps the largest about her brother, who had gone to New TV all day, not because she had concerns . number of cases, domestic and family York for his company's annual meeting. situations of one sort or another. So more for her brother at the time but because of the' unbelievable horror that was Ricky's son, Tim, called with the news critical to evaluating candidates for town he was _likely among the missing. -~ judicial office are the often-intangible unfolding. But at about 5 p.m., she 6 discovered there was cause for concern 0 JUSTICE/page 10 0 KINDNESS/page 25 3lAJUlal.~01TOVI· 00 · THE SPOTLIGHT Police retirement dinner slated Poli'ce make 2 DWI arrests There will be a Bethlehem This event will honor Fred beef or stuffed chicken breast Two individuals were arrested and charged him with DWl and Police Department Retirement Halligan, Officer Ray Linstruth, RSVP by Nov. 12. by Bethlehem police recently on ticketed him for speeding. Dinner Dance on Friday Nov. 16, Det.James Corbett and officer Call Det John Cox or Sgt. charges of driving while · Shortly after 4 a.m. on Oct 21, from 6:30p.m to 12:30 a.m. at the Stephen Demarest Joseph Sleurs at 439-9973 to intoxicated (D\YJ). Sgt. Thomas Heffernan observed · Albany Polish American Club, 1_10 The cost is $28 per person. make a reservation. The first arrest came shortly a westbound vehicle on Krumkill · Commerce Ave:, Albany. Meals are.a choice of roast before8p.monSaturday,Oct20, Road being operated erratically. ..,_________ ..;,;,;,;,;;;;;.;,,;.;,;;..;,;,;;;.;.;,;;.;,.;.;, __________ , as Officer Adam Hornick ob- He stopped it near Schoolhouse served an eastbound vehicle on Road. · NEW SCOTLAND Adams Place speeding. He Officer Brian Hughes, who · pursued the vehicle, which was summoned to assist at the stopped in a parking lot behind scene, administered field sobriety Delmar Wine & Liquor. tests and a prescreening on the RICH REIL·L Y Hornick administered field driver, Delinore Elaine Bennett, sobriety tests and a preliminary 38, of75 North Lake Ave., Albany, screening on Benjamin Norris, and charged her with DWl. 48, of 39 Murray Ave., Delmar, Both defendants are due in Leadership with Vision Town Court on Nov. 5. Shoeless campaign under way REILLY PLATFORM The recent tragedies in New target for our 2001 campaign is to York City and Washington have bring in 10,000 pairs of shoes." opened the hearts of many The shoes will be distributed * Establish new Senior housing Americans to those who are in to families in need through the * Support our Volunteers need. People are giving Lions Club of Glasgow, DeL They - LOSAP & Advanced Life Support generously to special charities. will distribute the shoes through But there is an ongoing need that five-Appalachian locations in *Develop new Water Services should not be .forgotten. That's Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio and ·* Keep Town TllXes low · why this year's "Shoes for the West Virginia. Lion Albert O'Neill *"Maintain Open Government Shoeless" campaign is more Jr. reports that there is a great important than ever. need for shoes for people of all - No Private Dealing Gail Leanardo Sundling, owner ages. of the Delmar Bootery, estimates Since 1995, the Delmar almost 10,000 pairs of wearable Bootery has collected more than VOTE FOR shoes are gathering dust in the 30,000 pairs of shoes.
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