Mtproto telegram x android Continue Telegram Developer Telegram Messenger LLP First release August 2013 Current version 2.4.3 (October 7, 2020) Multiplatform operating system developed in C and Java Type instant messaging software GPL Web license telegram.org Some data may come from the data item. This article is about a computer program. For other values, see Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service focused on speed and security, available through open source customers for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Firefox OS mobile devices, for personal computers running Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems, and for web browsers. Users can send messages, photos, videos and files of any format up to 2GB, create groups of up to 200,000 users and channels for any number of users. Telegram's story was first launched on August 14, 2013 for Apple mobile devices. It was developed by the American company Digital Fortress together with owner Pavel Durov, founder of the Russian social network VKontakte. The MTProto data protocol, authored by Nikolai Durov, brother of Pavel Durov, is used to transmit messages. The two brothers began developing Telegram in 2012 as a research project that grew in importance in June of the following year, when Edward Snowden passed on information about the secret programs of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to journalists. Telegram's popularity has grown rapidly from 100,000 active users in October 2013, when the alpha version for the second Android platform was released, to 15 million five months later. Another dramatic increase in the number of Telegram users, which allows encrypted messages, occurred in September 2014 after the threat of Park Kun-hye, President of the Republic of Korea, to bring to justice people who spread lies and rumors about it through electronic media, including chat, and active Internet monitoring by the South Korean authorities. Within seven days, 1.5 million Telegram users were added to South Korea, making the total number of users worldwide 50 million. In 2015, the number of users who used Telegram at least once a month stabilized at 60 million. However, the number of messages delivered per day increased from one billion in February 2015 to 12 billion in September of that year. By February 2016, the number of monthly active users had already reached 100 million, with 350,000 new users registered daily and 15 billion messages delivered daily. Telegram uses a phone number similar to WhatsApp to identify users. Users can use chat services, send text or voice documents, photos, videos, or geolocation data to other users individually or in a group way, encrypt the data transmitted and automatically delete the transmitted data for a certain period of time. Telegram's security service announced two contests for prizes of $200,000 and $300,000 for those who breach the encryption of Telegram messages, but no one succeeded on those dates (March 1, 2014 and February 4, 2015). However, the security of Telegram's encrypted messages has become a criticism. According to opponents, the contests were created in accordance with the terms in favor of Telegram, but did not allow to take advantage of the shortcomings of the chosen decision. The security vulnerability was also identified in the way we enter into encrypted communication mode and identity authentication via SMS messages. Terrorist organizations, including Islamic State, used encrypted messages via Telegram to promote and prepare terrorist attacks in 2015 and 2016, such as the downing of a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula, the Paris attacks and Indonesia's Jakarta. So Telegram began blocking channels used by the Islamic State. Telegram is trying to block both the Russian and Iranian authorities by citing the alleged threat of aiding terrorists. Links to links : b Telegram frequently asked questions (online). (quoted 2017-07-04). Available online. (English) - quincy Promes. A telegram from Durov. Online. 2013-08-15 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Russian) - Russian zuckerberg launches Telegram, a new instant messaging service .online. Reuters, 2013-08-30 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - SHU, Catherine. Check out Telegram, a secure messaging app from the founders of Russia's largest social network, VK. TechCrunch (online). AOL Inc., 2013-10-27 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - ETHERINGTON, Darrell. Telegram beats 35m monthly users, 15m daily with 8B messages received over 30 days. TechCrunch (online). AOL Inc., 2014- 03-24 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - BRANDOM, Russell. Surveillance pushes South Koreans to encrypted messaging apps. The Verge (online). Vox Media, Inc., 2014-10-06 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - LOMAS, Natasha. Telegram is currently seeing 12BN daily messages, on top of 1BN in February. TechCrunch (online). AOL Inc., 2015-09-21 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - 100,000,000 monthly active users. (quoted 2016-02-23). Available online. (English) - WILLIAMS, Rhiannon. What the New WhatsApp?. Telepographer (online). Telegraph Media Group Limited, 2014-02-25 (quot. 2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) NoFUENTE, Kyle. The Telegram update adds new features for secure voice messages, secret chats and more. Technological times (online). TECHTIMES.com, 2016-02-13 (quot. 2016-02-19). Available online. (anglicky) - $200,000 for a hacker who can hack Telegram (online). (quoted 2016-02-19). Available online. The winter competition ends online. 2014-03-02 (2016-02-19). Available online. (anglicky) - Crypto Contest ends online. 2015-02-11 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - MARLINSPIKE, Moxie. Crypto-call for Telegram developers (online). 2013-12-19 (2016-02-19). Available v file date 2014-03-07. (Anglicans) - HORNBY, Taylor. Telegram cryptoanalysis competition (online). 2013-12-19 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) KIRK, Jeremy. How much trust can you put in the Telegram messenger?. PCWorld (online). IDG Consumer and SMB, 2015-01-15 (quoted 2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - RASHID, Fahmida. Mobile threat Monday: Telegram has unencrypted copies of secret chat messages. PC Magazine Digital Edition (online). Sieff Davis, LLC. PCMag Digital Group, 2015-02-23 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - SANGERE, David; PERROTH, Nicole. Encrypted messaging apps face a new scrutiny of a possible role in the Paris attacks. The New York Times (online). The New York Times Company, 2015-11-16 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - BAROCHOVA, Anna. Eslim stut mae Vesovachy alicach, sed se on ne to Stock. iDNES.cz online. MAFRA, AP, 2016-01-29 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Seskey) - GIBBS, Samuel. The messaging app Telegram will block Islamic State broadcasts. The Guardian (online). Guardian News and Media Limited, 2015-11-19 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - HARPAL, Arjun. The secret messaging app used by IS removes posts. CNBC (online). STV LLC, 2015-11-19 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - Telegram No. 660. Online. 2016-01-15 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Rusky) - EEK, Jakub. Sron chce zni'it Telegram, so vyvinul vlastn komunik'tor emoji Smrt Americe. Živě.cz. Available online (quoted 2018-05-03). I'm not heskey) Extern'odkazy Obr'zky, zvuky zi videa k t'matu Telegram ve Wikimedia Commons domovsk' str'nka Telegram Telegram na iTunes Telegram na Google Play Citov'no z (software) Free cross-platform messenger Telegram works on iPhoneDeveloper (s) Telegram FH LLCTelegram Messenger Inc.Initial release August 14, 2013; 7 лет назад (2013-08-14)Стабильный релиз (ы) (±-Android, Original7.1.3 / 4 октября 2020; 13 дней назад (2020-10-04) , Телеграмма X0.22.8.1361 / 15 мая 2020; 5 месяцев назад (2020-05-15);2-iOS7.1.2 / 13 октября 2020 г.; 4 дня назад (2020-10-13) - Windows, macOS, Linux2.4.3 / 7 октября 2020 г.; 10 дней назад (2020-10-07) - Windows (Microsoft Store)2.4.3 / 7 октября 2020 г.; 10 дней назад (2020-10-07)5-macOS (mac App Store версия)7.1 / 3 октября 2020; 14 дней назад (2020-10-03) 6-предварительный релиз (ы) (ы) (±-Android, original5.12.0 (17400) / 6 октября 2019; 12 месяцев назад (2019-10-06) No7-iOS5.12 (15550) / 6 октября 2019 г.; 12 месяцев назад (2019-10-06) - Windows, macOS, Linux1.8.5 / 5 сентября 2019 г.; 13 месяцев назад (2019-09-05) 9-macOS (mac App Store версия)5.8 (182623) / 18 Сентябрь 2019; 12 месяцев назад (2019- Repositorygithub.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop 09-18) Русский , Persian, Turkish, Italian, Arabic, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Korean, Indonesian, Malay TypeInstant messagingLicenseGNU GPLv2 or GPLv3 (clients), 7 years ago (2013-03)HeadquartersLondon, United Kingdom (legal residence)Dubai, United Arab Emirates (operational center) served The Region servedGlobalFander (s) Nikolai DurovPavel DurovAzel NeffkeoVel DurovIndustrySoftwareEmployees351 (2019) video phone and voice on the IP service using all-to-com encryption only for secret chat, while cloud chat uses the encryption of the client-server/client server, and his messages are stored in the Telegram cloud. Telegram client apps are available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux and appeared in Russia in 2013. Users can send messages and share photos, videos, stickers, audio and files of any type. Telegram client code is free software, while the code on the server side is private and proprietary. The service also provides APIs to independent developers. Telegram had 400 million monthly active users since April 2020. The announcement at the time included a promise to make safe group video calls later in 2020. The default messages and media use the encryption of the client server during transit. This data is also encrypted at ease, but can be accessed by Telegram developers who hold encryption keys. In addition, Telegram provides still encrypted calls and additional client encrypted secret chats between two online users on smartphones. However, the desktop (with the exception of the macOS client) have no common encryption, nor is it available for groups, supergroups or channels.
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